Jhope X Y/n - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Enchanted | Jung Hoseok

A small drabble I wrote based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift ^^. As to give some context, Reader is younger sister of Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung, who in turn are children of the emperor and Jungkook is the son of a king [just in case, the emperor has more power than the king].

To say you were tired was an understatement. The purple heels decorated with diamonds were killing your poor heels, the corset barely allowed you to breathe, and you were absolutely certain that at some point in the evening you would step on the overly voluptuous dress and fall face first to the floor, feeling too humiliated to even look the guests in the face.
Your introduction to the guests had been a good while ago, now you were too busy choking on food with your older brother to worry about the others. This, you thought, was the only way you could scare off any suitors.
"Seokjin, Y/N" you both turned in the direction of Namjoon's serious and accusing voice. He was the second eldest, but he definitely seemed to have more authority than Jin. He cleared his throat, trying to get the men next to him to ignore his brothers' behavior, "These are the Jeon brothers," he flashed a charming smile at two of the men, who seemed to be wearing clothes just as expensive as those of your brothers. "They are both interested in doing business with our family, so it's important for them to get to know each other better."
Jin and you looked at each other for a second. Namjoon was trying to introduce you to one of the two to be your fiancé, and Jin had to approve before anything happened. You wanted to kick your brother's pretty little face.
You looked at Jeon again. If Namjoon was bringing them in as possible fiancées, it meant they had a high position in the hierarchy of nobles that your middle brother and father were so obsessed with.
You smiled with your lips pressed together, trying not to look as awkward as you seemed, why should you know these people? You were sure they didn't even care about you. Despite that bitter thought, you bowed slightly to both of them and, in the softest voice you could manage, said "A pleasure, I'm Kim Y/N, Emperor Kim's fourth daughter."
The one you thought was the older one, took the back of your hand and left a barely noticeable kiss on your knuckles. You held back the urge to vomit. You hated being touched, let alone kissed without being told that's what you wanted. How rude. The youngest, however, seemed to be too distracted watching something on the other side of the ballroom.
You frowned, watching the direction his eyes were going and following it. It was only then that you realized why he didn't take his attention away from that spot on the dance floor.
There was a group of four people, two women and two men, and each one was even more beautiful than the last, if that was even possible. The first person to catch your eye was the green-eyed redhead. Her hair had unruly curls tied up in an elegant bun, you weren't sure, as the distance was too far, but you could swear she had freckles on her pale cheeks and upturned nose; she wore a red dress that had white flower decorations on the sides and back, highlighting the color of her skin and eyes. She didn't look like she was from here.
The second person was the one who attracted the gaze of the youngest Jeon. She, unlike the previous one, had wavy blonde hair and wore it perfectly loose, her white skin with pink tones made her sky blue eyes stand out so much that it even looked like it could hurt from admiring them so much. Her dress was of a color similar to her eyes, but darker and with white decorations and sleeves that became loose after resting on her elbows. Yes, you could understand why he couldn't take his eyes off her.
The third was a man. His gray-toned hair stood out more than the rest of the men's, but, without a doubt, the most impressive thing was how pale he looked, for a moment you thought he might faint. He was wearing a dark blue trench coat, very similar to the skin of a crocodile, his black leather pants fit his legs perfectly and the long boots that reached below his ankles shone enough to see your reflection, and you were meters away. You squinted to see what he was wearing under his trench coat. It appeared to be some sort of men's corset, with three thick leather straps encircling his waist.
And the last one that met your gaze was... perfect. His hair, like the girl Jeon didn't seem to want to let out of his sight, was blond, the only difference being that the ends were almost completely black. He wore a black trench coat with gold decorations and black pants that looked much less tight than the boy next to him. He was wearing a vest, which you'd swear was for a pocket watch, the same color as the trench coat and, as a finishing touch, a white tie over his shirt. Now the one who didn't want to look away was you.
You were sure that your brothers and the older Jeon were talking some crap about the kingdom that you were definitely not interested in. There was a blond boy who was too gorgeous not to give him the attention he deserved.
You weren't sure how intently you looked at him, but it was enough that the man turned his gaze in your direction, causing his gaze to collide with yours. Your heart flipped over your chest as you watched him smile brightly at you.
Who the fuck was that guy and why didn't you know his name yet?
Your heart returned to its normal rhythm as the blonde girl caught your boy's eye - yes, that would be his name by now - and dragged him almost to the door leading to the castle courtyard. Your feet itched from the urge you had to follow both of them.
You saw the giant clock beside you. 2 AM, would anyone mind if you left the party for a few minutes? You had been standing here making your presence known for over five hours, you thought you had the right to do so.
Just as you turned to say a polite goodbye to the group of men you were obliged to be in, Namjoon gave you a huge smile and showed you the door through which the blond couple had just left. A great urge to vomit flooded you at the thought of that man with another.
"Can you take Jungkook for a walk in the garden? His brother just told me he loves flowers, I'm sure you can have a wonderful warm time chatting about gardening."
Jungkook, who was apparently the younger of the two, looked at you with eyes full of excitement, but you were aware that this glow was not about you, just as you knew he could tell in yours that you were in the same situation as he was.
"Sure, I'll lead him through the garden until we reach the main entrance," you took Jungkook's hand almost without thinking, running as you lifted your dress with your free hand, you didn't want to let them out of your sight.
When you opened the door, both of you shaken, a wave of disappointment fell over you. There seemed to be no sign of them.
Jungkook, avoiding at all costs to look at you -due to how embarrassed he felt-, let go of your hand and started to walk slowly. You just followed him silently, just as uncomfortable and disappointed as he was.
You couldn't help but imagine the thousand and one scenarios in which that pair would be involved, what if they were kissing? Or holding hands while declaring their undying love for each other? What if he loved her?
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling stupid to be daydreaming about a complete stranger.
You were still cursing yourself internally when Jungkook put his arm in front of you, stopping your movements. You frowned, ready to start questioning him, but then you heard two voices, one female and one male, they seemed to be arguing.
You and the younger Jeon shared a glance, silently deciding that you would go investigate. Taking advantage of the darkness around you. You walked through the shadows of the large bushes until you came upon a large fountain decorated with a human-sized angel at the top; in front of it were they, though definitely not as you expected.
"I told you, Hoseok, I can't do it" gasped the blonde desperately, shaking out her hair and messing it up. You didn't understand how she could look even better like this.
"Well you'll have to, Jiwon, Yoongi isn't going to let his... whatever it is with Chaeyoung, try to mess with one of them, and you know it" the boy, who you had had a ridiculously strong fixation on, spoke so patiently and softly that even you would have given in to whatever he needed. Although, being honest, you would give in to anything he asked for.
"This is ridiculous" the girl growled, resting her hands on her hips and raising her gaze to the sky. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Jungkook's mouth open slightly in astonishment. You thought you looked the same at the moment, but for a very different reason than he did.
"Just this once, you just have to talk to him, nothing more," your throat went dry as you watched him beg the girl for help. You had never seen a man beg so much for something. Now you were curious as to what it was that he was so reluctant to do.
Your intention in getting a little closer to them was not to be discovered, but, just as you predicted moments ago, those stupid heels had ended up getting tangled with the giant skirt and, consequently, making you fall. Face to the ground. With the garden freshly watered. At the feet of both of you. You wanted to die.

gorgeous | j.hs

➳synopsis: In this world, the last words you’ll hear from your soulmate is tattooed on your back and everyone but your soulmate can read it. Hoseok’s lucky to have you be his soulmate, and he chooses to cherish every moment rather than dwell on when you’ll say your last words
➳pairing: Jung Hoseok X Fem!Reader
➳genre&themes: fluff, angst, soulmate!au!
➳word count: 1.3k
Soulmates are both a blessing and a curse. On one hand you’re ensured a lifelong bounded life, on the other, you know when your soulmate is about to die.
In this world, your soulmate’s last words are printed on your back, and everyone but your soulmate can read it.
Hoseok watches as the blank ink writes itself on Yoongi’s back without a flinch from the victim. “Take care of Haneul,” Hoseok reads out loud and Yoongi flinches. “What?” The older male asks. “Your soulmate’s last words,” Hoseok answers and Yoongi is quick to turn his back to the mirror and read it for himself.
“The name Haneul mean anything to you?” Hoseok asks and Yoongi looks to him with a bit of fear in his eyes. “It will one day,” Yoongi replies.
“Alright guys take a break!” Hoseok announces and turns to his dance team. “I’m going to get some water, you want me to bring you something from the vending machine?” You ask and Hoseok takes a second to admire the way your sweat slides down the side of your face and your hair swishing around in it’s pony tail. “Um, I’ll take a water too,” he finally answers and you give him a wide smile before walking out the stupid.
It’s another exhausting dance routine with Hoseok having to take extra time to help out his team members to learn and him also having to use every fiber in him to not only focus on your movements. All factors has Hoseok pulling off his shirt to cool down. “Oh, Hoseok-hyung, your soulmate tattoo popped up,” Jimin commented and the other members of his dance team chimed in with curiosity.
“Jung Hoseok, just admit that I’m gorgeous already!” Is darkly printed on his back and he blinks in shock.
You re-enter the room and look around confused as everyone’s focused on your leader’s back. “What are you guys staring at? Does he have a mole or something?” You ask as you near the lead dancer’s body to examine his skin. “You don’t see it?” Jimin asks, and you look up at him confused. “See what?” You reply and everyone in the rooms eyes widen.
“Oh,” is all Jimin has to offer before Hoseok is quick to start the practice again.
Hoseok stares at his ceiling, wondering how lucky he was to have his crush as his soulmate. He was almost scared he was falling for someone else’s destined lover, but fate was truly on his side. He couldn’t help but wonder what your last words meant. Everyone always says not to dwell into it as it’s just supposed to be a moment that suddenly happens, but he can’t help but think why you would need to say that.
“You’re gorgeous Y/n. I love you.”
You read it off your back, as you uncomfortably turn your head to look at the mirror. There’s a knock at the door before Jisoo peaks her head through the crack. “Woah, won’t you look at that!” She welcomes herself in your room and pokes at the black ink on your back. “Well damn at least you got a compliment,” Jisoo laughs and you join with her as you remember what’s on her back. In bold black ink, Jisoo has “can I try some of your shrimp?”
“Any idea on who it is?” Jisoo asks you and you hesitate a bit before you nod.
The next practice, Hoseok has situated himself at the mirror, using the glass to rest his back on as he sits. He stares at the floor wondering how to approach you, but before he can come up with a well thought out plan, your white Nike shoes are in front of him.
“Jung Hoseok, I think you’re my soulmate and I would like to go out on a date with you,” You confront him and he blinks up at you with shock before he’s smiling. “Perfect.”
After that faithful day, it’s a string of romance left and right.
You’re on the beach sand, listening to waves crash as you lean your head onto your soulmate’s shoulder. “Can I ask you something?” You turn to him and wait for a response. Hoseok smiles and nods at you. “Are you scared?” You ask and Hoseok offers you a confused look. “To hear my last words. Are you scared of it?” You continue and he tenses up and looks away.
“I used to be,” he answers. You wait for him to elaborate and he chuckles to himself. “Well, I’ve always had this big crush on you, so when I found out you were my soulmate my attraction only strengthened. I didn’t like the idea that I’d one day let you go, and although I don’t know when it will happen, just knowing what you might say will trigger something, scared me,” He explains and you nod.
“So what changed that?” You continue to pry.
“You did. I got to know you better, make intimate memories that I will forever cherish with you. I feel like if I died now, I’d be okay, because I know I died in the arms of someone I love,” He answers you honestly and you turned to him surprised. Tears well up in your eyes as you tackle him in the sand.
“Jung Hoseok, did you just say you loved me?” You giggle in excitement and he laughs at how adorable you were acting. “Did you hear me stutter Y/n? I love you,” He says clearly.
You smile widely at him and lean in to leave a kiss on his lips.
“I love you too Hobi.”
It’s three months of a relationship with you, that Hoseok realizes that he might actually have a chance at growing old with you. That your words can just be playful banter when the two of you are old in a house he built for the two of you.
A smile never leaves his face when he’s with you. The music in the car plays loudly as you swivel your body to each beat. He reaches out to hold your hand over the stick shift, as he drives with the other. You giggle as you look to him and catch another one of his yearning glances your way.
“Jung Hoseok, don’t think I didn’t notice the way you’ve been staring at me this entire time,” You warn playfully and he chuckles in response. “Don’t feed your ego too much babe,” He replies and you scoff.
“Jung Hoseok, just admit I’m gorgeous already!” You joke but Hoseok slammed his foot on the breaks and he quickly turns to you in shock. He tenses as his grip on your hand tightens. You stop laughing and blink confusedly at him. Before you know it, the love of your life’s eyes are tearing up as he simply stares at you and you have no idea what to do. You panic and wipe his tears with both hands.
Hoseok’s hands move to cup your face and he pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss is almost desperate and you try to mimic the urgency, but then it dawns to you. He pulls away and you looked at him with fear in your eyes, but before you can ask if you said what’s printed on his back, the car is sent plummeting off the cliff side and the two of you scream. The drop isn’t that far down, but the vehicle tumbles and flips until it finally lands with the tires facing up.
Hoseok wheezes as he quickly turns to you, he notes the way your eyes are still blinking and the way your chest is still rising. You blink at him as your tears fall and Hoseok gives you a painful but loving smile. He reaches out to your face and strokes your cheek.
It takes all his remaining energy to say, “you’re gorgeous Y/n. I love you.”
➳author’s note: hiya babesssss! Thank chu for reading. Hope you enjoyed it! Love yaaaaaa <3
The Mafia's Princess J.hs
Summary: "I can't loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You're all I have left." she begged him to put the gun down. Falling onto her bloody knees in the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but k she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn't want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you'll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperment will change in each story.
Warning: Mention of smut, drug use, mafia lord, weapons, cursing, scary dogs lol, it's basically for mature people yall.

Areum's p.o.v
My eyes fluttered open as my vision slowly started to restore. All I saw was a old ceiling fan slowly whipping around and the ugly tan popcorn ceiling. I only heard faint sounds as if something was coming closer. It was too early to worry about it. I groaned turning my body to the side just to see that he wasn't there. My fingers reached towards where he was lying. It was still warm, smiling to myself I start to remember the warmth he gave me last night. A night full of kisses, orgasms, and love. Or what I think is love. I've never really knew but all I know is that he makes me feel a type a way. Whenever I'm near him it's like he has the power to make my heart run miles just by his touch.
I sigh as I sat myself up from the screaky flat bed. What do you expect from a cheap motel that was from the middle of no where? I've gotten used to it. As long as I'm with-
There he was. Shirtless, his tattoos revealed all around his body. He was looking through the blinds, but no sunlight was coming in. What time was it anyways? I looked besides me on the table clock.
2:30 A.M.
I raise my brow, clueless on why I woke up so late but even more clueless why Hoseok was up so late. Maybe it was the drugs? But they didn't have that affect on me as much and usually Hoseok stays in bed with me till morning. "Hoseok..." I mumble. My voice still grogy from sleepiness. "What are you doing up so-"
"You need to leave. Now." he turns to me. His vibrant attitude suddenly disappeared into a more urgent one. He quickly retrieves my luggage, packing my clothes and throwing me a large t shirt to wear since I was only in my undergarments. "What? What's going on?" I became more alert at his words. Did he not want me anymore?
The sound I didn't hear before I could hear clearly now. Police sirens, a ton of them. My eyes widened as I quickly through on the t shirt. Jumping out of bed I go towards the windows to see what's actual happening but Hoseok prevents me with his hand wrapping around my wrist. He spoke again, this time more stern "I said leave."
I look at him, letting out a slightly irritated laugh. "What? No. I'm not leaving you alone here." I retrieve my wrist and looked out the window. The cops were surrounding the building. There was no way they could outrun them. They had guns, dogs, and a lot of freaking muscle. It was a good thing that there were a lot of rooms in this damn motel. It would take them some time to find us since we checked in on our phones. So no one could say they've spotted us. "We have to think."
"Areum, it's over. You need to get out of here!" he raised his voice but I quickly covered his mouth. Shaking my head as I shushed him. "I'm not going to throw you away so easily." I mumbled. He made my stomach churn at his words. It's not over yet, it can't be.
We then heard the sound of panting and patting on the floor. Shit, dogs. They must've smelled the drugs so they started to bark right at our door. Hoseok sighed loudly and grabbed my hand.
Hoseok's P. O. V
Oh how she could be so damn stubborn. Taking a firm hold of her right hand I grabbed a mini gun in my suite case just in case. Areum glared at me as I pulled it out with my other hand. She didn't like guns and I promised her I wouldn't bring it along with me but you never know what you could get into in this line of work. I'm a mafia lord and she's-
My line of thought got cut off by the loud stomps coming towards our door. I looked around and found a large vent on the ceiling. Areum looked at me and then she finally got the hint. Letting fo of her hand I ran towards my luggage grabbed a knife I stored in there as well
"are you serious!" Areum loudly whispered towards me.
I didn't answer her though, I climbed on the desk and undid the screws that held the vent up. It opened for us now all we have to do is find our way out, fast. Risky, but the only chance we have. "okay, come up here in my shoulders." My words rushed out of my mouth. Shw climbed up the desk and I picked her up. She climbes onto my shoulders and into the vent.
'they're in here!' one cop yells as he kicks the door open. He spots Hoseok and quickly held his gun up to him. Other cops rush in the room. He was surrounded by four until the rest rushed in. The dogs however didn't attack him yet. They were held on leashes.
' put your hands up!' one of them yelled, his voice was deep and loud enough to boom throughout the whole motel.
Hoseok's P. O. V
"ah, long time no see." I smirk at the men that I've been coming into contact lately with. They're guns were all pointed towards me but I know that none of them would shoot. If they turn me in they get a cash price and must I say, I'm very expensive. They won't kill me yet, they want to get much more out of me before they pull the trigger. I purse my lips and shake my head. The gun was still in my hand. "I'm not gonna end this game so easily. It's so fun playing with you."
'release the dogs' the chief calls out but before they could even release the freeze in their spots.
Hoseok pulls the trigger as the bullet zooms so close to the chiefs head. Barely missing it by a few centimeters but enough to leave a long bloody cut that will eventually turn into a scar. All of them looked his way, including the dogs. They were frozen for a bit but looked back to where Hoseok was. He was gone.
He quickly pulled himself up the vent grabbing Areum and crawling as quickly as they possibly could away.
Areum's P. O. V
While I was waiting for him whilst he faced the cops I could feel my heart vibrating through my skin. As much as I wanted to jump out of this damn vent and scream not to shoot I couldn't. I knew I couldn't because if I did it would be the biggest headliner of the world and it would bring my family great shame. I've been missing for months and I'd rather that they think I'm dead than running around with a mafia lord. I close my eyes as I try to slow my breaths down, trying to be the quietest one in there. I couldn't make a sound. The vent echos so a single squeak would seem like a whole scream. To calm myself I thought about him, how he's always came through in the worst situations. How I could always depend on him when-
My heard stopped and eyes widened. Did he really just... Die. Did they shoot him?
No they couldn't of. They should have but they-
Is he really gone.
When I looked up he was right there, taking me and crawling swiftly through the vent. My breaths get louder and louder. I was still in shock of what just happened. My eyes filled up in tears as I followed him, quietly sobbing. My emotions really don't know how to react, they didn't even know how to catch up . He couldn't comfort me, I couldn't talk to him, we had to be quiet. As the vent space was getting smaller I ended up closely following in back of him. The air was getting hotter. Luckily we started to hear birds. The end of the vent was close but our energy was running out. The vent just started to incline and we literally had to climb up but I could feel my body giving out. I was getting slower before I just felt my body fall to the floor.
"Areum!" Hoseok looked behind himself to see me, trying to catch my breath. I could feel my throat dry up and my body Dripping I sweat it was hot in that vent. He spoke again "We're so close baby, you could do this."
I could do this. I could. But everytime I try to get myself back up my arms wiggle causing me to fall back down again. I looked to the other side of the vent. Smoke was coming towards me, crawling its way into my nostrils. Soon all I could see was black.
"Areum!" Hoseok yelled at me once more but he was quickly cut off. I fell into a deep sleep.
Hoseok P. O. V
Shit, shit, shit! What even is that stuff. I didn't notice that Areum was so far behind me and it wasn't like I could back up and save her with my legs. I quickly work my way out of the vent. It lead me to the roof's basement. All we have to do is jump before they surround the whole building. I get a mask from my luggage and but it on. They might have tricks up they're sleeve but I do too. I go into the vent once more. Everything was foggy, it was as if the smoke overtook it. I have to hurry before it reaches the roof. There was no use to call for her because whatever type of gas this was it made people sleep. I finally see her, she was face down as if she was dead but she couldn't be dead.
I quickly achieve her hands and drag her out. I could see the basement now. Everything was clear I kept pulling her but something stopped her. She was caught in something and everytime I pulled her it she wouldn't move a bit. I looked around, felt around, and my hand finally landed on something furry.
A low growl echoed through the vent. I slowly felt down the dog and it had its teeth in her leg and me pulling only made it worse.
I pulled the gun out of my pocket. Being super quiet. This gas somehow didn't affect dogs. I only had one shot. Left... And it had to go towards the right thing. I bangs the knife to the side of the vent. The dog let go of Areum, running towards me. That's when I shot my shot. The vent started to shake as I heard other dogs running. Taking Areum I quickly rushed her out. Picking her up once we were out of the vent I checked to see if she was alive and thank god she was. The smoke was creeping into the basement to the roof. There was a window so I opened and climbed out. There were cops everywhere trying to look for us but luckily they weren't looking in one area...
To be continued
Hey lovely, so this ff will be continued in the next couple chapters. Tell me if you like it enough for me to finish! I can't wait for you to know the deeper story of The Mafia's Princess. CHAPTER 2: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/640407000512135168/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
The Mafia’s Princess
Not your typical Mafia Story...

The Mafia's Princess
1: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/639279379437977600/the-mafias-princess-jhssummary-i-cant-loose
2: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/640450706008113152/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
please leave a like on these stories and tell me how you like them so I could continue :) I have a lot in mind so you better watch out for more!
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/641614237353099264/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Areum’s P.O.V
I let out a slight giggle hearing Hoseok’s huffs and his struggles to make it up the hill. For a big buff mafia man you’d think he could walk thousands of miles but he could get out of breath just by opening a jar of pickles. “Come on Muscle Man. Just a few more feet to go.” I teased earning a hearty chuckle back from him. “You gotta remember that I hauled your ass for like 3 miles.” He poked my head gently but still managed to make me flinch. “Scaredy cat, ah, there it is.” Hoseok’s P.O.V
Oh thank goodness, I was about to fall face down out of exhaustion, It’s been hours that I’ve been on my damn feet. The large garage was right behind the abandoned mall aka the drug trade. I leaned against the concrete wall showered in explicit graffiti. Taking out my phone I dialed the driver’s number. I took Areum’s hand and pulled her closer to me “Stay close, the crackheads lurk.” The phone then picked up and he said his usual phrase “Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun bangtan sonyeondan hwanggeum maknae jeon jungkook imnida” “Where are you.” I asked him bluntly, too tired to deal with his absurdness right now. “Ahh, I’m in the garage.” The sound of the engine rumbles in the background making it hard to decipher what he was saying “I’m with Cynthia and we are on the fifth flight!” Letting out a low groan, I sure didn’t have it in me to walk five flights up. My legs would surely give out or possibly crack in half. “Drive the car down, the damsel in injured.” Areum crossed her arms as her cheeks puffed out like two balloons “Why do I have to be the damsel? Do I look like I’m in distress? Why can’t I be the hero or the even the black widow!” she went on and on but her words begun to blur out. I was only focused on how to get into that damn car and get back to the house as fast as we humanly could. “I can’t boss, someone might catch us!” “Jungkook that’s a demand not an order. If anyone sees us then we’ll just send an assassin out or something.” “Ah! Quiet down boss. I’m comin I’m comin. You’re gonna get us caught one day.” he then hung up on me which made me slightly irritated. “I should’ve never hired that damn maknae.” Areum slouches next to me but she still with held the smile lurking on her lips. Times like these, it gets comforting to see especially from her. “How do you do it huh?” I chuckled a bit and took her wrist, pulling her closer to me so we could warm each other up in this cold weather. “How do you manage to smile in the most fucked up situations?” “Well, as long as I’m with you the situation isn’t that bad. Besides, I like to see you struggle.” She jokes with a slight laugh giving me the answer I should’ve anticipated.
“Ha ha.” I sarcastically laugh along, ruffling her hair up with my rough fingers. Then, the car finally arrived. It was a old and dirty truck which suits this place very well. I opened up the back door for Areum to go in first. If anyone saw us pull up in a brand new red convertible they would know something was up. Jungkook then put his foot on the gas and pulled off rather very fast. Areum rushed to put her seatbelt on while everyone else just sat there exhausted. It was just the wee hours in the morning, nobody was on the roads so Jungkook cranked the windows down. As long as nobody recognized Areum or me, we should be good. We took the back roads just to make sure. Jungkook turned on the speakers to his favorite songs then spoke loudly “How’d your little getaway go!” Cynthia, the co leader of this mafia, turned down the speakers to allow Areum and I to rest. “Jungkook, why do you have to be so loud all the time?” I knew Cynthia every since I inherited this whole mafia business. She’s always been like a sister to me. She was there whenever I needed her and whenever I didn’t.
I put my hands behind my head and let out a long sigh “It was nice until someone called the damn cops on us.” I let the wind cool me off as I closed my eyes “That part really spoiled the whole entire thing.” Areum hummed to the country music playing in the background. “But it wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle! Right Hoseok?” “Mmhm.” I felt myself falling into a deep sleep. My energy to perform anything at this point was drifting away.
Areum’s P.O.V
I took a cover from the floor and draped it over Hoseok he looked like he was passed out. I couldn’t blame him. “I’m sure Hoseok took good care of you... as always.” Cynthia sighed to herself. My face scrunched up as I felt slightly offended, I tried to calm myself down, trying not to get that stuck up princess attitude I always tend to have... I’m working on that. I am. “I guess.” I felt my leg start to sting a bit. The adrenaline was running out and the pain was setting in. Letting out a quiet grunt I held my leg close “I got bit and scratched by dogs.” Jungkook turned back to see the blood beginning to drip down my leg again. I must’ve injured it when I got back up to walk. “Yikes.” Jungkook spoke “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” He passed me a box of tissues “Here”.
Cynthia looked at me then back to the road “You have to stop being so careless whenever you’re around him.” “Careless?” I took the tissues and started to wipe off as much blood as I could. Once I saw the cut, it only stung even more. I couldn’t think of a smart response because of it. It hurts like hell but I wanted to keep my composure.
Strong women don’t cry right?
Besides, I wanted to be strong for him. I wanted to be strong to Hoseok and to prove everyone that I deserve to be here.
As we drove up to the big mansion where the mafia resided in Jungkook parked the car and I was cared for immediately getting escorted to their little medical room by her assigned nurses. Out of the corner of my eye she saw Cynthia caring for Hoseok, walking him back inside with one of his arms draped around her shoulder. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a hint of jealously inside my heart. Ever since I’ve met her she’s always given me ‘Oh, I’m better than you’ vibes but I’ve been trying to brush it off. I don’t want my own jealousy to get in the way of Hoseok and I. I never did. I looked up to a girl with a silver necklace hanging down her neck. It was Lisa, Hoseok’s sister.
“Follow me” she hums as she takes the mysterious criminals hand. They were rough and she noticed that they were also tatted. She couldn’t get a full glimpse but it looked like part of a dragons tale. The man spoke up as the princess led him through the endless maze of twist and turns.
Hoseok’s P.O.V
“Why are you helping me?” This could be a big trap but then again I have no choice. If it wasn’t for her I’d be surrounded by this damn kingdom and if she pulled anything stupid I have a gun right on my hip and I’m not afraid to shoot little miss princess. A person who gets anything and everything under her fingertips. People like her is the whole reason why me and my family rebelled. People like her enforced the stupid laws society has, People like her ruin everything I’ve worked for but here I was holding her hand. Her grip was tight so it wasn’t like I could let go. “Because I want to help you.” She hums with a slight smile “Besides the castle needed a little action.” We then came to another dead end, this time we were surrounded by vineyards of roses and fine grapes. “And you do realize that you are helping the number one felon in Korea right now?”
Before the princess could respond she ripped the bottom half of her expensive dress off so she could have more freedom in her strides which threw me off a bit. Her thighs are now fully exposed and she had not problem with that. “So?” She took the fabric and tied it along her thigh “You do realize that the wealthiest girl in Korea is helping a felon out right?” She echos. “Do you have a knife?” I pulled out a pocket knife and handed it to her, even though I probably shouldn’t of. This was getting pretty interesting and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know where it was going. The princess went up to the vines and cut them open. I chuckled as she did so “Very smart princess, but wouldn’t they follow us inside-” After she was done cutting the vines a door was revealed. She twisted the golden knob and it led us inside what seemed like to be a small bedroom, with a tv, bed, and a large bookcase. There were paintings on the wall but they seemed like they were either drawn by her or someone else.
The princess pressed on a red button and the vines attached to one another again as if nothing even happened. The princess smiled at me, feeling proud of herself for helping a person like myself out. “You’re welcome.” she beams I scoffed to myself and looked around her mini hideout “You led me to a bed. I’m not interested in making out with you right now, I need to get back to my base.” “Make out?” She crosses her arms and a light blush appears on her face “I wouldn’t t-touch you with a ten foot pole!” I looked down at her hand still attached to mine but she quickly let go of it. I sighed as I started to look around. Thinking about how I could ever get out of here without getting caught. I didn’t want to escape in the morning because that’s when small children flood the maze. It wouldn’t be a good look for a grown man with a gun attached to his hip be in it with them. And besides, I’m on a time schedule.
The princess spoke once again, her arms not leaving her chest “Who says I don’t have a way for you to get out!” “Look sweetheart.” I took out my gun and pointed it towards her head, I really didn’t have a choice. “Stop playing games, get me out of here now or I will shoot you.” She froze once I pulled out my gun but the same smile appears onto her face. What was this girl? Some type of psychopath? “You wouldn’t kill me Mister. If you did you’d spend more time in prison or possibly the dungeon than you’d intend to. Ah, who am I kidding they’d possibly put you to death.” I didn’t drop the gun but she did make a point. I know at some point in my life that I was going to go to jail or die but it’s too soon in the game. I plan to hold my father’s legacy until I die. “Show me the exit now.” My voice rose to stir more fear in her but it failed.
“Not until you tell me your name.” She looked me straight in the eyes. “I.. I want you to be my friend.” “I’m not a good friend.” I chuckled at the how naive this woman was. “I’ll tell you what. You show me the exit and you get a name. Deal?” She thought it over for a moment, lowering her arms she nodded and walked to her bookcase. she pushed it aside and there was a window. It seemed to be led to the woods. I wondered why there was even a such thing in a whole kingdom. Why was she the only one who knew about this. “Can I get-” Before she could say another word I pushed her to the floor, causing her to loose her balance and fall. She shouted at me before I made a run for it. I should’ve killed her. The window was already unlocked to that made it easier for me. Did I feel bad about it?
No, I didn’t.
It was my sister’s birthday and I’m already running late. I checked if I still had the necklace in my pocket and it was still in it’s pretty velvet box. -
Areum’s P.O.V
Lisa helped me onto a bed then got her gloves on. She was very careful not to hurt me anymore than I already was. I trusted her, so I allowed my eyes shut. She was a certified nurse even before this whole mafia deal begun. Lisa accessed the bite and scratches “That dog left a pretty big mark on you.” She informs as she sterilizes her equipment before she uses them. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle.” I chuckle and look down at her “You sound so cool when you say that.” She gave me a smile as she starts to apply alcohol which stung even more. I winced but held in my pain. “You can scream if you’d like. I’m not here to judge.” Lisa hummed.
Well, If I had her permission...
Hoseok P.O.V
“Where’s Areum?” I asked as I held onto Cynthia’s shoulder. I didn’t even notice that we were already to the quarters. I must’ve fell asleep. “She’s getting treated.” Cynthia laid me on my door post allowing me to catch my composure again. Cynthia sighs as she dusts off her red dress that she always wears whenever she’s going out. Unlike me, she could go out whenever she pleases. Her identity hasn’t been given out yet so that’s why she’s our lurer. She lures people with her “charm” so we could eventually handle business with them. “You know.” She walks a little closer to me, feeling my cheek to make sure that the small cut would be okay “If she keeps getting you in danger like this then I’m not sure if she’s the perfect cut for this mafia.” “Cynthia.” I sighed and pulled away from her fingers. “Not this again. Areum is just as deserving as you are.” “What Hoseok, we all know it. She can’t even fend for herself. What makes you think she could fend for you? You’re only putting her in danger, not only her us! The whole mafia empire.” She got a bit mad but she soon calmed down by the look I was giving her. “I’m tired alright, can’t we talk about this some other time?” Cynthia gave me one last look before she went her own way. She had a mission this morning but I had a whole bunch of overdue sleeping to do until I get back on my feet again. I went inside of my room, not even caring to turn on the lights. I just kicked my shoes off and threw my body on the big master bed awaiting me. It felt amazing but yet so empty without Areum lying by my side. As I wrapped myself in the covers I couldn’t help but to think about Cynthia’s words. She was right, if people found us out then it would be over for us as we know it but...
I guess I’m a sucker for her love but I know that this chapter will soon come to an end. It’ll take a miracle if it’s a good one. ~
I hope you guys enjoyed, if you want me to add something more spicy my dms and asks are always open :) Please like this so it gives me motivation to go on! Also, do you like the cover work?
Your friend,
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Falling onto her bloody knees on the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/641614237353099264/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Keep reading
make sure you check out 1 and 2 before you read this one :)
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Falling onto her bloody knees on the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/641614237353099264/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Keep reading
If this reaches 25 likes then I will make a moodboard!
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/641614237353099264/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Keep reading
The Mafia’s Princess (3)

Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn’t want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you’ll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperament will change in each story. The character depicted in the photo is my imagination of her, you can depict her anyway you would like.
Warning: Injuries, swearing, knife mentions, mafia mentions (obviously), a little bit of angst.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/641614237353099264/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
“Almost there.” Hoseok huffed as they climbed the hill that led to the abandoned garage. The garage was originally popular amongst the civilians but the town turned into a ghost town, which made it the perfect place for mafia’s to meet up for certain things.
Keep reading

"How many roses does it take to create a bouquet?"
~Arrie 💕
Go check out my story The Mafias Princess :)
The Gentlemen Edits
I wanted to make tgm edits since @honeymoonjin 's book is soo good! I recommend reading it. Down below are my biases on the show/book but they're all so amazing! (characters nor book by me. I just made fan edits :) ) make sure to go read The Gentlemen!

Man in the Woods ( Hoseok Smut )

Summary: A couple gets lost in the woods, and to their luck, they find a nice house in the woods owned by a mysterious, handsome man. As they delve deeper into the strange man, they find out all his dirty twisted secrets he tries not to unleash.
Rated: 18+
Words: 1,375
(Notes: there are no warnings for this chapter. Its pretty safe. Its just a chapter to set everything up! Trust me.. you dont wanna miss out on this one.)
This was day 3 of the never-ending woods.
3 days ago, Jungkook and Areum got lost in the vast, never-ending woods. Ever since they've decided to somewhat "run away" from their home lifes and start new ones. "Like Gale and Katniss should've done," Jungkook exclaims, but he didn't expect it to go this far into the endless woods. When they were walking to carelessly, talking about the meaningless things, they forgot all about the trail signs warning them of danger close by.
Jungkook owned his own sneaker company named 'POWER'. He designed trendy yet high-end sneakers that took off on day one, just three days ago he was kissing his follower's goodbye and promising them he'd get back to them but now, here he was, with no signal. "It's like a social retreat!" He said at first, but when a couple hours came around, he was flinging his phone in the air, trying to at least get one bar of data.
Areum on the other hand, owned a whole ass daycare in her house, and today was probably Monday, which means her clients would be driving their kids to her house, thinking she's there yet she is not! Which is going to be very terrible on her business. She could only imagine how many bad reviews she's going to get on her website called 'dependablesunshinedaycare.com' the next day!
"If you didn't take the wrong freaking turn, we wouldn't be here right now!" Areum huffed as she lunged over a big boulder blocking their way "We've been walking forever Rexx! I'm tired"
Jungkook brushed the leaves that suddenly smacked his face. "I don't want to spend another night here Areum and what's done is done! You should've spoken up if you knew we were going the wrong way."
"I did!" her voice slowly raises."I told you we had to go the other way to get to your damn jeep!" she then closed her eyes and calmed down taking a deep breath and clasping her hands together. "I don't even know this part of the woods. We're stranded."
"We're not ashore, so technically we're not stranded" Jungkook looked at Areum.
"Well, you get my point!" she sighed loudly "okay okay, we have to mark our path. I'll collect rocks on the way and lay them down at every point we step. If we dont get anywhere by sundown, we'll go the other way tomorrow."
"that's a stupid plan."
"Well, Jungkook, it's my only plan unles. You have some ideas! It's not like we have a freaking flare to shoot off to let people know we're lost."
"Hey hey hey." Jungkook walked up to Areum, taking her hand and smiling. "Areum, when have I not saved us from our problems." He looked into her frustrated eyes with calm meek ones
"That time you broke under the pressure and tattled to us to my mom that we ate all her deviled eggs."
"Okay, okay, after that! Remember when I saved you from your professor by saying I broke up with you, or that one time where I saved us from that aggressive dog, oh! oh, you have to remember that onee time! You broke your mother's favorite vase, and I covered for you and said I broke it, and we both know oh" he laughs "we both know your mom i from the gates of hell."
"Jungkook..." She rolled her eye and tried to suppress her smile. This was a very serious moment
"What I'm just saying! If I can save us from your mother this would be a piece of cake baby gorilla!"
She couldn't take it and let out a tiny laugh "Fine fine, whatever you say. I'm still going to lay rocks, though." Everything will be fine...
Five hours passed, and they were both tired and decided to settle down for the night. The sun was setting, and the breeze was brutal. Winter had just begun. Usually, Areum would be loving this breeze when she was tidied up in blankets, hugged by her close family, and sharing stories and smores by the fire that reached the night sky but not tonight. Tonight was different. She was in nothing than just a t shirt and pants. She didn't think she'd stay in the woods for long, so he didn't think it was necessary to dress up. She was so cold that she could feel her hands go numb and her ears go solid.
The air that was once filled with laughter and jokes from Kook, but now it was stone cold. Just silent. If you spoke, the condensation of your breath would coat your already cold face. There they were, just sitting on a log waiting for the sun to come out, and that wouldn't be for another what 7 hours.
Areum looked over to Kook, he looked miserable. It was as if the situation they're in really hit him and it hurt Areum's heart to see. Jungkook had finally broke the ice "I'm sorry I let you down."
Areum scoots closer to him and gently hugs him. "You know, even though we're literally freezing to death... I think.. I'm happy still. Happy with you." she wipes her nose and smiled at him. Resting her chin on his shoulder. If they were going to die tomorrow, now was the time to confess their thoughts, and Areum's thoughts about Jungkook had only grown stronger over the past years she knew him. "Im really happy with you, Jungkook..."
Kook gave Areum a slight smile and hugs her back. He spoke calmly. "I'm happy with you too... I wish... I wish before I left I shouldv'e confessed. I've been wanting to confess for a while, but I guess if any time is the best time, it's now."
Areum's heart started beating from inside her chest, getting the slightest warmth on her cheeks. She was silent as she listened to him. His glossy eyes looked her in the soul. Was this the moment the moment he'd pour out his heart to her. Saying that he loved her from day one? That she was always his special girl... if it was, she'd be able to freeze to death peacefully...
"I like your sister.. I should've confessed that to her."
"Yeah... if one of us makes it out alive she has to know. Hold up. I got a good idea. I've been using the power bank to charge my phone. I think it's full." He pulls the powerbank out. The little red light one the power bank indicating the power bank is dead, but his phone is at 100 bars. Sweet,
He holds on the camera towards them and presses the recording button. "Hello guys, if anyone stumbles upon this video, it means I didn't make it.. We didn't make it. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support... i ate all the granola bars and drubk all the water, so yeah, we're basically done"
As he rambles on, Areum stood there in disbelief. There were so many things that went wrong in that situation. One, he loves her sister, not her, two, he used their power bank just so he could make a video for his followers and 3 he ate up all their resources. The light redness on her face spread like a wild fire.. She was about to let her heart shout, but what Kook said next interrupted her thoughts.
"Wait... what's that." He turned his camera to what seemed to be a fire and smoke in the distance. "We might be dying of heat instead of cold."
"Wait.." Areum smelled the air, it smelt like... pig. Someone was smoking something. Areum quickly stood up and jogged toward the fairy lights that lit up she didn't care if she tripped at this point she could see hope. If she was gonna die, she didn't want to die with him. Well, not anymore.
"Areum wait!" Kook followed her after and they ran for what seemed like a mile, tripping on dirt on the way.
"AH!" Areum could feel her pants being ripped at her hip by a tough tree trunk, but that didn't stop her from running. Finally, they saw what looked like heaven to them.
Chapter 2 out now!

Heart 2 Heart // jhs

pairing: Hoseok x reader
genre: fluff, drabble, College!bts AU
word count: 1.3k
summary: Your TA is kinda hot and you have a cold
note: I just wanted to write some fun Hoseok fluff…I miss him :333 Have a great week everyone, ily ! -dubu

You hugged your sweater closer to your shivering body as you made your way into the room. Your music blasting through your headphones distracting you from the pneumatic symptoms you were experiencing.
It’s your last class before you can finally go home for the day. The semester wrapping up in the blink of an eye. You walk to your usual spot in the room. Taking a seat in the chair closest to the door.
You were exhausted, you attended 2 classes prior to this one, and barely had time for a lunch break. You regretted even coming today. Hearing your friends’ mocking voice in your head.
“Y/N? Y/N!” You felt someone tap your shoulder. Removing your headphones in annoyance.
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asked. You turned and locked eyes with Taehyung, your classmate and long time friend.
“Do I look okay, Tae?” You asked sarcastically, sniffling in response to his question. He lightly shook his head, taking the only seat next to you.
“Well, maybe you should have stayed home like I said last night,” he quipped with a cocked brow. A nagging expression sewn to his face.
“I need to turn in this paper. I worked too hard to wait until next week, Taehyung.” You confessed hesitantly, trying to sound normal.
“Yeah right,” he said pulling out a messy blue binder.
“What’s that suppose to mean?” You asked defensively. He shrugged in response, pulling out his essay.
“Oh look there goes your actual reason for showing up,” Taehyung said motioning towards someone walking through the double doors.
You tried to glance discreetly, a blush creeping on your cheeks as you stared at the bubbly man. The cream oversized button down he wore looked spiffing on him.
“Shut up,” you said kicking Taehyung under the table. He stifled a laugh, handing his paper to you so you could look over it.
“Good afternoon, everyone!” Hoseok said cheerfully, walking around the large brown desk to lean on it. He was met with a few unenthusiastic hello’s and a grunt from Taehyung.
“Well, Professor Kim won’t be able to make it today. So I’ll be taking up your essays and checking them.” He announced carefully.
“Thank you for working hard this year.” He said looking around with a smile.
His eyes momentarily pausing on you a few seconds too long. You bit your lip in response, praying you didn’t look like a yearning fool.
“I’ll be around to collect them in 10 minutes. Take your time settling in,” he said sweetly, clasping his hands together punctuating his words.
“Here, read over mine then,” you said passing Taehyung your essay from your Miffy folder. He nodded absentmindedly, placing an earbud into one ear.
You peered over at Hoseok, unknowingly locking eyes with him. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking away in embarrassment. He smiled at your actions, chuckling to himself.
Shortly after your revision, Hoseok began walking around to collect everyone’s assignment. He mingled his way from table to table.
Leaving a trail of warmth and kindness behind, he ended his rounds with you and Taehyung.
“Here, I can’t promise what’s on there.” Taehyung said pertly, giving Hoseok a gummy smile.
“And yours?” Hoseok asked gently, reaching for your paper. He smiled down at you in delight, loving the way your eyes didn’t stray from him. You handed him your work shyly, coughing a little.
Taehyung smirked at the interaction before him. Flipping through his binder as if he weren’t paying attention.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Hoseok said removing the paper from your hand. You nodded, too nervous to speak.
You felt Taehyung lightly kick your foot under the table, urging you to converse. The air seems to hold its breath, mirroring unspoken words between you.
With visible hesitation, Hoseok takes a step back, holding out on his true intentions. His retreating steps carrying him back to his desk.
Taehyung turned and looked at you in amusement. You shook your head at him, daring him to speak. He raised his hands in surrender, letting one last rebuttal slip past his lips.
“You’ll never get anywhere with that attitude, Y/N.”
You woke up the next day with an earthquake of a headache. Your stuffy nose plugging all hopes of comfortability.
You hastily let Taehyung know that leaving bed won’t be possible today. He responds quickly, assuring you that your rest is most important.
“Your boyfriend might miss you,” he texts teasingly, “I’ll be over after class.” You roll your eyes at his first message, trying to push away the thoughts of Hoseok. Rolling over for a well needed nap, you turned off your phone.
Taehyung placed his bag in your seat next to him. Claiming the spot as if you were just arriving late. He scrolled through his phone, not noticing the shadow in front of him.
“Hey, Taehyung?” Hoseok said lowly.
“Hmm?” Taehyung hummed, eyes still glued to his phone screen.
“Will Y/N be here today? I’m just wonderin-“ Hoseok questioned before he was cut off.
“She’s out sick, but she’ll be here Monday. Don’t worry.” Taehyung reassured the concerned man, unmoving eyes glinting with mischief.
The following 3 days go by in whirlwind. Monday afternoon resting in the palm of your waiting hand. You were the first to arrive in class, taking your corner chair unconsciously.
You spent majority of your last class sneakily glancing at Hoseok. Juggling thoughts of courting or cowardice. Professor Kim’s words drowning in a sea of disregard.
Before you know it, he bids everyone a good day and upcoming break. Congratulating you all for completing his class successfully.
Hoseok quips in with an amiable farewell, thanking everyone for welcoming his assistance with open arms.
Students filed out of the room gradually, muttering amongst themselves about arbitrary events. You trailed behind Taehyung, zoning in and out of your discussion about lunch.
He probed you for an answer, stomach growling on cue. You pulled your eyes from the floor, telling him to walk faster.
“Hey! Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?” Hoseok asked, grabbing your arm before you could cross the threshold.
“Oh, sure.” You said skin warming at his touch. You told Taehyung you’d meet him at his place later and suddenly you were alone in the lecture room.
You both walked over to the professors desk, setting your bag on top. Hoseok took a few deep breaths before pulling a small gift bag from his backpack.
“I got you something, Y/N. You’ve worked really hard this year and I wanted to reward you.” He confessed timidly, handing you the purple gift bag.
Your smile lit up in an instant, feeling mounds of gratitude for the hard work you’ve put in this year.
“I was going to give it to you Friday, but I thought today seemed perfect.” He began bashfully, “Our last class, but hopefully not my last time with you.”
You bit your lip nervously, your heart pounding at his every word. His hair falling perfectly on his forehead, cheeks glimmering in the dim lighting.
“Thank you Hoseok, you really didn’t have to do this.” You said opening the bag politely in front of him. You couldn’t contain the squeal of delight that escaped your pouty lips.
“Oh my gosh! A Miffy plush, I love it.” You said excitedly hugging the slender man. His hands automatically found their way to your lower back, hugging you instantaneously.
You pulled apart in embarrassment, not meaning to be overly affectionate. Hoseok’s expression changing to that of disappointment when you pulled away.
“I noticed how fond of Miffy you are.” He said coyly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I might have gotten myself a little keychain too.”
He reached around his bag, showing off the keychain that looked exactly like your gift. Your cheeks grew hot and a small smile graced your lips.
“Are you saying you want to see me again, Hoseok?” You asked playfully, cocking your head to the side at him. He let out a cute laugh, looking around in amusement.
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying, beautiful.”