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Y’know what’s really odd is that when people talk about the problematic stuff in the Harry Potter books they don’t talk about the transphobia even tho that’s what JKR is second most known for
Rita Skeeter is repeatedly described with manish hands while performing a cartoonish impression of hyper femininity in which she has too much make up and over dresses in a very unfashionable way. Which are things that TERFS constantly obssess over with trans women
And then there’s that flashback scene where Voldemort applies for DADA job and Dumbledore refuses to call him by his preferred name as a power play and then proceeds to pull out every transphobe’s excuses. Like ‘I’m too old’ and ‘I’m afraid you’ll always be Tom to me’ and so on. The scene felt so much like a transphobe deadnaming someone and then pretending it somehow wasn’t bc of transphobia that I legitimately had to pause the audiobook bc it gave me so much dysphoria
Is JK Rowling Really a Feminist?
JK Rowling is the author to a well-loved book series known as the Harry Potter series. They’re books that, whether we want to admit it or not, helped shape our childhood and, therefore, who we are today.
For years, many of us only managed to see the illusion she had created for us to see. Myself included. But as the years passed, the mask Rowling had carefully crafted for the public cracked, and the ugliness she carries within shone through.
Many of us had no clue of how truly troublesome she and her books really are until we got slapped in the face with reality. I, for one, failed to see the racism, homophobia, and ironically, the sexism within the books when I read them as a child.
Here are a couple of things from the HP series that just scream ‘internalized misogyny’ to me:
—Feminine Girls = Bad—
This trope is seen constantly throughout the series. We see girls like Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Fleur Delacour — girls who acknowledge they’re pretty, who like fashion, and care for their looks — getting bashed and hated on left and right. Simply for the reasons stated above.
Meanwhile, girls like Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley are celebrated for not being like that. Hermione has her intelligence and her cleverness. Ginny has her athletic build and tomboy-ish tastes (which comes from being the only girl in the family). I love them both, but they’re usually the ones doing the bashing in the books. I’m over it.
—Girls With Feelings = Bad—
This one I believe to be worse than the first point. Here you’ve got Cho Chang — who’s being mocked because she’s conflicted about her feelings for Harry, she feels as though she’s betraying her dead boyfriend who died the year before by the hands of Voldemort. Why do people pressure her so much? Can’t she take her time? It’s not like they don’t have more important things to worry about than having a girlfriend.
I’m also sick of the Lavender Brown bashing. She’s a nice girl who was desperately in love with Ron, she wanted so badly to have a magical love story that she was blind to how Ron didn’t like her as much. I love Ron, but come on.
This, as always, is what comes to mind at the moment. I might add some more later.
Rowling’s internalized misogyny aside from her books:
In case I haven’t made it clear with my previous posts (if you’ve seen them), I am an ally of the Transgender community. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. For me, it doesn’t matter what you identify as or what pronouns you use — you let me know, and I’ll adjust my vocabulary to fit your preference. Whatever’s is or isn’t in your pants is none of my business and should not be used as an excuse to disrespect you. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like I do. One of the people who have been actively harming the trans community because they can’t mind their own business is none other than JK Rowling.
I just think the idea of being a radfem or TERF is bullshit. I understand the point a lot of them make about how cis women’s struggles are different, and you’re right about that much. But you guys have to also realize that each woman’s experience with oppression is different anyway.
Take for example Black women and white women. It’s well known that Black women face more oppression compared to white women. Do you see them forming a feminist group that excludes white women? No, at least, not to my knowledge. So why exclude trans women when they, too, go through oppression?
Think about it: trans women also go through sexual harassment, rapes, murders, and daily disrespect just for being trans. Not to mention that the process of changing your sex is mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. No one would go through all of that if they weren’t 100% sure that they were born in the wrong body.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: sex ≠ gender.
—Marilyn Mason—
**Heavy Trigger Warning**
I know this is from last year, but I just found out about it and I’m so mad.
For those who don’t know who Marilyn Mason is . . .

. . . it’s this creep. He legitimately scares me. He does horrible things just because he likes watching his victims squirm.
Here’s a list of things he’s done:
1. He has a cramped vocal booth with nothing but some soundproofing foams that his victims — mostly ex girlfriends and former female employees of his — describe it as a solitary-confinement cell used to psychologically torture women. This monster would lock his victims in there for hours, he got off on watching them struggle and slowly become more and more desperate to get out. He boasted about it, and called it the “Bad Girls’ Room”.
2. He’s being sued for sexual assault by a former assistant (it is unknown to me whether more victims have come forth or not).
3. His apartment was decorated with blood, swastikas, and clipped photos from porno magazines. There’s also a spray-painted message above his bed that reads “AIDS”.
4. Most of the mental, physical, and emotional abuse was done at this apartment — which some describe to be a black refrigerator or a meat locker. Most, if not all, of his victims now suffer from bouts of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and PTSD.
5. Specified forms of abuse: Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco alleges that Mason frequently abused her verbally; deprived her of sleep and food; bit, cut, electrocuted, and whipped her without her consent; and raped her during their two years together. Bianco alleges that, in one horrifying episode, Mason wielded an ax and chased her around the apartment smashing holes in the walls after saying she was “crowding him.”
Rolling Stone Article on Marilyn Mason.
Now you may be wondering, what does Marilyn Mason have to do with JK Rowling?
Ah, thank you for asking. Look at this:

Marilyn Mason thanked JK Rowling on Twitter and Instagram for roses. Why would she — self-proclaimed feminist — be sending this man monster flowers? Why would she even want to be associated with him?
How can she call herself a feminist and be friendly with this beast in the same breath? Mason has been known for being like this for literal years, so it can’t be that she didn’t know about it.
JK Rowling is so concerned with trans women, saying that they’re not real women because they were born a male. She says she loves and admires trans people only to go ahead and demean them, ignore their criticisms, and overall send them hate for who they are. And yet.
I’ve had plenty of Anons telling me that I’m the hateful one because I can’t tolerate the fact that her opinion on trans people differs from mine. You can think whatever you like about trans people, really, I usually just cut TERFs out of my life as soon as I find out. Snip snip. So my issue isn’t Rowling having a different opinion, even if I think it’s wrong. My issue is with how uses her money, platform, and fame to hurt trans people. My issue is with how when trans people and their allies try to tell her that she’s hurting them and us, she scoffs at us and digs the knife deeper. All of this in the name of feminism. She’s not even a real feminist, anyway.
Remember: an opinion is whether you think the milk goes before the cereal or not, it’s NOT whether someone’s gender identity and the oppression that comes with it are valid or not.
Hello JK Rowling. Before you is a lesbian couple made up of a trans woman and a cis woman. They are happy. They are watching a movie together and doing cute couples things. Sit through the movie with them without accusing the trans woman of being a rapist and I won’t feed you to a pit of rabid field mice.
You know what I've been thinking about recently? How funny it is that JK Rowling is just digging her little TERF hole deeper while Neil Gaiman is over here shouting from the rooftops how none of the Good Omens characters are cishet.