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Ok so message for all my cis folks out there on how to deal with trans people being dead named/misgendered, it’s really simple actually, you just, lemme see here:
✨✨Correct them✨✨
Unless this a specific situation where the trans person isn’t out and correcting them would out them, correct people 👏
It’s really scary correcting people when you’re trans and most the time it isn’t malicious so you feel bad and you don’t want to have to explain to people you barely know that you’re transgender
It also reinforces the ‘screaming trans person correcting everyone’ stereotype when we do. Some cis people get really defensive when they’re corrected and it’s stressful dealing with that multiple times a day so a lot of trans people just let misgendering/deadnaming go.
It doesn’t matter if you barely know them or if you’ve never even talked, if someone misgenders them just correct them. Don’t call yourself a trans ally if you do nothing when misgendering and deadnaming happens
Y’know what’s really odd is that when people talk about the problematic stuff in the Harry Potter books they don’t talk about the transphobia even tho that’s what JKR is second most known for
Rita Skeeter is repeatedly described with manish hands while performing a cartoonish impression of hyper femininity in which she has too much make up and over dresses in a very unfashionable way. Which are things that TERFS constantly obssess over with trans women
And then there’s that flashback scene where Voldemort applies for DADA job and Dumbledore refuses to call him by his preferred name as a power play and then proceeds to pull out every transphobe’s excuses. Like ‘I’m too old’ and ‘I’m afraid you’ll always be Tom to me’ and so on. The scene felt so much like a transphobe deadnaming someone and then pretending it somehow wasn’t bc of transphobia that I legitimately had to pause the audiobook bc it gave me so much dysphoria