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4 years ago

I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Here’s another piece I’ve written during depressing times, and I hope you’ll like it as much as you like my fluffy and sometimes sexually awkward stories. 

Get ready to see guitar-playing Mark Lee again here, so here’s a photo of that for you. 

Marky Lee best boy

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: Although I’m not her biggest fan, I never thought that Sulli’s death would leave an impact on me. This piece was inspired by her passing last year, and my favorite comfort song whenever someone precious to me dies. 

POV: 3rd person this time. 

Word count: 1,300 + words 

Warning: There are mentions of self-harm here since Essie hasn’t been cured of it yet. 

Recommended listening: The title of the piece should already be a giveaway, but as always, I’ll put it down below so you can listen to it repeatedly while you read this. 


Essie couldn’t believe it. One of her close friends, Yuki, committed suicide. There wasn’t any alarm or warning. She didn’t notice that her friend was struggling. Yuki was always smiling, comforting her every time she ranted about her life. Although they didn’t always meet, their phone conversations made up for it.

Whenever she was left alone in the house, one of the people she would always call was her. Pretty, timid, and kind Yuki. She looked delicate on the outside, but it turns out she was even more on the inside.

Essie learned the news from Aoi, a common friend of theirs. The girl was crying over the phone, and it took a couple of tries for Essie to understand the situation.

“Yuki’s dead, Essie. She hanged herself.”

The phone slipped out of her hand first before her body came next, hitting the cold floor with a hard thud. They were of the same age.

As she picked up the phone again, Aoi had already dropped the line. She sighed in frustration and wept at the sofa.

Good thing she was alone – she screamed at the top of her lungs first before bursting into tears once more.


Essie was a horrible mess the day after. She didn’t talk to Johnny or Mark. She was staying at their apartment for now since hers was under repair.

At first, the two guys chalked it up to PMS. But when they found out from Nini what happened, Johnny was the first to bang on Essie’s door.

“Baby, please open up,” he pleaded, close to tears at how his best friend had suddenly shut him off.

Essie wasn’t responding. She was curled up in a ball on her bed, still in her pajamas. Her mind was clouded with all the bad thoughts she had been repressing.

When someone takes their own life, she always had the itch to do the same.

She had a new pair of scissors on her desk. She also had a sharp letter opener inside one of her drawers. There were many objects that she could draw blood from.

She tuned out the world to listen to her diabolical yet devastating thoughts until it bored her to sleep.


When she did get out of her room, she saw Mark on the couch with his guitar. Her mouth was itching to say something, but it never came.

She did her best to move silently so he wouldn’t bother her. She just wanted to be alone, but at the same time, she couldn’t be left alone.

Both guys didn’t know of her suicidal tendencies, and if they do, they would never leave her side.

As Essie rummaged through the fridge (it was a bit far from the couch so she didn’t mind if Mark could hear the clinking of glass against plastic), she heard him strum the introduction of one of her favorite songs.

Love of mine, someday you will die                    

But I'll be close behind and I'll follow you into the dark

He always surprised her with the songs he sang with his guitar as of late. She couldn’t help but get teary-eyed again as he sang the melancholic song.  

Yuki was one of the people she truly cherished. They were childhood friends, just like with Nini. Although the latter was her forever classmate, Yuki became her close friend when they always joined the same clubs. They joined the choir, the dance club, and even the bookworm one. They kept in touch even if they went to different high schools and colleges. Now that they were both working, they still called each other almost daily.

However, all of that is gone as she took her own life yesterday.

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

And illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark

She got a pitcher of water from the fridge and closed it gently, still wanting not to be heard by Mark. On the contrary, the younger guy knew she was out of her room. He had a keen sense of listening, and he was familiar with how her footsteps sounded.

To sympathize with her situation, he decided to play a song that he thought fit the situation. He found one in her playlist, and it took him an hour to learn it.

And the soles of your shoes

Are all worn down

The time for sleep is now

But it's nothing to cry about

'Cause we'll hold each other soon in the blackest of rooms

He heard her sniffle, but he had to finish the song. He closed his eyes to concentrate, hoping he did justice to one of Death Cab for Cutie’s masterpieces.

As he strummed the last chord, he waited in silence if she would go to him or not. He was shocked that she did, holding a glass of water.

“Thanks for playing that, Mark. That was beautiful,” she started, her voice hoarse from crying.

He patted the space beside him, and she sat. She put the glass on the table first before she got a pillow to cover her rumpled pajamas.

“I’ve heard about Yuki…” he said, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. He didn’t want to make her cry with his words. “And I thought of singing this song because I’m also empathizing with you…” He looked at his guitar as he ended his statement, afraid of her reaction.

“Thank you again, Mark. That’s sweet of you,” he heard her say gently, and he also heard the rustling of fabric. He suddenly felt warm, and he saw that her hand was on top of his.

“M-May I?” He asked, looking at her hand and his. She nodded, and he clasped it in his clammy hand. She didn’t mind it at all – it was the thought that mattered.

They held each other’s hand for a moment, feeling each other’s warmth. Eventually, he had to place the guitar on the floor as they faced each other. He saw how depressed she looked – her eyes were puffy and red, and there were tear stains on her clothes.

He wanted to hug her right then and there, which took him a lot of courage to do. It took him a few minutes before he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. He cradled her to his chest, and she buried her face on his shoulder.

Their embrace comforted her, and he even gently rocked their bodies together. “I’m here, Essie noona…I’ll always be here for you,” Mark said softly, one of his hands combing through her curly locks.

The older girl continued to cry, her face still on his shoulder. Her arms were loosely wrapped around his neck, which he had to adjust from time to time as he could feel them getting limp.

This was the closest they have ever been, and deep inside, he wished this moment would never end.

Alas, all good things come to an end – Johnny texted him that tomorrow morning was Yuki’s funeral. He texted Mark because it was futile to talk to his best friend, even though the information he was sharing was for her.

If only his hyung knew that he and Essie were having a moment right now…

As he told her of this information, the girl could only nod her head and broke off from his hold. She trudged towards her bedroom, and he helped her, one arm looped around her shoulder.

Once she was settled on her bed, he tucked her in and planted a kiss on her temple. “We’ll go there with you if you want,” he said as one of his hands found its way into her hair again. He loved combing through her hair and seeing how satisfied she is whenever he took out some difficult knots.

“Yes, please. I need you two,” she murmured. Mark continued to play with her hair until she fell asleep.

“Sweet dreams, my dear Essie noona,” he whispered before closing the door to her room.



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4 years ago

The Dream Synopsis

Sometimes, you write with a goal in mind, and then it ends up in a way you didn’t expect it to. Does anyone have a similar, if not the same, experience? 

Let me know through the comments! 

Anyway, here’s Johnny looking like he stepped out of my dream in this GIF. 

The Dream Synopsis

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: This was supposed to be a sweet and fluffy Johnny and Essie piece, but then I don’t know why I had to include hurt and angsty Mark into the mix.

POV: 3rd person here. 

Word count: 1,300 + words 

Warning: I never go all the way yet with Johnny and Essie, but this is the closest thing we’ll get to them getting it on for now. 

Recommended listening: I’m going to include the song that shares the same title below. If you must know, and if it isn’t obvious enough with the previous song recommendations, I’m a big Alex Turner fan.


It was during their off-days that Johnny cherished his time with Essie the most.

He loved lazy weekend afternoons, with the curtains gently moving because of the cool breeze. He and Essie would be on the couch, listening to a curated playlist either one of them made or a record of their choosing. Jaehyun gifted them a record player like his, which delighted the girl.

They usually talked about anything and everything while they were on the sofa. Most of the time, Essie would be lying on top of Johnny’s lap, raising her arms in the air to illustrate her point. Sometimes, he would lean his head against her shoulder and then bury his face in her chest when he wanted to cuddle further.

Their hands were always over and around each other, making them a giggly, tangled mess. They would be more so when they had drinks on the coffee table – coffee for Johnny and beer for Essie. They loved how each other tasted when they kissed. Essie became more tolerant of bitter tastes while Johnny became desensitized to the stench of alcohol.

In one of those ideal moments, he talked to her about his recent dream. “I was playing the piano at an empty theater, wearing the usual velvet suits they make us wear. And I was told that it was a full house,” his eyes never left her face as he shared his story.

“Maybe the organizer was a ghost, and a bunch of dead people were there watching your performance,” she replied after a moment, a smile forming on her face.

“Isn’t that creepy, baby? I mean, what the heck? Why would I dream of dead people?” He sat up, shaking his head a little. He ran his hands through his hair, which seemed to help him compose himself.

Essie watched him fuss about his hair still with the same dopey smile on her face. The little things he did always made her heart feel warm and fuzzy, as cheesy as it sounds. She was extremely lucky to call him hers, which she hoped he felt the same way.

The guy didn’t notice the look of adoration on his girlfriend’s face as he cleared his throat, staring into the space ahead. “Sorry, baby, am I boring you with my story? It must be torture when I talk about my dreams…” he mumbled, tucking his head into his chin with shame.

“No, not at all! I find it fascinating, really.” The girl shifted from her position and moved closer to him. “Talking about dreams is interesting. You can interpret them in a million ways.”

When he noticed that her eyes twinkled even in the dim light of the living room, he couldn’t help but pull her closer to him and kiss her.

She responded to his action with no hesitation, hooking her arms around his neck immediately. They forgot about their world around them as they kissed.

However, they forgot that they still had a housemate who can come in whatever time he pleases.

As the couple made out with gusto, Mark Lee entered their apartment and dropped his bag on the floor. The thud it made didn’t bother Johnny and Essie, as the couple was intent on sucking each other’s faces until they were tired.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t time yet for them to stop. Essie started moaning as Johnny’s hands went down her bottom, cupping it with all his might. It made the guy grunt at how sexy that sounded, and both exchanged small (and dirty) nothings to each other.

Mark couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wanted to sneak into his room as quietly as possible but he couldn’t keep his eyes away from the couple.

Deep inside, he felt a bit of hurt resurface. He liked Essie more than a noona. He admitted his feelings to her before, yet she politely declined him.

“Maybe it’s not the time yet, Marky. Maybe in another lifetime. But just so you know, I love you as a friend and as the little brother I never had,” those were her famous words that took him some time to recuperate from, and now the pain was back momentarily.

As he was rooted in spot watching his hyung and noona about to get it on, something inside him snapped. He walked away as silently as he could, his eyes downcast. He would watch some funny videos on YouTube to help him erase this image.

But Mark being Mark, he stubbed his toe on the dining table. “Shit,” he hissed in pain, slowly reaching his hand to soothe his toe.

The sound he made got the attention of the couple who were now looking at him.

“Oh, Mark,” Johnny started, gently prying Essie off him. “I thought you’d be back tomorrow morning.”

“Uh, flight was early. Decided to come home immediately. I missed my bed.” The young guy’s answers were clipped despite sounding like his usual self. Essie picked up on this and frowned.

“Sorry you had to see that, Marky…” she said softly, now standing up.

“No, it’s fine. You’re a couple now anyways. Making out is something couples do all the time,” he chuckled before he stepped out of the dining room completely.

Silence hung in the air for a moment until Johnny coughed. “Wow, that was a bit awkward,” he started, looking at his girlfriend.

Essie sighed, plopping back on the couch. “I know. I think he’s not yet over, you know…”

It was the guy’s turn to sigh. “I think so too, baby. But give it time. He’ll be over it.”

“You think so?” She looked up at him in worry, her eyes turning glassy with tears.

“Yeah, I do,” he sat closer to her, “and I don’t want to lose him too. He’s both the little brother we never had.”

“I find it a bit unfair that many people are affected with our relationship, and in a not-so-good way,” Essie huffed, wiping the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes.

“I know, baby. But that’s just the way it is, I guess?” Johnny leaned back on the couch, “You can’t win them all. We’re both good-looking people who click so well. And we’re friendly to everyone. We can’t help but make people fall for us.” This got the girl chuckling, who was now leaning back on the sofa as well.

“I never expected that I’ll be liked this much,” she said softly, her eyes looking at the space in front of her. It was a realization that never seemed to sink into her mind, considering how plain and normal she looked.

“Well, baby, you are wrong about that. Turns out that you’re almost everyone’s type,” he eyed her from head to toe, earning a thwack on his shoulder.

“Don’t say that!” She looked away to cover her reddening face. “I don’t know. I am flattered, but at the same time, I don’t deserve this.”

“Aw, come on!” Johnny tilted her face to look at him, and his heart ached when he saw tears coming out of her warm face. “You deserve all the love, my darling. But you can’t give it to everyone, especially if you’re looking for a partner. And I’m the happiest person to be the recipient of that special kind of love.”

Essie broke down into tears, which Johnny kissed away from her face.

“I love you, Essie Park. Please know that. Nothing can change that.”

Although his words came to her, she was at a loss on what to say. She was overwhelmed with her realization and his confession.

“Oh, John…” she mumbled, burying her face on his chest.

He held her in his arms as she wept, but his mind was thinking if she loved him as much as he did.



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4 years ago

Cool Off (Part II)

After the giggles come the tears again, and here is the second and final installment of this brief series. 

Expect a lot of depressing music here too, so if you’re up for those, I hope you’ll like my recommendations. 

Here's a photo of a young Johnny playing in front of the piano as a fitting teaser.


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: Read Johnny cope with Essie’s short-lived disappearance as he sings the most heartbreaking songs that she loves. 

POV: Keeping it up with 3rd person. 

Word count: 943 words 

Warning: There’s nothing that you haven’t read yet in other stories, but Italics are for thoughts and lyrics. Mostly the latter though, because I went ham with that one. 

Recommended listening: The titles of the songs are mentioned in the story, so I’ll add them at the end of the story for your listening. Feel free to suggest songs of the same caliber – I would appreciate it so much! 


Since Essie hasn’t returned from her self-imposed exile, Johnny has been on his piano a lot. He usually played depressing hits late at night, probably during times when he couldn’t fall asleep due to the situation. Although Mark hears him play from the comfort of his room, this time he was able to catch his hyung hunched over the keyboard in the living room as he sang his heart out to ‘The Songwriter’ by Father John Misty.

What would it sound like if you were the songwriter

And you made your living off of me?

It was heartbreaking to see Johnny struggle with his performance, whether he was aware that someone was watching him or not. Mark bit his lip as he watched his housemate from a dark corner, crossing his arms repeatedly until he felt comfortable with his position.

Goodbye little songbird, now you’re free

Don’t forget I’m the only fan of yours who has the sense to ever leave you be

How could do this to me?

That last line broke the older guy as he stopped playing and cried for what seemed like an eternity. Mark was glued to his spot, trying not to cry with his hyung.

Never has he seen Johnny so broken over someone, and he wished that Essie would come back soon. However, even if she does come back, it would either be to resume the relationship or cut it off completely. He hoped that it was the former because Johnny will never be the same again.

What would it sound like if you were the songwriter

And loving me was your unsung masterpiece?

The six-footer stood up after finishing the song and returned to his room. It was Mark’s cue to return as well, and he found it hard to sleep after hearing that soul-crushing song.

It got more depressing after that – Johnny sang ‘Without You’ by Tobias Jesso Jr. at three in the morning, which the younger guy remembered was the most straightforward depressing song Essie ever heard. Maybe that’s why he’s playing it, he thought while he lay on his bed.

Why can’t you just love me?

Should I move on or should I wait?

And how’d you get so high above me?

I reach higher every day

But nothing changes

No, it all just stays the same

Mark heard his hyung’s voice break when the chorus came, and he couldn’t help but cover his ears a bit out of secondhand embarrassment and hurt.

I can hardly breathe without you

There is no future I want to see without you

I just don’t know who I would be without you

There is nothing out there for me without you

Without you

Once Johnny was done playing, his crying was the next sound that permeated the whole apartment.

The last song that Mark heard from his hyung before Essie returned was ‘The Ultracheese’ by the Arctic Monkeys, which he knew the couple adored. The band was one of the things that brought them closer, and it was during their concert that Johnny realized he was in love with Essie.

The song was not as depressing as the previous ones, but it still sounded painful as the older guy sang with all his hurt.  

Still got pictures of friends on the wall

I suppose we aren’t really friends anymore

Maybe I shouldn’t ever have called that thing friendly at all

This time, Johnny was able to compose himself and not let his emotions get to the best of his singing. Mark closed his eyes to savor his hyung’s rendition since it was not always he heard him cover a song like this.

Oh, the dawn won’t stop weighing a tonne

I’ve done some things that I shouldn’t have done

But I haven’t stopped loving you once

The croon at the end made the song more melancholic than it is, and the sole audience made his presence known by clapping loudly.

Johnny whipped his head to look at Mark, who was silently crying as he continued to clap. “That was amazing, hyung,” he said, slowly approaching the performer.

“Thanks, dude,” Johnny whispered, looking away from the younger guy. “I miss her so much. I wish she’ll come back now.”

“She will. You’ve just got to be patient.”

“It’s been almost two months, Mark Lee. I’m worried that she has moved on with another person. She should let me know if we’re going to continue this or not, you know?”

Johnny’s voice was starting to break again, and Mark went to his side to comfort him.

“I’m sure she will. Maybe she’ll be back tonight. I can feel it.”

His words proved to be true as the girl returned a bit past after midnight, reeking of cigarette smoke.

Mark was speechless as she popped into his room first and asked him what had happened since then.

“Noona, I’m happy you’re back and all, but please don’t cause any more trouble to your relationship with Johnny hyung by talking to me first,” he said, hoping that his honesty will not be taken against him.

“I’m sorry, Marky. But I wanted to return with a surprise. Is he asleep now?”

He took a deep breath first before responding. “Please, noona. You can surprise him now if you want. I’m sure he would be happier if he was the person you talked to.”

“Sheesh, no need to be grumpy with me, Mark,” she chuckled. “And I’m sorry again for this. Okay then, I might as well surprise him now. Thank you.” With that, she went to Johnny’s room, and they made up for lost time with tears and snuggles.



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4 years ago

Quarantine Series (Part I)

Or as I titled it in my original file: Love in the Time of Coronavirus. How original, of course. But this new series is going to be more than that, so I hope you enjoy this. 

Here’s Johnny serving boyfriend looks (as always!) with this GIF. 


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: Consider this as a prelude to the series since I wrote this when the virus had just been declared a pandemic in early March. This piece also hinted of the boys’ trip to Houston and their now-cancelled tour, and how the virus hadn’t spread throughout the US yet. It’s a bit outdated on those details, but I guess you could shrug it off for now. 

POV: 3rd person, given the reason above and what I always say in this part. Maybe I should just stop explaining myself here and keep it simple, no?

Word count: 900+ words 


Essie felt hysterical over the situation happening worldwide right now. The coronavirus has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and there are travel bans and lockdowns imposed in various countries affected by the virus. Her roommates went to the US, where there haven’t been many cases of the virus yet, and were bound to return later that afternoon.

Since she has been reading a lot of forums and news about the situation, she felt more panicked about them. My love, please take care on your way home. Are you feeling well? She texted Johnny, one of her roommates and her boyfriend of over six months, as she lay on the couch while hugging a throw pillow.

A few seconds later, he replied. Yes, baby. I know. I’m feeling fine, no need to worry. I’m aware of the situation. Even the rest of the guys are okay. We have to take good care of ourselves especially we’re going on tour a few months from now.

That’s good to hear, love. But still, I am worried. Please stay safe and healthy. I love you so much, she replied back, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.

Johnny replied: I love you too, baby. Yes, I’ll stay safe and be healthy for you and everyone else. See you later!

Essie sighed in relief and went back to reading updates about the situation, more so in her home country since there are more people diagnosed with the virus as each hour passed.


As much as she wanted to pick up her boyfriend and her other roommate Mark from the airport, the two guys told her to just stay at home for her own safety.

Please stay at home instead, Essie noona, Mark said in their group chat, we don’t want you to get sick. We’ll be there in a few hours, so please don’t worry too much.

But Marky! I am concerned as hell, Essie pouted as she typed her response, this situation’s making me go crazy. I really hope that you guys are really okay.

We are okay, baby, Johnny piped in, so please, be a good girl and wait for us. We have some stuff for you too. We’ll be there before you know it.

The girl cried at his answer, hysteria overpowering her.


Despite warnings to avoid close contact with anyone for fear of the virus from spreading, Essie couldn’t help but tackle her lover once he was on their doorway.

“Baby,” Johnny’s voice was muffled through her curly locks, “it’s okay…” One of his hands rubbed circles at her back to calm her down.

“But I’m so worried!” She cried, her tears soaking the collar of his shirt. She hugged him some more until Mark, who was behind his hyung, cleared his throat.

“Not to ruin your moment but uh, can I come inside too?” The younger guy said, smiling sheepishly at his noona. Essie nodded and moved her and her boyfriend aside so he could enter with his luggage.

“Baby, you can let go now,” Johnny whispered, pecking her on the forehead. “No, I don’t want to,” she whined, nuzzling her face on his chest.

It took a couple of minutes for her to let go and return to the couch. The guys took their belongings in their respective rooms before convening at the living room and talk to their agitated roommate.

When they did, it was Mark’s turn to be hugged. Essie cradled him for a bit, which he was hesitant at first. But when he felt a surge of warmth coming from both of their bodies, he realized that this hug was one of genuine concern than anything else. He buried his head on the crook of her neck and pecked it quickly (hoping that Johnny didn’t see it).

Once they let go of each other, he sat on the bean bag across the couch while Johnny settled on to his girlfriend’s right side. “Sorry guys, the news of this virus is making me go crazy,” she sniffed, taking out her handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her tears. “I’m just concerned, that’s all. I hope you guys won’t get sick or anything.”

“We could say the same to you, baby,” her boyfriend replied, moving closer to her. “None of us want to get sick at a time like this. We won’t be able to work if we do,” he now held her hand and squeezed it gently.

“I agree,” Mark said, giving them a thumbs-up. “We have to be strong and overcome this.”

“So have you guys eaten anything? Are you even hungry? Do you want anything in particular?” Essie asked, her eyes flitting from one guy to another.

“I’m craving for soup,” the younger guy said while he rubbed his palms. “Same here,” Johnny said.

“Okay, I’ll make you guys some.” She stood up and went to the kitchen to make a cream of mushroom soup from scratch. “Please take a rest while I cook. I’ll call you guys when it’s ready,” she added before both of them briefly hugged her while she chopping vegetables.

“Thank you, baby,” Johnny said softly, kissing her forehead. “I appreciate what you’re doing for us. You know what to do if you hear me snoring, okay?” The couple shared a quick moment of laughter before pecking each other on the lips. “Yes love, I know what to do. But please, have some rest first. You must be tired still.”

He nodded before silently retreating to their room to take a nap. She watched his figure disappear into their shared bedroom and smiled when he didn’t completely close the door. Since she was satisfied that he didn’t forget their protocol, she went back to her cooking.

Essie felt better that her boys weren’t sick but hoped that they would love the soup she’s cooking for the first time in her life. There’s such a thing as beginner’s luck, right?



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4 years ago

Quarantine Series (Part III)

Remember their Relay V Lives last April? Yes, those have inspired me to write the next two installments of this series. 

For this one, the GIF below says it all. Isn’t it exciting? I got it from Tumblr too but I can’t seem to find its source, so please let me know who this belongs to. Thank you!


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: I already said what you needed to know about this piece above, so I would just like to add that Johnny’s outfit here is inspired by this photo of my first love Adam Driver. Dang, I really have a thing for big, tall men! 

POV: 2nd person

Word count: 1,200+ words


“Get up, loser! We’re going to exercise!”

Johnny Suh screeched, banging open your door to report of this so-called mandatory activity. “Why are we going to exercise?” You whined, burying yourself deeper into the comforter. “No buts, ma’am! We’ve got to shake that ass to get that toned bod!” Your housemate said, removing the blanket that covered your body and twirling you to look at him. But before you could even complain that you didn’t want to, your eyes widened at his outfit.

“What the hell are you wearing?” You shrieked, absorbing Johnny’s chosen workout attire of a bandanna, skimpy tank top (with ‘Let’s Get Physical’ printed on it in silver glitter), and a pair of neon booty shorts. “The weather’s hot, baby. And maybe I want to show off the fruits of my labor so you and Mark will be motivated to work out even more,” he said, now showing off his rainbow-striped tube socks and retro sneakers.

“You look as if you stepped out of a cheesy 80s aerobic video, but whatever,” you grumbled, finally getting up from the bed. “Can you give me five minutes to change?” He responded with a thumbs-up before he screamed again in the hallway. “I’ll let you do ten push-ups if you don’t comply with that time!” You could only roll your eyes at his words before you search your closet for a pair of jogging pants.


Four minutes later – for fear of doing something you didn’t even know how to do properly – you emerged from your room and saw that Johnny had already set up the living room with mats, kettlebells, and weights.

“Wow, you’re early,” your instructor said, eyeing you from head to toe. “For a beginner, you sure dress well,” he gave you another thumbs-up, which you replied by flipping the bird on him. “Mark Lee! Where the heck are you?” His booming voice made the younger guy come out, who wore all black for his workout attire. “I see you’re in black, Mr. Lee. Maybe we’re going to mourn the loss of your excess fat after this,” Johnny snickered, earning giggles from you and your fellow attendee. “Now, let's get it!”


Although Mark was fitter than you, he was showing signs of fatigue from the routine that your instructor demonstrated. You can say the same for yourself, but you didn’t want anyone of them to see how exhausted you are. However, Johnny was still in high spirits by teaching you guys how to do exercises with the kettlebell and even pumped up the music. To be honest, you didn’t want to take his workout seriously because his playlist was all over the place – aside from the aforementioned cheesy 80s aerobics music, he also had promiscuous rap songs and even techno headbangers from the late 90s. As much as you wanted to laugh at how the playlist shifted from Vibez to Crazy Frog, Johnny berated you when he caught you not following instructions.

“Miss Park, please! If I catch you not following again, I’ll make you do 10 more,” he hissed while moving the kettlebell up and down.

“Can we get a break, please,” Mark groaned, looking paler than usual. “We’ve been at it for 20 minutes, hyung. Please?”

When the brown-haired guy dropped the kettlebell on the mat, you and Mark rushed to the kitchen to get some drinks.

“Don’t drink anything that isn’t water or any sports drink! We’re not yet done!”


Johnny’s exercise routine took 45 minutes, and it ended with you and Mark lying on your respective mats in pain. “Am I that out of shape?” He huffed, looking up at the ceiling. “Nonsense, you’re fitter than I,” you replied, your breath still catching up with your exercise. “Look at me, I might die anytime soon.”

“That’s even more nonsense!” Your instructor sat beside you with a huge smile on his face. “You did great, baby! I never thought you were that flexible,” he handed you a bottle of Pocari Sweat, which you accepted wordlessly.

“How about me, hyung?” Mark’s question was answered when Johnny threw another bottle of the sports drink at him.

“This was really fun! Maybe we should do it twice a week. We don’t have much to do during this quarantine anyway.” He was ecstatic at how he made you and Mark tired from exercise that his eyes were practically glowing.

“Who says we don’t have much to do? I can list a lot of things I can do during this quarantine that doesn’t involve exercise,” you grumbled, sitting up so you can now drink your Pocari Sweat.

“You and your sedentary activities,” Johnny scoffed. “Why don’t you and Doyoung make a club? You two are practically holed up in your bedrooms anyway.”

“There’s a certain joy of staying inside, Mr. Suh. For someone who isn’t an extrovert like you, you wouldn’t understand.” You placed the bottle on the floor with a thud, shaking Mark a bit.

“Hey, noona. Calm down,” he whispered, scooting closer to you. “And please, don’t fight. If there’s one thing I don’t want all of us to do, it’s that.”

You stared at Johnny, who returned the gesture. You had a stare-off that lasted for fifteen seconds before you heard Mark stand up and go back to his bedroom, mumbling something along the lines of ‘never-ending sexual tension’ and ‘dense as fuck’.

“But seriously, Essie. Exercise is good for everyone. I don’t need to remind you that, right?” You couldn’t look at the guy beside you, who talked with such a soft and loving voice. You could only nod in response and looked at your lap. “I’m going to make this a regular thing, and of course, you and Mark could also hold activities of your own that all of us can do.”

“I’m guessing Mark will make us perform a song together, considering all of us play instruments,” you chuckled, remembering the times that he gathered everyone in the living room so each one can perform a song of their liking.

“I think so too,” you heard Johnny move closer to you, “and I wonder what’ll be yours?” When you looked up, he linked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Maybe eat,” you said matter-of-factly, making him laugh. You felt his abs as he did so, and you tried to move away, so you don’t completely become a flustered mess. He didn’t let you and tightened his hold.

“It’s all balanced then,” he kissed the top of your head before letting you go. “Our next session will be two days from now, so talk to Mark which one of you is in charge of tomorrow’s activity.” He helped you stand up, and in return, you helped him clean up today’s set-up. “I think I want to go first, I want us to eat something I haven’t eaten in ages…” you mumbled after packing away the last of gym equipment into its respective cabinet.

“Oh, is that so? But still, talk to Marky.” Johnny jerked his thumb toward the younger guy’s bedroom. “Yeah, I know. But thanks though for today.” You grinned, giving him two thumbs-up. “And thank you as well, my grumpy baby,” he messed your hair with his hands, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s feast.”

“Same here,” you laughed, now dashing toward Mark’s room. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Lee here.”



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4 years ago

Quarantine Series (Part IV)

Although this is the last one I’ve written for this series so far, that doesn’t mean it’s the end. I might write more if time allows and inspiration hits. 

Like with the previous installment, here’s a GIF (credits to this post from @jeongjaehyuns​) to let you know what this is going to be all about. You know your girl loves her North America-based boys! 

Quarantine Series (Part IV)

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: Johnny and Mark’s indoor camping V Live has got to be one of my favorite videos of them of all time. I think I watched it twice or thrice. Maybe I should watch it again. Anyway, enjoy this piece inspired by that cute and hilarious video. 

POV: 2nd person

Word count: 1,000+ words


Mark decided to set up a tent in the middle of the living room as one of your activities during this quarantine period. He also got Johnny’s foldable table, which he used to place some snacks. A wicker basket was nearby, hopefully containing more snacks and some drinks. There were also fairy lights strung around the tent to give it a cozy feel. In short, Mark did a great job of making a cute set-up.

“Nice work, Mark,” the elder guy remarked, eyeing the tent’s interiors. There were a lot of pillows inside along with three blankets, meaning each one of you won’t get cold and fight over one piece of fabric. “So, what are we going to do here?”

“Yeah, what’s the concept for today’s session?” You piped in, pushing Johnny gently so you could crawl inside the tent. He grunted at your action but let it slide when he saw how ecstatic you looked once you settled comfortably inside.

“Well…I don’t know. We could just chill and stuff?” The younger guy replied, scratching the back of his head. “Wait. I think I have some Legos…” He returned to his room to retrieve said toys.

“What are we, five?” You grumbled, looking at Johnny who seemed pleased with the idea. “Seriously, Youngho?”

“Hey! I bet you didn’t get to do them when you were young,” he scoffed, running a hand through his caramel locks. “You missed out a chunk of your childhood if you didn’t.”

“Oh yes, right, just like missing out on reading the Harry Potter series,” you muttered, looking at Mark return to the tent with boxes of Legos for you to create.

“This is all I have, and look! I have three sets for us to work on. Perfect! Now each of us will work on something,” he shook the boxes before handing one of each to you and your other housemate.

It took you an hour to finish yours, while the guys finished earlier. “This just proves that I really didn’t get to play with Legos when I was young,” you murmured, figuring out where to put the last block on the piece you were making. “Hey, let me help with you that…” Mark offered, which you accepted since it has been over two minutes that you’ve been struggling.

As he examined the piece you were working on, you spied Johnny holding in his laughter. You raised an eyebrow at him, and he responded by letting out his trademark cheeky laugh. “What’s so funny, John?” You put both hands on your hips and glared at him with all the annoyance you could muster.

“Oh baby, it’s just you’re so funny,” he said in between laughter, “your sisters were right. You are effortlessly funny.”

You tackled him on his side of the tent, and all of your Lego sculptures tumbled to the ground as Johnny accidentally kicked the bed table that all of them were on.

“Johnny hyung!” Mark whined, eyeing the mess he made. “Blame Essie! She made me do it!” He pointed at the girl who was playfully punching his forearms. “You’re such a bully sometimes!” She complained, punching his sides this time.

“Essie noona! I expected better from you,” the younger guy commented, now packing up all the Legos that were scattered on the floor. “But he’s laughing at me for no reason at all, Mark! How can I not get pissed off with that?” You pointed an accusatory finger toward the taller guy, who has now composed himself and looked at both of them seriously.

“Okay, Essie. Sorry about that,” Johnny said as monotonously as he could, “And Mark, now that our Legos have all collapsed, what do you suggest we do next?” His tone changed to a cheerful (yet sarcastic) one when he faced his hoobae.

“Do you want some drinks?” Mark suggested, who was standing outside the tent with the three boxes of Lego sets on his arms.

“Alcoholic or not?” Johnny pinched your side after asking the question. “Essie, don’t you have any concept of drinking alcohol at certain periods?” He hissed, pinching you again.

Although his pinches hurt, you ignored it and beamed sweetly at the person you were talking to. “Uh, I was thinking of making us hot chocolate,” he said.

“Sounds good to me!” You gave him a thumbs-up, which the guy beside you mirrored as well. “Then, hot chocolate it is,” Mark disappeared into his bedroom first before he went to the kitchen to prepare probably some Swiss Miss.

“Isn’t he such a great host?” You said, eyeing the younger guy’s movements from inside the tent. “Yeah, he is. A good kid too,” Johnny replied, grabbing one of the pillows first before lying down.

“Now I feel pressured on what to do when it’s my turn,” you looked at the guy beside you, who patted the space beside him. “Lie down with me,” he whispered, and you complied immediately.

“Don’t sweat it. Look at us, just hanging out inside a tent at the living room since we can’t go camping outside,” he shifted his position so you’ll have more space, “and after having some snacks, I think we’re just going to do whatever, you know?”

“It’s been a while since we bonded like this too…” you tilted your head to look at Johnny again, who surprised you by kissing your forehead. “I guess so? We haven’t had heart-to-heart talks. You two might have since you were together for the past few weeks, but the three of us? It’s been way too long.”

“I agree with that,” Mark’s booming voice startled you and Johnny. “Hey, here are your hot chocolates, which pair perfectly well with these tasty waffle biscuits,” he took out a huge red packet from the basket and placed it on the table. “Bon appetit, guys.”

After your simple snack, your host decided to just spend the rest of the day catching up with everyone. Mark was often out due to his projects, and whenever he returned from them, he was often sleeping and rarely got to talk to anyone of you. If he did, your conversations barely lasted five minutes before he had to head out or sleep.  

Although unfortunately, there’s a global pandemic right now, it was time for the overworked young man to catch up with rest and know what’s up with his beloved housemates whom he loved so dearly.



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4 years ago


I don’t know what’s up with the Tumblr app, but the whole content of this post got deleted when I posted it. Hence, I deleted it, and I’m starting all over again. I’m actually pissed about it if I’m being honest.

We’re going way back to my first writings, so you might be reading some of my Y/N stories in a few weeks. 

Here’s a piece that will put a wrench into Johnny, Essie, and Mark’s relationship. We’re getting somewhere, aren’t we? Before you get annoyed with me, enjoy a cute Johnny and Mark GIF first!


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: This story takes place before Johnny and Essie got together, and she hasn’t moved into his (and Mark’s) place yet. Read on to know how a simple trip to a restaurant become a tense situation. Oh, how I love to make tension so I could complicate the timeline! 

POV: 2nd person

Word count: 935 words

Warning: Italics are for thoughts, and italic and bold are for lyrics. I have also embedded the music video of the song mentioned below for your listening pleasure. 


You didn’t need to go to karaoke when you’re out with Johnny and Mark. The three of you always sang inside the car without any care for the world.

Since Mark was back from his trip abroad, it was time that the three of you catch up on life. The Korean-Canadian was Johnny’s housemate, and boy, was your best friend over the moon that his ‘younger bro’ was back.

You decided to eat at this Spanish restaurant that just opened, which already has rave reviews online. Since Johnny’s always game to try new restaurants and Mark was pretty much a guy you can easily tag along with, you orchestrated this trip before lunchtime. You didn’t want to fall in line, especially with these ‘grumpy old men’ you are bringing along.

Johnny was the designated driver, and as always, he assigned you the tunes for this excursion. Mark didn’t have any role since he was the guest of honor, so he hogged the back seat to himself.

Everything was going smoothly, with one of you singing or humming along to your playlist. When Yellowcard’s ‘Ocean Avenue’ played, Mark immediately sat up and began singing.

Sometimes, it’s best not to judge a person by what he listens to. You were sure that Mark only listens to hip-hop and rhythm-and-blues, but he surprised you once again by jamming to one of your pop-rock hits back in the day.

Johnny joined in as well, even headbanging a bit as he drove. Before you knew it, all of you were singing the chorus.

“If I can find you now, things would get better…we could leave this town and run forever…”

You and Johnny shared a knowing look since this was your jam during your middle school days. When you looked at Mark, you saw that he was so into the song. He was doing the air guitar, for Christ’s sake!

You couldn’t help but laugh and reached him. He took your hand with his and squeezed it, still singing his heart out.

Together, you sang the bridge part. “I remember the look in your eyes when I told you that this was goodbye…”

The two of you exchanged lines this time, realizing later on that the lyrics fit well with your scenario.

“You were beggin’ me not tonight, not here, not now,” you sang, which Mark replied with, “We're looking up at the same night sky, and keep pretendin' the sun will not rise…”

Then, together again: “We'll be together for one more night, somewhere, somehow…”

Your hands didn’t leave each other, and you sang the lines while looking at each other. Never mind that your position was uncomfortable; you were too focused on singing with Mark.

You didn’t notice that Johnny wasn’t singing along anymore or the fact that his knuckles were almost white from gripping the steering wheel.

When the chorus came again, that was the time you pulled away. You and Mark finished singing along still with the same energy. You peeked at your back and saw that he was imitating his Henry hyung by doing an air violin impression. You laughed again, covering your mouth with the hand that he held. It still felt warm.

You remembered the time that he dropped by your apartment a few months ago, singing your melancholic favorites. You shared a similar moment, hands touching and staring into each other. Although a few months have passed, you still don’t know how to describe your feelings for him.

After all, you were conflicted. You also love the man who’s willing to drive you anywhere and feed you whenever you’re hungry. He was beside you, and he was oddly silent as the next song played.

“Hey, Johnny. Are you okay?” You couldn’t help but ask despite knowing that he didn’t look like it.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he grumbled, eyes focused on the road ahead. This was the time you noticed his grip on the steering wheel, and you gently touched his shoulder. “No, you aren’t,” you said softly.

He took a deep breath first before he relaxed. One of his hands went limp beside him, which you took immediately. He looked at you funny as he drove with one hand.

“I’m not going to let this go until you are okay,” you pouted, squeezing the hand in your care.

He sighed in response and continued to drive in silence. Why could he be suddenly not okay?

When you took a glance at Mark at the back, he was absentmindedly scrolling through his phone and lip-syncing to the song playing.

You felt Johnny’s grip on your hand tighten, and that’s when it hit you. Is he jealous because I’m getting touchy with Mark?

Your eyes widened in realization, and you felt more confused about your situation.

Mark, who was seven years your junior, admitted that he has feelings for you.

You, on the other hand, were starting to fall in love with Johnny.

Although there were instances that your crushes on Taemin and Kai will resurface, it could never compare to your love for Youngho.

You didn’t want to lead on two men. You only want to end up with one.

You looked at Johnny again, who tried his best to look unaffected. You squeezed his hand and kissed it.

You are sure of who your feelings are for now.

Good thing the stoplight was on red or else he might’ve pulled the brakes sooner. He didn’t expect your action, and his cheeks and ears were red.

You gave him a small smile before letting go of his hand. The stoplight turned green now.



P.S. I got the title because I had 'Welcome to My Playground' playing in my head. And of course, that word came from Johnny's lines in the song.

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4 years ago

Cruel Game

Shaking things up with this brain fart because too much lovey-dovey can get on your nerves. Well, sometimes. Or is it just me? 

Anyway, I just want to share that I love any Jaehyun and Mark interactions. I like how chill both are, and let’s be honest – they give off frat boy vibes. 

I love this GIF of them – I feel the love, man! GIF is from this link.

Cruel Game

Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: Sharing that I love Jaehyun and Mark’s friendship is a clue to what you’ll be reading today, as the guys are fueled by their jealousy to get Essie’s heart. Say what?! Yes, I wrote this with the tensest timeline in mind, meaning it’s before Johnny and Essie got together and are getting real touchy with each other. 

POV: 3rd person 

Word count: 1,200 + words 

Warning: Italics are for thoughts and foreign terms. 


Jaehyun knew he lost when he saw the look Essie and Johnny shared during one of their hangouts.

The grey-haired heartthrob, along with Taeyong and Ten, decided to visit their friends Mark, Johnny, and Essie (who also happen to be housemates). It has been a while since Mark and Taeyong were in their respective apartments due to their hectic schedules, and it has been ages since all of them hung out with Ten.

He, Taeyong, and Johnny cooked while Ten, Mark, and Essie provided entertainment through singing with their respective instruments or dancing. The three men prepared a mix of both Korean and Japanese food, which delighted the only girl in the house. “It’s as if you know what I’m craving for!” She gushed, clapping her hands together in glee.

“Of course, I know what you like,” Jaehyun commented confidently with a wink, making her blush. His action was not lost on Johnny, who looked as if he could burn a hole on the back of his friend’s head. “Thank you, Jay!” Essie chirped before she nudged Ten to help her in setting the table.

Once that was set, everyone sat down and enjoyed their dinner. It was during this part of the evening that Jaehyun knew that Essie has made up her mind on whom she likes the most. It was not lost on him that he was one of the people who first knew of her crush on Johnny and other guys in their huge social circle. If he remembered correctly, the only ones from the group she told of were him and Ten.

He caught Johnny tapping her shoulder lightly to whisper something in her ear. He noticed the way she leaned immediately to his touch and giggled at the few words he said. They shared a look before they went back to eating.

If he was asked to describe the look they gave each other, it was one of sweet longing and understanding. In short, he was jealous that he wasn’t the one who received it.

Jaehyun tightened the grip on his utensils as he continued eating dinner, feeling his face heat up in anger. “Hey, hyung. You okay?” Mark asked, who was seated to his left. He nodded in response and gave a goofy smile to reassure him.

“But your ear is, like, all red,” Ten commented before eating a whole sushi. He touched his ear and felt that he was going to get burned with how hot it was. “Oh, maybe it must be the weather? Or the room’s a bit too warm,” he mumbled before focusing on his plate again.

“Did you say it’s too hot, Jay? I can adjust the temperature of the AC,” Essie offered, now standing up to go to where she placed the remote of the air conditioner. “Yeah, thanks dear,” he said softly, looking at her figure disappear into the living room.

“Hey, that’s not where the remote for the AC is, you dummy! It’s over here,” Johnny said, following the girl into the room she went to. The sight of his friend going to where his crush was made him massage his temples in silence, which then led him to lose his appetite.

“I don’t think you’re okay, hyung,” Mark whispered, moving his chair closer to the table. The sound it made turned heads, and all of them looked at the two guys. “What?” Jaehyun was irritated at the looks he got from Taeyong and Ten.

“Yeah, you don’t seem well, Yoon Oh. Do you need a break?” Taeyong said carefully since he didn’t want to irk his housemate. After all, they were going home the same way in the same car.

“I think so. I’ll just be outside,” Jaehyun muttered before going outside to the porch. Mark excused himself shortly afterward and went to where he was as well.

The two men observed the night scenery in silence – well, they could still hear the sound of cicadas chirping and clicking and their heavy breathing.

“What brings you here, Mark?” He started, folding his arms over his chest.

“I think I know what set you off,” the younger guy replied, moving closer to him.

“Oh, you think? Then humor me. Tell me what that is,” his tone was sarcastic, which Mark picked up and returned in his response.

“Don’t think you’re the only one who’s annoyed with Johnny and Essie making goo-goo eyes at each other.”

They looked at each other for a moment and burst into laughter afterward. “Hey, why are you annoyed with them? What did they do to you? Sucks that you have to endure that, eh?” Jaehyun took a seat on the bench, and Mark followed suit. “It’s not that they did anything to me, but I think…I like Essie noona more than, you know, as a sister figure.” The way his voice softened at the end made the older guy’s heart ache.

“Damn, Mark. I didn’t know you felt that way. I guess…you can say the same thing about me too,” he brushed his hair away from his face and looked out into the dark horizon again. “It’s not usual for me to be jealous, especially towards one of my best friends. But I can’t help it. I like Essie too, but I think she has made her decision on who she likes the most.”

“Huh? What does that mean?” Mark moved closer to his hyung, his eyes shining in anticipation with his next words.

Oh crap, this is bad. I shouldn’t have phrased it that way…he thought, running another hand through his hair.

“Let’s just say that Essie likes a lot of guys, and among them all, Johnny is the one she likes the best. And unfortunately, none of us made that list. Isn’t that sad?”

It took a moment for Mark to reply. “Maybe she wouldn’t tell us that if she liked us that way, you know? But maybe she likes one of us too, or heck, even just one of us aside from Johnny hyung. But who are we to compete with him?” He peeked inside and saw that he and Essie were arguing on the dinner table.

“Hey, be confident with yourself, Mark Lee. Suh Youngho isn’t the only handsome and talented guy in the room,” Jaehyun patted his friend’s back before sneaking a look on the commotion inside. He saw that Essie looked pissed, and Johnny was rolling his eyes at her.

“But they look like a fucking married couple already,” Mark mumbled, his eyes also focused on the two. “I think they’re meant for each other.”

“Don’t lose hope. Why don’t you try?” Both men returned to looking at the night sky. “You know, talking with you made me not give up on pursuing Essie. I felt that I have already lost. That sickeningly sweet look she and Youngho had earlier broke me, man. I swear to you,” the older guy admitted, his eyes now focused on his shoes.

“But that means we’ll be competing for her then,” the black-haired guy glanced at Jaehyun, who was now looking at him. “I still want to try, you know. Even if I know deep inside she might not accept my love.”

“That’s the spirit, I guess?” Jaehyun chuckled, slinging an arm around Mark’s shoulder. “May the best man win then.”

“Good luck to us, hyung. I mean it.”



P.S. The title came from ‘Sit Down’ as it suddenly played in my head the moment I saved the initial draft. Of course, how can I forget Jaehyun’s lines and his competitive spirit? 

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4 years ago
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4 years ago

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