Ghiaccio Jjba - Tumblr Posts

purple man and pissy ice man lol

Ghiaccio sketch ( ̄ω ̄) god help me I dont know how to draw men. Also while looking at references it looks like he's wearing a skintight suit?? Though I guess thats just how people in part 5 look (; ̄Д ̄) I'll probably draw mikitaka some other time, since I really like him (>m<)
Lol usually my sketches are a lot more colorful but I painted over it so that it wouldn't be so eyebleeding

Yippee more progress with ghiaccio ( ̄ω ̄) Im kinda going with the flow with how im doing this lol idk how im gonna finish it

Hmm, ive been messing with tone curve and filters and whatnot, but idk which one i prefer
For the record, the right one is the original


@uminozerol your kinky hubby 🥴
Gelato is a preatty funny fella 👻
Ghiaccio general headcanons

Author's Note: As I stated earlier, it's my birthday and I want to make it everyone's problem so I decided to drop some random headcanons. Some might be off but cope with it. Hope you'll enjoy it! Gif is not mine, I'm thanking the owner for it.
Romantic headcanons are here.
- Ghiaccio thinks and feels a lot and it makes him less present sometimes. His thoughts and reactions get him distracted from the original plan or idea. This happens a lot especially when he's angry. He needs to vent or lash out first to get back to what he was initially doing. It all feels too much for him sometimes.
- Ghiaccio honestly hates that his hands are feet are always cold. At first, it wasn't such a big problem but in time as he repeatedly used White Album a little more recklessly, that cold feeling stopped going away after a while. He got used to it but that doesn't mean it's comfortable.
- This is only one of the reasons why he is drawn to warmth. Not only to coziness but to affectionate people. Even if no one can tell this, he craves it, as much as he denies it. And exactly because he looks annoyed and done with everyone, many avoid him so of course some warmth and affection does good to him.
- So of course he's a fan of temperature play. It's all about the reactions he gets and the feeling of his cold hands touching something warm. (ik I've said this before but I can't get enough of it)
- He's just as skilled with the computer as Melone. Ghiaccio is seen quite often with his laptop at the base but doesn't flex with it, even if at this point, he has lost count of how many problems he fixed on each teammate's device. You won't believe how many cursed things he has accidentally seen in their web history.
- About other abilities and knowledge he possesses, Ghiaccio knows a lot about science. Not because his Stand abilities require knowing some basic science but because he was passionate about it before joining the mafia. His outfit is a hint of this, the white buttoned-up blouse being an example of that lab aesthetic, sort of.
- His scent resembles the smell that's in the air after a rain. It's mainly because of his cryokinesis, freezing and defrefreezing the air around him. It makes him smell like something aquatic, ozonic, musky and slightly citric. (something like Maison Margiela - When the Rain Stops or Demeter - Thunderstorm or Demeter - Rain)
- Because he is intense, not many take him seriously and this frustrates him further more and so this vicious cycle goes on. Is more than impressed when someone truly listens to whatever he has to say without jumping to the conclusion that he's just exaggerating.
- Deeply, very deeply, he's a bit shy but he always disguises it well. He's not that open to meeting new people at first. And he gets flustered when someone can read him and looks away frustrated.
- He's determined to get La Squadra the respect it deserves because he cares about this team as he cares about his family because that's exactly what this is for him. He won't say it but even so, it's very clear from his actions.
- Ghiaccio is greedy and ambitious. He wants it all, and he is always willing to go the extra mile for what he wants.
- Despite his overpowered Stand ability, Ghiaccio often feels like the underdog of the team. Overworked, underpaid, and not respected as much as he wishes.
- His demeanor is softer when he's tired, in the morning, or after intercourse. Everyone is shocked not just by his demeanor but by how his voice sounds when he's calm.
- Likes to exhaust his targets before finishing them quickly. He thinks it's more effective but also intimidating. If you are his target, it all starts with a chill and a shiver down your spine before it gets colder around you, then freezing and soon you won't even know what hit you.
- When he uses White Album's abilities without his full-body suit on, you can notice tiny snowflakes stuck in his blue curly curls and a bit of rime ice on his high cheekbones.
- His Stand's name is indeed linked to The Beatles but he often listens to Daft Punk when driving, but not their most popular songs. Check out the songs "Robot Rock" (link) and "Giorgio by Moroder" (link) and imagine him driving fast in the middle of the night, closer and closer to his target with these songs playing. He needs music with little to no lyrics to focus (I am very biased here sorry not sorry).
- Balance is important in ice skating so his upper body might get tense often to the point of having a slight chronic pain in his back. It's not bad but it's bothersome at the end of the day if he abused the power of White Album. He's taller than it seems because of his slightly bent knees, it helps with the balance when he's on ice. However, he has the strongest legs in La Squadra because of it and no one has ever seen him lose his balance and stumble.
Neko Ghiaccio! I drew this in September I think :)

~☆My General La Squadra Headcanons☆~
Part 2
ft. Melone, Ghiaccio, Illuso~♡
part 1 already posted!☆
♡ 22 years old.
♡ Natural blonde. He dyed his hair because he got bored of its unnecessarily pale color. At first he wanted red, but when he saw the unique purple of the conditioner next to the shade of his face, he immediately changed his mind.
♡ No, he is NOT hupersexual, and I've had enough of people thinking he is. Do your research before diagnosing a character with something so severe.
♡ What his 'hypersexuality' actually is, is literally just the effects of having a fetish. I would know. Plus it's very obvious from the anime/manga anyways. I can explain the difference in another post if you want me to. I'd be happy to inform you guys :)
♡ he is, however, a big fan of seuxual humor (same lmao)
♡ His favorite bands are Mindless Self Indulgence, Pink Pantheress, Lady GaGa (his absolute idol), Jason Derulo and 100% unironically, too.
♡ His style is very androgynous. As clear from his uniform, he likes to show his torso quite a bit. NO IT'S NOT CAUSE HE'S GAY. It's just a style he feels comfortable in. It has nothing to do with impressing strangers or team members lest he'd not have any time for mafia work. Again i can make an analysis on him some other time.
♡ Avid city boy!! Lives for the crowds and large friend groups. Needless to say, he's the happiest when in a bar with the team playing poker and cracking up jokes.
♡ Actually the most genuinely, wholesomely affectionate one.
♡ His favorite foods are contradictory in texture. He loves chewy with crunchy, like rice with almonds, liquid with solid like tomato soup and baked bread...etc
♡ He's actually very self conscious when it comes to his love life because it's very rare you find someone with very odd fetishes like him. Plus, he's very awkward overall. His posture says enough (i love his posture though its so endearing 🥺)
♡ It's not that he needs to live up to his queer identity of a twink androgynous male, even though he's nailing it, it's just that his metabolism is unbelievably high. He's tried everything, believe me.
♡ Like Risotto, he's a very good father figure.
☆ 22 years old. Him being the same age as Melone is one of the main reasons they're so close. The second is that they're both the youngest members of the team.
☆ His favorite bands are Arctic Monkeys, The neighborhood, a few songs from Gorillaz, and his second favorite song from The White Album is Oobla-di! (I actually was so happy to find out he loves the Beatles ajebnsnss)
☆ Was a figure skater in the works for quite a big portion of his life, but then he was put on the Olympics and found he greatly enjoys the competitive feel. He has 12 trophies and 20 medals from many competitions he's joined since he was 9.
☆ His style is mostly casual, but definitely not bland. His favorite articles of clothing are his abundance of black high-necks. He likes to wear fake piercings and a few rings if he's trying to spazz himself up a bit.
☆ His favorite foods are soft foods. He likes anything that can be eaten with his hands, or won't be a hassle to take along with him if he's in a rush. He also loves cold drinks and flavored teas a lot (he even buys them in winter)
☆ Cannot survive summer. Sunburns EVERYWHERE. He has a huge stash of sunscreens of different spf for different settings too. His skin is so sensitive, it gets ashy by the end of of day.
☆ Is never cold, and because of his stand, he doesn't get sick...often. When he does however, it's usually seasonal fever. It's the biggest downside of having his stand.
☆ Risotto helps him get better
☆ He's actually very soft-hearted despite his anger-driven bursts. When he's with the people he trusts the most (especially Melone) he's extremely tame, in behaviour and speech. He doesn't swear as much, and the team appreciates those days a lot. But hell if they'll ever let a day pass without Ghiaccio screaming at them. It's not him!
☆ Has ended up asleep on his teammates laps on so many occasions. Especially after a long mission. He uses up a pity-provoking amount of bodily and spiritual energy that by the end of the day he'd just want to flunk on the neatest surface and catch a few Zs. Of course, seeing as this is a wonderful opportunity for his team to finally see him calm, they tease him to the max!
♧ 27 years old.
♧ Don't ask him for his hair routine. He doesn't know. He boasts about its natural perfection so much too-
♧ Curses his height sometimes. It prevents him from gaining a proper amount of muscle, but of course as his body works, he can't really do anything about it. This is mostly he wears his padded outfit, to appear more large. Be does appreciate the broadness of his shoulders though.
☆ His favorite musicians are Prince, Bruno Mars, Elvis and The Weather Girls. He relates to all of them in terms of self-worth.
☆ Too bad he sucks ass at self-care though.
☆ He eats the unhealthiest junk ever. His favorite fast food chain is Subways (you are what you eat ig but that's a topic for later) He also drinks a lot of soda. It's a miracle he hasn't developed osteoporosis by now.
☆ His style is as funky as Formaggio,almost the same thing too. He lives for black cargo pants and chains, but he's very big on all-black clothes that include long coats. It compliments his lanky figure. Loves to match everything with Demonias or Doc Martens. Has a large selection of rings, fake piercings and hand chains. Very show-offy.
☆ Surprisingly the most blasphemous person in the gang. Yes, even more than Melone. Despite Melone being shameless of his peculiar likings, he'd never be immature enough to speak about it out loud, unlike Illuso. He says things like "that's his steaming hot cum sock" to Prosciutto when he asks about someone's discarded clothes.
☆ The shittiest person ever don't talk to him. 💀
JJBA high-school AU part 2
Here is the introduction sheet for Prosciutto!! He's gonna have a very important role in the storyline <3<3

PS: you can read the story on Wattpad, it's called (Soft like Cotton, As Sharp as Blades)
@/ PNNCL_PPS is my username :)
I'll also be publishing the second chapter tomorrow!!