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5 months ago

Why I still miss Julie e os Fantasmas

It is very interesting to watch the fandom Julie and the Phantoms (Netflix). They're so desperately waiting for the second season four years after the release of the first one. I even came across YouTube Shorts where someone from the cast said that they'd like to return to the project. But do you know who else probably would be happy to return to their series? The actors of the original.

Firstly, in 2021 there were rumors that a full-length film with old actors would be released.

Secondly, I was struck by: a) the interest with which Bruno Sigrist (aka Daniel) watched the remake trailer. I'd also watch his reaction to the first episode, but the problem is that there're no subtitles; b) in 2015 and 2020 (online, respectively), Bruno and Mariana (Julie) had reunions on YouTube. I absolutely don’t understand their language, but shipper feels the content on an international level... Okay, these are all the people from the comments, they ship them too.

Thirdly, the two castes know each other personally, and that's nice.

But I'm still not going to watch the remake. Why? The difference is in the details. If you look at the main actors, some questions arise. Everything is too much in Netflix... smooth. Yes, these are still the words of a kdrama fan, but listen to the rest. When I look at Daniel, Felix and Martim, I believe they could have been a band sometime in the eighties. I believe that Felix, being a drummer, was always careful, and Martim (bassist), on the contrary, flirted with everyone... There was a headcanon that he was once interested in Julie, but quickly backed off out of respect for Daniel. I believe that Daniel was an ideological inspirer during his lifetime, who sought to promote their music. He sees Julie as the same single-minded girl (albeit with a primary stage fright).

Now let's take a look at the facts about the remake. Julie loved to play here before her mother died. She is played by a real sixteen-year-old girl. Her and Luke (alt!Daniel) chemistry is noticeable to everyone at performances.

Now Luke. He's a choleric. A sensitive songwriter, regrets that he never reconciled with his parents, is consistently encouraging and gentle towards his bandmates, and is the character who cries the most on screen. He's responsible for a decent part of the fanservice due to the musculature. A fairly open wardrobe.

Alex. Melancholic. He downplays his achievements compared to the rest of the band, and lacks confidence in unfamiliar situations.

Reggie. The bass player. In general, he is very similar to Martim, there is nothing to add.

From the good news, I note that they decided to write about the guys more. They added problems with their parents (Kenny Ortega brought Disney with him). The latter is a dubious plus, because although it reveals the past, it's a cliche. You may remember Casper or Melchior (Binny und der Geist)... Okay, it's similar to Casper, I'm being picky. But to Melchior's credit, I'll say that the search for the clock and the solution to the messages of his parents is his unfinished business.

And now specifically. They believes that it was a good idea to "skip" the dark part of Daniel's character and leave him Austin Moon at maximum. Why is there such an analogy? Btw, I really love Austin Moon. Austin wears closed clothes for most of the series, undressing either for gags or for beach episodes. Austin is also considered a "golden retriever." And the most obvious thing is that they are both vocalists and guitarists.

Somewhere around here, people may want to say, "But, Lira, we love good boys." They also love love/hate, btw, hello to Dramione. I'm sorry for the possible aggression, I just really don't understand two things.

1) The situation with dislike for Daniel's character makes me pat Bruno Sigrist on the head. The man, by the way, was very optimistic about the remake of the series, where he once starred, and was glad that this idea would be released on Netflix... And here it is, the backlash. You won't be nice by force, but I'm sincerely offended for him. Yes, he doesn't have the most typical beautiful appearance (unlike Charles Gillepsey, who played Luke), although I like it, but he has amazing charisma and a pleasant voice. In addition, it seems to refer to the situation with the Ninth and Tenth Doctors. Some seriously skip the first one in favor of a more comely and younger Tennant. I categorically condemn it.

2) Is it Julie and Daniel love/hate? Seriously? Yes, they have a primary natural rivalry for the position of leader, but it's never hatred. If Daniel had really hated Julie at least at first, he wouldn't have spied on Nick for the sake of returning the girl to the group and, moreover, lying so as not to hurt her feelings. Yes, he fidgets and often responds with sarcasm, but Julie isn't far behind. Moreover, the transition to the gentle side doesn't look abrupt — you believe in it.

Dramas with families. Well, I have nothing to hide here. It's a good background. Except that for some reason it's believed that adding the death of Julie's mother takes the series away from the "typical teen drama." No, it adds an extra resemblance to Casper. And no matter how much I love the appearance of Casper the human (Devon Sawa, my respects), this similarity doesn't make it better.

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5 months ago

There are too many ghost/human pairings in my life...


This is a very Beetlebabes-centric post, so if you don’t like the ship, please feel free to scroll away. <3


Beetlejuice cut Delores’ ring finger off, and while it was originally a fun joke in the first movie, there’s deep implications about that action when we look at it with the context of the second film. Beetlejuice attacked her after she betrayed him. Anyone would want to kill the person that poisoned them, but the fact that he took the time to find her finger and deliberately cut her ring finger off (and ONLY that finger) reflects how much that marriage meant to him. It also symbolizes that he’s effectively dissolving their marriage. He’s cut off the physical representation of their love and taken the ring, which he tries to give to Lydia hundreds of years later. He held onto that ring for centuries in hopes of finding someone he deemed worthy of it.

He calls his dynamic with Lydia a long-distance relationship, which could’ve been a throwaway joke if not for the fact that when he clearly notices how hot Janet is, he never talks to her or gropes her like he did with Barbara prior to meeting Lydia. Keaton said BJ wouldn’t be politically correct, so this isn’t to reflect the current political climate, but rather to reflect BJ’s motivations.

Beetlejuice was jobless at the start of the first movie, and in thirty years he’s built a company for his bio-exorcisms. Coupled with the picture of Lydia on his desk, it’s possible he did this to impress her. After all, she’s famous and rich now. BJ’s gotta step it up, y’know?

Probably overheard the convo between Lydia and Rory and deliberately bugged her at that time, because if he can possess the phone or whatever, he can probably use it to eavesdrop. This can be further supported by how he got rid of the influencers but kept the people that mattered to Lydia present—Delia and Astrid.

We can also assume he overheard the conversation where Lydia said that Rory loves her and that has to be enough because of the panning to a gravestone. BJ has a special fascination with graveyards, even tiny model ones. If he did overhear them, it explains why he used the truth serum on Rory. He’s testing him. He wants to see if this guy actually loves Lydia or if he’s using her, and then he gives Lydia the means to exact revenge on Rory rather than doing anything himself.

Lydia spends half the movie being strong -armed into a marriage with Rory, and in a way, it’s reminiscent of the first movie’s marriage attempt. Rory dangles their “love” in front of her like a carrot, and if she doesn’t want to be alone, she has to accept his manipulation and agree to get married. Yet she immediately offers it to Beetlejuice, only sounding annoyed rather than terrified. And the movie spends a lot of time proving that BJ has sincere motives this time around, whereas Rory doesn’t. It pushes an underlying message that if one of these guys is going to be a better choice, it’ll be BJ.

Despite Lydia having a tendency to back out of their deals, he still helps her first. He prioritizes saving Astrid even before finding his “runaway bride” again.

Casually calls Lydia the love of his life, looks so sincere when he says he’ll make her so happy. Clearly spent those 30 years planning that dream-dance sequence.

He doesn’t seem to care that Lydia’s sending him away. That coupled with the end scene illustrates how confident he is this time around. Lydia is still stuck with him, and even if he didn’t get her this time, he will eventually. But he also knows how spooked she is by marriage after being a snoop, so it’s possible that he’s just taking it slow on purpose.

In conclusion: Beetlejuice genuinely does want to be with Lydia and care about her. His feelings have evolved beyond permanent residence in the mortal world. If anything, if he still wants that, it’s so he can be by her side.

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5 months ago

I love the ending of "Binny und der Geist"

This is a great scene. All the clocks are in place, the villains are defeated, there's a great soundtrack in the background, Melchior has become a human, and Binny now has to explain to her parents what kind of boy will be living in their house...

But I'm always so upset that they didn't show the rest of the adventures. And I don’t quite understand what kind of relationship Binny and Melchior have in the end. Merle said that these two are like brother and sister, but I don't believe it. All these looks, jokes... Melchior was too obviously jealous. And the combination of different periods of life in the pairing itself looked very interesting. Although I really like "Julie e Os Fantasmas" where ghosts can touch people, I am also happy with this option. However, it's still a thousand times better than the ending of "Casper".

Why did Casper and Kat have a kiss, but Binny and Melchior didn't?..

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5 months ago

Watched episode 3 of "Julie e Os Fantasmas" today (thanks again @girlstuffnorp for the subtitles!!). It's so funny how Brazilian Portuguese sounds like my native language, but I still don't understand it. The more I watch and automatically repeat certain words, the more I sound like... a native speaker?

Also I really love this episode. There are so many storylines intertwined. The boys want to get back into performing in public => Julie has trouble writing lyrics => she and Bia fight because the boys, scared of SP, don't want to reveal their existence => Daniel goes to a concert => Daniel advises Julie to make peace with Bia => the boys show up for her and Pedro => they all organize aperformance on stage.

I was a little surprised to see the opinion that Julie and Daniel started out hating each other. Even in this episode, it's pretty clear that they didn't. Daniel snorts at her way of writing but he keeps playing. Julie wants the boys to show up for Bia because she doesn't want to hide anything from her best friend? Daniel gives in because it's important to Julie, even when he's threatened by SP. I really love that dynamic. I also love that Martim and Félix didn't throw away Julie's stuff. I miss their interactions in the later episodes. They could have been like big brothers to Julie and Pedro.

Watched Episode 3 Of "Julie E Os Fantasmas" Today (thanks Again @girlstuffnorp For The Subtitles!!).
Watched Episode 3 Of "Julie E Os Fantasmas" Today (thanks Again @girlstuffnorp For The Subtitles!!).

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4 months ago

Now I suddenly remembered that in "Julie and the Phantoms" there are three actors from "Descendants": Jadah Marie (Flynn/Celia), Booboo Stewart (Willie/Jay) and Cheyenne Jackson (Caleb/Hades). What am I getting at?

I had a feeling that someone was missing. I'm currently rewatching the "Julie e Os Fantasmas" episodes (still infinitely grateful to the authors of the English subtitles) and mentally comparing the two series. Yes, I still love Daniel more than Luke, but I decided to think about it more. Daniel, or rather Bruno Sigrist, has brown eyes and black curly hair. Cameron Boyce also has brown eyes and black curly hair. Yes, I thought it would be interesting if he played Daniel (if the character hadn't changed in the remake)! I'm sure he could have played up both the sarcasm and the tenderness towards Julie in a stunning way.

Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":

For some reason I also thought that Luke could have been played by Mitchell Hope or Ross Lynch. Not so much because of appearance, but because of character.

Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":
Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":
Now I Suddenly Remembered That In "Julie And The Phantoms" There Are Three Actors From "Descendants":

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