Kaia Nieves - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Wayward sisters

Claire writing mr werewolf on the package was hilarious and she was a total badass when she shot the girl werewolf behind her.

Just the "Sam and dean are on a hunting trip and we haven't heard from them in a few days" part

Okay just Jody being the Bobby to the girls, and the "I can't loose another child" was heartbreaking.

Patience being brave and killing her first monster, go girl!

"I just killed a monster" "Welcome to the family."

Alex just being awesome. Like what's under the mask. *Snaps glove on* let's find out. I mean, how badass is that!

And DONNA!! Who knows how to work a flamethrower? I don't but I'll figure it out because who doesn't want to shoot a flamethrower?

Kaia asking why she had all those weapons and Donna going oh I'm from minosota. I died. Her going "oh there ya are" with a smile when she sees the other monster:

Kaia was portrayed amazing. I loved how she called jack the cocaine kid when the angels asked about him. I laughed for a full minute.

Kaia showing someone who's scared and a runaway was so accurately portrayed. And how she called it the bad place just really hit me.

At first I shipped Kaia and Jack a bit but then I saw her and Claire interact and I was like fuck that Kaia and Claire!

Kaia gaping at Claire when she fought the monster like that's the moment she started crushing on our BIKER BARBIE!!!

Them showing each other the scars was so beautiful and when Kaia put her hand on Claire arm and Claire actually calmed down, that doesn't happen, Claire don't do calm, but she do calm for Kaia.

And I'LL GO WITH YOU!!! Oh my chuck the parallels are killing me! And Kaia technically isn't dead. Right? I shipped it so hard and then of course she had to get stabbed.

Kaia reaches for Claire's hand as she's dying. Claire's breakdown in jody's arms. I'm sobbing in the shower, ugly sobbing. They were crushing on each other and gay and rainbow-y And now Kaia kinda dead but not dead

Why supernatural! Why? You know I shouldn't known better but I had hope, then it was crushed, then it was brought back again but only a little bit.

I have no idea what's up with darts Kaia but I hope this somehow means by lesbian ship can still happen. They better bring her back dammit

Also "I am the fire" is all I'm going to be listening to for the next month.

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7 years ago

So I was entertained by the idea of Claire and Kaya together but this just got me. That's it. I'm gonna ship it.


1. I Cant Stop Thinking About This Wayward Sisters Cast Photo. 2. The Tags On This Post Kill Me. And
1. I Cant Stop Thinking About This Wayward Sisters Cast Photo. 2. The Tags On This Post Kill Me. And

1. I can’t stop thinking about this wayward sisters cast photo. 2. The tags on this post kill me. And 3. HELP this episode hasn’t even aired and I’m setting sail.

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4 years ago

Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day from some of my favorite Supernatural women! <3

Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!
Happy International Womens Day!

To all the women out there: stay strong, stay awesome, and know your worth. <3

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I ship it and I'm proud

I'm sorry but I ship Kaia and Claire from supernatural ok even though they had like 2 moments together I ship it and I'm not ashamed of it.# Caia or Klaire

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3 years ago

Wayward Sisters

It's a woman's world, so to speak

Wayward Sisters

Pu**y, you sour

Wayward Sisters

Never givin' credit where it's due 'cause you don't like pu**y in power

Wayward Sisters


Wayward Sisters


Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters

Jody Mills, Alex Jones, Donna Hanscum, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner

Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters
Wayward Sisters

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