Kaigaku - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
I Dont Usually Post School Doodles But Here Ya Go
I Dont Usually Post School Doodles But Here Ya Go

i dont usually post school doodles but here ya go

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5 months ago

Guess who just received a letter saying his brother accidentally exploded one of the rooms because of a cauldron mishap?

Guess Who Just Received A Letter Saying His Brother Accidentally Exploded One Of The Rooms Because Of
Guess Who Just Received A Letter Saying His Brother Accidentally Exploded One Of The Rooms Because Of

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5 months ago
Omg It's Kaigaku

omg It's Kaigaku

I made this on May of this year

how I love when my artstyle changes everytime :sob:

Tags :
7 months ago

[Doma slowly snapped his neck back a bit, looking up at the red shining crimson eyes emitting from Muzan Jackson. He have gotten a bit taller to look down upon Doma.. He crossed his arms with disappointment... Kokushibo stepped back a bit, Unsheathing his sword to shield himself in case of any other large possibility attacks committed from the demon king..]

Doma: "Oh!! Michael Jackson, I didn't see you there!! Apologies if any misheard words have came out of my mouth.. I'm sure that what I said didn't offend you at all.... Right.... Right?"

Muzan: *Sigh* "Doma, you have 10 seconds to get out of my sight before I obliterate your crotch and stomach. Before throwing you to a meat grinder and serve you to a sushi restaurant down the street."

Doma: "Oh no-"


Doma: "UAHHHH!!!!"


Kokushibo: "You better run for it..."







Akaza: "What on earth-"



Koyuki: *Cough* "Why am I hearing a countdown???"

Akaza: "Ughhh.. Not this again.. Wait here my dear, and make sure you hide.. I don't want you to get hurt again."

[Mister upper moon three opened the front door to his inheritable, loving dojo. He looked up at the large office building that was not far from him. One window was smashed opened, A prince with blonde hair and robes was freefalling on to the pavements below. Akaza cringed a bit. Shaking his head while closing the door behind him. He felt bad for him and his wife to be put up with them once more.. Even if hell would be good without them...]

Kokushibo: "You okay my lord?"

Muzan: *Panting* "What do you need from me Kokushibo... It better not be another case of me sorting out your fucking Nichirin or taking you to therapy?!?!"

[He glared at number one. Whom was slowly pulling out a large ticket from his pockets . Kokushibo wasn't as phased of his death stare, Unlike those who have the lower ranks than him.. He blinked his 6 eyes to erase the fear from him. This somehow changed his mood to the slightest.. Now he was interested with what Kokushibo has to say to himself.. Not an apology or any commands.. But a sign of a free getaway from all the bullshit that he has to go through.]

Kokushibo: "Manage to gain a hold of this before it was sold out sir... So?"

Muzan: "....I'm curious... What is it that your waving at me with enthusiasm.. That's totally not like you."

Kokushibo: "Well. Due to what we have to deal with all the time. I thought that it would be fair for us and our friends to take part in a whole day trip to mount Hellbeast. A nice relaxing journey to soothe away the stress and grudge from your mind, My lord."

Muzan: ".... Come to think of it.. I don't mind spending time outside this ghastly heck of a city.. And see what else hell have to offer.. Nice thinking Kokushibo. No wonder why your my favorite-"

Akaza: "I HEARD THAT!!!!!!"

Muzan and Kokushibo: "Huh?"

[Upper rank three manage to fulfil his desire by making a dramatic entrance to them.. Koyuki got of from his shoulders, holding a basket of Gooding's for them. She heard the news, she was please for all of them to ease their minds by relaxation. Akaza was also holding Doma by the head.. It shows that he had gave him a brutal beating to the point his identity was hard to be known.]

[But all entertainment has to slide by his quick regeneration and approval that drove Akaza into pure irritation.]

Akaza: "You saying rubbish behind my back again Lord Muzan!!"

Muzan: "...No?"

Kokushibo: "What are you doing here.. And why did you drag in that disgrace to our priority?"


Doma: ":)"

Akaza: "And what are you even doing??"

Muzan: "Well. Mister Obvious... Koko right here has introduce me to something new and enjoyable to do!"

Akaza: "Lemme guess. A one way ticket to the doctors?"


[Akaza was displease by what Muzan had to say about the trip. He rolled his eyes and let his tongue slide down his mouth. Koyuki made a small yet adoring gasp. Kokushibo was behind Muzan, tempting for Akaza to join in by waving the large ticket around. This didn't seem to work once Akaza quickly decline the deal... To their surprise.. Muzan on the other hand snapped his own fingers in anger when he realize that he had to convince him once again.]

Muzan: "Akaza......"

Akaza: "Don't force me Muzan.. There's no way in hell that I will join with you and the others on a stupid trip to some tall ass mountain!! And you don't have to plead me to go either.. I said what i need to say.. So suck it up!"

Muzan: "Akaza... I swear to Jesus almighty, if you don't join in on this Kizuki trip to Mount Hellbeast. I WILL POINT MY FREAKING FINGER AND REPEAT YOUR NAME MANY TIMES UNTIL YOU SPIT OUT BLOOD FROM YOUR INSIDES!!"

Akaza: *Ptsd* "!!!!"

Koyuki: *Coughs* "I-I think it's best you join them my dear.. Don't worry about me.. I'll be fine.."

Akaza: "You sure... You still Havnt had your medicine yet.. I don't want you to forget about your 4 hour schedule of taking them each time.. I also don't want you to go overdose on it..."

Koyuki: *Cough* "I promise.. Just go and have fun.. I'll make you some onigiri when I have time!"

Akaza: "...Very well then.. It seems you win once again Muzan.. But next time I wont do anymore of your baloney!!"

Muzan: "Thats what I like to hear.. Now.. Shall you three go and get the others while I get the truck all ready?"

Doma: "You have a truck??"

Muzan: "Of course I do.. How else do I get around this realm instead of using all of my Agility?"

Kokushibo: "If that's what you want us to do my Lord.. Then I'll kindly deliver my apprentice to you."

Doma: "Ill get Gyokko and the Cabbage hair and queenie again!"

Akaza: "..... Guess I'm left with the Hantengu clones... I just hope it wont be as hard as before to convince them to join us again.. I haven't forgotten all about the previous day when we were all together, the anger emotion showing more than violent to his brothers... Maybe he had calm down.. But since he resembles rage.. It wouldn't be likely..."

[Doma was up first to gather the artist from his shack. Gyokko didn't forget about the downfall of one of his art project caused by the clumsy worshipper. When the snake baby arms saw the shadows of Doma appearing underneath his door, he made sure he kept quiet when the true demon pleaded for him to response and to show his true intention by making himself known.]

Doma: "Gyokko-Dono!!"

Gyokko: (Ah crap! Why now.. Why out of all people... If he knows I'm here, then all of my day will be gone to waste!! Got to shut off my thoughts.. Maybe he will go away...)

Doma: "Gyokko!!! Mister Muzan needs ya!!"

Gyokko: (Nice try dumbass... But I ain't fooling to one of your tricks again!!... I hope what he said was a lie.. I ain't having my self be scolded by Muzan...)

[He waited for a response.. Doma was still behind that door, not letting himself be given up by quietness... He pulled out his Japanese's war fans, shimmering with tinted gold. He casted out one of his blood demon arts.. Cyrokinesis form of Barren Hanging Garden. Gyokko quickly sank right into his vase to evade the incoming door pieces being thrown at him.]

Doma: "There you are Gyokko! Come on then, There's no time to waste! Were going on a special trip as a rewards for all of my good behavior!"


Doma: "And???"

Gyokko: "It isn't nice to drag an artist away from concentrating his next big project!!"

Doma: "You weren't doing anything that seems fun for my liking.. By the way, Muzan wanted us to meet him at his office place. Somehow he got himself a truck that he likely stole. How sweet and admiring of him to show us that he cares!"

Gyokko: "... I don't believe that..."

[Akaza was loosing Patience of himself. His now responsibility of bringing the emotions into Muzan's favor was now in his hands... Upon entering their location. He immediately saw one of them took flight. Urogi was showing of his summersault by airdropping towards the ground, He barely missed the ground by a few inches. Karaku was the only one who cheered for his accomplishment. Sekido was covering his face out of embarrassment, Aizetsu sat on one of the branches to spectate them. Unaware about Akaza's presence behind his back..]

[The cold aura breezes down his neck. He felt like that there was gonna be a threat coming his way. With no moment to spare, Aizetsu quickly pulled out his Yari spear, Shifting his motions around to point it at the upper moon three. The spear poking his hard armor skin, He didn't react to this. Instead Akaza gave him a firm warning.]

Akaza: "You wouldn't be taunting a powerful demon if I were you... I could wear you down before finishing you off with a tasteful blow.."

Aizetsu: "A-Akaza?!?!"

Sekido: "AKAZA?!?!?!?!"

Karaku: "Basketball man?!?!"


Akaza: "......."

[Akaza gave out the most heart gutting glare at the four, Mainly at the emotions of Pleasure and Joy. He inhaled the scorching air into his throat. Calming himself down by a quick thinking meditation. He stopped. Slamming his foot down which creates a aura shape of a snowflake around him. He was triggered by the nicknames he was given... It wasn't his fault that they gave him the blue tattoos that shows his crimes.]






Aizetsu: "EEEEEKKK!!!"

Akaza: "Technique Development..."

Sekido: "Ah, shi-"

Urogi: "Uh oh.. He's gonna use his stronger one... Isn't he."

Aizetsu: "Seems like it..."

Akaza: "Destructive death: Compass needle!!"

[Karaku cracked his neck, Pulling out his leaf shape Uchiwa fan. He got himself prepared for a deathly confrontation. Akaza smirked, charging straight towards the desperate of depravity. The three brothers had to bare and watch one of them getting his ass beaten by a Slam dunking donut maker. Karaku barely survived the whole ordeal.]

Sekido: "That's what you get... Retard.... I deeply apologies about him Upper rank three!"

Akaza: "Hmph..."

Aizetsu: "Wait.. Didn't you agreed with what Karaku said, Urogi?"

Akaza: "........."


Sekido: "Oh no you won't!!"

[The red emotion of anger grabbed Urogi by the ankle just as he was about to make his getaway. He mustered up his strength to Slam him back to the ground, the joy emotions could make pleading bird noises to not suffer the same catastrophe injuries than Karaku.]


Akaza: ".... I hate it when demons shows their weaknesses.. But because its a upper rank like you.. I won't hesitate to rip out your hideous wings if you say something about me again."

Urogi: "A deal is a deal....."

Sekido:" Whatever.. Let's just move on with the topic... What brings you here in the first place???"

Akaza: "One word to describe it.... Muzan."

Karaku: "...... Fuck.... Not again.."

[Kaigaku put his katana back into its hold.. He closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it before heading to after heeding the call from his teacher.. He was curious and desperate to see what he is needed for.. Hopefully for him it could be something more fascinating and more fun to do... Instead.. He would receive none of those offers...]

Kaigaku: "Kaigaku, reporting for duty.. What seems to be the problem.. Master?"

Kokushibo: "Oh, glad you made it Kaigaku. And at such record timing to.. You see, nothing is the matter here.. It's just Muzan pulling out another random idea which he stole from me.. But other than that.. Glad your here.. All we need now is to wait for the others I guess."

Kaigaku: "Oh... So like there isn't any monsters for us to deal with. Raiding a hidden gang base somewhere or hunting down hallow figments of the Hashiras.... Lame."

Kokushibo: "Yeah.. Sorry to burst your bubble of joy.."

[Nakime strummed her Biwa to help her get through places, she appeared right behind the two swordsmen without their consent. She didn't say a word, but only wave at them for a sign of acknowledge and wisdom. Doma kicked the vase over to them while holding the two siblings hostage. It shows that a small vein had appeared on his face.. He wasn't his normal self..]

Kokushibo: "Something the matter Mister upper moon two."

Kaigaku: "Or as we say. Doma the Dumbass."

Doma: "Ha, ha, real funny. But no. These two said something to me which I find highly offensive!"

Gyutaro: "And that doesn't mean for you to tie us up like crooked thief's. Thats Akaza job to be the thief-"

Akaza: "No need to bring up my history like that."

Nakime: "Huh.. It seems that were all here then, and what happened to you Karaku."

Karaku: "I don't want to talk about it Cyclops Bitch.."

Urogi: "Long story short. Akaza beat him up and it was very enticing to watch."

Karaku: "Who's side are you on then?!?! I thought we had a deal!"


Kokushibo: "That's what I was thinking.."

Aizetsu: "To much noise.... To much to compare.."

Gyokko: "Hyo, hyo!"

[Muzan appeared right behind his truck. The double doors was open for them to hop in one by one. Unfortunately, there wasn't any seats at the back. Nor any seat belts for them to cling on to. Luckily for one of them, they can get to sit at the front while Muzan takes the wheel.. Kokushibo thought about the last time Muzan drove.... It sure did not end well.]

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7 months ago

I think we can make an educated guess for Kaigaku's age in Kny. We already know he's older than Zenitsu but you gotta look at Kimetsu Gauken. Both Gyutaro and Akaza are third years and both are cannonically confirmed to be 18

I Think We Can Make An Educated Guess For Kaigaku's Age In Kny. We Already Know He's Older Than Zenitsu
I Think We Can Make An Educated Guess For Kaigaku's Age In Kny. We Already Know He's Older Than Zenitsu

Kaigaku is also a third year which is a few years older than Zenitsu who's confirmed first year

I Think We Can Make An Educated Guess For Kaigaku's Age In Kny. We Already Know He's Older Than Zenitsu
I Think We Can Make An Educated Guess For Kaigaku's Age In Kny. We Already Know He's Older Than Zenitsu

So that means he'd be the same age range as Akaza and Gyutaro 18-19.

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7 months ago
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.
 Kimetsu No Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen EP 07.

⌕ kimetsu no yaiba: hashira geiko-hen • EP 07.

like or reblog if you save/use.

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7 months ago
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END
Kimetsu No Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi Recap 5 END

Kimetsu no Yaiba S4EP7 - Sanemi recap 5 END

EP7[PIC] 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /5


Kimetsu no Yaiba : Hashira Training Arc all links

P1PIC : EP1[GIFS] /EP2[PIC] : EP2[Gifs] /

EP3[PIC] : EP3[GIFS] : UZUI / EP4[PIC] : EP4[GIFS] : Hashira

EP5[GIFS] ; Obanai : EP7[PIC]/EP7[GIFS]

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7 months ago

for some reason tonight i cant stop thinking about different pairings for the infinity castle arc. what if shinobu had met akaza first, where she reminds him of poison-users, but he can't attack her due to her gender and her revenge wouldn't work on a demon who doesn't eat women? what if it was gyomei who met kaigaku, and genya with him seeing just how bad older brother figures could really be? or tanjiro and muichirou as a team meeting kokushibo, reminding him of yoriichi in different aspects of themselves. sanemi getting frustrated over douma's fake personality while giyuu takes no shit because he's so used to shinobu poking at him. iguro and yushiro finding each other first and sort of getting along because each of them worship a girlboss. mitsuri meeting inosuke and his loud personality who doesn't understand social norms, meaning he doesn't care that a woman is strangely strong. kanao meeting zenitsu against like nakime or someone where each of their heightened senses picks up fear from the other, and though they have multiple different reasons, one similar worry is failing those they love.

like. hello? there could've been so many different lifelong relationships if nakime had strum her biwa even slightly differently.

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7 months ago

I have a set of few question that’s been confusing me for a while.. Do Demons need humans’ consent to turn them into fellow demons? I am confused because of simple contradictions in the story.

1) Giyuu claims that the reason Nezuko is turned into a demon is because her blood was mixed internally with the blood of an ordinary demon that killed her family

2) Giyuu didn’t thought that the responsible demon to be Muzan or an upper moon, because he stated if he arrived a half day sooner the tragedy wouldn’t occur . And well, he must know he can’t defeat Muzan alone

3) Master Urodaki stated “ the only demon that can turn humans is Muzan “ . If that is true, shouldn’t Giyuu as a Hashira knows this better than anyone, or have a second thought that Muzan is near?

4) Akaza kept persuading Kuojuro to be his fellow demon, if Akaza was a bit true of his desire couldn’t he just rushed his blood into Kyojuro’s head and turns him into a demon? He is the third ranked upper moon and has a great share of Muzan’s blood. I guess enough to turn people into demons.

I can conclude with those events, Muzan is the only one that turns humans into demons without consent ( as he did with Nezuko) while the upper 3 ranks perhaps need the human consent and/or Muzan’s permission.

What are your thoughts?😅

*takes a Total Concentration Breath* @dreamingfoxproductions and I pretty thoroughly beat through the details to the question of whether or not Muzan is the only demon who can change people into demons. After all that searching for clues in the context of the chapters throughout the whole manga, she found blatant, irrefutable evidence noted in Volume 22, right after Chapter 195:

I Have A Set Of Few Question Thats Been Confusing Me For A While.. Do Demons Need Humans Consent To Turn

And I was like, “oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that,” for I also had Giyuu’s words from Chapter 1 lodged so firmly in my memory:

I Have A Set Of Few Question Thats Been Confusing Me For A While.. Do Demons Need Humans Consent To Turn

Tanjiro: Nezuko’s different! I don’t know why she became like that, but-- Giyuu: It’s simple. Demon blood soaked into her open wounds, and she became a demon. Nezuko: Graaahhh!! Giyuu: That’s how human-eating demons increase in number. He seems so full of conviction that this happens all the time that I also interpreted that as any ordinary demon, hence contributing to the seemingly arbitrary increase of demons. However, by the wording in the original Japanese, it is possible he could be referring to one singular demon, Kibutsuji Muzan, and how Muzan’s blood enters the victim’s wounds. There’s also nothing to suggest or deny it being accidental or purposeful. Since this was Chapter 1 and Urokodaki didn’t tell Tanjiro about Muzan until Chapter 11, I suspect some of this is due to Gotouge still figuring some details out, perhaps Muzan’s name or the actual workings of demon creation. But as for your other concerns about Giyuu, I think those can be explained as follows. Giyuu, as a Pillar, has been looking for Muzan this whole time. He’s never encountered him, or any of the Upper Moons, so Giyuu doesn’t have any way to gage what his odds would be if he took him on himself. However, since the Pillars primarily work alone, it seems all of them carry some mental preparation in their searches for Muzan to be able to take him on alone. Perhaps what led Giyuu to Mt. Kumotori was the suspicion that he was on a strong demon’s trail. Furthermore, even though Giyuu doesn’t consider himself worthy of the Pillar position because of his shameful early exit from the Final Selection, he has just as much stoicism about his responsibilities as anyone else. In the final battle with Muzan he does wind up worrying that he’s a hindrance by not being strong enough, but prior to that, Giyuu doesn’t exact beat himself up thinking he’s totally unskilled, he’s just blasé about his abilities. He doesn’t show fear or second guess his odds in battle, and frankly, he doesn’t care enough about himself to seem to care that an encounter with Muzan would probably kill him. If he suspected Muzan or an Upper Moon was nearby, his first priority was probably to make sure he wouldn’t get away; it would take far too long to wait for reinforcements and any intel on Muzan after hundreds of years of hunting him would be worth a sacrifice. To return to the workings of how demons are made, I still find it reasonable that ordinary demons’ blood getting to victims’ wounds could still have an effect, since ultimately it would be Muzan’s cells transforming the victim, and Muzan, even from a distance, would have the final say on whether or not to allow that person the chance at being a demon if their body can tolerate his cells. That would give him the power to increase his demons remotely, even if the ordinary demons accidentally spreading his cells have no say in it (they probably had a bad time of things anyway, if their victim fought back enough to make them bleed). But the only thing we’ve been expressly told is that Upper Moons can offer blood to potential demons (ultimately, offer Muzan’s cells), which means not only the Upper One, Two, and Three, but also Four, Five, and Six could have done recruitment as well if they pleased. To finally answer the original questions, there’s not a striiiiiict rule saying those whom the Upper Moons recruit have to accept the blood willingly, but I think it’s heavily implied. Part of that may be in the reverence with which they must treat Muzan’s cells, like in how Kokushibo warns Kaigaku not to spill a drop. Akaza knows he’d get in trouble for squandering it, perhaps, and that is why he has to get someone to take it willingly (which might also give it a larger change at being successful? Who knows).

I Have A Set Of Few Question Thats Been Confusing Me For A While.. Do Demons Need Humans Consent To Turn

Furthermore, Akaza kept fighting with Pillars. Kokushibo tells Kaigaku that skilled swordsmen take a long time to transform into demons (it took Michikatsu three full days), and it takes an especially large amount of Muzan’s blood to transform Breath users. This tells us two more things: 1. If Akaza had forced Rengoku to become a demon, he’s essentially have had to kidnap him and spend a lot of time safe from daylight and he forces him through the full transformation, with all the blood he’d need to complete the process. If Rengoku was unconvinced to go along, that would make things difficult. Sure, he could beat him up and try to make him unconscious the whole time, but that runs the risk of him just up and dying before the transformation is finished, so that would be a waste. Muzan probably wouldn’t be happy with Akaza later for wasted efforts and blood. 2. Tanjiro got a hell of a lot of Muzan’s blood. Like, all of it. And all of Muzan’s will instead of just a "meh, let's see if you survive, what kind of demon will you be?" sort of flippant amount of effort put in. Like how fast he went into survival mode to conquer the sun, this extra forceful influence from Muzan can probably account for how fast Tanjiro's transformation was too.

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6 months ago
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission
Kimetsu No Yaiba Upper Moons And Muzan As Plushies Dm For Plushie Style Ych Commoission

Kimetsu no yaiba upper moons and muzan as plushies dm for plushie style ych commoission

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6 months ago

Douma: "In light of our new arrival, and his utter cluelessness about his surroundings and current company-"

Kaigaku: "Fuck you too, Elsa."

Douma: "What?"

Kaigaku: "What?"


Akaza: wheeze

Douma: "I propose we play 20 questions."

Kokushibou: "We play what?"

Douma: "20 questions."

Kaigaku: "It's a game where you have 20 yes or no answer questions to figure out what something is."

Akaza: "In this case, I think he wants to use it as a getting to know you sort of thing."

Douma: "Correct, oh shapely basketball."

Akaza: "I will punch your teeth in."

Kokushibou: "I don't want to get to know any of you, though."

Douma: "Great! Who starts?"




Kokushibou: "Akaza, you start."

Akaza: "Why me?"

Kokushibou: "Because I out rank you AND Kaigaku, and I don't like Douma."

Akaza: "Fine. Um... Kokushibou, when can I get a rematch?"

Douma: "Pickles. My turn."

Akaza: "I...I wasn't...asking you-"

Douma: "Do you like men?"









Akaza: "...dare."

Douma: "That's truth or dare, that's not applicable in 20 questions."

Akaza: "Trick."

Kaigaku: "That's trick or treat."

Douma: "Also not applicable."

Akaza: "Red light."

Douma: "That is red light, green light, and it is also not applicable."

Akaza: "Red means stop, though."

Kaigaku: "And green means go, what-"

Akaza: "Going!"

Kokushibou: "What?"

Akaza: "Gone!"

Kaigaku: "Wait!"

Douma: "Akaza!"

Akaza: "Simon says fuck off!"




Douma: "Do YOU like men-"

Kaigaku: "I agree with Simon."

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6 months ago
Sabito Got So Overjoyed About Giyuu's Confidence He Forgot To Tell Her He Likes Her Back
Sabito Got So Overjoyed About Giyuu's Confidence He Forgot To Tell Her He Likes Her Back
Sabito Got So Overjoyed About Giyuu's Confidence He Forgot To Tell Her He Likes Her Back
Sabito Got So Overjoyed About Giyuu's Confidence He Forgot To Tell Her He Likes Her Back

Sabito got so overjoyed about giyuu's confidence he forgot to tell her he likes her back

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6 months ago
Saw This Format Somewhere And Needed To Do This Immediately. Two Sets Of Brothers Here.

Saw this format somewhere and needed to do this immediately. Two sets of brothers here.

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