Kanan X Hera - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
In My Kanera Brain Rot Era (mom Its Not A Phase)
In My Kanera Brain Rot Era (mom Its Not A Phase)

in my kanera brain rot era (mom it’s not a phase)

so please accept this moodboard i made while listening to my kanera playlist 😁

In My Kanera Brain Rot Era (mom Its Not A Phase)

like and reblog to save a graphic designer’s life! <3

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6 months ago

Reasons for why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume and Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert are one and the same.

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

they're both brown haired men with goatees and a nose that's hard to get right (kanan's nose is hard for me to draw ok)

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Both changed their names and their true loves were the first to know their true birth names

Kanan: Flynn: Caleb Eugene

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Kanan and Eugene were alone at a young age Kanan: Eugene: order 66 orphan

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

after they became these cocky scoundrels and ladies men (idk about eugene i think they implied it??)

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

they both met and fell in love with 18 yr old women with beautiful voices and green eyes

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

said women did not take any of their “charm”

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.


Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Kanan and Eugene were hopelessly in love with them while Hera/Rapunzel took more time Hera - rebels s4 says it all Rapunzel - Eugene asking to marry her a bunch of times

These women were on a mission and Kanan (in A New Dawn) and Eugene were just along for the ride (oh but it became more)

Hera: Rapunzel: Empire stuff lanterns

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Hera and Rapunzel are both optimistic and able to see the good in others

Kanan and Eugene both left their previous ways of life to be with these women

Kanan and Eugene went on a lil adventure with Hera/Rapunzel after meeting them!

They both revealed something about themselves to Hera/Rapunzel in times of peril

Kanan - being a jedi, stopping falling catwalk front crushing Hera Eugene - his real name, when the cave was filling up with water

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Kanan and Eugene both come to rescue Hera/Rapunzel when they were kidnapped and proceeded to die/almost die (close enough) oh if only Hera had magic tears

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

Kanan Jarrus and Eugene Fitzherbert were lost for a long time, and then they found something and someone to live for

Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.
Reasons For Why Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume And Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Are One And The Same.

the only difference between these two is that Kanan and Hera didn't kiss after their adventure in A New Dawn like Eugene and Rapunzel and Kanan is in Star Wars so naturally he died before he and Hera could have the happily ever after Eugene got

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6 months ago
Escape Into The Dume Library

Escape Into the Dume Library

(Fic by @kanerallels, Art by @magicalplaylist, Big Bang organized by @swprequels-big-bang)


When an encounter with the Empire and torrential rains leave Ezra stranded, there's only one place left to hide—the Dume Library, home to a mysterious librarian who's rumored to be a wizard. Or a madman. But when Ezra's discovered, it turns out to be the best mistake he ever made, and leads him into a life he never could have imagined.

AO3: Escape Into The Dume Library - Chapter 1 - kanerallels - Star Wars: Rebels [Archive of Our Own]

Tumblr Link: Escape Into The Dume Library - Chapter 1 - kanerallels - Star Wars: Rebels [Archive of Our Own] – @kanerallels on Tumblr

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2 years ago

Febuwhump Day 28: "You're Safe Now."

Fandom: Star Wars

Timeline: Post Order 66 (Character is Caleb Doom/Kanan Jarrus)

  Caleb ran. Gray and Styles followed. Depa's body lay on the ground behind him. Other members of his beloved battalion followed the two officers. The Bad Batch tried to help, except for Crosshair. Hunter yelled that they would take care of the child. "Taking down a padawan shouldn't be too hard!"

    The child ran for the trees. Not long after he would come to a cliff. Hunter talked to him, trying to reassure him that everything would be alright. Caleb took a step back and fell.

    Kanan woke up. His breathing sped up and tears dropped out of his eyes. Hera touched his shoulder and the man jumped. "Kanan? What's going on?" She asked. He leaned into her shaking.  "It's okay. You're safe now." She rubbed her hand gently over her lover's head and held him.

    Hera knew what this was about. Nightmares always got worse nearing the anniversary of the Jedi purge. Kanan had already explained what the nightmare had been about, assuming it was the same one he kept having. The man's reaction was always the same.

    "You're safe Kanan." After a moment his tears dried and breathing became less panicked. He pulled away from Hera briefly before resting his forehead against hers.

    "I know." He responded. "I know."

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1 year ago

Y’all are wanting Sabine + Ezra to be a thing. I mean don’t get me wrong, I do too, but what happens to Star Wars couples?

Kanan and Hera?

Padmé and Anakin?

Rey and Kylo?

Obi-wan and Satine?




Kanan died,

Padmé died,

Kylo died,

Satine died.

Do We ReAlLy WaNt ThIs!?

(And yes I know there are more people but these people came to mind first.)

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8 months ago

I don't disagree, but I feel the burning desire to assert that the Anahiri age gap is ONE YEAR. Tahiri is 14 and kisses Anakin 2.0 who is 15.

Edit: we're both wrong, it's 2-ish years, lol. It's 14 and 16, I think? Not sure when their "OMG we're gonna die" kiss happens, but I'm pretty sure Edge of Victory has Tahiri at 13? I know SbS has Anakin 2.0 around 16.

(he doesn't make it past 16 and she's still in love with him at 34, which is.... no comment)

(Don't get me started on her relationship with Jacen, though. It's heavily implied to be dubcon at BEST. He goes Sith and suddenly becomes a gigantic scumbag, even though he has an incredibly hot baby mamma RIGHT THERE, willing to take him back if he decided to not be evil anymore)

((yes I *might* have a *tiny* crush on Tenel Ka, however could you tell))

(((ok, all the HanLeia kids AND their originally intended SOs are hot, this is not my fault)))

And based on the actors' ages Kylo was a wholeass adult when Rey was like... 8, so don't just @ legends, canon has this shit too. (not to mention the incest undertones due to the fact that they're basically the Disney counterparts to the Solo twins...)

Age gap becomes less of an issue as characters age, as well. Think of it as fractions.

Anidala originally had a gap of 14/9, or 1.5555, and when they married, it was at 24/19, or 1.2632. At the time of ANH, they would've had a gap of 43/38, or 1.1316. The 5-year gap becomes progressively smaller as time passes. In general, if following the half plus six rule, they're fine to marry at their canon ages.

I think people's problems with Rexsoka is not only does he look like an adult, despite being younger, but also that the physical age gap is getting wider despite time passing. 22/14 = 1.5714, and 42/24 = 1.75, etc. I don't dislike the ship (I personally mildly ship them, mostly because I'm more of an old EU girlie, but they're one of the new!canon ships I actually like), but I can see why others might not choose to ship, especially since she's technically his boss?

(and there's the whole "clones aren't sentient" thing used to justify lack of rights in TCW, which might be considered a consent issue/power imbalance?)

In defense of rexsoka again.

Why do people get mad at rexsoka. Star Wars couldn’t make a normal relationship if they tried. Every relationship either has an age gap, a power imbalance, or both. Some age gaps are barely legal, some are not legal.

Here we go:

• Anakin and Padmé have a power imbalance; a 9 year old slave and 14 year old queen. And they get married at 19 and 24

•Han Solo is 32 and Leia is 19. And in legends, don’t get me started on their kids. Han and Leia have 3 kids in legends: Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo, and Jaina Solo.

•Jaina Solo’s Jedi master, Kyp Durron, has a weird dynamic with her. Kyp and Jaina like each other romantically and flirt with each other. When she’s 15-17 and he’s in his 30’s. age gap AND power imbalance. (Also, Kyp is friends with Han Solo. Both Han and Leia know about Kyp’s relationship with their daughter but are only upset because Kyp lied to Jaina and tried to bring her to the dark side. They’re fine with the 16 year age gap tho)

• Tahiri Veila is 13 and kisses Anakin Solo who’s 16, and Jacen Solo who’s 17.

•Hera Syndulla is 18 Kanan Jarrus is 22 (from a canon book called “A New Dawn”, takes place before rebels)

•Also in legends/EU, we got a clone, Darman, who married a Padawan named Etain Tur-Mukan. So the clone x padawan trope already exists.

• Jango Fett and Sheeka Tull have a relationship when she’s 18 and he’s 25.

• ALSO REVAN AND BASTILA SHAN ARE LIKE TWENTY YEARS APART. In KOTOR, Bastila is like 20 and Revan is like 38.

And these are just a few, from canon and legends/EU. I’m not saying two wrongs make a right. But I am saying that antishippers treat rexsoka shippers like criminals, but literally every relationship in Star Wars is just as bad. Not a single normal relationship in the entire galaxy.

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6 months ago
Because I Just Can't Stop Multifandom Posting On This Account, Time To Include Some Of My Rebels Art
Because I Just Can't Stop Multifandom Posting On This Account, Time To Include Some Of My Rebels Art
Because I Just Can't Stop Multifandom Posting On This Account, Time To Include Some Of My Rebels Art
Because I Just Can't Stop Multifandom Posting On This Account, Time To Include Some Of My Rebels Art

Because I just can't stop multifandom posting on this account, time to include some of my Rebels art from 2021!

Here are the different screenshot redraws I did from the series, really proud of these.

Patreon | Instagram | Redbubble

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9 months ago

Hera: Kanan, my friend is coming over.

Kanan: That’s great. Who?

Hera: She’s part of the rebellion. She’s a clone named Omega. When I was younger, she and her brothers rescued me. They were called the bad batch

Kanan *eyes twitching violently as he gets traumatic flashbacks*: the WHAT

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5 months ago

Day 2 of Fantober: otp

Day 2 Of Fantober: Otp


sorry to my clikkie followers getting bombarded with multi fandom stuff.

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