Kanej Has My Whole Heart - Tumblr Posts
This is ur daily reminder that Inej Ghafa refuses to kill for her own sake but literally killed in a church because Kaz was in danger
I think that as a fandom we are collectively ignoring/forgetting about some of the actual character traits of the Crows. Yes, people are starting to realize that Wylan is not a scared little cinnamon roll, but it's Inej I really have in mind.
In most posts and fics especially she is portrayed as a wise, calm character who would probably be the therapist friend. And I agree, she is smart and her emotional intelligence is almost unaffected by the life she's living, BUT we can clearly see Kaz rubbing off on her and EVERYONE IS IGNORING THAT.
For example, in SoC, before Kaz reveals his plan, we can see him talking to Per Haskell about leaving his responsibilities behind for a while for Pim to take over them. When Inej hears this, she is momentarily upset/disappointed that he would not choose her first. Not only because she realizes she is smarter, or because Kaz trusts her, but simply because she feels up for it.
Throughout the whole series, we can see that Inej is not in fact completely reluctant to do illegal stuff - praying to her Saints and asking for forgiveness doesn't erase the fact that she is good at what she does and can't help but take some pride in it.
What really is curious, however, is the fact that the entire last chapter of CK is dedicated to Inej threatening to cut Pekka Rollins's heart out with her knives, making sure to let him know it's not Kaz who sent her.
Inej, by her own choice, went into Pekka's house, threatened him, went as far as replacing his son's toy to show him that despite his security measures, there was nowhere to hide from the Wraith, just for most people to ignore it.
My personal belief is that Kaz had told her his backstory (or at least a part of it), or that what she had heard in the Church of Barter was enough for her, and she acted out of protectiveness.
It is not surprising to see Kaz protective over Inej, but my heart absolutely melts thinking about her being equally as protective of him.
Also in Rule of Wolves, it is briefly mentioned how she left slavers covered in something in the Stadhall with a message attached to them and I just think it is ridiculous that we clearly see how vengeful she can be and we just ignore it.
It is a well-known fact that Kaz would rip the world apart if something happened to Inej but I think that the books hinted pretty heavily that she would do the same. Not in a nice, calm way her Saints would be pleased with. No. She's do something you expect from Kaz. She'd go mad.
I need fics about this. I need fanart about this. I don't know how, I just do. I need more people to acknowledge this. I need someone to tell me they absolutely agree.
The perfect Kanej fanart doesn't exi-