Khajiit - Tumblr Posts

I just need some of the sweet moon sugar
Couple of my Skyrim ocs
Hagreven/human child and old Khajiit

*Khajiit dragon born tried to help the Stormcloak*
*Stormcloak treated them like crap*

More bust commissions!! And more coming oh boy.
mehrunes dagon is an angry kitten and you cannot convince me otherwise. khajiit lore is supreme and I love it
normalize defining TES cosmology by the khajiit pantheons
fuck the empire every god is a cat for sure
trying to make a name for khajiit oc and im going on websites with collections of khajiit words and naming conventions and such
thinking of something like Jashi-la, La'jashi, shortened versions like L'Jashi, L'Jash, Jash-la
this kind of name denotes young maindenhood and innocence (perfect for character who is just a girl. definitely not literally the smartest one in the group. just another less-mean heather chandler archetype nothing to see here)
lmao my name is Charming Little Lady, Just a Gal
Just look at it! It's so cute ;u;

Also for the “Valentines Day” Kiss Drawing Prompt ~ V-2 My Khajiit Tra’vul the Wanderer and Inigo the Brave requested by @mossrat
She absolutely adores the blue abomination and he deserves all the hugs and licks kisses~

Love this lil skrungly Pose based on a clip from Jibaro (Love, Death + Robots) . . . Finally posting on the internet again so I can feel somewhat productive with my life.

Dro'Khani, the Blood Cats satiety
Gods favourite butchering princess, he is my baby. And also Vari'Kajdaks occult husband for daedric binding reasons, they are gay, and kiss [while tearing apart one another]. He is the Clan Father of my Sangiin vamp Clan in ESO which i hope to open up soon....
This is really cool, I wondered how Vampirism would work for Khajiit and argonians.

Khajiit Vampire
Concept for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Nuare Studio