Kickinchicken X Bubba Bubbaphant - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Yandere! Bubba X Kickin... Please..

I didn't know if you meant just Bubba being the yandere, so I did Kickin as well

One thing you have to know is that Bubba reads books and learns new things for fun. So it won't be suspicious for him to read books on anatomy, blood vessels, or veins. With his knowledge of those subjects, he can easily perform murder with little blood shed. But, Bubba did just discover how fun dissection could be, so he might...get a little carried away.

For Kickin, I imagine him having a short temper whenever it comes to random people being interested in Bubba. And it makes sense. Bubba's intelligent, polite, tall, and strong. Who wouldn't want a piece of that? Unlike Bubba though, he's more reckless and keeps making a mess, making him need to think smarter and actually plan things out.

⚠️ Blood Warning ⚠️

Yandere! Bubba X Kickin... Please..

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1 year ago

I feel bad for laughing. I'm sorry Bubba!

I dare Kickin to toss a fake mouse at Bubba (white heart)

I Dare Kickin To Toss A Fake Mouse At Bubba (white Heart)
I Dare Kickin To Toss A Fake Mouse At Bubba (white Heart)
I Dare Kickin To Toss A Fake Mouse At Bubba (white Heart)
I Dare Kickin To Toss A Fake Mouse At Bubba (white Heart)


"I'm sorry Lemondrop! It was a dare!"

Poor Bubba. He didn't deserve that. 😔💙

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1 year ago

Bubba accidentally complimenting Kickin is the best thing I've ever seen this week! And Kickin rizzing him back with a nickname, and being thrown over Bubba's shoulder- AAHH!!💖💓💕💗💖❤💓💗💕❤😭😭😭😊😭😊😭💗💞❤💓

Eyes Like Starlight: Smiling Critters Oneshot

Tales From The Playcare AU:

While scavenging, Bubba and Kickin find a skylight above the Playcare. Its the first time they see the real night sky . . .

Kickin Chicken always wanted to go outside for as long as he could remember. Out of everything, there was nothing he wanted to see more than the stars his personality was inspired off of.

Just above, HIGH above the Playcare, there it was. A skylight. It was round and covered a bit by old vines around the outside. But you could still see through it.

He and Bubba stood there. Silent. Staring up. Kickin could count at least 30 stars. It was literally breathtaking as his breath caught in his chest. It was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.

"Are you coming? . . . Kickin?"

The Chicken swung his head to face his friend. He hadn't noticed Bubba was looking at him. Normally the thought of his crush staring at him would fluster him. But the view took his attention.

"C'mon. We have a job to do remember? "

"Isn't that the most beautiful and amazing thing you've ever seen!? The REAL night sky! Its right there! You're just gonna walk away and act like this isn't MONUMENTAL!?"

"Eh . . . Not really. I'm not impressed."

Kickin stopped dead in his tracks. Eyes wide and mouth agap.

"You're NOT impressed? . . . HOW ARE YOU NOT IMPRESSED!!!???" The words ricochetted off the walls. Bubba having to quickly shush him.

"Are you out of your mind? There's monsters nearby!"

*whispers* "how are you not impressed???"

Bubba squeezed the bridge of his trunk under his glasses and let out a sigh. "If I wanted to see pretty white lights I would've just looked at YOU. Your eyes are the same thing. Now let's go".

He started walking towards the ladder to go back down to the Playcare. Kicken was being oddly silent so he turned around. A little annoyed the idiot wasn't following. He caught sight of Kickin standing perfectly still as expected, but UNEXPECTEDLY he was wide eyed and red faced.

"Kickin? . . . Are you . . . Alright?" He walked back a few feet. He took notice the Kickin was avoiding his gaze. When he got close enough, Kickin's eyes became heavy lidded.

"You . . . You're unimpressed cause you think my eyes look like the stars? . . ." Kickin finally looked up at Bubba. To his dismay, it was with those big puppy dog eyes Bubba could never hate or say no to. Those eyes gave him the hint he needed to realize what he just did.

"THAT WASN'T A COMPLIMENT!!!" Bubba cursed himself for being the loud one now. "I ONLY MEANT IT FACTUALLY! You are literally the STAR character! It shouldn't be surprising that SOMETHING about you would be modeled off the real stars!"

Bubba didn't think it was possible, but Kickin's eyes got BIGGER. A little smile appeared and his blush got deeper. The fact that Kickin was flattered caused Bubba's face to fluster in return.

"It's okay to compliment me y'know." The smile turned into a sly smirk. "I promise I won't think any less than you . . . Lemondrop" . Kickin knew there was NOTHING Bubba hated being called more than Lemondrop.

He had a huge crush on Bubba Bubbaphant since they had met. When Kickin called him that pet name for the first time, he realized just how bad Bubba was at . . . Emotions. Since then, he found it funny and endearing about his favorite elephant.

Kickin was lifted off his feet and pinned against the wall. He couldn't help but cackle at this reaction he'd gotten used to by now.

"NEVER. CALL. ME. LEMONDROP!!! NEVER. EVER!!!" Bubba's face turned red. It PISSED him off whenever Kickin tried to play with the emotions he tried to keep under lock and key.

Bubba angrily slung the bird over his shoulder causing him to burst out laughing. He began to walk back towards the Playcare planning on ignoring the idiot on his shoulder. But Kickin wrapped his arms around his neck. He placed the slightest peck on Bubba's head.

"Thanks Bubby. I think that was the nicest thing you've ever said to me . . . You're my best friend. 💛"

Bubba looked down at his feet as he walked with his crush . . . His favorite person in his arms. He tried his hardest to hide his smile despite being irritated by the pet name.

"You're . . . My best friend too. But Sweet Prototype you get on my nerves."

Both of them laughed as they reached the entrance of the Playcare. Secretly, in that moment, both wanted nothing more than to tell each other what they really felt. But, too nervous to do so, they left it for another day. For now, it was good enough for Bubba to be his best friend . . . And for Kickin, it was good enough to know his eyes reminded him of starlight.

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1 year ago


I can just picture Kickin falling down some stairs and he’s losing blood but when somebody asks what’s his type (His blood type) he goes “Blue nerdy elephants” with a smug smirk on his face

“Your BLOOD type dear!”


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1 year ago
Worst Part Is, You Never Know If That's Just Kickin Being Loopy From Surgery, Or That's Just Him. That's

Worst part is, you never know if that's just Kickin being loopy from surgery, or that's just him. That's something only Bubba knows.

I can only assume that Bubba got feelings for Kickin because his stupidity somehow won over his heart- But how did Kickin start to fall for the calm, yet intimidating elephant? :3

Lmao Kickin just woke up from top surgery, looked at the doctor and said “Daym he be looking fine~”

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11 months ago
Those Nesting Instincts Really Be KICKIN In, Huh?

Those nesting instincts really be KICKIN in, huh?

What you do think Kickin (and maybe Hoppy idk) thinks about Easter? Being a chicken n’ all.

KickinChickin has to be kept away from the plastic eggs or else his instincts will kick in and those plastic eggs will end up in a blanket nest and under his butt

And Hoppy is like “Why is nobody concerned about a random guy getting candy to children?”

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11 months ago

Hey So Is KickenChicken Alright? Like Physically or Mentally? Is he Having Like Mother Bird thoughts Will He like Move on and stop having these Hallucinations Or will it still happen Cause birds Have Hormones On where they want to be a parent But Cant Be a parent According if they are both males they cant have children so will he be okay? (Im talking about the whiteboard drawings you did with your friend also is that a au or your actual head canon of your version)

The whiteboard drawings are just an AU, although I am getting attached to Kickin getting broody every once in a while. I'm not too sure about @blues-of-randomness HCs of StarStudent, you may have to ask them as well. As for Kickin's mental and physical health.... We'll just have to wait and see😉

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11 months ago
Another StarStudent Kid On @localgremlinenthusiest Whiteboard. I'm Calling Them Lil' Dumbo For Now.

Another StarStudent kid on @localgremlinenthusiest Whiteboard. I'm calling them Lil' Dumbo for now.

Another StarStudent Kid On @localgremlinenthusiest Whiteboard. I'm Calling Them Lil' Dumbo For Now.

@blues-of-randomness drawing of them

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11 months ago

Bobby: kickin and bubba sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G 🥰

(this is a starstudent art request)

Bobby: Kickin And Bubba Sitting In A Tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G

When you want to smooch the life out of your boyfriend with kisses, but your friend won't leave you alone.

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11 months ago

My favorite doodles from @awakentrashpanda 's whiteboard

My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard

Doodles by @blythebewitched

My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard

Doodles by me

My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard
My Favorite Doodles From @awakentrashpanda 's Whiteboard

Doodles by @blues-of-randomness

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11 months ago

KickinMuffin 🧁

since the whiteboard expires tomorrow I'm posting the last of my favorite doodles

I just love how Bubba was draw here (Bubba drawn by @/Shakey-loves Kickin drawn by me)

Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles

these parts sparked a headcanon that Kickin gakes major offense to being called Squishy, Muffin, twenty, etc also he might be self conscious about his limited flight

Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles

The running joke about Kickin swearing constantly and Bubba being sick of it

Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles

Bubba staring + last SpongeBob reference of the board

Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles
Since The Whiteboard Expires Tomorrow I'm Posting The Last Of My Favorite Doodles

Aaaand Kickin getting hurt from trying to fly

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11 months ago

Some last few doodles from the Whiteboard with @blues-of-randomness

Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness
Some Last Few Doodles From The Whiteboard With @blues-of-randomness

I didn't know I could still get on the Whiteboard. Maybe it's until Midnight.

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11 months ago


@blythebewitched @blues-of-randomness

@blythebewitched @blues-of-randomness @shakey-loves

Hear me out

These shenanigans but with the Starstudent kids 

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11 months ago

I'm Sorry...

@blythebewitched @blues-of-randomness pls don't kill me.

Warning: Blood, Very sad.

Kickin did his best to not cry as he gently swaddled Riot in a blanket. “C-come on, baby. You have to g-get better. Get better for Daddy, please.” He whispered as the small chick continued to cough up blood. “J-just hold o-out until Papa gets home. P-please.” He begged, holding Riot as close as he could without hurting him. Moving to lay down in bed, Kickin could do nothing but silently sob, hoping, praying for Riot to be okay.

After what seemed like days, Bubba finally walked in through the front door. “H-honey. I’m home.” Looking in the playpen, he immediately noticed something was wrong. Sparky was comforting Rave while Dusk was doing the same with Mari. Bow, Rocky, and Ben also looked worried. But, where was Riot? “Kickin? Where are you?” He could quiet crying coming from somewhere inside the house. “Are you in the bedroom? The bathroom?”

“B-bedroom.” Upon walking inside, Bubba saw Kickin under the blankets, the chicken obviously distressed and crying. “What happened? Where’s Riot? The kids look upset, did someone get hurt?” Walking up to place on his husband’s shoulder, Bubba froze at the sight of Riot silently crying with blood coming out of his beak. Tears were absolutely pouring from Kickin’s eyes as he tried to calm the crying chick with quiet whispers and kisses.

“Wh-What happened?!” Bubba exclaimed in shock as Kickin sat up. “I-I t-tried to take e-everyone to the park. But as soon as everyone stepped outside, they turned back into plastic eggs! I freaked out and stepped on Riot’s egg! It was an accident, I swear, Bubba!” Kickin cried, holding Riot closer. Bubba shook his head and quickly held his arms out for Riot. “Whatever, just give him here! If we can’t take him to the hospital, I’ll look at him myself. What are his symptoms?”

Kickin handed Riot, who let out a quiet cry from the movement. “He’s b-been coughing up blood, and o-one of his legs is bending the wrong way.” Unwrapping Riot, Bubba immediately got to work putting the small leg in a splint, apologizing to the chick whenever he cried, and took out a stethoscope to listen to his lungs.”...It doesn’t sound good. Not good at all.”

Kickin felt like he was going to be sick. Those were the very last words he wanted to hear. “H-he’s not going to be okay?” Bubba couldn’t turn around, knowing he’d cry as well if he looked at Kickin. He silently shook his head as he wrapped Riot back up, wiping the blood from his mouth and beak with tissues. “He’s taken a lot of damage. And we can’t take him to the hospital, and I can’t do much else. The only thing we can do is be there for him.”

Handing Riot back, Bubba went to get the kids. “I’ll get the kids. They seemed really upset when I came in.” Bubba said, leaving the two chickens alone. Tears began to pour again as Kickin did his best not to hyperventilate. “I’m so sorry, baby. I never meant to.” Riot weakly chirped as he raised a feathered arm for Kickin. Bubba walked back in with the other chicks and calves, each one letting out a chirp or trumpet upon seeing their brother and father.

“Alright everyone, be careful. Riot isn’t feeling too good.” He explained sadly, letting everyone onto the bed. Crowding around him, Riot moved to be with his siblings, but Kickin stopped him. “No no, sweetie. You can’t play. It’s getting late.”

Getting everyone settled, Riot was laid down in the middle as everyone snuggled around him for bed. Kickin refused to let go of Riot completely, leaving one around him as tears still spilled out of his eyes. “Kickin….this isn’t your fault. You didn’t want this. I know that.” He said, moving a hoof to rest on top of Kickin’s hand. At this point, he’d lost his battle, tears pouring from his own eyes. “Y-You would never hurt him on purpose.”

Kickin continued to cry silently, watching as Riot’s coughing finally stopped, only hearing little breathing from him and the others. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, shutting his eyes.

Later on as everyone sleep within each other’s warmth

Riot took his last breath.

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11 months ago

In his tail🩵💛

*eats your art*

Sooooooo, I saw a DIY on Twitter by @shakey-loves and I wanted to participate too!!

Sooooooo, I Saw A DIY On Twitter By @shakey-loves And I Wanted To Participate Too!!

Hehe- I love them sm- 💙💛

(also there's a hidden heart in this pic! If y'all can find it, you get a cookie-

Side note, it's not in Bubba's message to Kickin :3)

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10 months ago

It's like zoomies, but with kisses and hugs🥺💙💛


I'm having more 🌟 StarStudent💡 brainrot,,

...I wanna hc that sometimes when Kickin would be as energetic as Hoppy, he'd give Bubba like,, LOTS of affection when he sees him; such as many smoochies on his face, cuddles n snuggles, and he'd definitely do twirl hugs w/ Bubba-

I'm sorry, I love them sm,, I can't help it 💙💛


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10 months ago

Worst part is, Bubba gets those ideas constantly because Kickin just says the most out of pocket crap on the regular, and Bubba has a dirty mind.

Random Headcanon

Bubba's light bulb lights up and goes *ding!* whenever he has an idea.

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