King Eret - Tumblr Posts

I rest my case
[Top pic is a clip of Eret from the Dream SMP War Animatic by SAD-ist on YouTube and bottom pic is of Vriska that’s from Pesterquest]
@a-time-traveling-whovian @king-ram67

~ 🍓strawberry dress🍓 ~
(Yes i'm late and what)
Please tell me I’m not the only bitch who thinks that Eret should give up a canon life for Wilbur?? Maybe in the process bring back Jschlatt as well if he wants to come back!
“Phil, kill me-“
Summary: How Wilbur Gets his life back
Characters: The Eret, Wilbur Soot, Philza Minecraft, and others
Trigger warning: death, resurrection, regrets, crying a bit, and child neglect
Other tags: Philza isn’t that great of a dad, Eret cares, long overdue redemption, stabby stabby, friend is mentioned, so are other characters but the first three are main rn, not canon, we ignore canon, no proof reading we die like schlatt
Philza Minecraft. The man history will know about for year, the one who when needed most, arrived. He killed the dragon, his own son, after being begged to. He ran away from the conflict after that and joined The Anarchist who was willing to bring L’manberg to its end, Technoblade.
Philza could remember the words his son had said to him ten times over and never not feel the ping of pain that came along with it, he had very few regrets- very few that made him feel this way. He didn’t regret taking in techno super young, he didn’t regret taking in Tubbo at such a young age, and he didn’t regret giving his kids anything they needed...But he should. He regretted not being there from the start, not being able to help his son- no, not being there for techno! He needed to be with friend...Techno was the only one who brought peace upon his regrets. It’s why they got along so well, *They both thirsted for blood.*
The words Killza ran through the older blonde man’s head as he stood in the open of a broken crater. You’re most likely wondering why he’s doing this? Well to mend one of his regrets- *Killing his son.* he had read through the book given to him by Ghostbur on resurrection. The instructions were clear and they were...not something philza could do...
“The steps to bringing back a spirit.
1.Get a place comfortable for the spirit”
Well that was already done, they had brought ghostbur and a group of others to the spot Wilbur died in. The others included, Puffy, Sam, Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, Ponk, Punz, and Eret.
“2. Say the chant above”
Already memorized it.
“3. Give up someone’s life for the spirit.”
Now philza couldn’t do that. He would be dead. He had one canon life left and he couldn’t give it to Wilbur... who would Techno have left if he did that...? He couldn’t. He couldn’t leave Technoblade, his closest friend, alone. He had basically raised Techno since he was a child...he couldn’t make him suffer...even if it would make his own son happy.
“I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” Philza said almost too quickly for anyone’s liking as he slammed the book shut. He slammed the book loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, even the ghost who sat on the floor. Tommy was the first to speak up. “What the fuck? What’s wrong Phil?” The older blonde turned to his youngest son and sighed softly. “...I can’t give up my life for him. I can’t. I can’t leave technoblade alone like that.”
Oh that got tubbo and Tommy fired up. “So you’re choosing techno over your own son?” Philza wanted to scream that he didn’t want to chose between them...but if he had to he would chose technoblade...he will always chose techno.
“Phil what do you even have to do?” Puffy’s voice shot through him like the speed of a bullet as everyone stared down at him like they were looking at a monster. He let out a deep sigh as he opened the book and handed it to Puffy. The ram hybrid flipped through the steps quickly before looking at philza with almost devastated eyes. “You...wouldnt give up a life for him?” puffy questioned. It didn’t sound like an accusation, more so a genuine question. Before philza could answer, someone else spoke.
“If you won’t, I will.”
Everyone’s head seemed to snap over to the deep voice that spoke. There stood the person who had spoken, Eret. Eret wore their regular crown, Royal outfit and everything that made them- well them. He walked forward and looked a bit ready to start something so Philza brought his sword in defense. It was the sword he had killed Wilbur with.
“Eret what are you doing—?” Tommy asked as tubbo stood close behind him.
“I have all three of my canon lives, I was the first person to take Wilbur’s first canon life...and now I’m going to do what I should’ve done ages ago. Philza, I know you have one canon life so please- take one of mine. He deserves it way more than me...Fundy Deserves his dad.” Eret seemed to beg as he moved more towards Philza. He knew Eret knew that everyone was watching...Even the ghost and his own children were watching.
“Do it Phil, kill me- Phil, kill me. Phil, I need you to kill me.” Eret begged as he placed down a chest and started placing his own stuff into it to show he was an easy target. He then said words that...reminded him so much of his son. “Phil- kill me- Killza, Killza-“ Eret said with a soft look lacing the kings face. Philza couldn’t hold back anymore, even if Puffy and the others were begging him not to.
||He rushed forward. His mind blank and his eyes red as he brought his sword up. He slashed at Eret’s chest but he heard no scream or yell of pain from the other...just silence...everyone else seemed to be telling him not to or even trying to stop him by hitting him but he didn’t. Eret didn’t fight back...he didn’t. He let the slashes and cuts keep coming as his sun glasses fell off to show the white eyes. He felt a smile now lace his face as his blood thirst was feed. He slammed the sword through eret’s heart and that’s what caused him to stop moving and fully...die. Now that was canon. His body soon disappeared.||
The rest of the ceremony went as planned. Philza said the chant, and gave Eret’s life for Wilbur’s and finally...||killed ghostbur.|| he closed his eyes as he heard the sound of footsteps. Eret soon came over as he smiled softly.
“Did it work...?” the king asked.
Soon a voice cut Philza before he could finish, a very...familiar voice. “Philza...?” He turned and now saw...his son...his middle son...Wilbur. Who laid on the floor and stared at the group around him. He looked towards Eret and then at Philza and then at Tommy. Soon, Eret broke the silence that had flooded the area.
“Welcome back, Wilbur...”
Yooooo!! So this is a kinda late gift for Eret’s Birthday and a small prediction on what I think is going to happen on the Dream smp! Happy birthday to Eret and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Eret saying he doesn’t want the title of king anymore because it shows that he betrayed his friends breaks my heart- he really said he didn’t want it and that Wilbur inspired people like they never could and like: that’s so sad to me. They really regret what they did and she deserves the world-
I’m literally about to write about Eret giving up his kingship and moving so he can help Wilbur grow and maybe even join technoblade- god I’m a sucker for angst and people joining the anarchy side
I leave the stream for like five seconds and suddenly there’s a family dynamic and y’all didn’t tell me? Homophobia /j
Local Minecraft creator and father helps new sons commit arson and revive his other son
Please god let Eret quit being a king for good and join the anarchy side
Please tell me I’m not the only bitch who thinks that Eret should give up a canon life for Wilbur?? Maybe in the process bring back Jschlatt as well if he wants to come back!
Philza really is a dad to anyone who isn’t his children like my mind has been rotting with the idea of the eret dropping his kingdom in favor of anarchy and joining ranboo, techno and philza- I have no clue why but the dynamic and ideas that fit into these dynamics makes me so happy
I don’t see enough Eret Content on my page today so imma need y’all to start appreciating them💕💕
manifesting anarchist Eret everyday
Eret immediately seeing a cow and a llama and immediately going; “they’re dating!” Is such a mood-