Kit Walker X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hell Hole. - Tate Langdon

Hell Hole. - Tate Langdon

Pairing: AHS Tate Langdon x GN!Reader

Summary: Secrets can’t possibly stay hidden in a home that was built on the betrayal of deceit and ruin. Tate had figured that out by now.


Violet tells you about what Tate did, and you can’t look at him the same again after.

Warnings: if you could handle watching AHS, you can handle this i thinks. Angst, no comfort, kind of a cliffhanger ending. A part 2 may be in order if requested lol. This is very not proof read pls forgive it i just wanted to write s o me th in g.

Hell Hole. - Tate Langdon

He should’ve known. Really, very truly should’ve known that he wouldn’t have been able to move on so easily. That he wouldn’t have been able to escape the wrongdoings of his past, the horrors of the sins he committed against the innocent. It was only right he was standing where he was right now, mind racing miles upon miles a second as he tried to grasp the reality painfully painted in front of him.

You, who was standing in front of him, tear stained cheeks that were burning red like rubies. Eyes puffy and undeniably sore, strained and stinging as you wiped away the salty manifestations of your grief. It broke him to see his angel so distressed, his saviour in such a state of loss and hurt. He thought he’d been damned the day Violet told him to leave for good, damned to pay for his evil ways; cooped up in the basement with the other poor souls crying for what they had lost.

But then you arrived.

Many families had come and gone before then- ones that were broken, strained and whole. Mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, infants and pets had walked the halls of the house, only to be shortly chased away not long after. Nothing ever was permanent, and nothing ever seemed permanent for Tate, not until you came along. Ben and Vivienne were done chasing homeowners out, they no longer wanted to dedicate their deaths to preventing others from a similar fate. They’d grown tired, like everybody else had. This had only wrongfully convinced Tate further that your arrival was meant to be.

Tate almost wanted to laugh at how stupid he’d been. This light, this saviour, this god, this cruel demonstration of fate, you, were just the world’s way of tragically repeating history all over again. Less in terms of casualties, but in terms of heartbreak? Tate was almost sure he was about to drop dead all over again, if it wasn’t for the sliver of desire he held deep in his heart. What if you did forgive him? Could you be able to look past what he’d done, accept it and love him for all of what he was? Unlikely.

“Violet told me,” you choked, hair a mess and clothes crumpled from the strength of your fists clutching onto them for dear life, “she told me everything, Tate, everything.”

He swallowed the fear building in his throat, eyes nervously darting around the room. He was desperate to approach you, to get closer and cocoon you in his arms and act like this wasn’t happening right now. He shouldn’t have ever come out of the basement, he thought bitterly.

“Come on,” he begged, panting even though he didn’t have functioning lungs to fill. His chest pounding even though he didn’t have a heart capable of beating. “Please, what I did wasn’t me. Believe me, you gotta.”

“Believe you? I saw your fucking picture on the articles, Tate. You fucking killed those students in cold blood,” you hissed, running a shaking hand through your hair. Your temper was rising, didn’t he have shame? Was he even sorry?

“But it wasn’t me!”

“How was it not you? You were the one with the gun! You were the one that pulled the trigger! You were the one who assaulted and killed Violet’s mother! The one responsible for two other people who are doomed here!”

“No, no not like that. I mean-“ he sobbed, “please, i know i did it. All of it. But it wasn’t me. I’m so sorry.”

You scoffed. Tate visibly winced, eyes building up with tears as he shook violently. You couldn’t help but feel disgusted, stomach turning and nose scrunching as you took in his state. How could he have the audacity to be in such despair when he’d ended and ruined lives?

Somehow, you could still see the Tate you knew in him. The Tate who wouldn’t hurt a fly, who would do anything to see you giddy and smiling, who was yours. But knowing the reality, also meant you knew you had to toss that bullshit behind you. You couldn’t feel this way towards him anymore. Your stomach turned just thinking of the monster he was under all the lies he meticulously fed you. He wasn’t innocent and he knew that this whole time.

“I’m going,” you said hastily, hands flying up in defeat as you stormed out of your bedroom. The bedroom you now realised previously belonged to the now dead school shooter and also your recent ex, Tate Langdon. “Don’t fucking show yourself when I come back.”

You didn’t entirely understand everything, I mean, how could you? You’d gone from believing you had a perfect goofy, adorably-odd boyfriend, to finding out he was dead with a criminal record and multiple bodies under his belt. At first you didn’t fully accept Violet’s babbling as she rambled off about all the suffering he’d caused, until she snatched your phone and pulled up what had confirmed your fears. The truth was right in front of your eyes, and there was no option for you to avoid it for it was blinding- and, what was more devastating, a measly google search away this whole time.

You were a fool.

“No! Please, you can’t!” he cried, hands coming up to yank at his blonde strands, his demeanour visibly closing in on himself. His body language screamed frightened, but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care.

You ignored his protests, although your tears continued to stream as you listened halfheartedly to his pleas. It wasn’t your place to forgive, and you’d certainly never be able to forget.

And with those last thoughts, you stepped out of your bedroom door and flew down the stairs. Your parents were both at work, so nobody was home to question why you were so frantic to leave the house. You’d have no choice but to be home later, but everything in the moment seemed to be screaming at you to leave.

“You’re all I have! Stay! Please!” he bounded down the stairs after you, pitiful screams narrowly escaping his aching throat. “You promised me! You fucking promised me! You can’t leave!”

Your breath hitched in your throat, door swinging shut as you practically ran out of the suffocating walls of your house. Could it even be considered your home now? Did technicalities even matter when nothing that you’d just experienced was even remotely logical?

You chuckled miserably, kicking the stone littered pavement as you tracked further from the hell hole you’d just stepped out of and closer to some peace and quiet. You’d worry about the rest when you got back.

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2 years ago

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon x Reader

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

Pairing: AHS Tate Langdon x Reader

Summary: You died. A pity. You were stuck in a house filled from the basement to the attic of people past who'd met their untimely fates. A pity. Your boyfriend, the love of your short life, stopped talking to you; spending his time hanging out with the bane of your existence. Violet. A pity.

Warnings: you die, terrible communication skills, angst to fluff, smut smut smut, reader tries to be in charge- tate nips that in the bud quickly though, restraint, oral (fem receiving), banging on the basement floor lel, they get caught, creampies, slight make up sex, tate makes you taste yourself haha whoops, jealousy, tate and violet bein friends- she forgave him and whatnot, he makes a jokey reference to what he said about f-ing violet in the show but that’s just because it’s tate

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

You were cold. So, so cold. Desolate and drained of life, splayed out and unnervingly still on the floor beneath you. Your own dead body was casually propped in front of you, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Another milestone in the traumatic circle of life in which you lived.

You heard pitiful sobs ringing out alongside hushed whimpers, 'i'm sorry, i really tried. I promise.'

'It's okay,' you murmured, words hushed and tension building in your throat.

'I still love you.'

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

But did he love you?

You found yourself pondering this question lately, eyes narrowed and lips bitten to shreds as you silently sat on the floor of the attic. It was safe to say you were relatively adjusted to the whole being dead thing now, having made yourself acquainted with all the other lone spirits wandering the house.

'Come on, Beau, gimme a turn with the ball,' you smiled, watching the small boy prod, push and throw the small toy around in glee. It was heartwarming watching him be so happy and in his element, but also it twisted your guts knowing why he was doomed to the fate he shares with you.

Eager to play with you, the ball was quickly pushed along the dusty, splintered floorboards. You reached out to it, but the enthusiasm behind Beau's push caused it to roll further and faster than you'd anticipated. Giggling, you pushed yourself out of your cross legged position and followed the ball to the entrance.

The attic door was open, meaning the ball had fallen from the attic floor to the hallway beneath you. You knew that since you were a ghost you could technically just materialise yourself in any room you wished to be in, but you had a habit of trying to stick to doing things the traditional way when you could help it.

'Tate, don't be an asshole,' you heard a familiar voice snicker beneath you, accompanied by a boyish laughter that somehow always managed to set fire to your skin. Except this time, your skin prickled, your faux blood tingling as if your veins were flowing with lightning.

'You know you love me, Vi.'

Even with another girl, Tate still managed to be the only thing to make you still feel alive.

Your mood had effectively been soured, the ball no longer of your concern. You disappeared, ignoring the confused whining of the little boy behind you. You felt too betrayed to care.

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

If there's one thing that ignited your nerves, it was the shrill screams of children. The sound had you bristling on edge, agitated and digging your nails into the palms of your hands. The affection and care you held for kids didn't apply when they were crying their little hearts out.

'Are you okay, Nora?' you asked sympathetically, watching her grimace at the infant laying in the cot beside her, as if she were looking at the devil himself. The baby was crying out, for what you didn't know, but it didn't seem like it was going to chill out anytime soon.

'I don't wish to look at it,' she stood up, hands wiping themselves against each other as if to rid herself of the suddenly dirty germs of her child. 'Where's Vivienne?'

'Having a family night with Ben and Violet,' a new figure peaked up, the hauntingly familiar voice turning your taste buds sour and causing your saliva to run dry.

Shaking her head in irritation, she tossed a blanket in your direction before turning to exit the main area of the basement, 'I'll be back once it's calmed.'

You groaned. Not only had you been left with a small, screaming child, you were also sitting in front of the man who hadn't properly spoken with you since your death- and had clearly moved on just fine and dandy. As if you'd meant nothing.

Rage simmered in your chest, begging to slip off your tongue and rear it's ugly head at the object of your anger. But you kept yourself collected, it was no use sobbing until your lungs collapsed or beating him with your fists as you unleashed the pent up sadness and confusion you held.

And not only that, this was only time you'd been near his vicinity since your death, and yet he was still only talking about her.

There was an awkward silence drifting between you both, feeling his coconut coloured eyes raking over you as you stood up to attend to the responsibility you'd been left with. You lifted the baby into your blanketed arms, humming a familiar lullaby as you rocked back and fourth gently. The crying didn't cease.

'Do dead babies need diaper changes?'

Your lips pursed. The first words he felt worthy of saying to you after your death... was asking if ghost babies could piss and shit? You almost laughed at the ridiculousness of it all, what else could you expect from him? That was the boy you knew, as dense as ever.

'Nope,' you responded blankly, 'You've been dead longer than me, would've supposed you'd have figured out dead people don't have functioning organs by now.'

'I dunno, but babies are babies. What else can they do except shit, eat and sleep?' he mused, his relentless gaze still lingering on your figure.

'Well, now he's only left with eating and sleeping.'

The silence settled in once more, and you tried to ignore how much you loved having his attention. You bitterly reminded yourself that if it weren't for the Harmon's spending time together, he'd leave you to be with Violet in a flash.

'I'm sorry.'

'Whatever for?' you inquired, voice light and airy as if you didn't understand why he felt the need to say such a thing. What could he have possibly done to feel the need to apologise?

You heard a disgruntled sigh from behind you, his frustration clearly becoming too overwhelming to contain. Good, you thought, be annoyed. You couldn't give less of a shit.

'Can we just go back to normal? Please?'



He, all of a sudden, felt as though it was time to go back to normal? After abandoning you, choosing another over you, betraying you, he felt it was time to pull on his big boy pants and act like all of this just never occurred? You'd known he had a slight fear of rejection, but you never expected him to have the audacity to not even face what he'd done wrong. To ignore it and attempt to sweep it under the rug, as if it were just a dry spell in your relationship that meant no harm.

You scoffed, placing the no longer crying angel back into his crib. You brushed back the few strands of hair he possessed, before looking to face the antsy man behind you. The nerve.

'Can't do, sorry.'

You walked off, disappearing as Nora came back to attend to her baby. Loving him conditionally once more, returning to care for and treat him as her own- on her own terms.

Much like somebody else you knew.

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

'I don't know what to do,' Tate groaned, 'I don't know how to get her to talk to me again, y'know? She's just like, gone cold. Like I don't exist.'

Ben Harmon sat across from him, arms crossed as he listened to the boys ramblings. It was almost entertaining how Tate had seemed to have gone full circle, and yet didn't have the self awareness to realise he was back where he started. No longer obsessing over his daughter, thank god, but another girl who'd enraptured him. Another girl who was, funny enough, also trying to cut contact with him.

'We can't force people to do thing's they don't want to do, Tate. If they don't want to talk to you, then that's their choice. They don't owe you a conversation.'

'Don't you think I know that?'

It was also funny how even though Ben had vehemently refused to ever see Tate as another client in his life, or in his death, here he was. Sitting across from the pouting man child who had begged him for help one last time, promising that this would be the final occasion where he'd ask for his assistance. For some peculiar reason, Ben didn't believe this would be the last.

'Is this week the first time you tried to talk to her?' Ben questioned, the unfortunate realisation sinking in that the situation was more hopeless than he thought as Tate nodded his head. 'Why?'

'I dont knowww,' he whined, head thrown back and eyes closing as he reveled in his self pity. 'I just, I don't know, I was scared.'


'I feel like she died because of me, like I failed her. Like she'd have been better off without me meddling in her life, so I thought why meddle in her afterlife too? She didn't need me making her even more miserable.'

'Did she give any indication that she actually thinks this way of you, Tate?' His brows furrowed as he took in what the blonde boy was saying, trying to make sense of how he'd come to this conclusion in his sick head. Sick being the keyword, of course his thought process made no sense. Tate's mental state wasn't normal by any means, so it took jumping through plenty of loops to try to understand him.

Many, many loops.

'I mean, no,' Tate fiddled with his fingers, looking down at his hands as he tried to hold back his tears, 'I fucked up.'


'Do you think I can fix it? Like I did with Violet?'

Ben paused his thought process, staring the boy in his eyes as he spoke through gritted teeth, 'Violet? What have you been doing with my daughter?'

'Nothin', nothin'' Tate quickly reassured, raising his hands in surrender, brushing off the older man's piercing stare. 'I have my eyes set on y/n now, me and Violet are longgg gone. Still cool to hang out with though, yesterday we-'

'I don't want to know what you've been doing with my daughter.'

'Gee, relax. I fucked her once, years ago,' Tate scoffed, rolling his eyes as he chuckled, 'She was a great time for a virgin though, she was sooo wet-'

'Enough,' Ben seethed, standing up out of his leather armchair as he walked towards the door. He opened it, pointing in the direction of the hallway.

'Hey, I was just messing with ya,' Tate softly spoke, trying to diffuse the situation. He didn't really mean what he said about Violet, his numerous encounters with you had made everyone before you seem as if they never happened. He just wanted to get on Ben's nerves a little, like the good times. Plus, Tate couldn't leave yet, Ben hadn't solved his problem. And he'd rather get gunned down dead again before leaving the office without a plan of action to get you to reconcile with him.

'Tate, you know what your problem is?' Ben approached him, hands making aimless gestures as he continued his rant. 'You don't have boundaries, you don't think of the affects of your words and your actions before it's too late. Consider people's feelings more and you wouldn't be in this situation for the second time.'

'Well, ow,' Tate cringed, face scrunching up as he took in the mean spew of word's Ben had thrown at him. He knew he didn't deserve niceties, but that didn't make his harsh words sting less.

'I won't repeat myself, Tate. I want you out.'

Reluctantly and with an angered scowl on his face, he disappeared.

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

'Fucking talk to me!' He cried, arms tightly clutched around your frame, holding onto you as if you'd vanish if he let go. You gritted your teeth at his sobs.

You tried forcefully removing his desperate arms from around your body, but your efforts were useless as they only spurred him to cling tighter. His salty tears were soaking the white fabric of the dress you had died in, your nose scrunching as you felt the wet patch press against you unpleasantly.

'Where we you when I wanted to talk?' you angrily mumbled, struggling to even lighten the grip he had purchased around you. You were stuck, and you knew there was no point wasting your strength. He was a stubborn boy.

'I'm sorry, okay,' he hiccuped, his breath hitching in his throat as he babbled on aimlessly. You understood a small fraction of his words, not even enough to string together a sentence, but enough to gather what he was trying to convey. You really didn't want to have your resolve shattered, but if you had to listen to his pitiful pleas any longer you were going to snap.

Snap, as in, take his soft cheeks in your hands and give him a fat smooch, and forgive all the heartbreak and pain he'd put you through recently.

But, you wanted to hear him beg a little more. You were quite cruel. However, there was a small, nagging fear in the back of your mind you'd needed relieved.

'Tate, what about... what about Violet?' you softly asked, your voice barely audible under your breath. You were scared, so fucking scared. What if he immediately let you go upon realising what you said, coming to his senses as it dawned on him that Violet really was the better option? That you weren't enough for him after all?

You knew enough of Tate and Violet's history to be aware that they'd been something once before, something intimate and that there had been a shared attraction between the two. You didn't know the extent, nor did you wish to know all the details, but there was something. And that was enough to have you on edge.

'Violet?' Tate looked up at you, tear stained cheeks gleaming and red as he sniffled. 'What- did Violet say something to you? Whatever it was, it was a lie! Is that why you didn’t wanna talk? Violet?'

'It was nothing that Violet did,' you stated, running your hand through his poofy, blonde locks for comforts sake. For your or his comfort, you didn't know.

'Then why?' his voice cracked as a sob escaped his throat, his head nuzzling deeper into your hip. He was on his knees beside you, puffy eyes, lips and cheeks pressing against you.

'You're just always with her,' the mental wall holding the sea of emotions you were harbouring collapsed, your cries matching his as you slid to a sitting position. Tate didn't let you go, keeping a firm grip on you as you joined him on the floor. 'You seem so happy together, and you haven't spoken to me since, well- you know when. And you and Violet used to be a thing, and I heard you say that you knew she loved you when i was upstairs in the attic one day and I just-'

'You're stupid,' Tate chuckled through his tears, arms adjusting to bring you against his body in a loving embrace. You felt the safest you had in a while, coddled in his arms against the wall of the basement. It was peaceful.

'I just need to know, Tate,' you brushed his fringe back as you gazed into his eyes, the love you'd left bubbling under the surface of your being, threatening to explode out of you. He was so beautiful, and you were yearning to let him know. 'Violet or me? I'll forgive you for not talking to me, won't even ask why you did all that. I just need-'


You smiled, pulling his stupid, pretty face towards you to indulge yourself in what you'd been missing. His love.

Although, you still wanted to make him beg.

'Why'd you stop?' he huffed, nudging his face towards yours to capture your lips in another heated kiss. He'd gone so long without you, and right now, he was feeling selfish. He was intent on taking all of you.

'Proving I can make you feel better than Violet,' you laughed at the forlorn expression etched across his face, his hands tightening their grip as he attempted to pull you into him. He wanted you to become one with him. He wanted you so bad. Needed you.

'Babyyy,' he whinged, tugging on the material of your dress. You didn't move an inch. Now you'd made up with the love of your life, you were going to make sure the next hour of the rest of your relationship was going to start with a bang.

'Take your pants off.'

A goofy smile spreads across his lips, his grip untangling from around you as he reaches down to undo the zipper of his jeans. His hands were ready and brisk, making quick work of his clothing as he slid it down his legs. He'd been waiting for this since the last time you'd made love.

That was a part of the difference in how he viewed you and Violet. Violet was a quick fuck, an easy release, a one and done kind of deal- if he had known your pretty little ass would've waltzed into his life, he wouldn't have touched her like that with a ten foot pole. They were similar, true buddy material, but you were the breath of fresh air he needed. The change of pace he craved. You kept him sane, while Violet ignited his instability and made him lose himself. He hated losing himself.

You reached out with your right hand, your left keeping you stable and upright while you kneeled in between his spread legs. Fire was accumulating in your tummy, your arousal twisting and enkindling your insides. You saw the appendage beneath the flimsy material of his boxers twitch, a small wet stain signalling his desperation. His cock throbbed as he waited in anticipation for you to finally make contact with his aching hard on.

You traced just around the outline of it, watching his eyes as they followed your hand going round and round his dick. He needed your hand, mouth, cunt- anything, he just needed to feel you touch him. He'd missed your touch more than anything.

'Please?' he cheekily peered up at you, biting his lip as he smirked. You rolled your eyes at him, reminding him you weren't going to give him what he wanted unless he begged. Properly.

He entertained your false sense of dominance for slightly longer, until he saw your hand nearing the dripping mess between your legs and he'd immediately decided he'd had enough of the teasing. He wasn't going to get left out of the fun.

Before you could even process the change in position, you were knocked onto your back and your hands were pinned above your head. That was fucking hot, even if you were slightly winded. If Tate wasn't situated snug and firm between your legs, you'd be rubbing your thighs together, desperately searching for friction against your clit.

'Woah,' you giggled, smiling up at Tate as he frantically kissed down your cheek to the bare skin of your neck. His hands trailed down to your parted thighs, sneakily making their way beneath the flimsy skirt that was doing little to nothing to hide your clothed mound.

He toyed with the lace of your underwear, getting back at you for the torment you put him through not moments before. He watched as you bit your lip and rolled around impatiently, wanting his fingers in your dripping folds, rubbing and soothing the ache in your pussy. He just laughed at your insatiable need, leaning closer to cover your lips with his as he finally pushed past the barrier keeping you two agonisingly apart.

‘Oh, shit-' you moaned, trying to relieve your hands from the relentless grip your sweet boyfriend currently had around your sore, red wrists. You never knew pain could feel so fucking good. The fingers of his free hand were exploring every inch of you, tentatively circling your hole before rising up to your sweet bundle of nerves. He loved watching you fall apart beneath him. It was addictive.

Smothering his fingers in the flowing essence dripping from your hole, he bought them up between the two of you as he once more parted from your plump, swollen lips. Your cheeks warmed at the pruned state of his hands, eyes entranced as you noticed the way your arousal dripped down him. He alined his fingers up to entrance of your mouth, words that didn’t need to be spoken aloud hanging off of the edge of his tongue. Your eyes widened.

‘You- you want me to—‘


One word was all that needed to be said for you to scurry to fulfil his orders. You parted your lips as he requested, watching as he lowered his fingers past your opening before laying them flat against your wet muscle. ‘Suck.’

Eyes fluttering shut, you wrapped the ring of your lips around him as you tasted the manifestion of your excitement. It didn’t as taste as bad as you expected, sweet even. You laughed mentally as you recalled all the fruit you’d love to indulge yourself in when you were still alive. Must be that.

You lapped your tongue over his digits, moving your head back and forth as you took every inch of them that you could. His breathing was becoming laboured, watching you as you sucked him in as if he were a lollipop for you to feast on. He quickly removed himself from your mouth, shuffling further down the floor until his hot breath was right above where you wanted him the most. He tugged your underwear down your legs, wrapping his arms tightly around your thighs as he hurriedly dipped his head between your soft thighs.

His tongue was cold as it came in contact with you, sending you jolting as he devoured everything he could get his lips on. Your wetness smeared across the lower half of his face as he pushed his lips closer against you, taking every little drop you were giving him. Your moans and whimpers spurred him on, his greed taking over as he meticulously circled his tongue around your sweet spot. His hips had a mind of their own, pathetically rutting his cock against the basement floor as you pulled him closer by his mess of hair.

You can feel him moaning against you, the vibrations sending sparks through your sensitive area as you squealed in surprise. You tried to pull away from his ministrations, but the grip on your thighs kept you anchored to his persistent hot mouth.

Kissing down from your clit to your needy hole, he trailed his tongue around the ring of your cunt before pushing past the barrier into your dripping warmth. You cried out, unintentionally clenching around him, legs quivering as he tongue fucked your hole as if it were his dick.

Speaking of his dick, it was feeling very lonely and like it wanted in on some of the fun. Finally pulling away from between your legs, he moved forward until he was face to face with you.

‘Hi,’ you laughed, taking in his blissed out appearance. His lips and the tip of his nose glistened, his cheeks pink and pupils dilated. His hair was a poofy, untamed ball on the top of his head, showing signs of your tugging and pulling from how it had knotted together.

‘Hey, greetings and salutations,’ he smiled back, placing a firm kiss on your lips. You deepened the kiss as you wrapped your arms around the curve of his neck, your heart soaring as he enveloped your body in his arms.

The sounds of your wet lips smacking together filled the air, your mind oblivious as you lost yourself in the way his soft lips felt against yours.

‘A-ah, what-‘

You felt something prodding at your entrance, his squishy tip forcing your walls to spread around him. You gasped, feeling your insides stretch to accommodate his average size. You certainly weren’t expecting that.

Taking the opportunity as it presented itself, his tongue slithered it’s way into your mouth without a second thought, twirling around yours as you shared spit. He slid inside of you inch by inch, groaning into your mouth as he finally bottomed out. He could feel your cervix kissing his tip, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head in ecstasy. He missed this- missed you.

Supporting his weight on his palms, his arms rested against your head as he dragged his hips slowly back and forth. Usually your love making was a lot more intense, rough. It was pounding that left you sore for days with a limp in your step. But right now, you were both making up for the days you’d been without each other. Right now, you needed each other more than you needed to finish.

You could feel his balls making contact with your ass as he thrusted in and out of you, your vaginal walls stretching and tightening as he entered and left you. You feel so fucking full with him inside of you, realising how much you missed being stuffed with everything he had to give. Your juices were dripping down his cock, watching droplets of sweat gather on his forehead as he worked you both closer to your orgasm.

‘Can I hold you, please?’ you looked up at him, not missing the way his eyes clenched shut before dropping onto you like a bag of potatoes. You wrapped your arms around him, legs coming up to encompass his waist as he continued to make you both feel good.

‘I love you,’ Tate moaned, arms coming down to pull your thighs up into him, making sure you take every inch of him. ‘I love you, I love you, I love you, I love-‘

‘I love you too,’ you cry out, brain going blank as the blonde boy randomly sped up his rhythm. Every thrust of his hips had him pulling you up onto his cock, genitals rubbing together as he took everything from you that he could. Every drag of his dick inside of you, every kiss of your lips. He didn’t know what he would do if he were to lose it all again, if he lost you.

Reaching between your sweaty bodies, he circled your clit as he pounded into you harder than before. Your cunt tightened, the pressure building in your muscles becoming so much you felt ready to explode. You were going to snap, the floodgates were going to open and you were going to cum all over Tate Langdon’s cock. You looked fucked out and exhausted, your body ready to give out as you took his last few thrusts.

‘Shit, cumming-‘

Your cunt spasmed as you came undone around him, ears ringing as you writhed and squirmed in his hold. You could feel his ejaculate shooting into you, painting your walls white with his cum. He slowly fucked it into you, noting with a dozy smile how great it was he was dead and couldn’t impregnate you. Well, not likely, he soon grimaced.

After a few more slow, gentle thrusts, Tate removed his flaccid cock from your sopping hole as he turned to lay beside you. You both turned to each other at the same time, loopy smiles on both faces that neither had the energy or care to try and hide.

You finally felt whole again.

‘Are you done? It’s not just you in this basement, you know.’

Hayden’s shrill voice calls out, her tone less than pleased at the sight of you two, fucked out on the ground.

‘Jealous?’ Tate remarked, wrapping his arm around you as he pulled you into his chest. You burned red in shame at forgetting your location, which just so happened to be the hub of every single dead person in the house.

‘Fuck you.’

Love, Love, Love | AHS Tate Langdon X Reader

first attempt at smut lol, hope was okay. feedback would be appreciated! <3

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1 year ago

the Evans reacting to you falling asleep on them... 🤭


𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦

✧. a/n ─ my apologies for not including james & jimmy.. i haven’t finished the series yet. will update! pls excuse the crappy writing, english is not my first language.


𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐧

pokes your cheek gently.

he’d play with your hair for a bit.

experimentally whisper your name.

“y/n? you awake?”

when you didn’t reply, he kisses the top of your head. he knows that you’re tired.

boy can stay still for HOURS, just listening to you breathing and feeling the rhythm of your heartbeat.

𝐊𝐢𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫

you were reclining on the couch, nestled atop him as both of you watched the evening news together.

one moment, you were discussing gas prices, and the next, you’ve dozed off right on top of him.

he’d instantly feel guilty seeing you so exhausted, managing both household chores and two kids must be challenging.

tells the kids to play within his sight because he’s a protective dad.

soft kisses on the top of your head, his hand stroking your back.

afterwards, he offers to make supper and tell you to take it easy the rest of the evening.

𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫! 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

depends entirely on his mood.

if he’s in a relatively good mood, he’d sit still and scroll twitter or watch tv while you sleep with your head in his lap.

he’d snap a photo of you with his phone.

NOT because you look so goddamn precious when you’re asleep.

if someone from the cult walks in, he’d glower at them, silently daring them to say a word.

harrison low-key thinks you two are cute and ships you. meadow hates you with passion.

if he’s being an asshole, he’d blow air into your ear and laugh when you jolt awake.

𝐩𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭! 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

guy would try to play it cool while panicking internally.

probably sends winter a ‘SOS’ message attached with a picture of you peacefully snoring away on his lap.

𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ! 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫

he’d let you lay your head on his chest and continue whatever he was doing. (studying)

occasionally pausing to stroke your hair.

doesn’t care about the fact that you’re drooling all over his shirt.

take a cute selfie with his phone to tease you about later.


✧. p.s ─ i kinda liked doing this “characters reactions to reader___” thing.. i would love to hear your ideas! requests are open! 𖦹

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cot - kit walker

↳ prompt; requested by @bucky-j-barnes - “that kid’s gonna be the most insanely loved baby in the world with Kit please 😌😌😌” i hope you like the fic love! <3

↳ content warnings - pregnancy, smudge of self doubt

↳ 927 word count

↳ masterlists

@bucky-j-barnes @kitwalker02 @doglover952 @ninuffi @baconmuffins1216 @writinginpeace join my tag list

Cot - Kit Walker

kit would kill her if he saw what she was doing.

when it was coming up towards the end of her pregnancy, kit had made her swear that she wouldn’t do any heavy lifting, wouldn’t stay standing too long, and wouldn’t be too active. the baby hadn’t even been born, but she had to hand it to him; kit was already an amazing father. protective, definitely, but still amazing.

y/n winced as she tried to tug the wooden cot across the room. it made a horrid scratching sound along the wooden floorboards as she tugged it, and with each pull she just grew more and more exhausted. she was coming up close to having the baby, just a few weeks, and she wanted everything to be perfect. and everything was perfect, until she realised the cot was in absolutely the wrong place in the nursery. it had bugged her all morning, and she really should have waited for kit to come home from work to ask him to move it, but she was determined to do it herself.

she hadn’t heard the front door open over the scraping of the cot against the floor, but by the time the cot had been pulled halfway to where she wanted it she heard the bedroom door open behind her and she grimaced, realising she’d been caught.

“hey, woah, what are you doing?” she watched as kit’s eyes widened in worry as he walked over to her, and pulled her hands from the cot. “that’s way too heavy, doll, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” he frowned.

y/n sighed and deflated a little as she glanced between kit and the cot, and upon seeing that she hadn’t even made it past halfway it had started to annoy her even more. “the cot’s in the wrong spot.”

kit paused, and glanced between where it had previously been underneath the book shelf, and then across the room to where y/n had moved the toy box to make room for it. “i thought you wanted it under the bookshelf.”

“yeah, i did,” she huffed, growing a little frustrated as tears started burning along her waterline. “but i was looking today and the cot will be caught in the draft between the open door and the window, which means the baby will get cold. what kind of mother would i have been if i let my own baby get cold-“ she didn’t even realise she was crying until kit had gently pulled her into a hug (or a half hug, as he couldn’t hug her properly like he used to because of her belly) and he cradled her head against his shoulder as he shushed her.

“okay, it’s okay, i’ll move it, please don’t cry.” he mumbled into her hair, and she frowned as she gripped onto his shirt. he smelt like gasoline and oil, and she was sure that anybody else would have found it gross, but to her he just smelt like kit.

“i’m going to be a terrible mother.” she mumbled once kit had pulled away from the hug, and once he had carefully helped her to sit in the rocking chair that was in the corner of the room, she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of kit’s jumper she was wearing. for the past two months she had been in his clothes as her’s didn’t fit, and they didn’t have the money for new ones.

“no you’re not, you’re going to be perfect.” kit shook his head as he walked over to the cot, and y/n leaned back in her seat as she watched as he lifted it with ease, and placed it where she had made room.

“no i’m not,” she sighed, and looked down at her lap. “i don’t know anything, really. you can’t just parent off of mothering books. and i mean, i can’t even remember to water the plants half the time, how am i meant to look after a whole baby?”

by the time she had finished rambling kit had kneeled in front of her, and she saw him frown again as he gently took her hands in his. “y/n, you’re going to be a great mother, really,” he insisted. “so what if you’re a bit forgetful, it’ll be different with a baby. and you aren’t doing this alone, i’ll be here the whole time okay?” he gently kissed the back of her hand as her bottom lip quivered. “this kid’s gonna be the most insanely loved baby in the world because she’s gonna have the best parents in the world.”

“she?” y/n mumbled through her tears, and kit smiled slightly as he laced his fingers with hers.

“i just think she’s gonna be a girl,” he shrugged. “and if she’s even half as amazing as you, she’ll be perfect.”

if anything, kit’s words had only made her cry more, but she was smiling as she leaned forwards enough to hug him. his palm was warm as he rubbed her back, and his lips were soft as he placed a gentle kiss to her exposed neck. “thank you,” she whispered.

kit shook his head, and placed a loving kiss to her lips before he leaned down to press another to her belly, after he had lifted up the shirt she was wearing. “it’s just the truth, sweetheart. you don’t have anything to worry about,” he said softly. “you are going to be an incredible mother and we’re going to be an incredible family,” he smiled. “just you wait and see.”

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hello !! my baby fever is worse than ever so I was wondering if you could write about Kit and the reader bringing their new baby home ? and the reader overhearing Kit being super sappy and soft and talking to their baby 🥺 thank you so so so much !

A/N: I love fluffy Kit. He’s the best. 

Pairing: Kit Walker/Female Reader

Rating: Teen

The Evans Masterpost.


“Here, let me get that for you, babe,” Kit says, rushing to beat you to the front door. 

You shuffle along behind him, careful not to jostle the sleeping newborn in your arms. “Thanks, hon.”

He smiles affectionately as you walk into the house, bringing the baby home for the first time. “Can I get you anything?” he asks, placing a hand on your lower back and leading you to the sofa. “You hungry? Thirsty? The doctor said you need to drink a lot of water to help with nursing.”

“I’m fine, Kit. Stop fussing.”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I’m gonna fuss over the both of you,” he says, leaning over your shoulder to smile at his child. 

You don’t mind the fussing of course. Kit is a wonderful man and you know he is going to be a fantastic father. “Here, why don’t you put the baby in his cradle? I need to lay down.”

Kit gently takes the baby from your arms, immediately holding him to his chest. “I’ll hold him for a bit.”

You chuckle. “I doubt that kid is going to be put down any time soon.”

“Not a chance.”

You lay your sore body across the couch, smiling as Kit starts to rock in place. He looks so natural with a baby in his arms. Secretly, you vow to have a bunch more just so you can always see him this way. 

“Hey there, little man,” Kit says softly. “We’ve been waiting for you for a long time. You are so loved.”

You smile softly, watching the two of them even as your eyes start to droop. 

“You’re gonna like it here, kid,” Kit goes on, his entire focus drawn to his son. “Between me and your mom, you’re gonna have a great life. I can’t wait to see what you do.”

The last thing you see as you let sleep take you is Kit placing a kiss on the baby’s forehead. 


Fic Taglist:  @kitwalker02 @kitwalker64 @lejardinfleur @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess

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Little Bump


A/n: I got soft watching the last EP. of AHS: Asylum and thought about Kit getting a wonderful life than I wrote this. There’s no actual dialogue heads up.

Warnings: Pregnacy is the main theme of the fic, One swear word I think, this is utter fluff. Enjoy!  

Word Count: 821

Keep reading

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Kit Walker kisses your belly good morning and good night, hello and goodbye every day for your entire pregnancy. he holds you tight in his arms, palms flat on your back and waist, and presses a big smooch to your lips, then one to your belly. he addresses you as his two favorite people, his sweethearts, his babies. Kit presses kisses into your neck while he rubs his hands on your belly, astounded at the life you have growing inside it, the life you made together. Kit rubs your shoulders when they get stiff and makes you tea before bed. he insists you sit down and rest as often as possible, and has a newfound appreciation for everything you do to make your house into a warm inviting home, even more than he did before. Kit reads books on childcare every night before bed, and probably knows as much as you do if not more by now. Kit takes you to all your doctor's appointments, he hasn't missed one and he doesn't plan on it. Kit helps you decorate the nursery just like you planned, down to every last detail. The ceiling trim, the curtains, the way he arranged the toys, even the color of the woodstain on the rocking chair are all exactly like you wanted. He saw how many long hours you put into planning it out, and he's determined to execute it to the nines. It paid off, the nursery is both your favorite room in the whole house. Sometimes he walks around there while you're asleep, making sure it's as perfect as he left it last time (it always is). He looks through the toys, wondering how they'll change with age and love, looks through the books, figuring out what order to read them all to your baby. he grabs one or two to read now for practice, so he can get all the voices right by the time baby is here. you wake up from your nap to find him close by, reading Beatrix Potter stories softly to himself, to your baby. he keeps glancing up once in a while at your belly, hoping junior can hear him in there. once you're up he kisses you, then kisses your baby, just like he always does. Kit Walker is so excited to be a dad, so excited for you to be parents, and he wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.

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2 years ago

Boutta write a STORY about Peter Maximoff y'all, but anyways heres your chance to vent and your reminder to eat drink take a break and breath! Lemme know how yall are in the comments if you want, this is a mental break moment lovelies.

Boutta Write A STORY About Peter Maximoff Y'all, But Anyways Heres Your Chance To Vent And Your Reminder

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2 years ago

hii saw you are open to requests and was talking about writing kink, if not a problem may I pls request something with evan peters' character in ahs kit walker (or if you don't do characters it can be evan himself) where he is a sub to a dom female reader with a heavy spanking kink who, with his consent of course, uses it all the way on him and does not go easy on him with it at all? idk maybe he can use his safeword or something as well lol.. i hope it feels ok, thank u sm and hope you have a great day xx

Here's my Christmas gift to you sweet child.

Warning: Smut?, Spanking, safe words, Fluffffff

"red" Kit Walker x FEM!Reader

"Are you sure you still wanna do this Kit?" I looked down at the man layed across my lap, his soft jiggly ass open for my view while his hard dick lays n between my thighs slightly. "Positive." I smile before placing it gentle teasing smack on his ass. "You know your safe word right my little prince?" He nodded. "Well, what is it?" "Red." I smiled approvingly before raising my hand up and plummeting it down to the soft flesh of his ass. A whimper coming from his beautiful lips followed behind a moan as his dick slid over my thigh. "M-more.." I smack down on his as again. "What was that?" His eyes filled with tears of embarrassment. "More... please masta." I gave his ass light taps of approval before moving to get him to lay on the bed. "'atta boy." I placed another firm smack on his ass the jiggle triggering that deep down arousal in me. I felt myself getting hotter and stripped myself of my shirt. "Are you good?" he nods slightly, his form of approval making me confident enough to grab a little whip. "Are you okay with this my love?" I can see the slight thought of I don't know and yes. "Y-yes masta" his accent traveling through his voice causing heat to rush to the right areas. "Such a pretty boy." I place a light kiss on his lower back just above his ass before placing on kiss on each cheek. He moaned softly into the bed but got cut of as I cracked the whip on his ass. Not enough to cut through the skin but enough to leave that feeling of where you feel like your bleeding but you're not, you cracked the whip again in the same spot. Dropping the whip you push his hips into the bed causing him to grind against it whimpering. "Masta I-" I pulled his hair making his head come back. "Shut up kitty" He almost whined at my harshness. "Momma?" I looked down at him smacking him again. "I said hush." His tears brimmed his eyes again. "My baby boy is such a pretty crier" he moaned softly and I spanked him again but harder this time. "I dont-" I cover his mouth shaking my head no and kiss his neck before smacking his soft ass again and gripping it soothingly. "Red." I heard his voice whine out making me stop immediately. "What?" He looked at me with tear filled eyes as I rolled him over onto his back. "Kit, baby, oh goodness I'm so sorry." I quickly ran out of our room to get him his favorite snacks and drink sitting it on the bed, giving him comfy clothes and even cutting on his favorite shows. His face stained with streaks of tears I instantly started littering his face with kisses. "My prince, I'm so so sorry" I hugged him as he shoved the cherry in his mouth, choking he soft sobs that broke my heart to hear. "What was it baby?" He sniffles softly into my breast soaking my bra and boobs. "You were- too- too harsh.." I immediately held him tighter. "Aww baby I'm so sorry, I'll never hurt you again alright Mr. Walker?" he smiled into my chest. "Alright." I laid back with him still in my arms as he drifted off into sleep. I can't believe I hurt him.

yall, did I eat? Idrk. But anyways there's that!!! hope yall like it

Taglist: @yes-divine-ruler, @ppawmpkin

lmk if u wanna be added or removed!

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2 years ago

hiii, could I request “how the evans would ask/react to roadhead”? ty!

coming right up.

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie lmk if you would like to be added or removed my dears.

Warnings: isnt it obvious that its just flat out nsfw?

How the Evans, ask, and react, to the reader giving them road head.

Tate Langdon:

How he asks: It would start out as a joke, like he'd be singing a song that you'd call ass, and he would glare at you and reply with something along the lines of "suck my dick" because he's a sassy bitch. And you'd be like "We're in a damn car" just continuing with the joke but then he'd use one hand to unbutton and unzip his pants before saying something stupid like, "So? You shouldn't starve yourself."

How he reacts: He whines, grips your hair, and forces you down even more, yeah, all that good stuff. But I also feel like he'd run some red lights and even stop signs, whilst stopping at green lights, he would possibly even almost crash. So :/. The first-time you guys tried it was also the last time because you didn't want to die giving him head in a fucking car.

Kit Walker:

How he asks: He doesn't, it wasn't his idea. It was just a long ride, and he was tired, so you decided to get his blood flowing by giving him head. He'd instinctively ask what the literal fuck you were doing, and you'd be like "Keeping you awake." No more questions would be asked; However, he would want to pull over, but you'd tell him no.

How he'd react: Sketchy as fuck. Like he'd be looking around all scared that anyone would see you guys, even if you were driving. Would take time at red lights to either grip your hair or even place a hand on your boobs. He would offer once again to pull over and you hum nos against his dick driving him absolutely insane. As he's about to cum he pulls you up, and either you're at your destination or in some alley, he fucks you in the backseat. However, if you are at you r house for the destination, he fucks you in your guy's bed.

Kyle Spencer (pre-death)

How he asks: He seen it in a porn video and wanted to try one day. He was absolutely horny and couldn't do anything while driving so he kind of hinted at the idea, not fully asking. Something much like, "Hey babe my friend sent me this video... well the dude was getting something called 'road head'", he sucked at trying to drop hints, because he sounded lowkey desperate. "Okay and?" you'd reply forcing him to ask. "Can we try it? I mean if you don't want to, we don't have t-" He'd be stopped because you were already pulling his dick out of his pants.

How he reacts: He swears up and down he looked so fucking cool. He didn't. He was a whiney baby, and when he was going to cum, he had to pull over. Which he would kiss you, you'd crawl into his lap and boom. You guys are having sex in a damn Mc Donalds parking lot. Hope you're proud of yourselves.

Jimmy Darling:

How he'd ask: You'd beg him to drive your car, since it was too cold, and he said only if you'd give him head while he drove. Which you did because why not.

How he'd react: Praise, degrade, degrade and praise again and again in that order. "Fuck, you're so good with your little mouth." and then, "Fuck you're such a whore for me hm?", and then my favorite, "Such a good mouth on a slut. I fucking love you." In the end yall would make out and he'd drive you to where you needed to go after car sex, when your done with your business, more car sex. When you get to camp sex in the caravan. SEX, SEX, SEX, that's how road head goes with our darling boy Jimmy Neutron.

I will do part two with Kai, James, Alex, and Peter tmr guys im tired :/

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2 years ago

50 shades of grey with sub kit walker and dom female reader please? 🥺

This going to have two parts because I can only to 2 before losing motivation.

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie lmk if you would like to be added or removed my dears.

50 Shades of the Walkers.

I turned down my music in my car, still humming the tune of "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel. I pulled into the little gas station that looked slightly abandoned. I had noticed a brown-haired man with the cutest little face. He looked like he was a little bit of a softie. I smiled as I got out of my car and walked into the shop part. "Hi, do ya think you could help me with the gas?" He smiled and nodded walking down to my car with me. I handed him the cash and watched as he pumped the gas for me. "You're kinda cute." He smiled at me. "Thanks." "I can pick you up after work and we can hang out at my house..." He flashed me a smile again making me return it. After a couple of hours, I came back and seen the same man waiting.

That's how it all started. I met Kit and we were so attached. He'd began sleeping at my house randomly and always questioned what was in my secret room and today would be the day I'd show him. "Now Kit, you can't get scared and try to leave me... I swear to every God there is I would never hurt you." His face looked purely scared for his little life as I twisted the doorknob before opening the door. The room filled with red padded walls a huge bed in the middle, ropes, whips, chains, and even an assortment of hand cuffs are on the walls. I listen to hear any noise, but I don't, it's dead silent. "Kit..." He looked at me eyes wide. I was afraid I had scared away the one man in my life I would trade this whole life for. "Can we use everything in here?" I looked at him slightly taken aback. "Well, uhm sure but not now Kit." I saw him frown a little bit and give me the best doe eyed look he could muster up. "Momma, I just wanna use that bed... and maybe the handcuffs." I sighed getting ready to tell him no again but felt him come behind me and grind against me slightly. "Kit..." He kept whimpering into my ear before moving to place kisses on my neck. "C'mon momma, I'll be a real good boy... you can even peg me.." I looked at him stunned. He had been quite literally so against the idea of me pegging him. "Dear god Kit, you don't mean that. Hush." He kissed me and slowly walked me to the bed. "Well, since we're already here..." I glared at him. "You sneaky little brat." I layed him down straddling him. "Guess I get to peg you." His eyes widened in horror. "Be gentle momma.."

cliffhanger cs im evil like that

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2 years ago

Hi there! Can I request a list of what the Evans favorite songs are. Pls and thank you! 💕

Alright i gotchu the Evan one was looked up because i feel like he wouldve told us already idk

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan lmk if you would like to be added or removed my dears.

Evan: "Alejandro." "It's an underrated song," Peter added. "I like to bust that one out because it is more under the radar and totally badass." (I love this because this is my fav too!!) source

Tate: I feel like instead of smells like teen spirit it'd be maybe like Breed, or even And I Love Her due to the sense of emotion in this one

Kit Walker: Def into smooth music, I could see him listening to Can't Help Falling in Love, and possibly My Girl, idk he just gives me that energy

Kyle: He gives me 3OH!3 energy and Like a G6, and even Tokyo Drift, as for the 3OH!3 songs heres a few. Touchin On My, Don't Trust Me.

Jimmy: Imma put his cover to "Come As You Are" by nirvana cs why not, but I feel like he listens to Lana Del Rey (IDC IF ITS THE 50's STFU)

James: He listens to Ain't Misbehaving but appreciates Lana Del Rey and even the occasional GaGa

Kai: He doesn't really listen to music but if he did, I feel like it'd be meaningful songs. I can't really think of the songs rn... actually on second thought I could see him listening to music from the 70's occasionally but never when people can hear it. Like Earth Wind and Fire type shit.

Alex (Adult World): He listens to Artistic Music... he's an artist. Here's an example. Bad Romance. Idk I feel like he vibes with it tbh

Peter Maximoff: He LOVES The Fox idk but what I do know is he knows the lyrics to this song just like me. But also, he loves Pink Floyd, so I feel like he adores Another Brick in the Wall, I was Made for Loving You, and Bohemian Rhapsody.

Again these are all my opinions babe.

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2 years ago

Can I please request what a New Years kiss would be like with the Evans? Thank you!


Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen

warnings: Suicide on after jail kai, just flat-out Kai Anderson

New Years kiss with the Evans

Evan: He held you close until the clock struck midnight before pulling you in and kissing your lips gently before pulling away from you. "Wanna set the new year off with a bang sweetheart?" He slowly got down on one knee, "I wanna marry you."

Tate: You had fallen asleep but felt his lips on yours, "It's the new year?" he shook his head and then you heard the Harmons count down. Once they reached one, Tate picked you up and carried you to the room before planting a kiss to your lips. "I love you."

Kit: You and him had your fair share of drinks and sloppily did your little count down before kissing, a few seconds later y'all were sleep.

Kyle pre-death: You were at a party and got drunk Kyle was taking care of you smiling as he watched you jump with each count. He smiled at you but then felt you press your lips to his, kissing him and pulling him closely.

Kyle Post-Death: You had gotten him all excited and once the countdown ended, he saw a couple on the tv kiss, so he looked at you and kissed you too. "Pretty." He mumbled against your lips making you melt inside. "You are too, Ky." He smiled "Me pretty?" you nodded and kissed him again.

James: With the little counts you did he popped some champaign and then took a sip. Once you asked if you could have some, he pressed his lips to yours spilling the beverage into your mouth. "Another year with you my dear. And many more to come."

Kai: You guys had done a countdown kill and once the live was over he snatched his mask off as you did yours pulling you into a rough kiss groaning in it, his hands snaking down to your ass. "WE FUCKING DID IT!"

Kai Pre-Cult: He was slightly nervous but nonetheless had fun with you. once that clock hit midnight you pulled him into a cute little make out kiss. "I've always wanted to do that." "Me too Kai."

After Prison Kai: You went to his grave mourning and drinking while doing the little countdown. Once it hits midnight you kissed his grave and a picture of him before crying and pulling out your gun. "I love you." You cocked the gun before unloading a bullet into your brain dying in front of your lover. Soon to be reunited with your Divine Ruler.

Jimmy: You guys didnt have to perform so you decided to spend it together, you always liked Jimmy but was sure he wouldn't like you considering you were a normie and he had a whole fall down with Madison (wtv tf her name was idgaf tbh) You did the countdown with everyone and had fun but then felt an overwhelming amount of loneliness seeping through your body. "Darlin'" You turned around and felt lips on yours immediately noticing it was jimmy you wrapped yourself around him. "Happy New Year, Jimmy."

Peter: He spun you around till you were dizzy and then pampered you with kisses and corny jokes. "What are you doing Peter?!" He laughed still spinning you. "Starting the new year of with a twirl." You glared at him with a playful look before kissing him.

Alex: He slept. you slept. Y'all woke up and kissed at like 12 at noon.

Cooper Day: He wasn't totally for the kiss and looked at you when you leaned forward. "What are you doing?" You looked at him. "New Year's kiss?" He sighed but kissed you anyways making you feel all bubbly inside and happy. "I love you Coop" He looked down. "Yeah, yeah, go to sleep."


from me and @ppawmpkin

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2 years ago

PLSSSSSS part 2 of the road head headcanons i need it it was sooo good😭😭😭😭😭

Roadhead pt. 2

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

How the Evans would ask/react to Roadhead pt 2!

Kai Anderson:

How he asks: He doesn't. He kinda just pulls his dick out and you know what to do.

How he reacts: Very nonchalant, he drives like normal and even finds a way to stimulate you, and just doesn't care about getting caught. In the end, it's you and him against the world and fear. He just could care less.

James March:

How he asks: I'm sorry but it's the 20's? He doesn't partake in this activity. Maybe hides out in an alley once or twice and then you offer but yeah. So...

How he reacts to alley sex: He's very cautious, makes sure to not get caught. He lets out occasional grunt and groans and might push you down more. But once again, it's the 20's he believes this is a bedroom only act.

Alex (Adult World):

How he asks: He's very polite about it if I'm honest. "Hey babe, I need your help right now..." He'd stop at the redlight before looking down at his boner making you smirk at him slightly. "Want me to give you head?" He'd probably say yes or if you want tbh. You'd unbuckle your seatbelt and start giving him the best head he's ever had.

How he reacts: He has to pull over. He can't help but shut his eyes r throw his head back, so he pulls over.


How he asks: He doesn't ask. He's too scared, so i think you'd find his search history and that'd pop up so you'd offer one day, he also doesn't drive but he did just for this.

How he reacts: He panics. he doesnt know if he should moan close his eyes or what? so he pulls over.

sorry this is ass. im not feeling too much like myself atm

Tags :
2 years ago

Dangerously in Love (Kai x Fem!Reader)

Dangerously In Love (Kai X Fem!Reader)

Warnings: Yandere, Kai Anderson, Obsession, Stalking, Self-harm, Knives. guns, yada yada, Cults etc.

I looked down at the letter I was writing, I hoped one day councilman would return them; He never did. So, I just have to give it to him in person. I had made sure to sign the letter off in my blood before leaving an extra note attached to the obvious love confession. “And if love is madness, may I never find sanity again.” — John Mark Green. I hope he would see my poetic translation in this small letter. I loved our councilman and would kill any woman who would look at him as I did. And I did, I hit her with my car. Poor woman's name was Meadow. I just couldn't bear to see another woman looking at the man I touched myself to every night. She had to go. I slid my letter to him neatly into the envelope and stood up, grabbing my jacket before walking out the door. As I got in my car, I started playing some random song on my playlist as I hummed along. Ignoring the stinging that came from the cut I had just made to sign the letter. I pulled up at his house turning off my music and turning off my car before walking up to his house. I quickly made sure my boobs were pushed out enough to see the cleavage and the little vine tattoo that wove its way under the left breast and through the valley of them. The door opened; it wasn't Kai but rather another guy. His eyes drew straight to my breast. "May I help you?" I sighed and felt incredibly dumb in the moment. I felt the need to end the man in front of me, strip him of his ability to breathe. "Hello?" I glared at him and held out the letter with my bloody hand. "I'm here to see the councilman." The male in front of me chuckled and got ready to say something before I heard another voice, the same voice I had heard at so many city meetings. I felt my core throb with anticipation to see him. "Speedwagon, let the nice young lady in." The man stepped aside as I walked in and stood right in front of the dangerously attractive man, arousal pooling into my black lacey panties. "Mr. Anderson, I didn't know if you had received my letters, so I came to give you this one in person." The man who had the name of Speedwagon started laughing. "Oh shit, you're the psycho bitch?" I shot a glare at him, "For a man with the name of a useless object you are quite chattery no?" He looked at me and pulled a gun out on me and looked at Kai for the go who had said nothing this whole time. "Gonna shoot me?" I stepped closer to the gun and pushed it to valley of my breast, right where my heart was. "Do it. I want you to." He looked at me and cocked the gun, I felt my arousal grow and clenched my legs together. "Enough Speedwagon." I turned my gaze to the man I originally came to see. "Like I said, I wanted to give you this letter." He looked at my arm still bloody from the previous incision made so I could sign his letter. "Thank you. You may leave." I wanted to stay a bit longer, "Wait, Mr. Anderson... Do you think you could use some extra help?" He sent a look to me while holding the bloodied letter and smirk causing a spark to flow through my body. "Come downstairs." I eagerly followed behind hiking my shorts up a bit in eagerness. I watched as he sat down at a little round table and held out his pinky, I decided to take the chance and sit across from him conjoining our fingers. "Once we are connected, you have consented to answer all of my questions. Understood?" I nodded obediently, "Yes sir." I watched as he shuffled in his seat a bit before looking at my boobs. "What's your biggest fear?" I didn't even hesitate, "Being rejected." He looked at me, "Is that why you're here?" I nodded at him. "Now what turns you on most?" I once again didn't give time to think, "You. And maybe guns, and knives... danger." He smirked. "You think I'm dangerous baby?" I pushed my thighs together and nodded again. "Very."

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

Part two

Tags :
2 years ago

Dangerously in Love?!? So good I honestly love yandere fics. I usually see the character being a yandere so seeing the reader as one instead is very……. intriguing. Maybe a second part?

feel like y'all haven't caught the drift that this is actually a story yet but oh well.

Dangerously In Love?!? So Good I Honestly Love Yandere Fics. I Usually See The Character Being A Yandere

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

Warnings: Yandere, Kai Anderson, Obsession, Stalking, Self-harm, Knives. guns, yada yada, Cults etc. Smut?

"So, you think I'm dangerous?" "Very." We locked eyes for a moment, and I could feel my skin get hotter the longer he held his finger in mine. "I want your help permanently." I looked up at him feeling some sense of relief that I was needed by the man whose attention I had craved for so long. "Anything. What is it sir?" He smirked at the name once again before bringing my hand up to his lips and leaving a small kiss on my pinky before letting it go. "You'll be my wife. What normal city councilman and Senator doesn't have a wife?" I looked at him in awe, had God heard my prayers? My eyes lit up with excitement, words coming before my thoughts.  "Of course!" He smiled at me leaning towards me his lips near mine making my already soaked panties even wetter. "Are you a virgin?" I felt my temperature rise before I nodded. "I can tell." I looked at him questioning what he meant, as if he had infiltrated my thoughts, he spoke in a matter of fact type tone, "Virgins get horny over everything Mrs. Anderson. I'll be sure to fix that." I gulped rather harshly questioning what he meant by that. He pressed his lips on mine for a mere two seconds before pulling away and standing up. "Come here baby." I felt my heart flutter at his words as I walked over to him, his hands snaked around my waist and wrap on my somewhat exposed ass from the little shorts I'm wearing. I felt him place a harsh smack on one of the cheeks making me whimper in pain. "You wore such slutty clothes out in public baby." I looked up at him, "I wore it for you." He smiled down at me fondly, "I know baby." His hand ran soothing circles on the somewhat still sore cheek. "Take em off." I looked at him and started to pull the shorts off. "You're so obedient for me." I felt his hand trail down to my soaked panties as he started rolling his middle and ring finger in a circular motion on my clit. My head dropped down against his chest. "You're so wet." I nodded against his chest still moaning and whining. "Please, I'm so close..." right before I could cum, another woman walks in. She has a young boy by her side, and she has brown hair. I quickly pull up my shorts as she covers the boy's eyes. "Divine Ruler, the others have arrived." I shot her a glare as the boy, I'm assuming is her son, calls Kai daddy. "It's okay, he's not mine." I looked at Kai and nodded. "Ally, get Winter to show her to my room, she'll wait there. Won't she?" I nodded eagerly before following the woman named Ally. "And don't finish what we started without me Mrs. Anderson." I giggled softly to myself at the name before facing him and doing a fake salute, "Yes, Mr. Anderson." After about an hour of being in his room I decided to lay down, questioning how long it would take. I heard the patter of child feet. I never really liked kids to be honest. "Why are you here?" He asked in a snarky tone making me look at him, "Same reason you're here kid." "My name is Ozymandias" I looked at him and chuckled. "Your parents must hate you." "No actually, I love my moms and they love me." I looked at him, I knew that Ally girl was gay. "Oh, I see." He nodded, "Well, Oz- Ozyman- Oz. Why are you here?" He looked at me and sat beside me. "I want my daddy." I looked at him and chuckled, "Ironic, I want your daddy too." He looked at me and smiled, "He's your daddy too?" I damn near lost it, I had laughed so loud that I hadn't even heard Kai come in, "No sweetheart, he's not my daddy." Oz just nodded at me. I heard Kai's voice suddenly, "Well, I was going to say you could introduce yourself to my friends, but it appears you found something to do." I jumped up excitedly. "No! I wanna go!" He just walked out, so I took the reaction as a cue to follow him, he stopped at his basement door. "Once you step in, you can't exactly leave." I walked into it excitedly but once I seen what was inside my heart sank. What. The. Fuck.

Part one

who wants to be tagged in part three?

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2 years ago

Hi babes! Please can I get a Tate langdon x fem!reader smut where readers so invested in a smutty book and is not paying enough attention to Tate so he takes the book and reads the scene out loud. Reader being embarrassed about it. But then Tate offers to act out the scene with reader while reading the book as if every sentence is an instruction.❤️🙏🤭 tysm ily

Okay sorry this is so late.

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

"Follow Directions." | Tate Langdon x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Penetration, oral (fem), fingering, worship, boob loving tate, whiney tate, dominant tate... so on so forth you get the picture. oh btw he doesn't pull out. Practice safe sex kids!

I felt my temperature rise as I read the little book in my hands. Reading the story, I couldn't help but imagine it being me and my boyfriend Tate. Reading about how the man's hand wrapped around her throat whilst he kissed her, I couldn't bear to not envision how Tate wrapped his delicate hands around my own throat before he would pound me. I felt myself becoming wetter by the seconds fully engrossed in the little story. I hadn't even heard the little steps from my boyfriend nor his warnings to take my book if I continued to refuse giving him my undivided attention. I felt him snatch my book away before pulling it to his vision so he himself could read it "Tate no! Don't do that-" He looked at me and smirked, "'He pushed himself deep into her, hands still wrapped around her throat.' Wow... you are quite the little horny girl." I felt heat raise to my cheeks. "Tate, please." I watched as he ignored me and continued reading. "Okay so you need to undress and lay on the bed." I looked up at him absolutely confused, "What?" He completely ignored me and continued reading whilst waiting for me to undress. "Now once you're done, lay down." Completely confused based on what was happening, I obliged. I slid off my clothes and underwear before laying down waiting for him. "Good girl, now I need you to, "Bend like pretzel, to allow him to hit deep..." Does that make sense?" I felt my face heat up, he was really doing this right now?! "Actually, I'll help you." I felt him push my ankles up as far as they'd go, "Tate! What the hell?!" He kissed me to shut me up. "This is what you're imagining, why not do it for real?" He finally set the book down and pulled his dick out of his tightened jeans. "That was interesting, but I can't do all that foreplay baby." I smiled softly but then felt him push his dick into me, his chest against the back of my legs whilst he rocked in and out of me. Moans pooling out of my mouth along with whimpers of his name. "You're so good baby" I moaned once again at the praise before feeling him hit my g-spot. "Tate!" He smirked and pushed his lips into mine forcefully kissing me while still moving at his pace. "m'gonna fill ya up." He moaned against my lips making me kiss him harder, clenching around him, my stomach constricting as I get closer. I feel him grip my ankles a bit harder before he fills me with his seed whilst I coat him from base to tip in my own cum. "You should read more often Tate." He rolled off of me and chuckled, "Not happening."

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2 years ago

Evan Peters with a filipino partner?🤭🤭

So with this im going to do this as in like you take him to meet your mom and she makes a traditional filipino meal and yeah! sorry if this isnt all that good honey!

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

"Adobo" | Evan Peters x GN!Reader

"Ev, are you ready to go?" He nodded and walked up to me looking me up and down, "You look great babe." I smiled and kissed his cheek before walked to get in the car, "I'm nervous." I looked over at him from the passenger seat still smiling, "Why? I'm sure ma will love you." I turned on the radio to our favorite shared station as I set up the GPS to my mom's house, he sat beside me whilst driving and talking to himself rehearsing answers and questions. "Evan, calm down. Just be authentic and I swear she'll love you. Also she might cook my favorite meal Ev." He looked interested, "She's making hamburgers?" I laughed slightly looking down and ignoring that response by providing my own. "Chicken Adobo." He looked at me confused and kept driving before making a left turn, "What is that?" I smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "It's a Filipino dish, it's just chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, salt, pepper, and sometimes dried citrus. Nothing too strange. You might like it." He pulled up at a house I instantly recognized and I felt my excitement bubble up, "Come on babe!" I got out of the car extremely happy and ran around to his side to pull him out and drag him to the door, before I could knock I heard the door open and myself being yanked inside smothered with a hug and a scent I've relished in since I was young. "Mama!" I heard her soft laugh as she stroked my hair and kissed the crown of my head, "My baby has come home! Is this the young man you've told me about?" I nodded excitedly and pulled him close giving him time to introduce himself, "I'm Evan Mrs. (her last name)" She smiled and gave him the same hug she gave me, "Call me mom sweetheart." His face heated up red as she practically suffocated him. "Ma, I'm hungry I wanna eat." She smiled and pulled me by my hand before seating me at the table and bringing out three plates of food. One for me, one for Evan, and then one for her. Evan looked nervous as he got a little bit with his fork and taking a little tasting bite, I watched anxiously as he swallowed the chicken, his eyes lighting up at the taste of the different seasoning coating both his chicken and now his taste buds. He looked at me in amazement before taking another bite, "Wait what is this?" I smiled at him and his excitement my mom answering before I could, "It's Chicken Adobo. I'll give (Your name) the recipe sweet boy." He smiled and continued eating. After having spent over 5 hours at her house and having some drinks we decided on staying the night, we walked into my old room and he looked around and see drawing and awards from when I was six and older. At some point he seen an old school photo and chuckled. "So you HAVE always been this pretty huh?" I turned around and snatched it from him. "Shhh you weren't supposed to see that." He smiled and laid down on the small bed, "I got super lucky." I followed up his sentence with a kiss before laying by him, "Go to sleep Ev." "Goodnight (name) I love you." I smiled and snuggled into him mumbling a soft "I love you too" before lulling to sleep.


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2 years ago

Hiii :)

I really like your writing and i wanted to ask if you could write an Evan peters x fem reader story, where you are Evans gf. You go to a birthday party and tease each other the whole night (maybe some specific movements or touching). You end up in the bathroom, but the whooole action ends up at home. I just had that idea and hoped you could make a good story out of it

THis request is perfect for Evans bday sorry its so late btw im going thru some things but here you go!

Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.

His Bday | Evan x Fem!Reader

Cw: angst?, smut but like its making love ig? idk. Happy birthday Evan!

A couple minutes after we got to the beautiful birthday party that the lovely Ms. Sarah Paulson had arranged for the beloved Evan Peters, my husband might I add, some floozie decided to ruin my mood immediately. She hugged him for longer than the friendly overextending 20 seconds, kissed his cheek and decided to announce that he had been her celebrity crush for so many years. However, me being the good wife I am settled on just letting it be, because at the end of the day I will be in OUR bed BESIDE him. He also thought it would be fun to tease me and dance with the woman. I'm trying not to be hurt because he's just trying to fuck with me, but then I see her hands tangle into his hair before he pushes her away and explains it was a friendly dance. I can't help but feel some type of way, his teasing turned against him and now it was my turn to become insufferable. I walked over to him grabbing his hand and dragging him into the bathroom, not caring who bothered to look at where the birthday boy was going. Once in the bathroom I slammed the door shut and locked the door. "Well, Mrs. Peters, how could you drag me from my own par-" He stopped talking as I pressed my lips into his, my hand snaking down to cup his soft dick and massage it, feeling the length grow in my hands. "Sorry Mr. Peters, I just couldn't stop myself." I removed my hand from him and pulled away. "Go have fun baby, Happy Birthday!" He looked at me and covered his now hard dick in his pants glaring at me, forming his lips to object but I push him out of my way and walk out of the bathroom, causing him to follow me like a lost puppy whining about how mean I am before Sarah smacks him dead in the face with a little cake. I turn around and start laughing which makes him smear some on my face. "Evan! My makeup!" He laughed at me and rubbed it all the way down to my cleavage. "Don't you dare." He smirked and ran it over my dress making me smear his into his shirt, we busted into giggles and smiles as Sarah chuckled. "Alright, we'll let you guys go home." I wiped the cake off my face nodding. Once we finally got home, I couldn't even remove my jacket before he was sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to our room. "Evan! Put me down!" He smirked and dropped me on the bed making me bounce and chuckle. "I've been waiting to undress you all night babe." I smiled at him and sat up so he could push up the rather short dress. "But I'm too impatient." I felt him pull my panties down and then I heard him pull his dick out. He lined it up with my entrance and pushed in making me whine out in pleasure. "I love you so much (name) Peters." I smiled before moaning again feeling him pull out slowly and push in at that same pace in a loving manner. "I love you too Evan." I wrapped my arms and legs around his neck and torso as I felt my body push with each of his gentle yet deep thrusts. "Fuck, you're all mine and I don't ever have to share you baby." I whined out in agreement as I felt myself getting closer. He slipped his hand down to my clit rubbing figure eights on it making me jolt in pleasure. "Ev, please." He kissed me and rubbed faster while still lovingly grinding his dick in and out of me. I felt my body convulse before I spilled my liquids onto his cock and him into me. "I love you so much, happy birthday." He smiled and kissed my collar still inside of me, me dress bunched up his pants at his ankles and us dozing off into sleep. "I love you too baby."

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1 year ago

ion reblog allat often but read this rn.!

Can you do 48, 43, 5, where the reader (female) is Kit’s babysitter? but the reader is super shy and reserved and Kit finds her innocence amusing. 🥵

Kit Walker Getting Rough With His Babysitter (you!)

Summary- Kit's family has welcomed you in as the babysitter. But Kit welcomes you in as something more.

Can You Do 48, 43, 5, Where The Reader (female) Is Kits Babysitter? But The Reader Is Super Shy And Reserved

Warnings- filthy, filthy smut😋 Kit being a little rougher than usual but it's still hot, fingering, squirting and seggsy s3x Words- 2.3k, gets into smut fairly quickly

I didn't use the word prompts, I hope that's okay with you. I started rewatching Asylum and got Kit feels so I neeeeded to write something asap <3

Enjoy :D


You lay down the last cleaned plate and dry your hands on a kitchen towel nearby, stepping to the side to take a peek at Julia outside. When you picked her up from school today, she insisted that her new friend comes home with her to play. Their parents didn’t seem to have an issue with that, and since Mr Walker was very relaxed when it came to raising his kids, you didn’t think he’d mind.

You look around the kitchen before glancing at the clock, making a mental note of when to go and pick Thomas up after his football practice. He’s been playing a lot recently, so you hoped his dad wouldn’t mind if you went to his game on Saturday to watch him too. You’d become very close to the kids, and you felt like a part of the family, despite just being the babysitter. Or as Julia and Thomas called you, the Big Kid Sitter, since they hated being called babies.

You cleaned up dishes after making Julia and her new friend a snack, so you open in the fridge and start making dinner. The Walkers were pretty eco-friendly and mostly ate the things from their own farm and land, so you start cooking with the vegetables that had grown just outside the window.

You weren’t cooking for long before you heard the front door open, and Mr Walker walk in. He kicks off his work boots and takes off his work gloves. You turn around to smile at him.

“Good afternoon”

He smiles at you wide before throwing the gloves on the coffee table.

“Good afternoon”, he repeats back to you.

“Do you want me to put them in the laundry? I was going to do a load after dinner”, you ask, referring to the gloves. Kit did his absolute best handling everything around the house, but you wanted to help the most you could.

“Hey, you’re just the babysitter, let me worry about everything else”. You smile and nod, going back to cutting ingredients on the kitchen island, for the food you were still going to make.

“Although, dinner sounds delicious”, Kit says, looking at your body up and down. You look back at him blankly. You were never sure whether Kit meant to come off flirty and charming, or if he didn’t notice how he made you feel.

The dirty way he looked at you as he said delicious made your thighs tingle, but you ignore it, assuming he didn’t mean more than he said.

Kit walks over to your side and looks out the window.

“Where are the kids?”

“Thomas is still at school”. Kit nods. “And Julia is outside with a friend from school”

Kit nods once more. “Maya?”

“No, a new friend”, you look at Kit and hold back a smile. “Eric”

Kit raises his eyebrows, and looks out the window to look at his daughter running around with a little boy, chasing chickens in the backyard.

“Hope they ain’t kissin”. Kit’s accent came through the most when there was emotion in his voice. It made you bite your lip to hold back a wider smile. You turn around to him and put an arm around his shoulder to relax him.

“They aren’t, I’m keeping an eye on them”

Kit puts his arms on the sink and leans forward to take a good look at them, allowing all the muscles in his arms to reveal themselves. The muscles that every day turn wenches and pick up heavy toolboxes. You let your arm slide down his shoulder to touch his arm as subtly as you could.

“Although, they are playing mommies and daddies”, you say biting your lip once more, not sure whether Kit will like what he hears.

Kit turns to look at you and you raise your eyebrows. “Julia told me herself, they’re pretending the chickens are their kids”.

Kit sighs and turns around, leaning against the sink and parallel to you. The tips of your toes almost touch with how close you’re standing, between the kitchen island and the counter.

“They grow up too fast”, he says and smiles sadly. “She’s way too young to be playing mommies and daddies”

“I don’t think it’s serious yet, they’re chasing the chickens telling them it’s bedtime”, you laugh, hoping for Kit to loosen up. Although, if he were mad at your remark, you had an idea how he could take it out on you.

Kit stays silent for a minute, not too amused by what you said, instead deep in thought. You respectfully turn around and go back to cooking, letting him think.

But only a few seconds later, you feel his presence even closer behind you. You feel his breath against your shoulders as he opens his lips to speak.

He hesitates, making you wait and the impatient butterflies in your stomach flutter around faster. When the tip of his nose is touching your temple, he finally whispers.

“If anybody is old enough to be playing mommies and daddies, it’s us, don’t you think?”, he raises his eyebrow in natural question, as if what he’s suggesting isn’t filthy.

Your lips part with a silent gasp as you turn your head to try and look him in the eye, wanting to see if he’s serious or not. But your gaze never makes it to his eyes, stopping at his lips and never going further. The longer you stare the more you notice the edges of his lip curving into a smirk.

The kids outside run away further, taking their giggles and footsteps with them, leaving the kitchen and house completely silent. Kit mirrors your eyes, looking down at your lips. You gently lay the knife down on the cutting board and gulp quietly. You wonder whether Kit heard how nervous you were, or how hard your heart was pounding, or how much your heat throbbed.

Your questions were left unanswered when Kit pressed his lips against yours, sliding his hands on your waist and pulling you close. He pushes you against the kitchen island and you obediently let him. He kisses you again, deeper and hungrier, sucking your bottom lip in and savouring the taste and warmth of it. You waver, moving your hands first to lay gently on his shoulders, but quickly pulling them around his neck, trying to bring him closer to you. You tug and pull on each other as if you yearn to become one, desperate to feel skin to skin contact already that is still being blocked by your clothes.

Kit’s hand roam your body as he engulfs you in his kiss, moving his hand to brush through your hair, holding the back of your head as he speeds up, sucking in your tongue and lips eagerly. He no longer holds his breath, panting against your lips, making you melt against his body.

Any apprehension on your side dissolves with Kit’s other hand sliding to your ass, cupping it and digging his fingers into your cheek harder than expected. You can’t help but whimper against his mouth as he does so, feeling the immediate affect of your noises on the buldge pressed up against you. His hardening cock rubs against your clothed thighs just enough for you to realise how wet you were for him already. Kit must feel the same, as he moves his lips onto your neck, kissing gently once or twice before sucking harshly.

“Kit”, you whimper. “I need-”

He barks against your ear, “What? What do you need?”

His deep voice and sexy accent made you stutter even more.

He brushes his lips against yours, repeating, “What do you need?”, before biting your bottom lip lightly and tugging on it. When he lets go and it snaps back to place, you gasp and look at him. The hungry lust in his eyes made them black.

“You”, you finally choke out. You pull at his shirt, so needy that you struggle to take it off yourself, just pulling and lifting it. “Here, now”

Kit pulls his shirt off and throws it on the counter before ripping your pants down with your underwear. When his hands make their way back up your body after taking them off, they meet the bottom of your shirt and pull it off in one quick motion. It ends up somewhere on the floor, but you don’t care where.

The hand that Kit had on your ass returns to its position, grabbing a fistful of your ass and turning you around. He pushes up against your bare ass with the buldge in his pants and kisses your shoulder.

“Is this what you want?”, he rubs his tent between your cheeks. You nod desperately.

“Are you ready for that?”, Kit teases against your neck.

“Mm”, you moan, nodding again.

Kit pushes the chopping board in front of you away, almost letting it fall to the floor. Once he has space, he picks you up and puts you on the counter, bent over for him. You accept, pressing your boobs against the cold counter making your nipples harden, and looking back at Kit slightly.

He puts his rough hands on your thighs, spreading them to see your pussy. He groans when he sees how turned on you are, and gently blows on your arousal. The unexpectedly soft action makes you shiver and Kit chuckles, before quickly returning to his dominant self.

He spits on your pussy and uses his pointer and middle finger to rub it around you. Even the minimal touch finally in the place you want it, makes you close your eyes and hum in pleasure.

However, the tender caresses end when Kit plunges his two fingers into your pussy.

“Kit!”, you cry out.

Kit exhales in satisfaction at how soaked you are, before moving his fingers deeper into you. He points them up and curls them, digging around your walls. You rest your face on the counter, completely in his control as his slender fingers rhythmically curl. Kit clearly knows what he’s doing, purposely moving his whole hand, thrusting and probing his fingers at your sensitive ridge.

He suddenly slaps his hand down on your ass, making you yelp out in surprise. His tight grip on it adds another layer of pleasure, and he kneads and spreads it out, looking closely at you drip as he finger fucks you.

You can no longer hold in any noises, moaning incoherent swear words as Kit’s hand speeds up, hearing him moan too at the obscene sounds you make. Kit bites his bottom lip and the muscles in his arm flex as he fucks you, seeing how close you are to climax. Your fingers grip the edge of the counter in an attempt to hold yourself down, his fast digging making you move around the island.

Although you’ve masturbated and orgasmed before, an unfamiliar feeling spreads through your soaking pussy, making you lift your head.

“Kit”, you whine out between pants and moans that line up with the fast pace of his fingers, “Wait”.

“That’s okay baby”, he spits out, staring at the puddle you’re making. “Let go”

Your eyes wrinkle as you shut them tightly and your fingertips turn white as you hold on for dear life, Kit moving his entire arm, nearly vibrating his hand inside you, his stiff fingers deeper inside you than ever before. A long cuss leaves your lips.

“Fuuuuuck”, you yell out and rest your head, unbelievable arousal pouring out of you so fast that you can hear it on the floor.

“Fuck, baby”, Kit whines desperate, watching you squirt all over his hand. He slows his fingers down but doesn’t stop them, unzipping his pants with the hand that was on your ass.

When you part your lips to beg him to stop, too sensitive to take more, he takes out his fingers and replaces them quickly with his cock. The stretch makes you gasp and groan, only possible because of how wet you are. Kit puts his hand on your lower back, thrusting into you and moving your lax body towards him to meet his cock. He pounds you relentlessly, occasionally slapping his hand down on your ass, making you swear.

Kit groans through gritted teeth, panting as almost every thrust makes you clench around him. He leans towards you and brushes his fingers back through your hair, firmly but tenderly lifting your head off the marble island.

You struggle to keep your own head up as Kit’s massive length completely fills you, whining and trying to hold back another impending orgasm as best as you could, despite how tired you were getting.

“Kiiit”, you yell.

“Yes baby?”, he breathes out. He wraps his arm around your thigh, messily rubbing your clit.

Although a small gesture, it sends electrifying pleasure through your body, making your eyes open and hands grip the edge once again.

The extra touch makes you clench without even noticing, only clear by Kit’s loud reaction.

“Oh fuck- baby”, he groans. His sounds and thrusts get quicker in pace. You close your eyes tightly, feeling too full once again, attempting to hold in another orgasm. It becomes too difficult when Kit thrusts against something special, making you let go of your head and body and squirt over him again.

“Y/N, oh my god-”

“Cum for me baby”, you whimper out encouragingly and clench for him.

Within three more thrusts Kit yelps out your name, releasing into you, and attempts to ride out the orgasm, but immediately becomes too overwhelmed.

He pulls out but stays stood behind you, both of you too exhausted to move.

Suddenly, a certain thought gives you the energy to stand up and face him.

“Wait, you came into me?”, you ask.

Kit looks confused. “You told me to”

You widen your eyes a little, not wanting to show how nervous this made you, since you didn’t know how serious Kit felt about you. But he put his hand around your waist and smiled, making you calmer. He fakes an innocent voice and asks you a simple question.

“I thought you wanted to play mommies and daddies?”


@milly-louise @kitwalker02 @tatestripedsweater @therenlover @maria-akira @tatesimper @sallyscigarettes @mossybank @ahsxual @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess @mrs-march-ahs-biggest-fan @kitwalkerangel @kitsommers @blackbat2020 @whiiiiplaaaaash @elaineygrace @divinerulerluvr @johndeaconshands @midnightstar-90 @xmaximoffic @tatesweaterweather @undeadcortez @slightlyvicked @americxn @kaislittleheadliner @imjimmysdarling @kaiandersonluvr @fictional-men-that-i-stan @quickiesgirl

guess thomas never got picked up from football practice SKDJSD

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