RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Giggles And Shits. ANYHOW! My Half Of A Art Traddeeeee:333333 Hiiiiiii Eepiiiieeeees

Giggles and Shits. ANYHOW! My half of a art traddeeeee:333333 hiiiiiii eepiiiieeeees

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Being responsible for myself is yet freeing yet scary.

The contradiction of my existence.

Insecurity is at the start of change.

Right now

There is just

Being tired

And feeling alive.

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3 years ago

wtf was episode15 even all about, the way i waited for a teaser at the end for episode16 and im right guessing there's no way they will do that, my poor baby gaon is so confused and betrayed at the end

Wtf Was Episode15 Even All About, The Way I Waited For A Teaser At The End For Episode16 And Im Right

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3 years ago
As If I Didn't Have A Heart To Melt.

As if I didn't have a heart to melt.

Credit to the k army who made it on twitter

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10 years ago

Just got a bluetooth keyboard yesterday and im using to type this message to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Friendly reminder to follow my new main blog @thatnomzguy


(if you want)

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6 months ago


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6 months ago

(Volume Warning) (Drawing by @bugcatcherara) (Video editing by us)

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2 years ago


only *12 dollars or so* thru PayPal or Cashapp!!

i don’t have a job right now and I really wanna buy something I’ve been looking at for awhile!!

these aren’t the best examples whoops

(I can also do screenshot edits, scroll to one of my older posts for reference! I can also show you some of my editing work if you ask!)

just dm me!!!

I’ll most likely do anything except NSFW!!

(pls don’t steal my art it’s my oc and also me and my buddy 😭😭)


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2 years ago

You know on Pinterest you sometimes write a comment but don’t send it so it just stays on that post as a draft so two years later you just happen upon a post you think is great and go to type a funny comment when “BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THATS WHY!” Slams you in the face, and you wonder: why did I write this for a post about Alligators and gender?

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8 months ago
Yeah Im Live

yeah im live

come here if you guys wanna watch

(ignore the warning i've got a silly sense of humor)

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2 years ago

Wanna be a tree?


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5 years ago

Alphabet burger tag?

No no no. It’s a alphabet soup tag but i like burger more

Tagged by my only one uwus and i don have any idea about what i should write here ck.

Rules: Answer these in a new post and tag 10 people you would like to know better.........but i have nobody but her @ryncorrect​

A- Age: want to be forever 5 but my mom said 22

B- Birthplace: hospital ofc

C- Current time: Ng...15.30 GMT+7

D- Drink you had last: water? Or baby's blood? ngahahah

E- Easiest person to talk to: myself ehehehehe

F- Favorite song: EXO’s Universe and DAY6′s Letting Go are my ult. EXO’s Wait and Good Night also DAY6′s I’ll Try for my lullaby ugh actually i forgot the other song lol

G- Grossest memory: my life is full of gross memories ehe

H-Hogwarts house: I lived in Konoha

I- in love: with Jae? Sungjin? Depends on the situation:)

J- Jealous of people?: I’m an angel i don hate people don trust me i’m the best liar

K- Killed people: not.....yet

L-Love at first sight, or should i walk again?: better sleep

M- Middle name: darling lol someone kill me please

N- number of siblings: one lil sister and one lil bro

O- one wish: live blessed

P-Person you last called: one of my friend, wake her up

Q- question you are always asked: why i do this to me hohoho

R- reason to smile: you, guys ehey

S- song you last sang: CBX’s Playdate I’LL TAKE YOU ON A PLAYDATE U N I U N I U N I~~~~~

T- time you woke up: at 5 AM then sleep again 8 or 9 AM till 12

U- underwear color: don wear any HAHA not gonna tell u

V- vacation destination: prefer stay at home but Japan or travel around Indonesia is not bad

W-Worst habit: if fall a sleep 10 minutes after start to studying is a worst habit then it is lol

X- X-rays: i have no brain:)

Y- your favorite food: i like almost every food but prefer starve then eat food that contain Parkia speciosa. in Indonesia called Pete, or Petai

Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn aye aye

tagging.......no one bcs i don kno anybodys here except my nuna when she should be called as eonnie hello anybodys here!

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5 months ago

Can a miracle happen? Its TIME!!!

Can A Miracle Happen? Its TIME!!!

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1 year ago
grimshawpunch - Welcome to the side hustle.
@pink-key Your Son Says Hi :D

@pink-key your son says hi :D

i collapsed while making this /j okah but i did have fun drawing this heheheee (not thre background tho)

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9 months ago


Omg I'm so happy someone drew her thank you 😭😭😭😭

aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence

*hits with oc's doodles on your timeline*

separated photos & credits below

aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence
aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence
aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence
aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence
aglitchysylveon - A Corrupt Plane Of Existence

^ ^ ^






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1 year ago
I Am Actually So Normal About This And Not Unbearably Obsessed And Drawn Into The Intricacies Of This

I am actually so normal about this and not unbearably obsessed and drawn into the intricacies of this hauntingly deep emotional storyline written with the careful craftsmanship of an unimaginably talented author(@mustangs-flames) at all, why do you ask? Have you read it? You should? Right now?

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