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The snow has not melted everywhere, and in some places the meadows are still white. Crocuses bloom among the dry grass - small and fragile flowers! Every year they grow in spite of the snows and the merciless winds blowing. It is unusual to watch their festive attire, to watch them bloom and confidently carry spring with them!
Не везде растаяли снега, и кое-где белы ещё луга. Среди сухой травы цветут крокусы - маленькие и хрупкие цветы! Каждый год они растут назло снегам и дующим безжалостным ветрам. Непривычно наблюдать их праздничный наряд, смотреть, как они цветут и весну с собой уверенно несут!
Hermes and Crocus, a commission for Elysium (a magic shop in wellington) for their shop hoodies! Doing a Greek mythology piece was such a treat!
(fullview for better quality)
"Kreuzungskrokus" - #yellow #crocuses in the middle of the street at a pedestrian crossing #Westentor #Dortmund #DOüberrascht #winter #Krokus #Krokusse #Kroken #signsofspring #thesmallthings (hier: Westentor)
I was looking so hard for #crocuses these days but today I found them 30m from home :-) #DOüberrascht #flowers #signsofspring #Krokus #Krokusse #Kroken (hier: Kulturort Depot Dortmund)