Kyungsoo X Reader - Tumblr Posts
supplicant • dks

warnings: degradation, god!kink, religious themes, dom!ks, sub!reader, mentioned whipping and punishment, boot grinding, humiliation etc
“Will you be good, now?”
His voice is calm, eyes dark as he stares down at you. Ropes hold your arms behind your back, keeping you on your knees but you both know it’s unnecessary; were you not bound you’d be down there still, worshipping as you always do.
Your gaze is fixed on his shoes, thick leather boots which click softly against the floor as he taps his foot in waiting. “Yes,” you whisper. Yes, sir.”
He’s silent for a second, and you know he’s displeased even before his foot collides punishingly with your stomach. You keel over, try to grab it in pain but the rope stops you. Maybe you did need it. Nice touch.
“Yes, God,” he says lowly. “You call me God.”
A small smile flickers across your face but you don’t let it linger, knowing he’ll take it as insolence — a sin which your burning ass reminds you you have already been punished for today. Instead you mutter a repetition, emphasising his correct title with a bow of your head. “I’m sorry, God,” you whisper. “Forgive me.”
He barks a loud laugh and kicks you again; this time, his foot collides with your legs, forcing them apart and exposing your bare pussy to him. His lips curl into a snarl at the sight of your wetness pooling on the cold floor.
“You like it that much?” He grins. “You’re sopping wet. You like it when your God gets mean?”
“I love it, God,” you whimper. “I love it so much.”
“You bitch,” he laughs. “You stupid, sex-crazed little bitch. Going dumb just from being slapped around a bit?” He takes a step closer to you and presses a foot against your dripping pussy. You whimper, trying to push yourself into it and for once he doesn’t stop you. He just laughs, lets you grind against his shoe while he presses it harder against you.
Your head comes to rest against his knee when you get too delirious to hold yourself up and curls a hand into your hair, pulling on it harshly as you start to move faster. Your whines get louder, your movements sloppier and more desperate but he doesn’t help you. You feel his eyes on you as you keep going until your legs start to hurt, pussy aching as you feel your orgasm coming. His grip in your hair tightens as you come with a yell, juices spilling over his shoe before your body collapses, going limp against his leg. His hand leaves your hair and he shoves you off of him, watching amused as you fall back to the floor. The whip marks on your back burn as they fall onto the concrete and you gasp. Your torso lifts from the floor, trying to escape the pain but his foot presses it back down, pressure increasing until he’s almost stepping on you. You meet his eyes as he stares down at you and his kind smile could almost fool you into thinking this is over.
“Good dog,” he snarls, and then you know it’s not.
A/n ; thoughts pls!! Reblogs/comments/requests always appreciated. Love xx
Cupcake Wars (M)

Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: You / Kungsoo (D.O.)
Genre: Smut / Humor
Prompt: “Frost the damn cupcakes.”
Rating: 18+ (explicit sex)
Word Count: 2,901 [ THIS IS A REPOST ]
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Ooh la la la

Kyungsoo x reader
Warning: None
Genre: Fluffy cute shit au awww
Word count: 1k (1007)
Summary: Kyungsoo just wanted to serenade you, but the rest of the members can't help but be themselves and lowkey ruin it. He's lucky you don't mind it at all.
“I don’t think this is a good idea after all.” Kyungsoo turned to the other boys, doubting the plan they had all worked on for a while.
Kyungsoo has been crushing on you for a while now and his bandmates finally convinced him to serenade you.
Though now, Kyungsoo had started to regret this, his grip on the flowers in his right hand being too tight.
“You’ve worked hard on this, don’t quit now. We’re here, if you forget any lyrics or something, we will cover you up.” Junmyeon told him and Kyungsoo let out a breath, taking small steps towards the area under your balcony.
“You can do it.” Jongin’s whisper was heard and Kyungsoo nodded.
“Wait, how do I get her to come out here?” Kyungsoo panicked and everyone turned to look at each other, their eyes widening at the small, but important detail they forgot about.
“How about you text her?” Chanyeol offered but Baekhyun gave him a light slap on the back of his head. “That’s not romantic!”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw rocks either.” Minseok murmured and the rest nodded, agreeing with him.
“Socks?” Jongin asked and Jongdae face palmed. “Our feet probably smell, do you wanna kill the poor girl?”
“Okay, I got an idea, what if I scream and she comes out to see what is going on?” Sehun jokingly said but the others seemed to think about it for a bit.
“I didn’t mean it, come on guys!” Sehun whined and Kyungsoo shrugged.
“Let’s just start singing. She will hear us.” Lay spoke up and everyone turned their heads to look at him.
“You’re kinda right. We should just start, she’s probably still preparing to go to sleep, so I don’t think we’re too late.” Kyungsoo said.
“Okay, 1…2…3…” Chanyeol counted before he started playing the guitar.
“When I turn my head, my eyes meet yours” Baekhyun started singing.
“And once again, I’m just left staring at you” Jongin continued and small smiles started spreading at everyone’s faces at how well it was going for now.
“That smile is a bit too much for me, filled with an ease leaving me to burn I can’t breathe when I see your eye smile, it seems like you know that’s your charm” Sehun rapped and they all kept staring at the window, waiting for a hint or a reaction from you.
“Yeah yeah yeah
La la, la la
Your eyes are whispering to me,
La la, la la
It’s like they’re asking me to approach you”
A light flickered inside your room and everyone sucked in a breath, Kyungsoo was already sweating.
“Ooh la la la, please allow me
Ooh la la la, into your imagination
I’ll go right in, so let me in I’ll dance in your eyes
Ooh la la la, the moment our gazes meet”
You reached the balcony, wondering what was going on outside and your eyes widened when you spotted them.
Your eyes met Kyungsoo’s, who was sitting in the middle, exactly the moment Jongdae sang that lyric. His expression changed to a mix of embarrassed, shy and awkward and you could feel your face mimicking it.
“Right now, in this moment, the space between us is filled with this strong trembling, “
Kyungsoo sang and you swore your heart skipped a beat.
The boys went on with the song, Kyungsoo was now standing, awkwardly holding the flowers in his hands, a mix of looking straight into your eyes but also avoiding your gaze. You had moved closer to the balcony slowly and so did he.
“It’s like you’re telling me to open the door”
Kyungsoo raised his arm towards you, longing to hold your hand, the height of the balcony separating you.
“to your slightly open heart and come right in”
He took over the rest of the lyrics, lowering his hand and taking a step back.
“Ooh la la la, please allow me
Ooh la la la, into your imagination
I’ll go right in, so let me in I’ll dance in your eyes
Ooh la la la, the moment our gazes meet”
Your breath hitched as you heard him sing those words for you.
He motioned to the boys to stop and spoke up.
“Would you like to come down here for a little?” He offered and you nodded, quickly going back in.
Kyungsoo motioned to the guys to leave and they quickly all disappeared, in reality hiding behind some bushes.
“Hi” you awkwardly said, mentally cringing.
“Hi” Kyungsoo replied and you giggled.
“So, what did you think?” Kyungsoo mentally face palmed knowing that it was exactly what they had told him not to say.
“I liked it. A lot.” You confessed and Kyungsoo let out a sigh.
“Look, (y/n), I had been meaning to ask you out for a while now, but I really couldn’t find a proper way to express my feelings. I’m sorry it took me a while, but I think this was the best way to describe what I feel for you.” He ignored everyone’s advice and followed what his heart told him to say.
“Kyungsoo… I’ve liked you all this time, I could never imagine you liking me back and all this is like my craziest fantasy.” You shyly admitted.
“It’s real, my feelings for you are real. I like you, a lot.” Kyungsoo said and held one of your hands.
“Would you like to…?” Kyungsoo hesitated thinking the term ‘girlfriend’ wasn’t serious enough for the feelings he felt for you.
“Of course.” You replied, knowing exactly what he meant and Kyungsoo smiled, before slowly leaning in.
Your lips met his and they slowly moved against each other’s both enjoying the moment ignoring anything around you.
Kyungsoo’s arms wrapped around your waist, your one hand on his chest with the other played with the hair on the nape of his neck.
“Why are they so quiet? What is going-OH MAN MY EYES” Sehun screeched and Kyungsoo sighed pulling away, Junmyeon scolding Sehun in the background.
Imagine slow dancing with Kyungsoo
Your hands on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around your middle, as you both sway, left to right, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. His quiet humming was the only sound in the small room, but it soon stopped, when his lips softly landed on yours. "I love you" Kyungsoo reminded you in a small whisper, your heartbeat was so loud, you swore he could hear it. "I love you too" you whispered back, a grin forming on both your faces as you both slowly leaned in once again.
If You Were Mine
Do Kyungsoo x Reader (afab) (she/her)
A/N: So I wrote a D.O. fic, first time posting on Tumblr because I don't totally hate this story. I apologize for it being so long, I don't know how to use the 'keep reading' option on my phone. Also, all of this is clearly fictional.
Genre: Angst. Hanahaki disease
Warnings: Major character death. Sehun says some bad words. MDNI
“Sure thing, I’ll let her know you called,” Sehun promised, unaware that you had just come through the apartment door. You quietly set up Vivi’s leash so as to not disturb Sehun’s phone call. You had a rough idea what the phone call was about, but you really wanted to sneak past and into your room.
All you wanted lately was to be alone. You weren't yourself and you knew that, this was something you had to deal with yourself. No meddling roommate and best friend would be able to help.
“Don’t you dare try to run away.” Sehun could be intimidating when the time called for it. As much as you wanted to be alone, you couldn't take Sehun's consistent pestering.
"I just got off the phone with Kyungsoo, what the hell is going on with you two?"
There was only so much you were willing to share with Sehun. You and Kyungsoo had recently started growing apart; you weren't seeing each other as much, the phone calls and text messages had started to die down. The intimacy had become next to nothing once you started to get sick. In Sehun's eyes you were pushing Kyungsoo away without a valid reason and he was only trying to help.
Kyungsoo was amazing; he was extremely intelligent, hard working and hilarious. He was also an amazing cook, and as someone who lacked the basic ability to cook even the simplest dishes, it was something that you looked for in a partner, it was non negotiable. Kyungsoo was your number one fan; he was always there to support your dreams, he was there to pick up the pieces when you failed your law class exam and encouraged you to try again. Kyungsoo felt less like a boyfriend and more like a partner, someone you were meant to conquer life with. You couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him. There was no doubt in your mind that Kyungsoo would be an amazing husband and father when the time came….if it came.
Sehun really tried to compose himself, he really cared for you and the friendship you two had together. The friendship he had with Kyungsoo also meant the world to him.
"Okay, listen. I don't know what's going on with you because you never speak to me anymore. Or even the man you always claim is your soulmate for that matter. But it needs to stop. If you took ten fucking minutes out of your day to even speak to Kyungsoo you would realize he is also sick!"
"I cant-" "-I can't see him." Your heart began to race, you could feel it pulsate in your chest. Your throat had begun to feel hoarse, there was a lingering taste of copper on your tongue. You were going to be sick and Sehun would be there to witness it.
"You're being extremely selfish and entitled. You can't just push people away."
You took off before Sehun could say anymore. Although there wasn't much more he could say. Deep down you knew he was right, which had only made the pain worse. You claimed to love Kyungsoo, you would swear on your life. Any sane person would fall in love with him in a heartbeat and it made you sick to know that maybe you weren't the one to love him. But you wanted to. You loved him, past, present and future. You would do it a thousand times over.
Jongdae held Kyungsoo as he cried for you and your relationship. Kyungsoo missed you and wanted nothing more than to be with you and hold you. He knew though, he knew when he became sick and his throat would become irritated with the thorns that decorated your birth flower that you weren't his. He wouldn't be able to hold you, kiss you, carry on with the life plans like you two had decided on. You were no longer his to love. It was slowly killing him to know you were in love with someone else. He wanted nothing more than to see you one last time before he couldn't see you any longer.
"Kyungsoo, I'll take you to her. She might change her mind. Maybe once she sees you in person she'll listen to you-" Jongdae cleared his throat, unsure if he even wanted to finish that sentence. "Before it's too late."
Kyungsoo didn't want to say goodbye. He didn't feel like he had the strength to carry himself to get to you, to form the words. There was so much he wanted to say to you. There was so much the two of you wanted to do. There wasn't enough time to accomplish those things, there wasn't enough time to say goodbye.
It felt insignificant but Kyungsoo grabbed some lozenges on the way out. At this point he wasn't sure if it was to ease the pain from the coughing and the scratching from the thorns of the flowers or if it was to ease his throat to be able to form coherent sentences.
Sehun was ready to admit defeat with you, he couldn't help you if you weren't going to help yourself. He was aware that Jongdae was on his way with Kyungsoo and busied himself with the task of making tea. He knew he had been too hard on you, and a warm cup of tea had always been an offer of peace in your shared apartment.
The knock on the apartment door seemed to ease Sehun's mind. There was finally someone else to talk some sense into you. Sehun gladly let his two friends into the apartment, there wasn't time to exchange pleasantries, Kyungsoo took off to find you.
Sehun grabbed Jongdae's arm to hold him from going further. You and Kyungsoo really didn't need someone else getting involved. Whatever was going on you two had to work out amongst yourselves.
"Jongdae, do you have any idea what's going on? I haven't been able to get a proper sentence out of her for days."
"I assume you know about the flower disease?" Sehun nodded in confirmation. The current moment didn't seem like the time to interrupt, but he knew he would have so many questions later. "Well you see, you cough up your soulmate's birth flower. Which is exactly what Kyungsoo has been doing. He has been coughing up her birth flower….but he's not getting better. He's actually getting sicker. More petals, I've seen him cough up whole flowers. He's in so much pain, Sehun. He's coughing up so much blood. I'm scared."
"Do you think?" Sehun couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence. The silence that swept over the two men was plenty of confirmation.
Kyungsoo was greeted with the sight of you embracing the toilet. You were running hot and the ceramic was helping to cool you down.
"Kyungsoo-" "I'm so sorry."
Kyungsoo dove to grab you up off the floor. He held you in his arms all the while you sobbed and soaked his chest with tears. Tears that were filled with love, sorrow, heartbreak and gratitude.
"Kyungsoo, I love you. I swear. I don't know why this is happening."
"Shhh. Just let me hold you."
Being held in Kyungsoo's arms has always been your favourite place to be. He was warm and comforting. Kyungsoo would gently hum your newest favourite song while you laid on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Kyungsoo would intertwine your hands as he rubbed your back with his free one while you started to list all the things you loved about him just so you could hear his heart race.
"I've been coughing up your birth flower. It really hurts."
"I'm so sorry. I should have told you why I was sick. I didn't think you would get sick. I thought I would just handle things by myself and you would stay healthy."
Kyungsoo gently placed his hands on either side of your face. As much as you didn't want this to end you knew you had to say goodbye. The love you and Kyungsoo shared was no more. His lips against yours were the most gentle they had ever been, like one wrong move and it was over.
"Knowing you're in love with someone else almost hurts more than my throat bleeding or having to actually cough up these flowers. I'm glad you're my soulmate. I don't think I could have loved a better person. I know you love me, but you're no longer in love with me. I wish you told me how you felt."
The look in Kyungsoo's eyes was enough to make you fall in love with him all over again. He wiped the tears from your eyes like he had a thousand times before with no care of your makeup staining his white sleeve. "Your happiness is more important than a silly shirt. I don't want to see you cry" He had told you the first time.
"Do Kyungsoo. Thank you for everything. I wish I could have loved you more, I wish I could have loved you longer. I want nothing more than for you to find someone who loves you more than you think is possible. You're the one person that deserves it. I would give you the world if you asked for it. I love you Kyungsoo. I'm sorry I couldn't be that person for you."
Kyungsoo held you close as he felt your body give away. Almost as if your soul physically left your body. He lowered you both to the ground where he noticed the full flowers of Aster littering the bathroom floor.
— [♡]; Estrelas de reality show
![[]; Estrelas De Reality Show](
⿴ ≡ ¡Gif isn't mine! / ¡O Gif não é meu! ⸾ ⸽ Do Kyungsoo (ɪᴅᴏʟ! Kyungsoo x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 1.531 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida. ≡ ⿴
![[]; Estrelas De Reality Show](
Quando seu manager te disse que esse novo programa que estava fazendo sucesso queria que você participasse demorou para entender. Seu grupo já tinha conversado uma vez enquanto o assistia o quão seria legal participar, você só não pensou que você fosse a primeira a escolha. Mas aceitou após um tempo de conversa com suas parceiras.
Assim que a vã do canal da televisão te deixou a frente do local onde iam gravar ficou surpresa. Era uma casa grande e bonita, com grandes paredes que na verdade eram vidro, dando a visão do interior da mesma. Conseguia ver pouco com a grande quantidade de corpos usando roupas pretas e grandes aparelhagens dentro da mesma.
"Nós vamos terminar de te prepara aqui no carro okay?" A voz da staff principal do show chama sua atenção, ao perceber sua cofusão ele logo explica "Nós vamos começar a gravar quando sair da vã, assim sua reação gravada será a crua, e não atuação".
E assim uma das staffs responsável por sua maquiagem e cabelo entram no veículo e fazem pequenos retoques finais, e saem mais uma vez. O panico quase toma conta de seu corpo, mas logo some, quando a porta se abre sozinha.
Você finalmente sai, e procura manter o sorriso no rosto, enquanto segue as instruções dos staffs para seguir em determinado caminho, claro que sempre reverenciando os mesmos.
Quando finalmente chegou a entrada principal, encontrou um bilhete escrito: "Seja Bem Vinda, Y/n-nim! Sua companhia lhe espera..." e então você finalmente a abre.
Assim que entra, percebe que o lugar é ainda mais bonito, e repleto de câmeras também. Elas te acompanham enquanto passa pela grande e confortável sala até a cozinha para tentar encontrar alguém.
A pessoa parada ali te surpreende. Do Kyungsoo. Um de seus Idols favoritos e também um sunbaemin muito querido por todos.
Ambos ficam parados por alguns instantes, e você tem certeza que sua cara foi muito engraçada, uma vez que o moreno solta um riso fraco. Felizmente isso te lembra que precisa voltar a realidade, e é o que faz, em uma reverência em perfeitos 90°, e um "olá" que provavelmente te denunciou mais ainda.
"Olá, Y/n né?" o rapaz diz, e você consegue fazer seus pés finalmente andarem até os bancos a frente da bancada.
"Sim, é um pazer te conhecer, D.o-ssi! sou uma grande fã!"
Os proximos minutos do encontro são repletos de elogios trocados e sorrisos vergonhosos, porém foi bom para que ambos ficassem minimamente mais confortáveis na presença um do outro. Foi quando um tablet ao qual você não tinha noção que estava ao seu lado.
Abrindo, vocês lêem uma mensagem os informando que suas missões seriam cozinhar um prato específico. E então Kyungsoo sem demora começa a organizar as coisas, enquanto sem saber muito o que fazer, continua sentada tentando manter a calma e continuar a conversa que tinham sobre a relação que ambos mantinham com seus grupos.
"D.o-ssi... quer ajuda?" Sua voz é baixa e denuncia sua hesitação. O moreno se vira para você, colocando o avental cinza, e sorri fazendo surgir seu adorável 'eye smile'.
"Imagina, pode continuar sentada..." Assim que ele começa a dizer, percebe seus lábios se contraindo e uma expressão levemente preocupada surgir em seu rosto. O ato o fez sorrir mais uma vez. "Mas você quer ajudar né?"
"Sim, por favor!"
Feliz de poder ajudar, você se levanta e vai para o lado do rapaz e pega o avental preto e começa a rolar as mangas de sua camisa, mas é um trabalho difícil até. É uma surpresa quando sente as mãos de kyungsoo se juntarem as suas e com maior facilidade começar a dobrar a peça com uma facilidade incrível.
Naquele momento, é como se o tempo começasse a andar mais devagar. A luz do Sol que batia nos dois fez com que a pele do rapaz brilhasse, os cílios que entornavam seus olhos formaram sombra em suas bochechas, que você reparou por algum acaso, que estavam levemente coradas. Foi impossível segurar sua risada baixa - de admiração. O ato fez Kyungsoo levantar a cabeça e te olhar, o corado de seu rosto se intensificando.
Você não sabia, mas para ele a sua imagem o encantou profundamente. O modo como a luz te iluminou e fez surgir uma sombra elegante sobre a sua figura o pegou desprevenido, e então ele torceu para que você não percebesse sua respiração falhando. Ele tentou não perceber mais nada sobre você, mas o brilho em seus olhos chamou sua atenção e ele não conseguiu pensar em mais nada.
"Acho que já podemos começar...o que quer que eu faça?" Sua voz é baixa, mas alta o suficiente pra ele ouvir e concordar com a cabeça. Soltando suas mãos, as quais ele não sabia em que momento as teria segurado, D.o se virou e começou a dividir os legumes para que começassem a prepara-los.
Tudo corria bem, naquela tarde. A conversa entre vocês fluía normalmente, algumas brincadeiras e piadas começaram a surgir entre vocês, e toda a produção do programa já soube que aquele definitivamente seria o episódio mais e mais comentado por muito tempo. Tudo corria, até que... por um descuido de Kyungsoo, em meio a um momento de distração, pois estava percebendo o modo como seus olhos se fecham e sua bochecha cora quando ri, um pouco do molho que ele mexia acabou voando em sua camisa, que por muito azar, é azul clara.
D.o não controla seu pânico e começa a repetir uma série de pedidos de desculpas, enquanto você não se preocupo muito e riu. O moreno começou a usar um pano para tirar o excesso do molho, enquanto sua figura manteve o braço esticado para o ajudar. A todo momento ele se revezava entre pedir desculpas, e a dizer mil e um modos de como tirar uma mancha. O único problema era que ele não parava de falar, e aquilo o impossibilitada de ouvir que não precisava de tanta preocupação.
"D.o-ssi!" Sua voz um pouco mais alta, chamando sua atenção, e sua mão sob a dele o fizeram parar imediatamente. Ambos os corações começaram a bater mais fortes, as respirações ficaram mais pesadas e nenhum dos dois sabiam, mas sentiram o mesmo arrepiar na nuca. "Está tudo bem! Não se preocupe, minha unnie, é excelente em tirar manchas difíceis" seu sorriso definitivamente ficará marcado na memória do mais velho, e o modo como ele te olha, irá te fazer companhia durante muito tempo.
E mais uma vez, lá estavam os dois, se encarando e descobrindo pequenos segredos sobre a beleza um do outro. Você, por exemplo reparou que ele tinha covinhas ao entorno de seu sorriso, e ele, que você tinha um risco mais claro no seu olho. Você sentiu mais uma vez que poderia ficar ali o observando uma vida inteira, mas a panela no fogo começou a ter vida própria e ambos voltaram a realidade.
Pelo resto do programa todo o menu foi feito, e então vocês se sentaram para finalmente o provar. Sentados lado a lado, começaram a comer. Quem visse de fora, iria acreditar serem um casal de muito tempo, e muito confortáveis. E tenha certeza, os editores fariam questão de fazer essa imagem ainda mais real.
Havia muito tempo que não se divertia desse jeito, e ficou muito feliz por ter aceitado o convite, porém as gravações chegaram ao fim - rápidas de mais para você, quem se importa se já é noite? - e tudo já começou a ser organizado e limpo para que fossem em bora.
Após ajudar a limpar, você e Kyungsoo se encontraram em algum canto, e começaram a se despedir. Agradeceram um ao outro pelo dia, pela conversa e pelas risadas. Concordaram que deveriam se ver novamente, porém não conseguiram deixar claro quando nem como, e que deveriam também pensar em alguma colaboração também.
Mesmo não querendo, você se despediu e seguiu para casa, e estava tão feliz que não percebeu que uma de suas pulseiras teria ficado em cima de uns balcões, mas para sua sorte, Kyungsoo achou, e soube que deveria te devolver. Porém ele sabia também que não poderia confiar totalmente nas pessoas ali, portanto mesmo ansioso, ele aguardou para chegar em sua casa e ligar para seu manager.
"Boa noite, manager-min, preciso de um favor seu...sim, me desculpe as horas, mas...pode me ajudar a encontrar uma Idol...y/n."
• "Em novo episódio de programa de sucesso, vemos o clima de romance entre D.o e Y/n"
• "Couple Goals. Kyungsoo e Y/n nos mostram a imagem de um cas jovem e apaixonado."
• "Quebrando a internet, fandons surtam na internet com o novo casal querido: D.o e Y/n"
• "Reforçando nossos desejos e especulações, Kyungsoo é visto com a/n em cafeteria. Nosso casal é real?"
• "Seria mais um encontro? Y/n é vista entrando na SM, seria um encontro? Uma parceria? Apenas esperando para ver"
• "Nova música! Kyungsoo do Exo e Y/n do MorningStar nos abençoam com vocais angelicais em Nova música."
• " Em Nova música emocionante, e videoclipe lindo, D.o e Y/n nos contam a história de um lindo casal apaixonado."
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[Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
— [♡]; Reality Show stars
![[]; Reality Show Stars](
⿴ ≡ ¡Gif isn't mine! / ¡O Gif não é meu! ⸾ ⸽ Do Kyungsoo (ɪᴅᴏʟ! Kyungsoo x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) Words: 1.531 words Warning: mention of food. ≡ ⿴
![[]; Reality Show Stars](
When your manager told you that this new program that was being successful wanted you to participate, it took a while to understand. Your group had already talked once while watching you how cool it would be to participate, you just didn't think you were the first choice. But he accepted after a time of conversation with his partners.
As soon as the empty TV channel left you in front of the place where they were going to record, you were surprised. It was a big, beautiful house, with big walls that were actually glass, giving an inside view. I could see little with the large amount of bodies wearing black clothes and big stereos inside.
"We're going to finish getting you ready here in the car okay?" The voice of the main staff of the show catches his attention, noticing his confusion he soon explains "We'll start recording when we get out of the van, so your recorded reaction will be raw, not acting".
And so one of the staff responsible for your make-up and hair gets into the vehicle and does little finishing touches, and then leaves once more. The panic almost takes over her body, but soon disappears when the door opens by itself.
You finally leave, and try to keep the smile on your face, while following the instructions of the staff to follow a certain path, of course always bowing to them.
When you finally reach the main entrance, you find a note written: "Welcome, Y/n-nim! Your company awaits..." and then you finally open it.
As soon as he enters, he realizes that the place is even more beautiful, and full of cameras too. They accompany you as you walk through the large, comfortable living room to the kitchen to try to find someone.
The person standing there surprises you. From Kyungsoo. One of your favorite Idols and also a sunbaemin that everyone loves.
They both stand still for a few moments, and you're sure your face was very funny, as the brunette lets out a weak laugh. Luckily this reminds you that you need to get back to reality, and that's what it does, in a perfect 90° bow and a "hello" that probably gave you away even more.
"Hello Y/n right?" the guy says, and you manage to get your feet to finally walk to the benches in front of the bench.
"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, D.o-ssi! I'm a big fan!"
The next few minutes of the meeting are full of exchanged compliments and shameful smiles, but it was good for both of them to get a little more comfortable in each other's presence. That's when a tablet you had no idea that was at your side, rings as soon it's received a message.
Opening up, you read a message informing you that your mission would be to cook a specific dish. And then Kyungsoo without delay starts to organize things, while not knowing much what to do, she keeps sitting trying to keep calm and continue the conversation they had about the relationship they had with their groups.
"D.o-ssi... do you want help?" His voice is low and betrays his hesitation. The brunette turns to you, putting on the gray apron, and smiles making his adorable 'eye smile' appear.
"Imagine, you can stay seated..." As soon as he starts to say, he notices your lips twitching and a slightly worried expression appear on your face. The act made him smile once more. "But you want to help right?"
"Yes, please!"
Glad to be able to help, you get up and go to the guy's side and grab your black apron and start rolling up your shirt sleeves, but it's hard work even. It's a surprise when you feel kyungsoo's hands join yours and more easily begin to bend the piece with incredible ease.
At that moment, it's as if time started to slow down. The sunlight that hit them both made the boy's skin glow, the lashes that curled his eyes cast shadows on his cheeks, which you noticed by some chance, were slightly flushed. It was impossible to hold back your low laugh - of admiration. The act made Kyungsoo lift his head and look at you, the blush on his face intensifying.
You didn't knew, but for him your image enchanted him deeply. The way the light illuminated you and cast an elegant shadow over your figure caught him off guard, and then he hoped you wouldn't notice your breath hitching. He tried not to notice anything else about you, but the glint in your eyes caught his attention and he couldn't think of anything else.
"I think we can start now...what do you want me to do?" His voice is low, but loud enough for him to hear and nod. Letting go of his hands, which he didn't know when he would have held them, D.o turned and began to divide the vegetables so that they could start preparing them.
Everything went well that afternoon. The conversation between you guys flowed normally, some pranks and jokes started to emerge between you, and the entire production of the show already knew that that would definitely be the most and most talked about episode for a long time. Everything went on, until... due to an oversight of Kyungsoo, in the middle of a moment of distraction, because he was noticing the way your eyes close and cheeks blush whenever you laugh, some of the sauce he stirred ended up flying in his shirt, which, unluckily, is light blue.
D.o doesn't control his panic and starts repeating a series of apologies while you don't worry too much and laugh. The brunette started to use a cloth to remove the excess sauce, while his figure kept his arm outstretched to help him. All the while he alternated between apologizing and saying a thousand and one ways on how to remove a stain. The only problem was that he didn't stop talking, and that made it impossible for him to hear that he didn't need so much concern.
"D.o-ssi!" Her voice a little louder, drawing his attention, and her hand under his made him stop immediately. Both hearts began to pound harder, their breaths grew heavier and neither of them knew, but they felt the same shiver on the back of their necks. "It's alright! Don't worry, my unnie, she's excellent at removing difficult stains" Your smile will definitely be imprinted on the older one's memory, and the way he looks at you will keep you company for a long time.
And once again, there they were, facing each other and discovering little secrets about each other's beauty. You, for example, noticed that he had dimples around his smile, and he noticed that you had a lighter streak in your eye. You felt again that you could stand there watching him a lifetime, but the pot on the fire began to take on a life of its own and you both came back to reality.
For the rest of the program the entire menu was done, and then you sat down to finally taste it. Sitting side by side, they began to eat. Anyone who saw them from the outside would believe they were a long-time couple, and very comfortable. And rest assured, editors would make a point of making this image even more real.
It had been a long time since you had fun that way, and you were very happy to have accepted the invitation, but the recordings came to an end - too fast for you, who cares if it's already night? - and everything has already started to be organized and cleaned so that they can go away.
After helping to clean, you and Kyungsoo met somewhere, and started saying goodbye. They thanked each other for the day, the conversation and the laughs. They agreed that they should see each other again, but they couldn't make it clear when or how, and that they should also think about some collaboration as well.
Even if you didn't want to, you said goodbye and headed home, and you were so happy that you didn't realize that one of your bracelets would have been on some counters, but luckily, Kyungsoo found it, and knew I should give it back to you. But he also knew that he couldn't fully trust the people there, so even though he was anxious, he waited to get home and call his manager.
"Good night, manager-min, I need a favor from you...yes, sorry for the hours, can help me find an Idol...y/n."
• "In a new episode of a hit show, we see the romance between D.o and Y/n"
• "Couple Goals. Kyungsoo and Y/n show us the image of a passionate young man."
• "Breaking the internet, fandons freak out on the internet with the new darling couple: D.o and Y/n"
• "Reinforcing our desires and speculations, Kyungsoo is seen with a/n in cafeteria. Is our couple real?"
• "Would it be another date? Y/n is seen joining SM, would it be a date? A partnership? Just waiting and seeing"
• "New song! Kyungsoo from Exo and Y/n from MorningStar bless us with angelic vocals in New song."
• "In Exciting New Music, and Beautiful Music Video, D.o and Y/n tell us the story of a beautiful couple in love."
![[]; Reality Show Stars](
[Masterlist] • [Exo Masterlist ]
🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : unintentional﹙dks﹚

warnings: implied smut, profanity, fingering, and masturbation
genre & trope: suggestive and neighbors!AU
pairing: do kyungsoo x f!reader
word count: 3.03k (edited)
synopsis. your first impression of your neighbor didn't end well for you, but it was the opposite for him. after eavesdropping his conversation about you next door and him singing a song of romantic interest for you—lyrics filled with undressing you off in your Versace dress, you gain the same pining for him and end up following every lyrics of his song.

Surely, this state will be enough to cause a hangover once you wake up tomorrow. You thought to yourself, palm on your forehead, wishing for the elevator to reach the current floor you're staying temporarily.
Oddly, the air in the hallways felt warm, so you removed your coat, revealing a body-hugging Versace chainmail dress your generous friend who offered you to wear tonight for clubbing.
Earlier morning, you had a petty argument with her. When she would give you her Versace things, it would always consist of you not accepting them since they were very expensive, to passive-aggressive threats you'd receive from her, then to her gleefully seeing you in Versace, your bag heavy with her gifts. You didn't have to buy clothes at all. You had a supplier of your things for free.
You were on a business trip for this month, consisting of attending board meetings, reviewing proposals, and sharing a drink and good conversation with special sponsors. Since everyone was given a week of rest, the same friend insisted on taking you out clubbing tonight and also invited your other friends. It took you a minute to contemplate if you should take today to only sleep, but you loved a good drink and company, so you eventually agreed. Leading you to this bad state of headache from alcohol.
As you safely reach your room and input your pin on the door lock, you feel a figure on your right, and you take a look only to see the dreaded person you didn't want to meet during your stay in this hotel—your neighbor.
You're staying in a good small three-star hotel, and all of the services were fair quality, so you hadn't thought of any disruption when staying here, except for one. Your neighbor, a great singer, truly, is a nuisance just by singing karaoke in the dead of the night. The walls of the hotel rooms were thick enough not to hear conversations, so it meant that your neighbor was just that loud.
Imagine going back to your bed only to hear your neighbor disrupting it with their hobby of singing karaoke heartily before going to sleep. Honestly, you also guessed that you would be sleeping at the same time as him, ruining your sleeping schedule. Even some point on those nights, instead of being irritated when you were already prepared for a good night's sleep, you would wonder if they just recently had a breaking point like a heartbreak with those sad ballads. He was singing his heart out to Bruno Mars, but you needed your goddamn sleep.
You thought of some options to stop this, and it only led you to the solution of switching rooms. But it would be far-fetched since the only available ones were far from your budget.
And there you were, waiting for a good chance to complain about the noise, but the noise your neighbor has been making isn't that loud for the other neighbors to complain. You also didn't have any proper decorum at night to complain to your neighbor, and you were always busy during the day, so you had to shelve all of your ill temper inside you.
Still not noticing your presence, you take in all the information of him. Average in height and an all-black comfy outfit of hoodie and sweatpants. Understandable for someone who would sing the blues in the middle of the night. Yet, your senses start to tingle. Your knack for recognizing attractive people could detect that he was more attractive underneath this cover-up, even if we were from a bird's eye away.
Strong hands and fingers with years of experience as a musician swiftly type down his door pin, and his hand forms firm fists, his knuckles prominent as he holds down his door handles. He's about to enter his space when he notices your presence. And finally, you know the face of your nuisance of a neighbor, which might turn quite a turn starting this moment.
The neighbor was a new face of attractiveness you'd never seen before. Dark and formed eyebrows beneath the straight black fringe, drawing you down to his large moon-shaped eyes with full black irises that sparkle from the light reflected off your dress. You trace your eyes down from his nose to the most striking aspect of his face; his heart-shaped pink lips parted like cushions of velvet when caressed.
He realizes a bit late of your stares, making him bow, a gush of warmth rushing up to his ears as he greets a good evening.
Snapping back to reality, you also bow, struggling to straighten yourself from the alcohol in your system.
"Good evening," you greeted back as you stood straight up, and he smiled idly, reciprocating the greeting.
"Kyungsoo? Is that you?" a man from his apartment called out.
"Yeah," he replied back, quickly bowed at you again, mumbling a goodbye, then entered his room hurriedly.
Too bad, you thought. A part of you wished you could observe him more to satisfy the curiosity that the 'once' dreaded neighbor was actually a sight to behold, but the remaining half just wanted to take a good hot bath and bury yourself on the soft mattress of your bed.
You shrugged it off, deciding to surrender to the latter choice, and entered your apartment, dropping your purse on the couch and your body followed.
As you looked around your space, you feel a bit empty just from the difference of the fun energy from clubbing and this bare hotel room. Nothing was in your room to feel like you were home, and you were feeling like you were living in a blank space these past few days.
Empty tables and countertops greeting you every morning is starting to suck off the energy you regained *barely* from sleep. Missing the familiarness and coziness of your home, and most importantly—"Fuck. All this clubbing makes me wanna get laid so badly."
I mean, how could you blame yourself? Lewd scenes in the club of people getting drunk and making out on the dance floor, and then when you're fed up with that scene and decide to take a tinkle, you go to the restroom only to see another cluster of people getting drunk and making out. The worst is hearing grunts and skins slapping in the women's bathroom.
Just how are you supposed to compose yourself? Being surrounded by horny people made you horny too. You're human.
Ding. Notifications from your phone on the couch pop up, and you check out what's happening. They were pictures sent by your friends in the group chat, all of you just having fun drinking in the VIP section, along with texts if everybody got home safely, and you noticed yourself in those pictures.
The long deliberation of wearing this iconic Versace chainmail dress your friend told you to wear and ending up wearing it was worth it. This dress attracted many lookers on you tonight, and your friends teased how you were practically glowing with the dress.
You can't help but take advantage of the remaining glamor you feel with yourself and also the desire to please yourself tonight. So you dim the lights of your room, and you hear the noise of an electric guitar chord tuning from your beloved neighbor.
You groaned in frustration and punched the air toward your neighbor's place. "You may have attracted me on our first encounter, but you're still good at being an ass." But this action alone of trying to argue with your neighbor's walls is helpless, so you slumped on the couch again and stared off into space.
"The guitar solo on this song is so good, I swear. It's good that you picked this song for a starter in your plans to be a musician." The muffled noise turned clear, hearing them from an unmistakable sound of speakers. They were using fucking microphones.
"Yeah, hopefully this would be a good song for my audition. I've been practicing my vocals for a while now, so I might as well pursue it." You almost calmed down hearing the neighbor's deep calm voice, followed by the melody of a familiar intro of a song on a synth piano.
The sound of romantic and dreamy enter your senses, and you place your ear on the wall to listen more closely. You can't pinpoint what this song's title was, but you know that it is pretty famous.
The other voice that wasn't your neighbor interrupted, "Let’s start filming the practice? I think we’re ready to record." Then the synth stopped, a pout on your lips formed unconsciously, and you strayed away from the wall in defeat.
"Sure, but before we start recording, I saw my neighbor by the door earlier…."
Me? you thought, eyebrows furrowed with curiosity.
Silence and a deep sigh engulfed it. The neighbor continued, "I think it was her first time to see me and her dress tonight…it looked so perfect on her, like it was tailored for her only. It also looked expensive like all of the past clothes she wore, and there is always the familiar scent of—"
"Versace?" The friend finished.
"Yes. Exactly."
"That's why you picked this song. So then, what did you do?" The friend continued, full of expectations.
"I bowed, greeted a good evening, and immediately went inside since you called out for me."
"You're an idiot."
"Pfft—" you snorted, glad that you held yourself back by covering your mouth.
"What do you mean?" Kyungsoo asked innocently, clearly showing no signs of remorse for his actions. You never knew your neighbor was so naive, especially when his songs, besides the ballads, were always passionate soul and R&B music.
"What do you mean? Are you serious—You're hopeless, Do Kyungsoo" and silence. The friend was too stunned to speak, even to inform Kyungsoo what he had just lost.
"Would you like to practice before we record?" Kyungsoo blurted out.
"Yes, please."
The dreamy tune of the synth goes again, and a specific key of the synth feels like Kyungsoo was about to start singing until you hear the first stanza. You're frozen, silenced. This is Bruno Mars' song, but neither is it about the blues nor the music of a broken-hearted man.
So this was it, the reason why this melody was so familiar. It’s Versace on the Floor. The dim lights of your room, the smooth and sensual synth piano, and his voice, like the color of the finest silks of green, set the caress atmosphere. You've always heard him singing passionately, but this vibration and temperature of emotion were much unlike his past way of singing.
As you struggle to catch your breath, a growing sensation builds, the feeling of weight getting heavier as you struggle to dedicate yourself to listening to his serenades alone. Thoughts of him on your first meeting start to swarm up every corridor of your mind, and you lean your back to the wall. Eyes closed and hands to your chest, grasping the hem of your dress to fully immerse yourself with the walls that seem to be the only separation of your longing and lust for pleasure.
Realization of reality opens your eyes to the current situation. Was this just a coincidence? Versace, the conversation about you, and this song. Wait—is this song actually for you?
A fit of laughter of disbelief escapes from your lips, the tip of your tongue poking your inner cheek. The alcohol must have reached your rationality, though this doesn't stop you from entertaining the thought of just hearing his intentions to undress the sight of you in your Versace dress, tingling you with excitement.
But this isn't right. You convinced yourself. This is uncalled for. How can you lust on a man you just met?
The headache from the alcohol disperses and a new sensation replaces it. Your legs and arms go weak, and you slowly fall on your carpet as the chorus ends and another verse comes.
There was nothing to stop you, yet still you worried if this song was supposed to be dedicated to you. You groaned in frustration, and gave up, following his explicit instructions, unzipping the zipper from your back, the sound of a smooth zipper gliding down along the lines of your spine. In a trice, the nipple covers on your breasts are long gone, and you shiver from the nakedness of your chest; the tip of the nipples achingly hardens from the coldness of visibility.
Kyungsoo's voice still reverberates clearly despite the thick walls and sensual lyrics of the following verse of the song filling the air as he sings about tender intimacy. You lick your fingers and imagine him kissing you bold, tracing down from the curvature of your neck to the enticing slopes of your shoulders. It didn’t matter how graphic and lewd he’d sing about the curves of your body, the assurance of your unquestioned beauty heard sincerely.
To him, you were his muse. He reveres and divines your every composition, turning you into hymns of his desperation to touch you. You were a spec of his imagination in his eyes, the belladonna of what he can’t even grasp his dreams to be with. The sultriness of his voice chants of kissing you naked, undressing in your dress, and you hum in contentment, brushing your agitated nipple, igniting a symphony of pleasure within you from the light contact.
Every inch of you quivers, delicious temptations of touching yourself, hypnotizing your sanity, and the morals you've put yourself to protect crumble down. A great requirement of satisfaction has been set upon you, earning for you to yearn more, itching to caress the warm existence between your legs.
You wanted to feel his emotions. No, instead, you needed him to look at you with those large radiant eyes to look straight into yours without any hint of hesitance behind them and touch you with those carefully carved hands on every part of you. And with that voice, that heavenly blessed voice, if he was here with you, you'd fawn over him as he barely touches his velvet lips on your ears, whispering sweet praises slowly leading to merely sweet nothings of your existing beauty.
Amidst the yearning for him, do you hear the sweet guitar solo you've forgotten existed in the song, the long tolerance of your refusal of self-satisfaction vanishing. You readied, your hand busy teasing your erected breast and the other pulling down the remaining dress that covered the rest of you. You shut your eyes closed, feeling your hesitant cold hands go near between your thighs, landing to touch your clit, and a hiss comes out of your mouth from the touch.
Hallucinations of Kyungsoo in front of you, observing you just like how you imagined him to be, with anticipation, with eagerness. You spread your legs wide and leniently stroked your clit, capturing you with an airy moan, a rush of ecstasy from your cunt to your arms. Shortly, your patience goes dry, gaining more momentum and force to your strokes, knees buckling, and your legs surging from high.
You feel it coming close, and you stop yourself from the pleasure as he sings the song's ending chorus. Quickly you grab the nearest pillow from the couch and sit on it, legs on either side of the pillow and start humping. The interrupted orgasm recovers, and you think of how erotic and ludicrous you are, pleasuring yourself just by the voice of a neighbor you once hated, which turned out to be the man of your ideals.
Kyungsoo belts out the song's last note, and you whimper, nearing your orgasm. You stifle out a noticeable mewl as you orgasm, and you immediately cover your mouth, hoping that it wasn't heard, especially by your neighbor.
"Fuck, no, no, no," you mumbled repeatedly and lay dead on the carpet, body weak from bliss.
"That was amazing! I think you're good to go for the audition already, Kyungsoo. Would you like another go? Just to make sure," The friend complimented Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo remained quiet, and you felt every nerve of your body growing cold.
"Yeah. Can we record in your studio instead? I wanna hear my voice clearer."
"Sure. I'll just meet you on the ground floor since I'll be starting up the car."
"Okay." The sound of a door swinging open next door is the last sound you hear.
It was just the two of you left, and it felt awkward even though you were technically in different rooms, but it felt like you were in the same space, feeling the tension and being the only ones aware of it. You pursed your lips and exhaled to relieve your nerves, neglecting your eavesdropping.
Better take a bath, sleep in the comfort of your bed, just like you planned, and pretend nothing happened. Yes, that's good for now.
Knock knock. That sound definitely didn't come from your phone, nor was it an alarm clock you hopefully set by this hour for no reason. It was from the door. Your door specifically.
You hastened in wearing your nipple covers and wore your dress again, wearing a cardigan from the hanger near the door. You braced yourself from what you might see from the door viewer, and you tiptoed, seeing from the small hole the neighbor, in the same clothes earlier, his chin rested anxiously on his hand.
Shit, you cursed under your breath and tried to fix your hair and cover the skin showing on your chest with your cardigan. You slowly opened the door, and the neighbor didn't expect you'd even open the door.
"Uhm, can I help you?" You asked, and he opened his mouth, but nothing came out, and he attempted again.
"I…" Your eyes grow larger as you expect his response, looking straight to his eyes that wander around, trying to find answers from everywhere until he meets your eyes, and something bursts.
The both of you crash into each other's lips simultaneously as if knowing each other's pursuits of lust, rashed and rough, inhaling only the oxygen that suffices from one another.
Kyungsoo grabs hold of your waist and pulls it near, an indecent sigh coming out from the kiss.
"Kyungsoo." he breathes deeply, out of breath. "Call me Kyungsoo."

© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist
genre & trope: fluff and established relationship
word count: 0.14k
now playing: all my love by park bo gum (instrumental)

. ִָ ˑ ⊹ ( 9:25 PM ) — the words i love you aren't really the things you hear on a daily basis from kyungsoo. rather explicitly saying such embarrassing words for someone like him, he says it to you in words that are not socially deemed romantic. he masks the hidden meanings in the simplest ways.
but you can notice.
you can sense it.
when you focus on the corner of his lips and watch how it curls up as it prepares to speak to you. his eyebrows and how they furrow upward, making more space for the growing eyes that are focused only on you, and the ticklish affection of his thumbs caressing your cheeks, letting your heart skip a beat, even before he says
"sleep well." i love you.
and you give a knowing smile, snuggling in between the sheets with him and cherish the thought of him remembering how you hold sleeping earnestly, and sheepishly reply
"yes. i will." i know.
and then silence comes as you welcome slumber in between each other's warmth, holding a silent whisper of the promise of tenderness. a whisper no other can hear until we finally fall asleep on someone's embrace: home.

© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist