Requests : CLOSED! - 16 - He / Him - I have autism and really bad anxiety so I'm sorry if I come across as awkward or rude, I don't mean to be! Call me out on it and I'll try to rephrase my words.
104 posts
AHHH YOU DO LACKADAISY REQUESTS??? May I Request Reader Awkwardly Confessing To Rocky And Thinking It
AHHH YOU DO LACKADAISY REQUESTS??? May I request reader awkwardly confessing to Rocky and thinking it it was a mistake until he gets all happy and does the Beam™
Pronouns used : None
Note(s) : I can't write romance or Rocky well ahhhhh please help me

I fumbled with the seams and ends of my clothes, whether a shirt, skirt or jacket whatever I wore was pulled on and scratched at. By the end, Mordecai would've shot me dead for the lack of symmetry after I played with the fabrics for so long. The loud cars outside were muffled by the cafe walls, the aching smell of emmisions clawed it's way in which done nothing to calm my scattered thoughts.
Smoke reminded me of him, the chaotic and almost evil laughter while everything burned behind him caused my cheeks to burn with shyness. I could never tell if he noticed my affectionate and obsessive stares, but curiosity kills the cat, and maybe I would be let back with the promise of love if he returned my feelings.
"You got me pancakes!??" A paw and a violin slammed onto the table, my fur stood on end and I let out a hiss, ears snapped back and tail bushy with shock. The man in question arrived, his lucky R tie on with his signature grin accompanied, tail swishing back and forth with pure joy. Coughing, I patted down my fluffed out fur, his unwavering energy bouncing back at me.
"See? This is why you're the best person I know." His eyes drifted upwards, meeting mine while I felt my cheeks burn yet again. Subconsciously, my ears pinned back with embarrassment and I struggled to get the next words out. Looking down as if my legs were the most interesting thing I'd ever witnessed.
"Oh! Uhm, yeah." I paused, unsure of how to go on as Rocky sat down opposite me in record speed, setting down his violin on the seat next to him. He looked up at me to continue for a moment, after seeing I didn't object to him eating he began wolfing down his meal with eyes closed in contempt, syrup messily spreading all over him. Looking down at my own food, I felt like I'd get more sick if I ate, wanting to get everything over and done with quickly. "You can have mine if you want, there was a discount so I got two." Rocky momentarily stopped, eyes wide and brimming with tears of happiness at the food before him.
"I asked you here about. Well. What I mean to say is-" Realising he didn't hear me from how quiet I was, I breathed in and out, preparing myself. "I really like you. Not in the friend way, like how Ivy and Freckle are, uhm, not that I'm saying we're exactly like that yknow? I just..." I suddenly felt nervous, my ears standing at attention for his reply, but he just swallowed his food and stared intently at me, pancakes forgotten with no expression that I could understand.
"I'm so, so sorry this was dumb I should leave." His unwavering eyes felt like bullets tearing into my flesh, I ached to leave and just as I tried to releave myself of that pain by snapping my arm back to my side, attempting to shakily stand stand up when a familiar paw gripped onto my own. My face may not have visibly gone red, but that didn't change how my entire body was on fire, paws sweaty and shaky as I managed to look up, wide and loving eyes stared back at me. I almost choked at his next words.
Syrup dripped down onto his lucky tie and I instinctively reached over to wipe it off, looking back up at him for a moment I noticed what I was doing, his unblinking eyes so close my breath practically transferring to his. Suddenly self conscious over everything I was doing, my eyes began to dart around nervously, breath quickening as the air shifted to feel like I was suffocating in deep water.
"You do?" Rocky's face turned to a softer version of his regular smile, my feelings were maxed out as I stumbled over my words, nerves over the roof and unsure if this was an acceptance. Instead nodding sharply. Almost as fast as a bullet, he reached over to hug me and laughed like a maniac. My arms shyly reached over and hugged him back, I could feel him move up and down going from the toes of his feet to them being flat, voice vibrating on my chest and making me snuggle into his collarbone.
I heard a sharp cough and practically had to force the man's strong grip off me, while his laughter died down, he remained uncaring of the guest at our table. When I finally managed to pull his noodle arms off me, I turned to the newcomer and didn't see his demeanor die down for a moment.
"Please don't be disruptive. We have other patrons to serve." One of the waitress' stood by the table, dissaproving gaze in full display as her sharp tone made me suddenly hyper aware of the noise level Rocky was previously laughing at. Speaking of, he didn't reply, and the second my eyes turned to him he simply toothily grinned at me with eyes wide and nothing but happiness in them.
"Oh! I'm sorry, we'll leave." My head shot down in embarrassment, she scoffed and her feet stomped away in annoyance, I looked up at Rocky to see he didn't even look at her as she walked away. No attempt to move or grab his violin.
That's when it happened, he began vibrating. The bright light became searing and I had to look away in fear of blindness, I could hear screams as I felt a hot burn begin on my body. That's when my vision went and a ringing was all I could hear. Bodies littereted the remains of the cafe, fire spreading rapidly as he began burning his way through the earth, creating a crator of pure light. He beamed™ and there were no survivors.
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More Posts from Fun-k-board
hey, i was wondering if your requests are open? i'd love to request something for hester x reader
Very sorry for taking so long <3
Hester X Gender Neutral ! Reader Headcanons

I imagine she'd be a good listener, but may not even let you know she's listening, you talk or maybe don't even talk and just portray behaviour that tells her all she needs to know, yet you most likely won't understand that she's writing everything down in her head.
She isn't a good gift gifter, Hester may give you a dead animal here and there, a spell to cast on your enemies, maybe if you're lucky something handcrafted, like a necklace or bracelet, but it'll probably be made of bones or twigs. It won't be comfortable to wear, but the thought counts, right?
You'll probably think she hates you at first, Hester, especially if you're at the top of your class and a Never, is cruel and unrelenting with her rudeness. Pushing you, playing pranks, cursing you, all slightly harmless, yet still most likely to leave you bruised or crying in some way. She genuinely doesn't mean harm, well, she does, but she believes it'll impress you.
If you're an Ever, she definitely does understand you may not like her, and tries hard to lessen her cruelty, but it's part of her nature. She wants to show herself to you, to let you love her as herself, not as a soft Ever.
The dream was lovely, a bright yet comforting meadow, birds chirped happily and flew around me. I smile, the soft grass and breeze makes me sigh, laying my head down to the grass I close my eyes. Something makes me itch, I look down to see some kind of bug, 'no matter' I think, and simply go to gently push it off, but then it bites.
If you're a victim of bullying, especially if you're an ever, she has a 'toughen up' attitude, and although it shows she cares it's rather harsh. Hester will teach you never spells that you've never heard of because of how horrific they are, even if you're a never, a harsh and deadly one, she teaches you things even you'd be hesitant on casting. Specifically to use on your bullies, or as she phrases it, your 'enemies'.
Hester doesn't share anything, food, clothes, spell books... Not until you give her incentive to.
You mention you haven't eaten today? Have some food that's been in her pocket for a week, probably stale, but she insists since you've been loudly complaining for so long, you made one random comment under your breath you didn't think she'd even hear, you may as well.
You got put in the doom room so your clothes got torn, or are you wearing something too hot or cold, or maybe it's not fitting you? Have a spare top, trousers, or dress that she can modify with spells to fit you in, she has ones that are for colder weather, ones that are hotter weather, and complains that you look too miserable and are annoyingly complaining to her otherwise. Regardless on if you do either.
You're behind on classes? A spell book she has 'lying around', if you're an ever, you may be wondering how Hester managed to get an ever spell book, to which she tells you to shut up and just take the damn thing.
Extra scene I thought of!
(There's some bugs)
I yelped in pain, it didn't feel like any normal bug I'd been bitten by before. In my momentary panic I smack it by accident, screaming in shock when more burst out, hundreds of bugs crawling and biting my leg all over. My head begins to ache and I hear voices all around me, small hands shaking my shoulders.
My eyes snap open to see one of my roommates, rushing me out of the room with everybody else in tow, all of them try to help me, smacking the bugs off and screaming as they also get bit. I drowsily look around, noticing a dark figure behind a corner, the second they see me looking, they go back behind the wall and walk away. They looked like a Never.
Unknown to you, Hester feels a small smile on her lips, less like a smile, more like a demented smirk. She cackles a little, your screams were like music to her, there's no way you don't love her now! This is how her mother's coven sister impressed her one, you would have to be in love with her, you're an Ever, you'd fall for anybody.
Are you taking request for young justice still?
if you are could I request the OG young justice team, if not all then just, Kaldur'ahm with a (gn) Ninja Reader. They grew up in the Ninja clan and are highly skilled. Because the Ninja clan their from specializes in stealth attacks, reader usually doesn't realize people have no idea when they enter a room because they're natural sneaky and quite.
Characters included: Kaldur'ahm / Aqualad , M'Gann M'Orzz / Miss Martian , Conner Kent / Superboy
Pronouns used: None
Relationship: Platonic or romantic, up to you to decide
Note(s) : Yes of course, I wasn't able to do all because I haven't watched it in a while, so have Kaldur, Conner and M'Gann. Sorry it took so long 😭 I procrastinate a lot

Kaldur'ahm / Aqualad

He's so tired man
Bro was trying to chill when you fucking appeared out of nowhere and made him regret being on land
You probably couldn't even tell cause his just eyes widened for a moment before sighing
He doesn't mind too much as long as you try to make him aware
But honestly it's kinda funny so you'll probably continue being sneaky on purpose this time
Kaldur loves your skills as a ninja and appreciates your stealth in missions, but God if he didn't feel his entire body shudder with complete and utter shock
It's rare you're paired with him because stealth tends to be better alone or only talking through coms
M'Gann M'Orzz / Miss Martian

The first time you appeared behind her she screamed and then walked away in complete embarrassment
Now she always has her mind link on with you
But even then, its not enough
Literally cried once after a horror movie marathon, nobody talks about it
You and her go on stealth missions a lot due to her being able to sneak around invisible and you basically being stealthy enough to be considered invisible
Sometimes when you two are feeling funny you'll spook people on your missions before moving away, you get scolded afterwards but it's worth it
Honestly she doesn't mind too much, I think she'd get use to it after a while.
M'Gann will sometimes try pranking you back, so far it's only worked if you're tired.
Conner Kent / Superboy

Straight up punted the fuck out of you the first time while audibly yelling
Conner probably stomped off before coming back and apologising
Probably cried in his room feeling bad tbh
Now whenever you do it he jumps 5 feet in the air like a cat before angrily walking off
Sometimes he does this with enemies, he gets so awkward after it that he just beats them up. They end up worse than if batman found them
Conner tells you half seriously that he doesn't want you to do it publicly, both out of embarrassment and fear he could hurt you on instinct.
You probably try being less quiet like coughing when you enter a room, but it happens occasionally and he might start an argument over it ngl
With how he was in s1, I imagine it'd be like reasoning with a brick wall
Bro is the opposite of stealth in s1 you'd never be paired with this guy
AVATAR 2009 with a Human ! S/O who adores Christmas
Characters included: Jake Sully, Neytiri, Tsu'Tey
Pronouns: They / Them
Relationship: Romantic
When text is in bold that means it's spoken in Na'vi, I have no clue if Na'vi have gender neutral language so sorry if this isn't accurate.

Jake Sully

Jake never understood about Christmas, he wasn't one of the lucky few on Earth who had a rich family nor did his family particularly show an overabundance of affection.
He and his brother weren't to close, it hurt when he died of course, but at the end of the day he wouldn't see him for years when he went to Pandora anyway.
So, your sadness over not being able to celebrate it was confusing, but Jake cared for you and tried to comfort you despite this.
"You don't look so good." Jake mumbled and sat down next to you, his eyes stared into you intently as he waited for a response.
"I just miss my family, we use to celebrate Christmas and..." You trailed off, your ears down and tail curling on your thigh. A whimper escaped you as tears began welling in your eyes.
"Oh." He paused, sucking in a large breath "I'm sorry. Maybe we could make last minute presents for each other?" Jake quietly suggested, pulling a shy smile that showed off his sharp teeth.
"That'd be nice..." You quietly whispered, smiling back softly at him while you tried wiping away your tears as calming your breaths.
And so you made whatever you thought would be best for Jake, I could imagine him getting you a weapon or maybe some type of neckwear that would give you a sense of pride.
He doesn't really try to expand it to Neytiri given the cultural differences, but I see Norm getting into the holiday spirit, maybe Grace if her present is a cigarette.

Neytiri taught you and Jake the ways of the Na'vi, to which you both listened, adapted and overcame the differences in your cultures.
However, you still missed your old life. As horrible, polluted and poor Earth became, you still missed family. Apart of family was Christmas, giving to others even outside of who you considered family just to see their smiles, it was something you hadn't experienced in years. You missed that. And you'd never get it back.
"There is something on your mind." Neytiri plainly stated, her words catching you off guard, looking you up and down as she handed food to Jake on her right.
"It's a time of year at home." He replied, looking to me in pity. "Where you can participate in a tradition on Earth, I'll let them explain the details if they want." Jake awkwardly looked away, munching on an unnaturally large amount of teylu. Neytiri turned to me expectantly.
"It's one about family and giving, cherishing those you love, those and even the things around you." You nodded as you spoke even if there was no reason to, awkwardly smiling while Neytiri smiled sweetly.
"It sounds like a wonderful tradition. What is it called?" Her stare bore into your eyes, her own were soft.
"Christmas." You sighed, continuing only because the silence would be unbearable. "We hurt our great mother and caused a lot of pain, it became harder and harder to celebrate as time continued. Now almost nobody truly celebrates it as it was intented, instead a shallow reminder of what it originally was." Neytiri held your hand and nodded.
"I am understanding of your pain, I hope all sky people learn to see as you and Jake have."
She doesn't go out of her way to celebrate it, but notes the general time it happens around and maybe gives you little trinkets that would be meaningless to most.
I can definetly imagine Neytiri showing you in depth Na'vi culture, as she already does, but with more pride as she realises how important you can take cultural and traditional events. But, most of all I imagine you'd be spending time with each other, even if she personally doesn't believe in Christmas, she believes in you. Neytiri sees you.

He mainly made fun of you and Jake for being 'demons', so getting to know you was a lengthy process and required patience on both ends.
Given you were already learning of Na'vi culture from Neytiri, he didn't find the need to teach you anything other than fighting and flying, so when you asked him about something the explanation was very short and simple.
Tsu'tey couldn't say he was too interested in sky people or their traditions, but he noticed you weren't doing too well for the past few weeks. Your sour mood showed in your training and pushed you back, so it was garunteed he would speak on it eventually.
"Why are you sitting here? The ikrans are-" He was momentarily stopped in his words by your tear stained face. Not only was your face uncanny for him with your features unlike natural Na'vi, but beyond that, you were hurt.
"What... What is bothering you?" You noticed his switch to English as hesitantly placed a hand on your shoulder, lowering into a kneel as he stared deep into your eyes.
"Us human- uh, sky people, have a tradition." You began, Tsu'tey was interested in your words and the curious look he had told you to continue "This time we begin giving gifts, we spend more time with family, friends and... Significant others." You coughed shyly, unsure of the word in Na'vi before remembering "Mates." You clarified.
"It sounds like a prosperous time for your people." He nodded respectfully, holding your hand and looking comfortingly into your eyes. "I see your pain, and I am sorry brother/sister."
He, like Neytiri, doesn't go out of his way to celebrate. Mainly taking part in spending time and showing how much he loves you. Sometimes it can be awkward and stiff, but Tsu'tsy is quite literally an alien who viewed all humans as demons. Unless you explain to him how you view Christmas, he's unsure of how important it is to you and doesn't want to come off as offensive.
In turn, I can imagine him pointing out things similar to his own culture, feeling like a part of him was always with you even before you met.
Man writing just isn't that fun anymore, I rlly want to finish requests but I just can't think of anything and when I do I overthink :/ does anybody know how to help, cause I can't start anything without getting bored instantly or just getting annoyed cause it's not perfect.
just wanna say - ur avatar moth fic is amazingggg!
You don't see much fics that include a young oc/reader and I'm soooo glad to find one :D
Remember to drink drink water and stay hydrated!!
That's so sweet, thank you! <333