Roark Rickaby - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

AHHH YOU DO LACKADAISY REQUESTS??? May I request reader awkwardly confessing to Rocky and thinking it it was a mistake until he gets all happy and does the Beam™


Pronouns used : None

Note(s) : I can't write romance or Rocky well ahhhhh please help me

AHHH YOU DO LACKADAISY REQUESTS??? May I Request Reader Awkwardly Confessing To Rocky And Thinking It

I fumbled with the seams and ends of my clothes, whether a shirt, skirt or jacket whatever I wore was pulled on and scratched at. By the end, Mordecai would've shot me dead for the lack of symmetry after I played with the fabrics for so long. The loud cars outside were muffled by the cafe walls, the aching smell of emmisions clawed it's way in which done nothing to calm my scattered thoughts.

Smoke reminded me of him, the chaotic and almost evil laughter while everything burned behind him caused my cheeks to burn with shyness. I could never tell if he noticed my affectionate and obsessive stares, but curiosity kills the cat, and maybe I would be let back with the promise of love if he returned my feelings.

"You got me pancakes!??" A paw and a violin slammed onto the table, my fur stood on end and I let out a hiss, ears snapped back and tail bushy with shock. The man in question arrived, his lucky R tie on with his signature grin accompanied, tail swishing back and forth with pure joy. Coughing, I patted down my fluffed out fur, his unwavering energy bouncing back at me.

"See? This is why you're the best person I know." His eyes drifted upwards, meeting mine while I felt my cheeks burn yet again. Subconsciously, my ears pinned back with embarrassment and I struggled to get the next words out. Looking down as if my legs were the most interesting thing I'd ever witnessed.

"Oh! Uhm, yeah." I paused, unsure of how to go on as Rocky sat down opposite me in record speed, setting down his violin on the seat next to him. He looked up at me to continue for a moment, after seeing I didn't object to him eating he began wolfing down his meal with eyes closed in contempt, syrup messily spreading all over him. Looking down at my own food, I felt like I'd get more sick if I ate, wanting to get everything over and done with quickly. "You can have mine if you want, there was a discount so I got two." Rocky momentarily stopped, eyes wide and brimming with tears of happiness at the food before him.

"I asked you here about. Well. What I mean to say is-" Realising he didn't hear me from how quiet I was, I breathed in and out, preparing myself. "I really like you. Not in the friend way, like how Ivy and Freckle are, uhm, not that I'm saying we're exactly like that yknow? I just..." I suddenly felt nervous, my ears standing at attention for his reply, but he just swallowed his food and stared intently at me, pancakes forgotten with no expression that I could understand.

"I'm so, so sorry this was dumb I should leave." His unwavering eyes felt like bullets tearing into my flesh, I ached to leave and just as I tried to releave myself of that pain by snapping my arm back to my side, attempting to shakily stand stand up when a familiar paw gripped onto my own. My face may not have visibly gone red, but that didn't change how my entire body was on fire, paws sweaty and shaky as I managed to look up, wide and loving eyes stared back at me. I almost choked at his next words.

Syrup dripped down onto his lucky tie and I instinctively reached over to wipe it off, looking back up at him for a moment I noticed what I was doing, his unblinking eyes so close my breath practically transferring to his. Suddenly self conscious over everything I was doing, my eyes began to dart around nervously, breath quickening as the air shifted to feel like I was suffocating in deep water.


"You do?" Rocky's face turned to a softer version of his regular smile, my feelings were maxed out as I stumbled over my words, nerves over the roof and unsure if this was an acceptance. Instead nodding sharply. Almost as fast as a bullet, he reached over to hug me and laughed like a maniac. My arms shyly reached over and hugged him back, I could feel him move up and down going from the toes of his feet to them being flat, voice vibrating on my chest and making me snuggle into his collarbone.

I heard a sharp cough and practically had to force the man's strong grip off me, while his laughter died down, he remained uncaring of the guest at our table. When I finally managed to pull his noodle arms off me, I turned to the newcomer and didn't see his demeanor die down for a moment.

"Please don't be disruptive. We have other patrons to serve." One of the waitress' stood by the table, dissaproving gaze in full display as her sharp tone made me suddenly hyper aware of the noise level Rocky was previously laughing at. Speaking of, he didn't reply, and the second my eyes turned to him he simply toothily grinned at me with eyes wide and nothing but happiness in them.

"Oh! I'm sorry, we'll leave." My head shot down in embarrassment, she scoffed and her feet stomped away in annoyance, I looked up at Rocky to see he didn't even look at her as she walked away. No attempt to move or grab his violin.

That's when it happened, he began vibrating. The bright light became searing and I had to look away in fear of blindness, I could hear screams as I felt a hot burn begin on my body. That's when my vision went and a ringing was all I could hear. Bodies littereted the remains of the cafe, fire spreading rapidly as he began burning his way through the earth, creating a crator of pure light. He beamed™ and there were no survivors.

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1 year ago
Day 4 And 5: Mittens And Snowglobe

Day 4 And 5: mittens And snowglobe

Day 4 And 5: Mittens And Snowglobe

One Of the first Lackadaisy art I posted Here on Tumblr

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8 months ago
I Had This Weird Dream Where Rocky And Freckle Got Into A Accident With Another Gang, Mordecai Was A
I Had This Weird Dream Where Rocky And Freckle Got Into A Accident With Another Gang, Mordecai Was A

I had this weird dream where Rocky and Freckle got into a accident with another gang, Mordecai was a ''mad'' scientist that brought Rocky back to life while using his cousins body parts.

really odd dream but kinda liked the Frankenstein type of story behind it so decided to draw them real quick

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1 year ago

Freckle: I have a bad feeling about this...

Rocky: What do you mean?

Freckle: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?

Rocky: No?

Ivy: That actually explains so much.

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1 year ago

Freckle: I relate to Belle because I love books and like people for who they are!

Rocky: I relate to Tinkerbell because I need attention or I die.

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