Laddie The Lost Boys - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ugh my heart

When you're unaware (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)

So this is based off of a dream I had, because last night was the second night that Dwayne made his way into my dreams, even if I go to sleep thinking of one of the others lol.

When You're Unaware (Dwayne X Fem!Reader)

Word count: 1,128

Pairing: Dwayne x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Pure freaking fluff (especially between reader and Laddie)

When You're Unaware (Dwayne X Fem!Reader)

Hanging out with the boys had become a normal thing at this point, even if you yourself were still human, they welcomed you easily since you were their newest member's little sister. 

"Ok I think that's it" your brother called from under the hood of the classic Ford truck he had recently acquired. 

"Try it now" he told you as you turned the key, listening as the engine roared to life, a wide grin spreading on his face. He quickly slammed the hood and you cut the engine.

"Knew you could get it running" you told him, sliding out of the seat and handing him a rag to wipe the grease off of his hands.

"Of course I could, I'm awesome" he grinned, and you could only roll your eyes, yup being a vamp hadn't changed him.

"That was really loud!" You both heard from beside the truck, rounding the corner you spotted Laddie and Dwayne.

"That's what old vehicles are supposed to sound like" your brother stated while patting the metal bed.

"They're supposed to sound like they're on their last leg" you joked, reaching down to pick Laddie up when he tried to jump into your hug. 

"Hey!" You brother stated, jokingly offended by your remark, but the joke had made Laddie laugh nonetheless.

"It sounds like it could use a tune up, but it's good to see it running" Dwayne nodded as he looked over the truck.

"Thank you! At least someone appreciates the classics"

"I appreciate it, I'm just also noting that it sounds like a bunch of nails in a blender" you joked with a smile, this time earning a laugh from Dwayne.

"Like I said, still needs a tune up" he whispered to you.

"Hey! I heard that!"

"Vampire hearing" you rolled your eyes at your brother.

"Anyways! Who wants to help me take it for its first test drive?" 

"Me!" Laddie cheered, already trying to lean out of your arms for the door. Your brother had become like an uncle to Laddie, a role your brother easily took on with how many actual nieces and nephews the two of you had. You helped Laddie climb into the back before climbing in yourself, sitting slightly in the middle and slightly behind Dwayne as he climbed into the passenger seat. 

"Ready?" Your brother asked as he climbed into the driver seat, you watched as Laddie covered his ears before your brother started the truck. Luckily it wasn't as loud inside as it was outside the rattling tin can, and soon you were taking off. Your brother knew enough of the back roads around town to not draw too much attention as he took you all on a scenic drive. Honestly seeing him so relaxed reminded you of when you were younger and he got his driver's license, he would often take you on scenic drives like this just cause he wanted to get out. You turned to look out the window when you caught sight of something that honestly made you just stop, you had always thought Dwayne was handsome, but right now you couldn't help but stare. For one he was without his signature jacket, wearing just a sleeveless undershirt, a sight that was rare in itself since he preferred to be shirtless even with the jacket. Second he too seemed so relaxed, one arm on the open window, the other on the arm rest, hair slightly blowing from the breeze and a small smile on his face. The moonlight gave his tan skin an unearthly glow, and honestly in that moment you were reminded of how vampires in books and movies always just had this ethereal beauty about them that drew their victims in…You suddenly understood how those victims felt. You weren't sure how long you were staring, but when your eyes finally traveled above his muscled arms that you had been wondering how they would feel wrapped around you, you were met with chocolate eyes that were giving you a teasing look. Realizing you had been caught you quickly looked away, your heartbeat picking up and a blush spreading across your cheeks. You heard his soft chuckle rather than see it, and you looked over at Laddie, who was currently looking between you and Dwayne, an excited smile on his lips. The ride was quiet after that, except for the sounds of the country station your brother insisted on listening to, though you did notice Laddie bopping along to a few songs. Braving another glance at Dwayne you couldn't stop the feelings you had been getting as of late, you weren't sure when they actually started, you had met the group through your brother and everyone seemed to welcome you almost like a little sister of their own, but lately you had been feeling this pull towards the dark haired vampire. An almost yearning, but you had been quick to push those feelings down, this was your brother's best friend after all, but they still lingered no matter what. You were a bit sad when the ride ended, as it didn't take long for you all to end up back at the cave, your brother parking the truck before letting Laddie out on his side. Dwayne offered you a hand as you climbed out from behind the passenger seat, and you tried not to let how the simple contact affect you. Once out you were quickly tackled by Laddie, who proceeded to grab your hand and drag you away, only stopping once he felt you were far enough from the others. He gestured for you to come down to his level, and when you did he quickly whispered in your ear.

"He likes you too" 

"W-What?" You asked, blush returning as you looked at the boy, the boy that was far too observant.

"I saw you two in the truck, he looks at you that way too when you don't know" he replied, a confession you were shocked about, Dwayne looked at you when you weren't aware? 

"I think you two would be good" he smiled before leaning up to give you a hug while also whispering to you.

"Plus I wouldn't mind having you as a mom" and with that he ran off into the cave, leaving you completely shocked and unable to speak.

"Are you ok?" You heard behind you, and when you were able to shake yourself from your shock you turned to see Dwayne.

"Y-Yeah…Yeah I'm great" you smiled, and honestly, you were.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go for a walk" he asked, looking down at you, and waiting for your answer.

"he looks at you that way too when you don't know"

"I'd love to" you smiled, taking his outstretched hand. 

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2 years ago

Laddie: *waddling into the vampire sleeping cave just as the boys settle down to sleep* Mom I frew up :'(

Dwayne: You threw up??

Marko: Did he call you mom

Dwayne: >:(((

Paul: Don't disrespect mom like that dude

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3 years ago

i’m gonna give when i think the boys were changed

so with David he was turned in like the 1760s so he’s real old, he was working for max in a tailor shop

Dwayne was turned in the 1790s and he was working as a painter’s assistant

Marko as i have said before was turned in the 1950s and he was fresh out of high school

and Paul was turned in 1970 making him the baby of the group and he was working in a bakery

and both Star and Laddie were half turned in 1986

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Dwayne x Latina!Witch!OC

outline, please read if you’re interested in this and LET NE KNOW. Don’t just like, feel free to message me bc i’m going through a bit of a writer’s block so some encouragement and demand would help me along. Plus, the lack of fanfics in this fandom is criminal.

Dwayne X Latina!Witch!OC

In a universe where Max took his time romancing Lucy (seriously, why did the entire plot of the movie occur over the course of a few days? like, i get the whole “horror movie needs to be fast-paced” aspect, but time skips are real and it would’ve built more suspense. also the reveal would’ve been better) over the course of a few months, gaining the trust and tolerance of Michael and Sam, as well as acclimating his Lost Boys to the whole “nuclear family” thing. That way, they all become friends. Except Sam is super suspicious due to the Frog brothers, and so is Grandpa and Nanook. It’ll start out the same way though, except the OC will be joining, too.

Sorry, sorry, *ahem* The Plot:

Jessamine Agustin is a floaty witch who likes to keep her presence in the corporeal world to a minimum. However, due to some personal tragedies and unexpected news, she decided the best and safest option would be to build roots and hone in her abilities more seriously. Where better than the murder capital of the world; Santa Carla? Teeming with the spirit life she so adores, Jessamine can safely practice her arts without scrutiny since most of the speculation revolves around the mysterious and ever growing Missing Persons population.

Jessamine is hired by Grandpa as a caretaker and assistant the same day as the Emersons move to town. Though initially cautious and disproving since she was supposed to take care of her father, Lucy is soon convinced of the new arrangement when it becomes easier for her to find a better job.

Grandpa gives Jessamine a lot of leeway as a employee and she often finds herself hanging out with Michael and Sam on the boardwalk. This is where the meets the dark and mysterious quartet, an odd energy surrounding them. Curiosity turns to friendship, which becomes affection towards the tall, dark and handsome biker, Dwayne.

A lot of problems arise as both a result of her presence, and that of Dwayne’s increasing affections, and the whole gang - made up of humans, witches, vampires and vampire hunters - have to find a way to get along to survive long enough to find solutions.

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