Sam Emerson - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher
THE LOST BOYS (1987) Dir. By Joel Schumacher

THE LOST BOYS (1987) dir. by Joel Schumacher

Sam Emerson + Investigating / Hunting for @13goingon30

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11 months ago
Im Still Trying To Figure Out How Tumblr Works,, But First Post Lets Goooo!!
Im Still Trying To Figure Out How Tumblr Works,, But First Post Lets Goooo!!

im still trying to figure out how tumblr works,, but first post lets goooo!!

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3 years ago

all of the emersons are extremely competitive they have and will threaten and fight someone over a game of monopoly

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3 years ago

when michael lies to people he likes he’s horrible at it but when he lies to people he hates he is the best liar you have ever seen

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3 years ago

i don’t think that michael ever really crys like he’ll shed a few tiers, full on sobbing never he hasn’t sobbed in years, he just isn’t that type of person

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3 years ago

i really love the Emersons family dynamic because most of the time in horror media the family of the protagonist are horrible and it’s really nice to see a pretty heathy family i mean of course they have their problems but all family’s do but like it’s so sweet

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3 years ago

Sam: you could have died mike!

Michael: i wasn’t hurt that badly

Michael: the doctor said that all my bleeding was internal

Michael: that’s where the blood is supposed to be!

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2 years ago

i’m gonna give the boys zodiac despite not knowing anything about it

David: he’s a fuckn cancer, he just feels like it

Dwayne: Virgo, no reason he just is

Paul: Capricorn, he’s a new years baby

Marko: Taurus, idk just a gut feeling

Star: Scorpio, because she’s sexy

Michael: Sagittarius, he’s stupid

Sam: Pisces, he looks like one

Edgar: Gemini, he’s got that look in his eye

Alan: Aries, the vibe

that’s it

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2 years ago

all of the Emersons are some flavor of the alphabet soup

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2 years ago

Michael: There’s plenty of fish in the sea. But do you know what else is in the sea? Trash. There’s a lot of trash in the sea.

Sam: Not sure if you’ve had a fight with David or you’re just trying to raise awareness about pollution.

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2 years ago

Michael, smoking weed with Paul: I feel like i’m forgetting something?

Paul: Well if you forget it it couldn’t be that important

Michael: You’re right

Sam: *waiting in the rain for Michael to pick him up from the comic shop*

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2 years ago

Michael: i’m crushing on someone, but i’m kinda scared to tell you who.

Sam: just rip the bandaid off.

Michael: it’s David.

Sam: put the bandaid back on.

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headcanon that star teaches sam how to make jewelry and he makes friendship bracelets for edgar and alan.. alan silently takes it and never ever takes it off.. meanwhile with edgar its more like

edgar: idk im not really a jewelry person.

sam: fine, ill take it back then-

edgar: no, back off, its mine and im gonna wear it forever

if you want pain imagine they all continue to wear them even after sam and alan are turned and edgar keeps sams after staking him

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Once Upon A Time Three Young Lads Wanted To Grow Up And Be Vampire Hunters

once upon a time three young lads wanted to grow up and be vampire hunters 

but only 1 out of 3 actually made it while the other two remained young


Once Upon A Time Three Young Lads Wanted To Grow Up And Be Vampire Hunters

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I’m gonna write it. Ever since this post I have not been able to get the idea of monster bashers on the road out of my head.

every time i watch the tribe and the thirst i get SO MAD like i really just watch them for edgar and alan (i mostly watch the bits with alan in the thirst) and GOD i wish we saw more of him!!!!!! I WANT TO SEE EDGAR AND ALAN AWKWARDLY DEALING WITH ALAN BEING HALF VAMP IN THEIR DAY TO DAY LIVES AND BEING DUMB DORKY BROTHERS INSTEAD OF ALAN KEEPING HIMSELF ISOLATED FROM THE WORLD AND EDGAR ONLY STOPPING BY WHEN HE NEEDS SOMETHING

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