Lan Clan Rules - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The dedication that went towards making this list is impressive enough, but I can also say that the author's fics rock. Truly talented. Much respect!

Rules of the Gusu Lan Clan

Since I wrote my fic about junior Wei Wuxian trying to follow every rule, I’ve been wanting to compile a list of all known rules across multiple sources, and apparently today is the day for that.

General notes:

According to the MDZS novel, there are 3,000 rules at the time of the lectures, and 4,000 rules 13 years later after Wei Wuxian is resurrected. According to CQL, there are 3,500 rules at the time of the lectures.

These rules are presumably numbered, as when Lan Wangji is being beaten, Lan Qiren asks him “what is the 52nd doctrine of the Lan clan?” However, they are given in a different order in different sources so establishing how they are numbered is impossible. Since we can’t know the order they “belong” in, I’ve organized them by grouping them thematically. For the few I know numbers for, those numbers are included in parenthesis.

I don’t know how these rules are referred to in Chinese; in English they are translated as rules, principals, doctrines, or laws. Based on contextual clues, it’s possible that the rules are sorted into different categories (ie, principals vs. doctrines vs. rules)

I did my best to consolidate the rules listed duplicatively over multiple sources, but as I don’t speak Chinese and therefore cannot say which are identical in the original, there is likely some redundancy. This is exacerbated by a lot of rules apparently being given in both “do not” and “be” forms - ie, “do not disrespect elders” and “be filial” and “be respectful to teachers” are all rules. The reason I opted to leave these areas of redundancy is that this compiled list is around 175 rules. There are 3,000 plus of these things. If just ~175 have this much duplication the amount of redundancy in the actual list must be insane, so I think these overlapping rules are intentional and consolidating them would be inappropriate.

Crossposted to AO3

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9 months ago

Do you have some trouble sleeping?

Do you find yourself tossing and turning restlessly in bed?

Have you ever thought, "Gee, I sure could use a 15-minute long recitation of A Compiled List of Known Lan Clan Rules with a musical backdrop of a soothing guqin to help me fall asleep."

Well, LOOK NO FURTHER! You, too, can join us in being lulled into meditative sleep with the soft voices of this year's Voice Team members reciting the rules of the Gusu Lan!!! Enjoy a good night's rest or a restorative nap with this contemplative multi-voice podfic of the principles and virtues followed by highly esteemed cultivators, such as the noble Zewu-jun, the righteous Hanguang-jun, and the wise Grandmaster himself, Lan Qiren!


A Compiled List Of Known Lan Clan Rules compiled by @unforth!

Do You Have Some Trouble Sleeping?

Read to you by @airgiodslv , avanie, @deepestbluesky @esbielle @flamingwell , @gavilansblog , jennisaisquoi @keriarentikai @kisahawklin LadyEn, pezzax, @polynomialpandemic, @pxssnelke , @semperfiona sisi_rambles @sunkitten-shash & @takonxmz! cover art by @esbielle, editing by @takonxmz!

🎧 《Listen on AO3 Here!》 🔉

《Original Text by Unforth》

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