Lan Clan - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Can we take a moment to appreciate that Lan An's(the founder of the lan clan) cultivation partner's gender is never actually specified?

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1 year ago

The dedication that went towards making this list is impressive enough, but I can also say that the author's fics rock. Truly talented. Much respect!

Rules of the Gusu Lan Clan

Since I wrote my fic about junior Wei Wuxian trying to follow every rule, I’ve been wanting to compile a list of all known rules across multiple sources, and apparently today is the day for that.

General notes:

According to the MDZS novel, there are 3,000 rules at the time of the lectures, and 4,000 rules 13 years later after Wei Wuxian is resurrected. According to CQL, there are 3,500 rules at the time of the lectures.

These rules are presumably numbered, as when Lan Wangji is being beaten, Lan Qiren asks him “what is the 52nd doctrine of the Lan clan?” However, they are given in a different order in different sources so establishing how they are numbered is impossible. Since we can’t know the order they “belong” in, I’ve organized them by grouping them thematically. For the few I know numbers for, those numbers are included in parenthesis.

I don’t know how these rules are referred to in Chinese; in English they are translated as rules, principals, doctrines, or laws. Based on contextual clues, it’s possible that the rules are sorted into different categories (ie, principals vs. doctrines vs. rules)

I did my best to consolidate the rules listed duplicatively over multiple sources, but as I don’t speak Chinese and therefore cannot say which are identical in the original, there is likely some redundancy. This is exacerbated by a lot of rules apparently being given in both “do not” and “be” forms - ie, “do not disrespect elders” and “be filial” and “be respectful to teachers” are all rules. The reason I opted to leave these areas of redundancy is that this compiled list is around 175 rules. There are 3,000 plus of these things. If just ~175 have this much duplication the amount of redundancy in the actual list must be insane, so I think these overlapping rules are intentional and consolidating them would be inappropriate.

Crossposted to AO3

Keep reading

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1 year ago

I hit a goldmine tonight. This is more activity in one night than I’ve done in at least a week.

“Wei Wuxian’s ghost path is inherently evil!” Ok, but consider this:

Wei WuXian, “You think I’m implicating? Maybe I was being too general. Let me phrase it more clearly then. Everyone here has lost their cultivation from doing one thing. And what’s that? It’s fighting corpses. This Sect Leader of Moling Su was with all of your through the fights. And while you were all fighting corpses, he pretended to be playing evil-repelling songs, but in reality he had re-written the song into a melody that makes people lose their cultivation. So while he pretended to be fighting by everyone’s side on the battlefield, he was actually secretly…”

–Chapt. 80: “Core” Part 2, boat-full-of-lotus-pods

This is the second time the Lan Clan has had their righteous musical cultivation that is meant to expel evil instead used for evil and to commit murder (or attempt a massacre, in this case). So maybe nobody’s cultivation path is inherently good or evil, hm?

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5 months ago

I want to know who it was that said that Lan only love once. Lan Wangji only loved once, but unless I am very mistaken, it isn’t stated anywhere that it was a common or expected thing.

Reminder that there is no "Lan Love Curse" when we only get two supposed tragic stories (Qinghen-Jun and Lan Wangji where both are through Lan Xichen's point of view on a relationship he knows nothing of) and are only told that despite being very monk like, they seem to be a very romantic sect underneath the stoicism, and Wei Wuxian finds that charming between all it's thousand of rules

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4 years ago

What their drunk confessions are like (Pt5)

A/N: Part 5 yay! Hope you enjoy!

Lan SizHui:

Just like XXC, Lan Sizhui is an angel

So he also probably didn't get drunk on purpose

And even when he was drunk, you probably couldn't even tell

It was one warm night in Gusu

After a long harrowing night hunt with the juniors, everyone had decided to stay one night in Gusu to recuperate

So to celebrate the end of the night hunt, the juniors decided to have drinks (even though it is illegal in cloud recesses, Jingyi was able to convince sizhui)

You were a junior as well, from the C/N clan

You were really close with the junior quartet (yes, Zizhen too give my boy some love), having befriended them during the many inter clan night hunts

You were closest with Zizhen and Jingyi, since all three of you were closest since you shared the same sense of humour and all enjoyed playing around the most

SizHui and Jin Ling were slightly more of a mystery to you

Jin Ling was just kinda bratty, and although you two were close friends, you also argued a lot

And SizHui generally didn't speak to you

Not because he didn't like you, no, it was because he liked you a little too much

He had a huge crush on you

And so, he never really knew how to approach you, let alone ask you to court him

So being drunk was the perfect excuse

The five of you had gotten some emperors smile and were now drinking it in a common room you had rented

And now you were surrounded by four drunk boys

Jin Ling and Jingyi were definitely very drunk, arguing over some pointless thing

Zizhen was in a corner, crying his eyes out (he was 100% drunk as well)

And Sizhui sat next to you, downing his fifth of sixth  cup, nothing but slight red cheeks to show his drunkenness

You had only had a single cup, since you didn't really like the taste

Whenever you and Sizhui were alone together, you would generally be in comfortable silence

Now that he was drunk however...

“Ah-Y/N,” he started, soft and gentle voice slightly wavering, “We are friends aren't we?”

You looked at him puzzledly, before nodding

“Well, I-”

Whatever he’d been about to say was cut off by a loud Jingyi, as he sat down right between the two of you, effectively separating you

Then he turned to Sizhui and said

“Are you finally gonna ask her to court you?” Then with a huge shit eating grin he added

“Zizhen, Jin Ling! Sizhui is asking Ah-Y/N to court him!”

Jin Ling turned to them, but made no move to come over

Zizhen however immediately smiled and came over to where you were sitting

“Really? I knew you wanted to Sizhui, but I never thought you’d do it so soon!” he exclaimed, coming to sit with them as well

By now Sizhui’s face had reddened so much he practically looked like a tomato

You tried to catch his eye but he seemed to be doing everything in his power to not look at you

He was really embarrassed and although he had been meaning to ask you, this was not how he had meant to go by it

“Well? Are you gonna ask her or not?” Zizhen mumbled, clearly impatient

Sizhui looked like he was about to implode

You knew you had to do something to save your poor friend

And so you did

“If Sizhui wants to ask me something, he can do it whenever he wants to. Stop pressuring him”

You could see Sizhui relax, even if it was only a bit

Jingyi and Zizhen however in turns annoyed and let down

“Fine then... Come on Zizhen.” Jingyi muttered, getting up along with Zizhen and going to whisper to each other on the far end of the room

Which left you and Sizhui  alone

The comfortable silence that you had was now long gone

Somehow, Sizhui was the first to break the silence

“I’m sorry I put you in an uncomfortable position...” he said softy, almost a whisper

“Nonono! It’s okay!” You you scrambled to say, tripping over your words in a rush to get them out

Only then did he truly look at you, and you could see something a little but like hope in his eyes

“Was Jingyi telling the truth or...” you muttered, unsure if you should continue the topic

Sizhui looked away, blushing more now, but he managed to nod all the same

And that was all the confirmation you needed

Since he wasn't looking at you however, you had to grab his hand to get his attention

“I would like that. To, um, c-court y-you i mean. I would like that a lot...” You mumbled

Now it was your turn to blush

But the smile that appeared on his face after he’d understood what you’d said was so bright that you almost entirely forgot your embarrassment

You just looked at each other, sharing a tender moment, until


Jingyi and Zizhen (and even Jin Ling) congratulated you on your courtship for the next hour, until they all passed out from drunkenness, and you and Sizhui were finally able to share your first kiss

Thank you for reading!

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