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pls give me 1(one) reason aces have ever been oppressed, and 1(one) example of aces being a part of lgbt history(before 2004 at least) and then maybe i’ll consider the idea that aces belong in the lgbt community lol

Transgender Indicators
This is for all transgender people who have experienced rejection, exclusion and attacks due to being themselves. This post seeks to encourage inclusion and empathy towards transgender people.
I see you. You are valid. You are not alone. ❤️ Love and accept yourself as you are.
These are some indicators shared by transgender people. There are more indicators to be found. If you or someone you know would like to participate in this research, please send your info to ancientastarwis@gmail.com
I think she and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (Aurora from Alpha Flight) would make an interesting and funny couple!
Day 26 of Characters That Are Definitely Queer but Comics Won’t Let Them Be:

Okay, but which one is your favourite and why.
Happy Pride Month!!! You're all loved, valid, and accepted!