Litg Lucas - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

WIP Wednesday (on a Thursday)

Thanks to @daisybarks for resurrecting this tag in our fandom.  

This is an excerpt from an unpublished post-villa Lucas fic that is currently gathering dust until I finish The Sun in my Eyes. Fair warning, it’s spicy and has some naughty language. Viewer discretion advised.

Grace slid her hands over Lucas’s chest, stroking her fingers over the cool fabric of his shirt, and tracing the buttons with her long pink nails. Her touch, even through fabric, burned like fire, but he stood still, fearing a single movement would send her scurrying away again.  

“Did you ever hear us?” she asked softly. “In the villa?”

He swallowed. “All the time.”  

“Do you remember the night when…” she let the words hang.  

“You mean when Bobby purposefully pulled the covers off you while he was eating your cunt so I could see precisely what I couldn’t have?” he said roughly.  

Her breath caught at his choice of words and her fingers continued to worry at a button on his shirt. “Yes. Did it…” she seemed unsure if she should finish her thought.  

“Ask me,” he said, already knowing what she was going to say.

She scraped her teeth over her lower lip, “Did it turn you on?”

“Yes.” That simple answer hung in the air for a moment before he let out a breath. “But I also hated it.”

“Did you ever…” her eyes drifted to his zipper.

“Did I what, Grace?”  

She looked up again, and the heat in her eyes burned into his. “Do you ever… think about it?”

He leaned toward her ear, letting his hot breath sizzle out, making her shiver. “Do I ever stroke my cock thinking about it? Is that what you’re really asking me?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Every day,” he said softly. “Every damned day since.”

She gave the tiniest softest whimper, her parted lips looking red and ripe as berries. He’d never wanted to taste anything more. But he held himself back.  “I remember every sigh and moan you had with him,” he said. “And if we do this, I won’t stop until you don’t remember a single one."  

Her body shook as if she were naked in a snowstorm. She tried to speak but words didn’t seem to come to her.

“Grace,” he said softly, barely hearing himself over the sound of his heart trying to hammer its way out of his rib cage. “I’m not sure you’re ready for this.”

“I’ve been ready since the moment I met you.” Before he knew what she was about, she grabbed his shoulders and kissed him.  

His body lit up, desperate for more of that, but he held himself steady. Until her teeth nipped his lower lip and all steadiness vanished. “Fuck,” he growled. Digging his his hands into her braids, he pushed her against the wall and delivered scorching, biting kisses down her neck. Her hands worked at his shirt now, undoing his buttons. Undoing him. 

He tried to keep what little was left of his head and pulled back from her. “You’ve just had your heart broken...”

“Do you know why I didn’t tell you that Bobby had ghosted me?” She pushed his shirt open and scraped her nails over his firm abdomen, making him grunt. “It was because I was afraid. If I said it out loud, I’d have been on a train and then on your doorstep, begging you to fuck me.”

Pleasure at her words shuddered through him, but he shook his head. “I don’t want to just fuck you. I want more than that.”

“So do I.” She rubbed her palm over the hard on that was straining his pants. His hips jerked and the last thread of resolve stretched thin. 

“I’m not like him.” He pressed his forehead to hers and groaned as her stroking continued. “I’m not just fun-loving and simple. I’m not going o screw you with a giggle. I…” He struggled for the words he’d never been able to find. “I like things my way.”

Her eyes flashed black fire, shining like Lottie’s engagement ring. “Show me how you like it,” she whispered against his mouth.  

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3 years ago
I Wrote A Lucas One-shot For The LITGFanFic Prompt Challenge On Reddit. It's Smutty And Horrible. Enjoy!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
The Bad Guy - THE BAD GUY
Read THE BAD GUY from the story The Bad Guy by muggedoff4life (Christy Sparkle) with 26 reads. conartist, litg2, spanki...

I wrote a Lucas one-shot for the LITGFanFic prompt challenge on Reddit. It's smutty and horrible. Enjoy!

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2 years ago

Eeeeeeeeeeeeee, ya'll ain't even ready. IT'S SO FREAKIN' GOOD!

Coming September 8, 2022…

Coming September 8, 2022

Season 5 got you throwing your phone at the wall every week? Hopefully this will help! First chapter of an in-villa Bobcas fic drops tomorrow!

Thanks so much to @sparxaf for the poster 💕

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2 years ago


Bobby, meet Lucas - Chapter 3

Bobby, Meet Lucas - Chapter 3

day 10 - packing

Bobby has an ill-fated idea

Read on AO3 | Read on Wattpad

Tag List: @mrsbsmooth @eskiix (let me know if you'd like to be tagged as well!)

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2 years ago


How You’d Like It

You think your boyfriend is going to propose when he tells you to dress for a fancy dinner. But he has other plans.

Lucas x MC

Your boyfriend had told you to be dressed up in your absolute best this Saturday.

You were used to his fancy tendencies, since you met him you knew how he was. Lucas was posh, grew up in a wealthy military family, while you grew up in the working class. You’d worked hard for the nice things you’d gotten yourself- not that he didn’t. You knew he took his job seriously.

But even after three years you weren’t used to the surprise dinners at fancy restaurants that you never would have tried if you weren’t with someone used to that world. If it had been another dinner with his parents, he would’ve told you. They never saw eye to eye on your relationship, also thinly veiling to the fact that they thought you were a gold digger, and he was always very quick to shit that down. No matter how much he tried, you would never take a dime from him. Even now that you lived together, you set half the bills up to autopay from your account so that he couldn’t keep you from paying your share.

So this dinner was different. You could tell. Usually he told you the morning of where dinner would be on that particular day, so you still had all day to get ready. But this time he told you nearly a week ahead of time to dress up nice, scheduled you to get your hair and nails done- if you wanted. He never asked you to adjust your comfortability for him, and he offered to pay for it if you wanted to do it- along with a new dress. But it all let you know that this dinner was special.

That led you to one conclusion that you really didn’t want to be true.

He wanted to propose.

You were more than happy to marry him, you love him, but…

A big show and fancy dinner was your boyfriend’s style.

It wasn’t yours.

Your friends often referred to you as the life of the party, but you never strived to be the center of attention- no matter how often you found yourself there. So you didn’t want to feel like you were being pressured to say yes, even though you already would, just because the proposal would undoubtedly draw as many eyes to you as possible.

When he tucked your hand into his arm, leading you into the restaurant, the butterflies and nerves in your stomach had multiplied instead of dying down. The aura was cozy, romantic and warm, and it was the perfect setting for the storybook proposal. The hostess led the two of you to a small table, he pulled your chair out as he always did, and you gazed intently at the menu in hopes of distracting your racing mind.

But as the appetizers came and went, along with the main course and then dessert, the question you expected never came.

Which led you down a rabbit hole in your mind. His birthday was last month. Your anniversary was the week before. Your own birthday wasn’t for another couple months. What were you missing that made tonight so special?

You could see the glint in his eye, knew that he was aware you were trying to figure it out, but he obviously wasn’t going to tell you. He paid the check before you could even start to protest, taking you by the hand and leading you out the front doors to your car- the proper gear hadn’t been an option to take his bike tonight. He opened the passenger door for you, before closing it and jogging around the drivers seat. He pulled a duffel bag from the bag you hadn’t seen, setting it into your lap as he pulled out of the lot and down the road. You moved to open it, but he caught your hand.

“Not yet, love.” He grinned at the road, the glint back in his eye as you huffed and let him take hold of your hand.

He pulled into an old apartment building’s parking lot, and it didn’t take long to realize it had been where you lived when you met him. Brows furrowed as he parked, hopping out to open your door- something he refused to let you do. Sometimes he would lock you in until he could get around if you tried to get out on your own.

He took the bag from you before grabbing your hand, pulling out a key and letting the two of you in to start the walk up the four floors to your old flat. You followed his pull on your hand in silence, mind racing with why you were back here.

He opened the door, revealing the same small home you used to know, bare of almost all furniture except for a TV set up in front of a couch that looks just like the one you agreed to get rid of when you moved in together. Actually, walking up to it showed the same stains- this was the same couch you used to own. Lucas didn’t even blink as he sat on it, ignoring your curious gaze as he dug into the duffel he’d brought, handing you a pair of your sweatpants and your favorite of his hoodies with your make up remover wipes. He nodded his head down toward the bathroom, and you curiously followed the silent command.

A few minutes later, you arrived back in the room to see him dressed the same way, your favorite movie beginning to play on the tv. You carefully perched beside him, questioning look on your face, but he just kept smiling at you.

You couldn’t take it anymore. “Lucas, babe, what the hell are we doing here?”

His smile didn’t fade, “Watching a movie.”

“You know damn well-“ he cut you off, pulling you into his side to cuddle as he shushed you.

“Just watch the movie. It’ll make sense after.” He pulled a bowl of popcorn from the seat next to him, and you were entirely unsure of where he got it.

It decidedly did not make sense after. It was close to eleven at night when the movie ended, and Lucas still hadn’t explained why you were here. You were trying to be patient, there had to be a reason, but you were tired and wanted to go to bed. “Babe?” You called as the credits rolled, “Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

Lucas hummed, “You remember when you lived here?” He glanced around, nostalgic smile on his face.

Your brow furrowed, “Of course I do. I also remember colliding with you as you jogged past the front door and spilling my coffee down my shirt.”

He laughed, “Yeah, but then you let me take you to buy a new one and I’ve never looked back since.” He took hold of your hand, turning to face you with an incredibly serious look in his eye, “I’ve never regretted any of my choices in life. But, ironically, that day I hadn’t wanted to go on my run. I spent the entire time I was running regretting not staying at home. And then I ran into you. Just like that any regrets I had vanished into the void, never to be thought of again.”

“Baby,” You sniffled through a smile, “What’s brought this on?”

Lucas beamed at you, melting your heart as he slipped off the couch onto one knee, “I wanted to take you back to where we started. Show you how far we’ve come when I ask you to go further with me. Y/N, you have always been too good for me. I grew up getting what I wanted, but never staying in one place for too long. But you- god, you were so hard to figure out. You didn’t care that I was attractive or that I had money. You didn’t care what tricks I used to get you to agree to a second date. You made me earn it, and that’s how I knew you were worth keeping- worth holding onto. Not keeping. You are not an object to be kept, but a person to be loved, and I love you more than you could ever know.” He let go of your hands, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring. Not something flashy like you’d expect from his tastes. Something understated and beautiful, something you’d have picked out yourself. “Y/N, please. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Koh?”

Tears were streaming down your cheeks, and you were thankful he’d asked you to remove your make up otherwise you’d have rivers of mascara as you nodded through a gentle sob, “Yes, Lucas. I would love to become Mrs. Koh.” He kissed you, strong and sure, before slipping the ring onto your finger. You wrapped your arms around his neck, just holding tight, “I thought- you made such a big deal about the restaurant-“

“Love,” he laughed, hand stroking your back, “You would have hated that. All that attention? I knew- even Chelsea got on my ass about it- that you’d prefer it to be private at home.”

“How’d you even get us in here? Or get this couch back?”

Lucas looked sheepish, “The couch I’ve had right here since we moved. This has always been my plan. My parents bought out the building years ago, it’s why I used to jog past it- so I just made sure that it would be vacant for this.” Your brow furrowed and he quickly amended, “By not letting them rent it out. I didn’t evict anyone for it.”

You smiled softly as you processed everything, “We’ve been living together for nearly two years. You’ve kept this gross old couch in this place that long? You planned this so long ago?”

He pressed a kiss to your temple, “Been planning this since the moment I spilled your coffee.”


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2 years ago


Bobby, meet Lucas - Chapter 7

Bobby, Meet Lucas - Chapter 7

day 19 - size matters

The islanders participate in a rather revealing challenge

Read on AO3 | Read on Wattpad

Tag List: @mrsbsmooth @eskiix @thoracic-orchid (let me know if you’d like to be tagged as well!)

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1 year ago

OMFG I wasn't ready for that. Needy Lucas. MY HEART. 🥺🥺🥺

he will show you that he needs the reassurance by clinging to your side like a baby koala

I didn't think of him as being someone heavy on the PDA but now I can't unimagine it. Man, I really need to finish the Lucas fic I started two years ago 😆

Can you do Lucas being needy hcs??

🪐 You already know how much this big boy needs reassurance; no matter how confident and self-assured he may seem, deep down he feels very insecure

🪐 Will rarely ask, "Do you love me?" or "Tell me you love me," but he will show you that he needs the reassurance by clinging to your side like a baby koala

🪐 Lots of wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, nestling his face in the crook of your neck and pressing a lingering kiss to your shoulder, hoping you'll turn in his embrace and press yourself against him by locking your arms around his neck

🪐 Coming home from work and a workout at the gym to find you lounging on the couch, dinner all ready but you’re waiting for him - he drops his gym bag and work bag, takes off his shoes and shrugs out of his leather jacket before pretty much sprinting towards you. (He’s definitely picking his stuff up later and tidying up, but that can wait) He bends down, picks you up with ease and hugs you to him without saying a word first. Then he whispers, "I’ve missed you," and you giggle and murmur, "But it's only been a few hours." To which he shrugs his shoulders and says, "Doesn’t matter. A few hours is still too long without you."

🪐 Grinning like a Cheshire cat when he glances at his phone during his shift and sees a text from you - it means you're thinking about him, and that means the world to him. Makes the butterflies flutter, too

🪐 Will often ask you for a spicy photo because you know he can never get enough of you; it's not that you don't satisfy his needs, because damn it, you do and then some. It's just that he's pretty much insatiable when it comes to you

🪐 Will never admit that he regrets this one thing in his life - not having a loving, trusting family and parents who make him feel safe and at home with them. But whenever you take him to see your family and he sees how much they love and adore you - just like he does, to be fair - it hurts a little. Of course he's happy for you, and he wishes you nothing but the best. He would never forgive himself if he or anyone else hurt you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when he sees in your family what could have been - and should have been - how his family treated each other too

🪐 You see that he is hurting because you, and only you, can read him like an open book. In his dark brown eyes you see all shades of emotion, and he can never hide how he really feels, and so you take his hand in yours as you eat lunch with your family and rub his palm soothingly in circles, squeezing his hand a little. It's nothing big, just to reassure him that you see his pain and care, and that's more than enough for him

🪐 You know he is a jealous lover, so you will have to reassure him often. And you’re okay talking about the same subject over and over again because you love him and know he is struggling. He's not trying to lock you away, he just really doesn't want to lose you, and this is his way of showing you that

🪐 When you're together at a party or at a work thing, he's constantly looking out for you whenever he can't tuck you into his side. And of course it's also because he's possessive and not afraid to show it, but you know it's so much more than that. It's the constant fear that you might slip through his fingers if he doesn't do everything in his power to prevent it

🪐 Lots of placing his warm hand on the small of your back, running his little finger subtly yet visibly along the edge of your hand, and pressing gentle, not-too-short kisses on your cheek or temple

🪐 If he’s downright jealous because someone else is obviously trying to get your attention, you need to show him that you still want him and no one else. If you don't do anything about it, like kiss him demonstratively or just grab his hand and intertwine your fingers, then he’ll do the job. He will practically fling you against his chest, preferably face first, put his one arm possessively around your waist, tilt your head up and kiss you very deliberately. And not just the sweet I-love-you kiss, but rather the rough and passionate I-need-you and I-want-you and I-won't-share-you kiss that is guaranteed to take your breath away

That's it for today, thanks for this ask <3

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1 year ago

I-- I need to sit down.

On his face.

I-- I Need To Sit Down.
I-- I Need To Sit Down.

Still cleaning out the drafts. You're welcome.

Hey can i ask for lucas''s artbreeder if its okay of course. thank youuu

im gonna be honest with you anon i've been looking at him every five minutes since making this

Hey Can I Ask For Lucas''s Artbreeder If Its Okay Of Course. Thank Youuu

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1 year ago

Since I spent so much time sorting my reasoning for being a believer in Lucas and Hope for TSIME, I figured I might as well barf it up here. But first, remember, these are just pixels and it's all for funsies. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. But let's keep it chill.

Here's why I think they work as a couple. Strap in, this is a long one.

It starts with what didn't work with Hope and Noah. There are many things at play but I always thought the main issue between them was Noah's dad energy. He treated her in a paternal way that seemed to grate on her nerves (like cutting up her toastie). Even the way he talked about her accomplishments had a "proud dad" vibe. But Hope didn't seem to want a dad, she wanted a partner. Which is why she freaked about the sweatshirt. She didn't want him to buy her a new one, she wanted him to help her fix it. Partner. Not daddy. And Noah has a version of Hope in his head that doesn't really gel with who she was. When he said Hope would never dance on tables because she's a LADY, it was like... um she absolutely would. She likes to take charge but she also has a wild, adventurous side that she revels in. She's a rebel to some extent. Also, at her core, it's clear that she's very insecure in some way and it always struck me that maybe Noah's stoicism was at odds with her insecurity. When she had to go on a date with someone (Jakub?), she had a moment of panic when she was picked but Noah didn't seem bothered at all. Which one could interpret as him being trusting and secure, but I think for someone more insecure and brittle like Hope, that chillness can feel like rejection. Which is also why (in my head) she was so clingy. She didn't feel secure. With any couple, IRL or pixel, there's no such thing as a personality in isolation. You respond to the person you're around and your behavior will begin to reflect that to a certain extent. So just because she's clingy with Noah isn't necessarily a reflection she'll be exactly like that with someone else. As @kikithegr8 said, she needs to feel safe enough to relinquish control. As for the money issue, money is important to her and so is ambition, something that Noah doesn't really seem to have. He has a job he likes and that's... it. I don't recall much in the way of conversation with him indicating he'd like to do more. Which is perfectly fine. He can be happy with what he has, but that was never going to work for her long term. She wanted him to be someone he couldn't be and he wanted her to be someone she never was.

So going off of that, you have Lucas. Yes, he's posh and he's uncomfortable with it to some extent. And he's not actually a rich guy based on his job (I always assumed his money came from family because everything about him screams TRUST FUND to me). But at his core, he's territorial, he doesn't believe in fate rather he believes in ambition and taking control of your own destiny, he's adventurous, and he doesn't live a life of regret. He also comes across as someone who likes to be in control but if you've ever played his route and behaved like a "bad girl" with him, you'll quickly find that he LOVES when his partner takes control. It gets him all hot and bothered when she orders him to stop talking during sex. Also he likes when his partner gets jealous. When he goes on the date with Elisa if you're jealous he gets kind of chuffed.

So now you've got two people (Lucas and Hope) who are both fun-loving, adventurous, rebellious, independent, ambitious, yet territorial. Both a little classy and a little wild. I think Lucas's jealousy would make Hope feel wanted and loved. Not saying that it's the most healthy, but I do see that working for her and allowing her to feel more secure. And if that works to make her more secure, I don't think she'd be as clingy as she was with Noah. They'd have a lot of fun together and it's possible that there's no big money differential between them (if I'm right about the trust fund thing) so her money would be hers and his would be his and he'd have no reason to feel any type of way about it. That's why I think she was stuck on him being minted. To her that's a sign that he wouldn't be freaked about her bank account. Also Lucas likes big showy romantic gestures, like sweeping you into his arms and dipping you for a kiss, and I can see that being really appealing to Hope.

The fact that they both don't want kids isn't really the main thing to me, it's more of a microcosm of the way both of them aren't really into nurturing or being nurtured. That's not how they receive love.

The reality is that no relationship is 100% perfect. Not even fictional ones. Do I think they'd fight a lot? Absolutely. And some people just do that. Whether that's healthy or not is irrelevant. I still maintain that they fundamentally work as a couple, even if they're a messy, argumentative couple. But I can see Lucas being able to navigate Hope much better than Noah could. Noah is kind of intractable. And while Lucas is is temperamental, he's also pretty self-aware. At one point in the game, he apologizes to MC for being unbearable because he knew he was being a prick. It's one of the things I like about him. So I can see him better able to handle the arguing and the control scuffles they're likely to have. Also I think they'd fight and have lots of wild makeup sex.

Wow that is a lot of words about some fictional people. Then again, I wrote three novels worth of words about these characters and their friends, so this is just how I roll 😆

Even if you don't go for Noah, Hope is extremely clingy and shows no encouragement for him to explore options. It's kind of a known fact that she "did bits" with him so Priya can't turn his head.

It's like Lottie and her "Girl Code" but is a hypocrite, Marisol saying she goes after what she wants, but is bitter if MC does it and Hope saying she won't mind if Priya gets to know Noah, but literally does everything to stop you and anyone else from getting to know him and him getting to know anyone. Which I could never see that flying with Lucas who would straight up say he wants to get to know other people and I can see the first clash.

I mean- she stops him from playing truth or dare barely a few hours in and he listens? You think Lucas would care or let that stop him? Boom. Another fight again.

Also. I don't see a double standard. She is in fact a little materialistic and money hungry. She makes multiple comments about Lucas being rich and posh, which he always shows discomfort over, and even gets embarrassed when he thinks he's "too posh". And the first thing she throws in Noah's face is that she's the one who makes money and is always talking about how much money she makes. I mean...even if I were frustrated and arguing over something sentimental why would "I make more money than you" come up in conversation?

Also Lucas is a Physiotherapist. It's kind of known that they don't make money like that. I'm sure if he's money hungry he could have just done what his parents wanted.

I'm not trying to be rude. I've just never really seen the appeal in that pairing and most of the reasons people point out are always superficial but there's not really any depth or balance beyond "They're both flashy and don't want kids"....I mean yeah, he's a whole commitmentphobe and clearly has issues with his own family.

First Hope was clingy no argument. I honestly think Lucas would have a charming way of reasoning with her as opposed to letting her get what she wants. The way you throw around the term “fact” so loosely I’m not sure how serious you actually are. This is fake. I don’t recall her doing bits to keep Priya away so I’m thinking that’s head canon at best. I just want to make sure we are on the same page there.

I agree with Lottie being hypocritical. Marisol not so much. When Marisol and Hannah made Gary breakfast and I ended up eating it with Gary Marisol basically said “well played” and gave us privacy.

I think Hope could use someone with a little more backbone than Noah, but not too much. I think she low key wants to be more submissive but it has to be the right guy. He can’t do it in an aggressive way, and has to make her feel safe enough to relinquish control and have her feel like she’s taken care of, not because she can’t take care of herself, but because she doesn’t always have to. I think she thought it was foolish for Noah to think she couldn’t buy her own sweatshirt and was triggered by past relationships where men we insecure about her financial independence. The only thing appealing about Lucas being a doctor is that hopefully he wouldn’t be insecure about her financial status.

I totally get the superficial pairing thing though. I think most people don’t analyze things that deep because it’s fake but I will say I’m similar to Hope in the financially independent sense without being clingy and I want kids though. I was interested in Lucas initially too just like she was but idk I was turned off because some things came off snobby to me.

Also physiotherapist > librarian which does not equal money hungry.

Tags :
1 year ago

Oh for sure, and I'm not saying that I'm right either. It's just how I've interpreted it. It's always interesting because we're all filtering the game and characters through our own personal lens so there are bound to be different takes. I just spent a lot of time on that one so it was fun to dig it back out from the back of my brain 😆 But I'm def open to other views. There's a reason why Suresh intrigued you and INFURIATED me. Different lenses, baby!

Yeah, we're essentially saying the same thing. I was sort of more responding to the anon. I think Hope and Lucas would be better than Hope and Noah but I can see them as being more than better, but properly great together if they put in some work to learn how to fight. Because that would be their sticking point. Can they learn to handle inevitable conflict constructively? Which I suppose is the question for all of us who engage in relationships.

Sorry for using initials! I was being lazy. TSIME is The Sun in My Eyes. It's a forever long Bobby fic I wrote that still isn't done (fml). Hope and Lucas are a sort-of important side characters and that's why I spent a lot of time thinking about them and if I thought they could go the distance.

Even if you don't go for Noah, Hope is extremely clingy and shows no encouragement for him to explore options. It's kind of a known fact that she "did bits" with him so Priya can't turn his head.

It's like Lottie and her "Girl Code" but is a hypocrite, Marisol saying she goes after what she wants, but is bitter if MC does it and Hope saying she won't mind if Priya gets to know Noah, but literally does everything to stop you and anyone else from getting to know him and him getting to know anyone. Which I could never see that flying with Lucas who would straight up say he wants to get to know other people and I can see the first clash.

I mean- she stops him from playing truth or dare barely a few hours in and he listens? You think Lucas would care or let that stop him? Boom. Another fight again.

Also. I don't see a double standard. She is in fact a little materialistic and money hungry. She makes multiple comments about Lucas being rich and posh, which he always shows discomfort over, and even gets embarrassed when he thinks he's "too posh". And the first thing she throws in Noah's face is that she's the one who makes money and is always talking about how much money she makes. I mean...even if I were frustrated and arguing over something sentimental why would "I make more money than you" come up in conversation?

Also Lucas is a Physiotherapist. It's kind of known that they don't make money like that. I'm sure if he's money hungry he could have just done what his parents wanted.

I'm not trying to be rude. I've just never really seen the appeal in that pairing and most of the reasons people point out are always superficial but there's not really any depth or balance beyond "They're both flashy and don't want kids"....I mean yeah, he's a whole commitmentphobe and clearly has issues with his own family.

First Hope was clingy no argument. I honestly think Lucas would have a charming way of reasoning with her as opposed to letting her get what she wants. The way you throw around the term “fact” so loosely I’m not sure how serious you actually are. This is fake. I don’t recall her doing bits to keep Priya away so I’m thinking that’s head canon at best. I just want to make sure we are on the same page there.

I agree with Lottie being hypocritical. Marisol not so much. When Marisol and Hannah made Gary breakfast and I ended up eating it with Gary Marisol basically said “well played” and gave us privacy.

I think Hope could use someone with a little more backbone than Noah, but not too much. I think she low key wants to be more submissive but it has to be the right guy. He can’t do it in an aggressive way, and has to make her feel safe enough to relinquish control and have her feel like she’s taken care of, not because she can’t take care of herself, but because she doesn’t always have to. I think she thought it was foolish for Noah to think she couldn’t buy her own sweatshirt and was triggered by past relationships where men we insecure about her financial independence. The only thing appealing about Lucas being a doctor is that hopefully he wouldn’t be insecure about her financial status.

I totally get the superficial pairing thing though. I think most people don’t analyze things that deep because it’s fake but I will say I’m similar to Hope in the financially independent sense without being clingy and I want kids though. I was interested in Lucas initially too just like she was but idk I was turned off because some things came off snobby to me.

Also physiotherapist > librarian which does not equal money hungry.

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1 year ago

Holy hot fuck. Read it you must. Also look at that gorgeous art!

Luc & Hen's Sexcellent Kinkventure - Ch. 2

Luc & Hen's Sexcellent Kinkventure - Ch. 2

Lucas and Henrik make porn. They're also in love.

Read Chapter 2 on AO3 - Master/Slave

finally back with another chapter of this fic, along with commissioned art! thanks so much to @beesandfigsart for bringing this scene to life! I have it so bad for these two, and you captured them so well!

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1 year ago

A long time ago I chose the name Yi Kangdae for Lucas.

When I was working on my dirtbag Lucas fic, I created a whole family history for him, along with his birth name. I didn't use most of the history in the story (since it was for a prompt challenge with a word limit), but basically Lucas's paternal family are part of the last royal dynasty of Korea before they were removed from power. So his real family name is Yi. And his first name is Kangdae, which means mighty and powerful, which sounded like something his father would have chosen for him. For the story, I think Lucas is a name he chose to distance himself from his father. And Koh was his mother's last name. This entire history is Lucas head canon for me regardless of whether he's a dirtbag or not 😂

ok, so we kind of agreed on lucas being at least half korean because of his surname.

it's a little complicated since apparently koh can also be thai and chinese, but if we're talking korean, i would like to find a good name for him.

traditionally korean people do have a korean name besides their english version, like felix (from stray kids). his name is lee felix, but it's also lee yongbok.

so i went into a deep hole, to name characters for a future project, and encountered some options i liked for lucas.

i started by the meaning of the name, then found some options.

Ok, So We Kind Of Agreed On Lucas Being At Least Half Korean Because Of His Surname.

Lucas means either "man from Lucania" or bringer of light. since we know lucas wasn't born in Italy, i came to the conclusion that when his parents thought of the name lucas, they may have searched for the meaning and gave it to him because of it.

it could be just because "oh i love the name" but this is my blog and we only work with paranoia and overthinking, so get into it.

thinking about that meaning, i started researching names in korean that could mean the same thing... to come across absolutely nothing. there's no "bringer of light" or synonyms that fit in, BUT, there's a few that mean light, and technically someone that brings light has light in them, right?

i'll just assume you said "yes" and move on.

so, these are the names i found:

Ha-ru (하루) - In addition to being an indigenous Korean name, Ha-ru is also a Japanese name that means springtime, sun, sunlight, sunny. it's mostly given to kids who were born in sunny days. since lucas is an aries, he was born in spring, so... pretty good candidate!

Jeong-hui (정후) - The name Jeong-hui can be created by combining hanja that mean correct, proper, right, gentle, still, or quiet with beauty, glorious, bright, or splendid.

Jung-hee (정희) - Sometimes written as Jeong-hui, both names can be written with hanja meaning correct, still, or gentle, and beauty, bright, or glorious.

Myeong (명) - The Korean name Myeong, also spelled Myung, Myoung, or Myong, evolved from the Chinese name Ming. The hanja 明, meaning brilliance or bright, is used for the surname Myeong and when used in a forename, any one of 19 hanja that read Myeong can be used.

Byung-ho (병호) - Byung-ho combines glorious, bright, luminous, and vast, numerous, great.

Chan-yeol (찬열) - Chan-yeol means bright, vivid, illuminating, and vehement, ardent, and fiery.

to lucas' personality, i think chan-yeol fits in quite well. he is fiery and vehement, besides being HELLA vivid. it kind of became my favorite afterwards. and although there are a lot of names that mean bright or vivid, to me lucas is giving chan-yeol, but i would love to hear what actual korean players have to say about it, so if you're out there, let me know!

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8 months ago

Please give us your top five hottest male islanders IN ORDER. All seasons. Based on who you think is the best looking in terms of design. No ties, no “if X character was in Y style.” Just based on pure hotness. 🤣🤣

This is clearly my punishment for voting for redheaded Lewie. I deserve it. This hurts. Since objectivity was not listed as a requirement, I'm gonna go by which pixels made me raise my eyebrows and make a whimpering noise upon first appearance. They're not necessarily the pixels I loved the most. No one will ever beat out Bobby for that, even though he wasn't super hot to me initially.






Please Give Us Your Top Five Hottest Male Islanders IN ORDER. All Seasons. Based On Who You Think Is

I went back and fourth between Levi and Marshall for #1. Ultimately, I gave the W to Levi, but by the slimmest possible margin.

I hated this 😂 But since Suzi can't tell me what to do (I mean she does, but I don't have to listen), here are my runners up: Suresh, Jake, Henrik, and Lewie. In theory, Roberto should have made the list. Objectively, he's probably one of the hottest islanders, but but nothing about him was hot TO ME. He didn't raise my brows and he caused no pained whimpers of want. Sorry, @longbobmckenzie. Please note that Henny was in my runners up list, FWIW. I'm a sucker for the long hair and pretty lips. Thanks @mrsbsmooth. And thank you for the additional tag, @willkimurashat! I'm not tagging people because I'm tired. But if you see this, consider yourself tagged!

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7 months ago

Remember how in S2 Lucas talks about how moissanite is better?

If Lucas and Hope were getting married she would totally insist on a real diamond. Do you think he would try and argue with her on it or just take her to Tiffany's?

Hmm, you know I sat on this for a bit, thinking about it and I guess... I don't think she'd insist on a real diamond. Hope isn't actually super into that kind of status in the text of the game, IMHO. She's a businesswoman by day and party-girl by night, who is proud of making her own money. The status she wants is to be seen as successful. Her most enduring trait is self-sufficiency and control is way more important to her than social status. Matter of fact, in the scene where Noah had a little tantrum about the Ministry party, he makes a comment about his clothe and Hope is the one who frustratedly says, "Hon, you have nice clothes!" He doesn't have a ton of money and she never once had an issue with that or seemed concerned about his financial status. One of the biggest issues between them always came down to Noah treating her paternally, attempting to "take care of her," which is something she fundamentally rejects. Which is all to say that I think she's a practical person at heart and being spoiled isn't really her thing. So, I don't think she'd be fussed too much over moissanite versus diamond. Since Lucas is a helper type who wanted to join Doctors Without Borders, I always assumed the moissanite thing was an ethical choice because of the moral quandaries of diamond mining. I think Hope would hear him out on that and be like, "Babe, that's fine. Not even jewelers can tell the difference anyhow!" So yeah. I think it comes down to how you interpret Hope more than Lucas, and I just don't believe she'd care. If she wanted a "real" diamond, she'd go buy herself one. But to play into the hypothetical, if for some reason she did insist on a real one, I think he'd cave, but he wouldn't be happy about it. And they'd have to compromise because he'd want an ethically sourced diamond if he's gonna spend money on it.

Thanks for the ask! This made me reminisce on how much I miss S2's strong characterizations and the LI's unique personalities. God, I loved Lucas.

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