Little Life - Tumblr Posts
In a restroom on a road trip at the beach in love in red
Pls support my YouTube so I can make art for all of my life! Haha lighthearted but serious too
When I Die
When death comes
I hope to be content enough with what I've lived
to catch up with an old friend
And together while chatting we will walk into atoms
And I will be nothing
But boy
I sure was something
And that's enough for me,
To have been something
Aggressive positivity is Punk. The world sux and I'm going to make it suck less because I can. Is Punk. Not buying things is Punk. Taking care of people is Punk. DIY is Punk. Taking care of the planet is Punk. Anything that goes against systems of oppression is Punk.
Punk is not a style. It's a lifestyle. You can dress however you want. You can make whatever you want. You can listen to whatever you want. Leather jackets and concerts are cool, but you don't need anything to be punk but a soul and a desire to make stuff suck a little less.
Love is remembering a conversation you had with your coworkers from months ago where you mentioned a favorite food that nobody had heard of. They all said they were intrigued by it and wanted to try it, so I'm bringing it to the potluck at work tomorrow. Even with my ADHD I still remembered this insignificant food they wanted to try. I hope they like puttanesca and spaghetti!
I may not even be there for the potluck, but the puttanesca will :)
I finished all the ornaments from my festive stardew valley cross stitch pattern. The bead work took forever... and now I'm decorating my Christmas tree
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i made your favorite dish. i made you something you’ve never tried before. i love you. i spent twenty minutes chopping. my grandmother made this for me when i was little. i made this dairy free for you. i love you. i want to eat together. the onions made me cry. i love you. i learned this recipe for you. i love you. i made this special for your birthday. i love you. i know you don’t like peppers. i love you. i love you. i love you.
There are normal days and then there are days I'm reminded of the three years Jude had to remain on this earth without Wilhelm.
"Perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone." - Song of Achilles