Brad Rowe - Tumblr Posts

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Brad Rowe Legporn Arseporn

Brad Rowe legporn arseporn

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2 years ago
Brad Rowe

brad rowe

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2 years ago
Brad Rowe

Brad Rowe

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2 years ago
Brad Rowe By Pat Lee

Brad Rowe by Pat Lee

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4 years ago
Stop Kidding Yourself: Nothing In Life Is More Important Than Muscle.

Stop kidding yourself: nothing in life is more important than muscle.

Make sure you are doing everything in your power to reinforce muscle addiction.

Make muscle your go-to when jerking off. I’m not talking about some video of a beefy dude fucking, I’m talking actual Olympia posing routines, videos of pros working out, even if they’re fully clothed.

Purge your fb/insta of anyone or anything who isn’t a bodybuilder or promoting muscle.

Make sites that review steroids/cycle protocols your first port of call when looking for some light reading.

View your body primarily as a muscle building machine. Machines need fuel. Food is fuel, not a comfort blanket, not a treat, only fuel.

Anabolic steroids are nothing more than nutrients. A man’s body should never be deprived of the nutrients it needs to GROW.

If you have any other examples, leave them in the comments section. If I like them, I’ll add to the list.

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2 years ago
Big Booty Brad

Big Booty Brad

A man at the gym finds a way to improve a bodybuilder’s best ASSet.

-- -- --

Brad Rowe loved going to the gym and looked forward to it every day.  He got along well with everyone there and was pretty much the most popular guy there.  He helped others out with their workouts and offered tips on how they could improve their fitness.  He was an all around great guy.

Brad zipped up his denim jeans, still feeling the burn deep within his powerful glutes after performing deep squats.  Every so often, he’d peek over his broad shoulder, grinning with pride as his eyes took in the pump that his rear had gained from his workout.  He could see the curvature of his ass without hassle through the denim which looked like it was painted on.

Brad Rowe was obviously a handsome man.  With blond hair, blue eyes, a chiseled jaw, and a killer smile— he was the total package.  He had all the girls (and some of the guys) swooning over him.  The 5’9’’ bodybuilder was very meticulous with his body, taking extra care to sculpt it proportionately to keep it contest ready at all times.  However, it was increasingly obvious that a large section of his fanbase on his Instagram account favored the large, muscled ass that he had.  Brad figured no harm no foul when it came to his fans who admired his glutes; although he was straight, he had no issue with guys checking out his plump rear.  Everyone had their own quirk, the blond bodybuilder rationalized.  Still, Brad continued to build the other muscle groups of his body, taking extra care to make sure his biceps bulged perfectly and that his pecs were even and nicely formed.

“Lookin’ good,” he overheard a deep voice say, interrupting his self-admiration in the mirror.  “You should probably leave the pants off all the time to give us all a nice glimpse of Big Booty Brad.”

Brad turned and saw fellow bodybuilder Larkin Magnus admiring his form as well, his thick arms crossed in front of his chiseled chest.  “Oh, hey Larkin,” Brad nodded as he pulled on his tight t-shirt which was just as skin-tight as his jeans, clinging to every curve of his rippling chest muscles.  He even noticed that his small nipples poked against the fabric the slightest bit.

“I see you’re still building up that ass real nicely,” Larkin whistled, not bothering to be the slightest bit stealth as he openly stared at Brad’s meaty butt.

Brad snickered to himself, trying to play off the open flirting from the gay bodybuilder.  He had no problem with gay men checking him out, not at all.  He just wasn’t quite receptive to it.  “Uh, thanks?” he mumbled.  “I mean, it is leg day.  I’ll do chest tomorrow, so that’ll be pumped soon too.”

Larkin chuckled and walked over towards Brad, opening up the locker that was right next to his.  “Right,” he smirked.  “But I think you and I both know, Brad, that you can work out your chest all you want, but people will still admire your bubblebutt a bit more… in fact.”  He paused and yanked his phone out off his pocket, scrolling through something on it.

Brad pursed his lips, starting to get a little impatient.  His workout was done and he was ready to get home.

“Here it is,” Larkin finally smirked, holding out the phone for Brad to see the picture on the glowing screen.

Brad’s face blushed a light pink as he stared at the morphed picture of his side profile, noting how the artist had taken the time to inflate his ass to extreme portions, making it look like he was carrying beachballs in his tiny poser.  Unfortunately, he was sort of used to it.  Like many bodybuilders, he was aware of the fact that muscle morphs of his photos would circulate online, and many people claimed to be in love with Brad Rowe’s ass, so a good majority of them focused on ass growth.

“…oh,” was all he could manage.

“I saw it and knew that I had to show it to you,” Larkin said as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket.  “I was thinkin’ that it could spark some motivation for you.”  He gave a playful wink.

Brad sighed and rolled his eyes.  “Nope,” he huffed, “I’m good.  I think I’m at the right size for now.”

Larkin began to rummage through his own locker, getting ready to change to head home.  “Well, if you’re ever unsure, you could always let me inspect it for you,” he teased again.  “I promise I’ll be gentle.”

Brad shook his head and slung his gym bag over his broad shoulder.  “Again Larkin,” he said, “I’m not gay.  And even if I was, I wouldn’t be the one getting his ass played with.  That would be you.”  

He turned around to walk out of the locker room and out of the gym, unaware that Larkin was still smirking to himself as he left, a plan forming his head.

— — —

The next day, Brad Rowe rolled into the gym around 1800, his glutes still feeling sore from yesterday’s workout.  “Maybe I should ease up on leg day?” he mumbled to himself, rubbing at the sore muscle with his hands.  He shook the thought from his head, ready to get a good workout in on chest day, hopefully able to grow his pecs some so as to pull the attention away from his ass.

He couldn’t help it, but Brad was still a little annoyed with how Larkin had acted with him the other day.  Normally, he couldn’t give two shits if a guy tried to flirt with him— he’d politely turn them down, explaining that he’s not gay, but still appreciates the compliments.  However, he couldn’t ignore the way the older bodybuilder kept staring at his glutes, almost making him a bit self-conscious.

That was why he decided to bring basketball shorts to work out in; the loose and billowing  fabric would be able to hide his rear from any prying eyes for the day, giving him a little break from being hit on.

He walked over to the locker at the far end of the room, opening it up and setting his bag down onto the bench so that he could change into his gym clothes.  The bodybuilder tore his t-shirt off of his wide torso, folding it up and neatly placing it inside the locker before snatching out his black tank-top from the bag and yanking it on.

“Hey there Big Booty Brad, long time no see,” he heard Larkin call out, making him roll his eyes and curse under his breath.

Still wanting to be friendly, he forced a smile onto his handsome face and nodded towards the older man.  “Hey, Larkin,” he mumbled.  “Doin’ chest today.”  He figured that if he added that last part, then the focus would be taken off his ass today… hopefully.

The older bodybuilder walked over, a shake in hand.  He stopped when he was next to Brad, holding out the drink.  “Peace offering?” he suggested, a small smile on his full lips.

Brad cocked his eyebrow at him.  “Huh?”

Larkin shrugged his massive shoulders, the older bodybuilder a little larger than Brad.  “I thought that maybe I was a bit out of line the other day when I kept talkin’ about your ass,” he sheepishly said.  “It’s not that big.”

Brad was actually a little shocked at the words coming from the older bodybuilder.  When it came to gay men commenting and lusting over his rump, Larkin seemed to be the leader of the pack.  He’d always been the most boisterous about wanting to go down on Brad’s cheeks… not being too subtle about announcing it around the entire gym.  Still, Brad was a little relieved that the man seemed to want to stop his lewd behavior and stop talking about his ass so much.

“Uh, thanks,” Brad said, reaching out for the offered pre-workout shake.  His fingers barely grazed the cold plastic cup when Larkin let go of it… too early.

The brown-colored shake fell down onto the bench, a majority of it dousing Brad’s basketball shorts and jock in the sweet-smelling liquid.

“Shit!” Brad hissed, immediately yanking his clothes out of the bag that were now soaked.  His basketball shorts and jockstrap were drenched in the shake, and even if he dried them under the hand dryers in the bathroom, they’d be all sticky and uncomfortable to wear.  Frowning, he looked down at his skin-tight jeans that would be also very uncomfortable to work out in.  “I guess I gotta rush home to grab some more shorts.”

“I’m sorry about that!” Larkin rushed, opening up the locker that was next to Brad’s.  “That was my fault, I let go too early.  Here.”  He pulled out a pair of compression pants and a white jockstrap from his own locker, handing them to Brad.  “Wear mine.”

The other bodybuilder grimaced as he held the other man’s jockstrap in his paws.  “Uh…”

“It’s new,” Larkin chuckled.  “I haven’t worn it yet, nor will I.  You can have it.  Think of this as the new peace offering.  In the meantime, I’ll go grab some paper towels to clean up this mess.”  He hurried over to the bathroom, leaving Brad alone in the locker room.

For a moment, Brad still considered going home and grabbing some of his own clothes, but eventually he decided against it.  “Oh well,” he sighed to himself, kicking off his shoes so he could take off his pants.  He removed his boxers and slid on the new jockstrap that Larkin had been nice enough to let him have.  It was a tighter fit than his usual one, Brad noted.  The back straps lifted his already big butt, making the cheeks stand out even more than usual.  And the front pouch was so tight that it painfully squeezed Brad’s proud bulge, leaving almost no room for it.  And when he pulled on the black compression pants shorts, he huffed when he noticed how the form fitting fabric only assisted the jock showing off the bodybuilder’s huge cheeks.  Plus, it was also a smaller size than he would’ve worn, the seams of it almost groaning when he took a step.

As Brad exited the locker room, he saw that the gym was surprisingly rather empty, which didn’t bother him too much.  He made him way over to the bench to do some bench presses, unable to ignore the tightness in the jockstrap and how it forced him to almost waddle a little bit.  Plus, the soft fabric of the compression pants running across his cheeks felt rather good for some odd reason.  The burn in the glutes still lingered from the other day, seemingly growing a little stronger with each passing second.

After a little bit of time had passed, Brad stumbled over towards an inclined bench to perform some inclined dumbbell presses.  As he went to go grab some weights, he began to notice an odd shifting when he stepped, the tightness in the jockstrap surging to an even more uncomfortable level, pushing his cheeks even higher while squeezing his cock even more.

“What the—?” he mumbled to himself, thinking that the tight jock’s straps must’ve shifted a bit, but as he glanced over his shoulder, he nearly passed out at what he saw.

The black compression pants stretched even tighter over a much, much larger ass.  Brad Rowe’s blue eyes bulged out of his skull as he dropped the weights to the gym floor, letting them fall with a loud clang.  Praying that his eyes were playing tricks on him, he scurried over to the posing mirror wall, wincing when he felt a slight bouncing in his rear.

Brad stormed in front of the mirror and turned to stare at his side profile, gasping loudly in shock at what he saw.  His usual large rear was swelling before his eyes, growing in size like balloons having air blown into them.  The cheeks lurched forward, pushing out at the sides as well, forming perfectly, round bubbles that pushed away from the bodybuilder’s backside almost parallel from his back.  The tight fabric of the compression pants groaned as they struggled to contain the growth, the seam running down the middle of the cheeks starting to give way the smallest bit.

“Wh-what’s happening?!” Brad cried out in disbelief.  As if he could stop the growth, he grabbed at his inflating backside, his fingers sinking into soft flesh.  “Fuuucckkk….” he moaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head the moment he made contact with his growing ass— simply touching the muscled mounds set off jolts of pleasure that shot straight to his cock which was immediately rock hard, which only seemed to painfully accentuate the tightness of the pouch of the jockstrap.

The seams continued to stretch further and further apart, until small tears could be heard in the fabric of the pants.

His heart racing in his muscled chest, Brad frantically looked around the gym for anyone who could help him with whatever was happening to him.  He couldn’t see anyone, but remembered that Larkin should’ve been in the locker room cleaning up the spilled protein shake.

Brad took off towards the locker room, blushing when he noticed the difference in his run.  With the growing cheeks and widening thighs to compensate, his run had morphed into more of a waddle.  Plus, the still-growing rear bounced and jiggled with every movement, shooting sparks of pleasure directly to the bodybuilder’s cock, making him grit his teeth and stifle a moan with every step.


A burst of cold air brushed over his ass and Brad paled at what that meant.  His giant ass continued to jiggle with every step he took, his cock fighting for room in the minuscule punch of the jock.  He could feel the tension in the pouch gradually become more and more bearable as he rushed to the locker room; it was an odd sensation.  The locker room entrance was within sight and each time he felt his massive cheeks shift and bounce when he moved, Brad could feel his cock twitch and get harder, yet the pouch of his jock got roomier and roomier.

Brad hurried inside the locker room, looking around for the older bodybuilder to see if he could somehow help him, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

“Dammit!” Brad cursed, stomping his foot in irritation, immediately regretting it when that action made his ass shake ferociously, causing the bodybuilder to roll his head back and moan as he was momentarily overcome with pleasure.

When he regained his senses, Brad was semi-relieved to notice that the burning in his glutes had ceased, instinctually letting him know that the mysterious growth had run its course and was over.  His relief was short-lived as soon as his eyes honed in on his new, altered reflection in the wall mirror near his locker— his reflection a warped caricature of his former self.

His ass was massive!  It had to have been at least three times as large as the famous bubblebutt he was known for.  It stuck straight out from his back, the ripped fabric of the compression pants bunched up around it at the sides, allowing most of it to be exposed to the world for all to see.  When he speechlessly walked… well, waddled, towards the mirror, Brad blushed at the fact that his ass was so round and huge that it looked like he was towing something behind him.  It swayed and bounced when he took a step, each vibration going straight to his cock and making his heart race with an unknown lust never felt before on such an intense level.

“Th-this can’t be real,” Brad stuttered in shock as he continued to stare at his inflated ass cheeks.  He easily tore the shredded compression pants away from his body and dropped the jockstrap to the floor to gain an uninterrupted inspection.  Even without the support from the jockstrap, his enlarged ass was perky and stood out perfectly from his muscled body, looking unreal and unlike anything possible within the realms of a gym. 

With a shaky hand, Brad tentatively poked at the humongous ass that had grown from his backside, his knees instantaneously buckling as yet another ripple of pleasure shot through him.  His newly inflated ass cheeks were crazy sensitive, making him harder than he’d ever been in his life.

Brad’s cock twitched and he instinctively reached down to take care of it, his horniness clouding his mind briefly when his eyes widened at what he felt… or what he didn’t feel.

“FUCK!” Brad shouted as he stared down at his crotch.  What had been an impressive eight and half inches, was now reduced to a pathetic two and half inches.  The little nub looked completely out of place on the handsome bodybuilder’s muscled physique; and although he was harder than ever, he doubted the pathetic nub was even as long as his credit card.

Brad Rowe stared in abject horror at his warped reflection, unable to comprehend the massive ass and the tiny dick that he now possessed.

“Well, well, look at this,” Larkin announced as he made his way back into the locker room, his eyes hungrily taking in Brad’s new body.

Under normal circumstances, Brad would’ve been mortified to show off his bare ass and cock to Larkin, but even though he felt shame, he frantically waved his thick arms at the older man.  “You gotta help me!” he cried, gesturing down at his new, giant ass.  “I don’t know, but something happened!”

Larkin clicked his tongue as he ran his hungry eyes up and down Brad’s warped body.  The bodybuilder still had his perfectly sculpted pecs and biceps, but his tight waist seemed to balloon out at the bottom where his ass cheeks had exploded outwards, giving him an intensely bottom-heavy look that blew his proportions all out of sync.

“What do you mean?” Larkin asked, putting on a fake tone of innocence as he fought to hide a snicker.

Brad shook his head in disbelief.  “What—?! Look at my fuckin’ ass!” he roared, turning around to show off the giant cheeks that hung off his back.  “I know this sounds crazy, b-but something happened to me out there.  I was working out and then that fuckin’ jock…”  The words turned into a stunned whisper as Brad voiced them, his eyes growing wide with an incredulous epiphany.

In a poor attempt to hide his shame, Brad covered up his shrunken cock, wincing when he was able to cup his entire cock and balls with one meaty hand.  It made sense, but at the same time it was impossible.  The morph of himself that Larkin had shown him the other day popped back into his head, the one in which his ass had been enlarged.  His dazed face looked back into the mirror, nearly wailing when he noticed that he looked just like the morph had come to life.  His ass stuck off his body like a frickin’ shelf.  No pair of jeans or even sweatpants would be able to hide the massive globes.

“What did you do to me?!” Brad roared, letting go of his nub and balling up his fists as he stalked over to the older man, puffing out his chest as he tried to look intimidating.  His thighs apparently had been inflated a bit as well in order to help support his new ass since his walk was now forever reduced to a waddle it seemed, his bouncing cheeks moving wildly with every step his took.

“I helped you out,” Larkin smirked.  “I mean, you and I both know that you have a large fanbase surrounding your, *ahem, assets.  I just gave you a boost, is all.”

Brad was seeing red, shocked and appalled by the words that the man he’d semi-considered a friend had said.  “But… my cock?!”  He pointed down at the puny nub that barely stuck out from his trimmed bush.  It was a small cock that would look pathetic on anybody, especially a muscle giant like himself.

“That’s probably my favorite part,” Larkin grinned.  “You see, you’d mentioned that if you were gay, you’d be the top.  And lemme tell you, Big Booty Brad, there’s no way you’re gonna top anyone with that little thing.  Not that you’d be interested…”

Before Brad could say anything or take a swing at the older man, Larkin reached around his thick waist and with both of his strong, rough hands, grabbed a hold of his massive cheeks.

“Ohhh fuck,” Brad whimpered, the feeling of another man’s hands on his new ass sending fireworks of pleasure throughout his body.  When he’d poked at his ass before, he’d gone rock hard, but having another man do it was something else, something entirely bigger.  His knees went weak and his nub throbbed.

“Another thing,” Larkin teased, his fingers flexing as he massaged the stunned bodybuilder’s ass, turning him in a moaning pile of clay, “I made it so that you’ll never get off again without your ass being played with.”

Brad knew that deep down he should lash out at the older bodybuilder, kick his ass and force him to reverse whatever spell he’d cursed him with.  Unfortunately, his mind was turned to mush as his massive ass cheeks were fondled.  His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he had to grip both of Larkin’s large biceps in order to steady himself, the pleasure nearly making him black out.  It was like nothing he’d ever felt before.  Nothing from his past, no sex, no blowjobs, nothing could compare to the intense pleasure he felt simply from having another man squeeze his new bubblebutt.  Brad had never had a single gay thought in his life.  Yet there he was in the gym locker room, moaning loudly and getting off just from another man’s rough hands on his cheeks.  He blushed when he saw in the mirror that Larkin’s meaty paw barely covered a third of a cheek.  He even found himself pushing his massive ass further into Larkin’s hold, hungry to feel the man’s hands fondle his cheeks even more.

“D-don’t stop,” he moaned, his eyes going wide with what escaped his mouth, desperate to continuously feel the insane pleasure that was washing over him.

“See? I knew that you’d adjust just fine, Big Booty Brad,” Larkin commented.

Brad tensed up and felt like a bubble popped inside of him.  He threw his head back and squealed as he reached orgasm, his puny cocklet spitting out a measly few drops of cum.  Even though he’d barely came at all, Brad was left breathless, his ass feeling as if it were vibrating and the places where Larkin had squeezed feeling as if they were on fire.

Larkin finally let go and sauntered over to his locker.  “That was just a taste of what you can expect with that wagon.”

As humiliated as he was, the blushing Brad was unable to ignore the deep sense of want that he felt deep within his now-mammoth ass cheeks as he glared at the older bodybuilder who had done whatever he had to him.  “So you had your fun,” he spat through clenched teeth, “now turn me back!”

He eyed his new form in the mirror, again frowning when he took in the exaggerated size of his ass and the pathetic nub his previously impressive cock had been reduced to.  He looked like a bottom heavy freak, his proportions all out of whack, ruining his competition-ready physique.  And that wasn’t even mentioning the increased sensitivity that he felt in his bubblebutt.  Just standing there in the locker room, feeling the heavy cheeks jiggle as he shuffled his feet nervously from side to side was enough to send shockwaves of pleasure throughout his body— his two and a half inch cocklet standing at attention, hovering over a puny set of balls.

Larkin shrugged his broad shoulders dismissively.  “Maybe when I’m done having my fun,” he hummed, shuffling through his gym bag.  “In the meantime, here’s some pants that might actually fit you, since I highly doubt you can squeeze into your old ones.  I don’t have any boxers, so you’ll have to free ball it… unless you wanna borrow another jockstrap?” He snickered at the way Brad bristled at his joke, tossing a wadded up pair of denim at the altered stud.

The denim unfolded in Brad’s clutches and his stomach fell as he stared at the jeans that had the back cut out of them which would leave his inflated ass on view for everyone to see.  “There’s no way I’m wearing these!” he shouted.

“Suit yourself,” Larkin said as he began to change into his regular clothes.  “It’s either those or you can try to run to your truck bottomless.  I mean, it’s probably dark out and there weren’t many people outside when I arrived, so who knows? You might make it.”

“Either way, I’ll get arrested!” Brad protested, staring wide-eyed at the cut-up jeans.  It seemed as if his options were to either to show off his beach ball-sized cheeks by themselves with the denim, or show them off along with his tiny dick without the jeans.

“I already took care of that, don’t worry,” the older man chuckled, walking over to pat the stunned bodybuilder’s shoulder reassuringly.

Shoulders slumping, Brad rationalized in his mind that he’d rather show off just his ass instead both his ass and cock.  He let out a deep sigh and began to step into the denim jeans, which were skin tight around his muscled calves and quads.  When he buttoned them up around his waist, his face turned beet red at the giant ass that was on full display, practically forming a shelf from his lower back.  He could even see it when he stared face forward at his morphed reflection, unable to comprehend how anyone could possibly possess a butt this big.  Worse was the way the tight fabric of the jeans stretched across his front, looking flat as ever.

Brad was stunned speechless as he stared at the mirror.  He tugged on his t-shirt, a shiver traveling through him when the fabric brushed up and rested on his protruding cheeks.

Larkin, still wearing that shit-eating grin on his face, clapped a large hand over an even larger cheek.  “Lookin’ great,” he teased.

The feeling of Larkin’s hand on his sensitive ass sent another shockwave of pleasure throughout Brad, the bodybuilder’s knees going weak and his nub squirting a pathetic droplet of cum into his jeans.  “Oooohhh!” he moaned, his face already beet red from humiliation.  It was bad enough having to have a mammoth ass and a shrunken cock, but the fact that his pleasure sensors seemed to have been rewired so that his ass was the largest (literally) erogenous zone he possessed was almost too much for him.

The older man leaned in closer to Brad’s ear, his hot breath wafting over his face as he whispered.  “Tell you what,” he said, “I’ll consider turning you back after a week or so.  Sound like a deal?”

Despite the ripples of pure sexual pleasure that he felt thundering throughout his core, Brad had enough sense to know that it was Larkin’s fault his ass had grown to such gigantic proportions.  “Fuck you,” he hissed, gritting his teeth as his ass still throbbed from the fondling just a few moments ago.

The older man guffawed.  “You’re not gonna fucking anyone with your puny nub, Big Booty Brad,” he laughed.  “That’s for damn sure.  But whatever, suit yourself.  You know where to find me.”  He gave Brad’s ass one more squeeze and exited the locker room.

Brad remained in place, still red faced and stunned at what had just happened.  He knew that, despite his extremely inappropriate wardrobe and hyperbolas ass, he had to get out of the gym before someone else came and saw what had happened to him.  Even so, he had no clue what to do.  Should he go home and try to hide? Should he go to the doctor and try to see if he could get his body fixed? Should he beg Larkin to help him… or possibly fuck him?

That last thought made the bodybuilder cringe… and made his nub rock hard again, but it was so tiny that he couldn’t even see it against the plastered on denim.

“Fuck!” he grunted, shoving himself away from the mirror and grabbing his stuff from his locker as he resolved to go home for the moment to figure out what to do.  

Broad shoulders slumped, the bodybuilder waddled out of the locker room, his gait seriously impeded by the giant ass he now possessed.  He was so stuck in his cloud of humiliation that it took him a second to realize that the gym had actually began to fill up with other patrons.

“Shit!” he hissed to himself, quickly yanking his gym bag behind himself in a feeble attempt to block his cheeks from view.  The mirrored walls of the gym let the bodybuilder know that it was futile as his new bubblebutt was simply too big to be covered from prying eyes.  Still, what was weird was that no one seemed to give it a second thought.  Brad was puzzled as he waddled across the gym floor with his giant cheeks exposed to all the men and no one called him out.  Larkin’s words about “working it out” echoed in his head, and Brad’s stomach fell when he began to put the pieces together.  

The man began to fear that Brad Rowe, the bodybuilder who sculpted his physique to near perfection was now Big Booty Brad, the bodybuilder who showed off his unreal gigantic bubblebutt everywhere he went.  Brad sighed to himself as it dawned on him what Larkin had turned him into: a microdicked muscle bottom.

Despite only having his body altered less than thirty minutes ago, the warped bodybuilder knew that unless Larkin decided to give him whatever antidote existed, that his life would be completely different from now on.  Life, even if it would be for a little bit like what Larkin had suggested, would be difficult walking around with a giant ass in tow for all to see.  And it would be even harder having to go around with an ass that was so sensitive that the slight brushing of his shirt on top of the protruding cheeks made him harder than ever… and his cock was practically gone!  There was no way Brad could fuck any woman now with his minuscule equipment.  Not that that seemed to matter anyway now, because Larkin apparently had made it so that he was only able to get off by having his ass fondled.  Shit, even if Brad was gay, there was no way he’d even be able to be the top.

When the exit doors were in sight, Brad saw his workout buddy Rick walk in.  He froze in place and turned bright red when his friend entered the gym.  Rick’s eyes initially went wide at the sight of his friend waddling through the gym with his inflated ass on display for all to see, but then his shocked expression glazed over and he coyly smiled.

“‘Sup Brad?” he asked, nodding towards the altered man.  “Leaving already?”

Brad was speechless.  It was obvious now to him that Larkin had somehow managed to make it so that no one would question a bodybuilder showing off his gigantic ass, but he was still humiliated nonetheless.  His jaw hung low and he could feel his hole quiver as his friend ran his dark eyes up and down his altered form, his heart beginning to race for some unknown reason.

Brad wanted to plead for help, to tell Rick that Larkin had somehow cursed him and that he needed to be turned back.  He didn’t want to live the rest of his life with a subpar microdick or a massive fuck-me butt!  But his throat went dry and all he could do was nod.

Rick fake-frowned and sauntered over to Brad, wrapping a leaner arm around the bodybuilder’s broad shoulders.  “Not yet,” he said, “you still owe me, remember?”

Brad wanted to ask what his friend was talking about and he wanted to beg for help, but his head filled up with fog, making it close to impossible to think of anything else but the bulge that he could see in his friend’s pants.  He unconsciously flexed his giant ass cheeks, stifling a moan from the pleasure that movement shot through him.  He body appeared to move on its own accord, and he could feel himself leaning into the smaller man who was still muscular, but no where near as large as the bodybuilder with the even larger butt.

Rick reached down and roughly grabbed a hold of one of Brad’s cheeks, making the confused bodybuilder yelp and go rock hard, his nub painfully scraping against the zipper of his altered jeans.  He was led back over to the free weights area where there was an inclined bench that was set flat.

“You know I like my release after, but since you’re leaving, I guess we can do it before my workout,” Rick purred, coaxing the waddling man towards the bench.

Brad hated the way he could feel his bubblebutt shake and jiggle with every step he took, and he hated how fast his heart was racing at his friend’s words.  He glanced around the gym, wincing when he saw that more and more men were entering and beginning their workouts, a number of them glancing towards him and Rick, giving the latter man a thumb’s up.

Not wasting any time, Rick quickly began to toy with Brad’s exposed hole, easily inserting a finger.

Brad nearly fell over onto the bench.  He had to steady himself against it so he wouldn’t collapse to the ground, his body shuddering with pleasure as he was penetrated.  Never before had he had his ass played with, but the moaning bodybuilder was rapidly realizing that it was now all he’ll ever want.  The pleasure he felt was nothing that he’d ever experienced before and he was desperate for more.

Rick was eager to comply, inserting another finger, playing with Brad’s previously virgin hole and making him moan loudly above the music playing in the gym.  It wasn’t too long before Rick pulled his fingers away and unbuttoned his pants, not even bothering to pull them down, and just fished his normal seven inch cock out.  Compared to Brad’s little nub, he looked massive; however, Brad couldn’t seem to care about the little cock he now possessed as soon as he felt Rick shove himself inside of his tight hole.

“OOOHHHH!” Brad moaned out loud, his bulky body immediately bucking in tune with Rick’s thrusts, easily taking control of the situation.  Even though Larkin had made sure that Brad could never top anyone, he was still able to fuck them.  Although he’d never had any expertise with bottoming in his life, Brad was flexing his glutes as he bottomed, loving even the way his massive cheeks shook with every thrust.  He’d never even been one to moan or be vocal during sex, yet he found himself moaning loudly for all to hear, everyone in the gym knowing full well that his inflated ass was getting fucked.

Brad’s head rolled back as he wildly moaned for the whole gym to hear, his eyes going wide as he took in the warped reflection in the mirror: He was bent over a workout bench, his face twisted in horror and pleasure as his massive ass rippled from the pounding it received, and all without the need to take off his pants thanks to the gaping hole in them.  Off in the distance, he could barely make out Larkin who was talking to another bodybuilder who frequented their gym— he couldn’t remember his name.

“Yeah, you look like you got a good pump in for chest day yesterday,” Larkin smirked at the dark-haired bodybuilder.  “Your pecs look fantastic, and I gotta say your perky nipples are really something too.”

The younger man blushed at the weird compliment.  “Um, thanks?” he wondered aloud, looking down at his polo which his nipples did poke against, something that Brad could vaguely recall hearing him state that it was something he was always embarrassed about.  He seemed to quickly shake away the awkwardness though.  “Hey, I’m actually glad I ran into you, do you have a spare workout shirt or tank? Someone actually stole mine from my locker.”

Larkin’s smirk grew wider.  “Sure do, follow me,” he told him, wrapping an arm around the bodybuilder’s broad shoulders.  “It’ll help show off that pump…”

Brad was like a piston now, bucking his hips and squeezing his cheeks as he bottomed, moaning like a bitch in heat.  He could feel the fogginess in his head take over, and felt something slowly slip away.  The bodybuilder with the pristine and proportional body, the one who liked to post pictures of himself on social media for people to admire was now gone.  Instead, there was the new bodybuilder with the pumped up ass who always wore backless pants to give guys easier access, the bodybuilder who didn’t give a shit about his two and a half inch nub because he never used it.  All he needed was his massive ass to fuck men, and he lived for it.

“Aaarrrgg!” Brad squealed, his nub squirting out tiny drops of cum that barely soaked through the denim material of his pants.  He collapsed back onto the bench, catching his breath and shivering when he felt Rick pull out of him.

“Good job, Big Booty Brad,” his friend panted.  “I always like to get a release before my workout.”  He wiped some of his sweat off his brow and stuffed his normal-sized cock back into his jeans, walking off to the locker room.

Brad took a deep breath and stood up, his bubblebutt still sticking out for all to see, giving every gym-goer an uninterrupted view of the cum that was leaking out of his hole.  Despite everything… he felt amazing!  Brad couldn’t wait to come back to the gym tomorrow and give everyone else a turn to fuck him, the thought of all the bodybuilders in the room taking a turn making his flex his massive cheeks.  

As he walked towards the exit, he waved goodbye to Larkin, who was tailed by a terrified looking bodybuilder with such huge, ballooned-out pecs that they stretched the red fabric of his shirt to the limit.  There were two holes cut out for his erect giant, pumped-up nipples that were about the size of his thumbs to poke out for all to see.

“Hey Brad!” Larkin called out to him.

Brad, who just opened the exit door, turned around to see what he wanted, gasping as the outside air brushed over his exposed ass.

“You might have some competition as the most popular guy at the gym soon,” Larkin laughed, playfully flicking one of the other man’s exposed huge nipples.

The other man’s eyes rolled back as he let out a deep moan, his face burning bright red.

Brad scoffed, turning around to give Larkin a full view of his protruding bubblebutt.  “We’ll have to see about that,” he grinned, winking over his shoulder at the older man.  

Big Booty Brad couldn’t wait to come back to the gym tomorrow.

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1 year ago
One Of My Favorite Studs: Brad Rowe; And He Looks So Hot With Little In Front But A Lot In The Back!
One Of My Favorite Studs: Brad Rowe; And He Looks So Hot With Little In Front But A Lot In The Back!

One of my favorite studs: Brad Rowe; and he looks so hot with little in front but a lot in the back!

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1 year ago
What Is This? Brad Wondered As He Studied The Unknown Package That Had Been Sent To Him. He Walked Inside

“What is this?” Brad wondered as he studied the unknown package that had been sent to him. He walked inside his house, trying to look for a return address so that he could try to figure out who’d sent him this package, but there was none. All that it said in bright red letters was: BRAD ROWE.

The macho man looked at the clock on the wall and figured that he could open up the box while still making it in time to the gym. He was always looking forward to a work out, being described as a man’s man and very masculine.

Shrugging his massive shoulders, the bodybuilder ripped the top flap open. There was a mechanical whir and as soon as the muscle man had the box open, a bright flash of rainbow, iridescent light flickered. It was so bright that spot formed in the man’s eyes and he stumbled back, rubbing at his eyes in irritation.

“Like, what the hell?” he squealed.

Once his vision was clear of spots, Brad’s brow furrowed in wonder over the odd way he’d spoken. After peeking into the box and seeing that it was empty, he cleared his throat and tried again.

“Like, that was suuuuuper weird,” he chirped, his voice sounding as if it were a few octaves higher and with a much noticeable valley girl twang to it. He shook his head, thinking that it was just an odd reaction and tried again: “Um, like, testing?”

The blood drained from Brad’s face at the gay words leaving his mouth. He gasped when he looked down, noticing that his wrists were bent slightly as he waved his hands in front of him, while simultaneously jutting his hip out.

“Oh em GEEE!” he squealed, wincing at the twittering way he spoke. “Like, what the hell is wrong with meee?” He rushed down the hallway towards his bathroom, noting the obvious way he swayed his hips as he walked. He tried with all of his might to walk as he normally did, but the bodybuilder was horrified to discover that he could stop moving his hips back and forth seductively as if he were trying to advertise his muscled butt. There was even a noticeable arch to his back as he pushed out his pecs.

He made it to the bathroom and stared into the mirror, wailing out and flailing his hands effeminately as he stared at his reflection. His hair was noticeable blonder and there was absolutely no trace of body hair anywhere on him. Brad’s bright blue eyes widened as he stared at his slightly altered image in the mirror, licking his lips unconsciously when he stared at the nubs that stuck off his large pecs. He saw that he was pursing his lips unconsciously, but couldn’t stop himself.

“Like, how am I gonna make it like this?” he whined in his new voice, blushing as he imagined himself in the gym, twittering around and sashaying his muscled ass like a cockhungry fag. “Like, I cannot wait to get my slut butt fucked!” His heart fell in his chest at the words that left his mouth, but he was powerless to stop his body from swishing out the front door…

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1 year ago
Brad Rowe Blushed When He Saw Gabe Waiting For Him On The Pier, The Latter Looking Cross For Some Reason.

Brad Rowe blushed when he saw Gabe waiting for him on the pier, the latter looking cross for some reason. The bodybuilder gulped loudly as he approached the smaller man.

“H-hello, Gabe,” he barely whispered, already fearing the worst.

The smaller man looked the bodybuilder up and down, noting his red shorts and tank top. “You didn’t get permission to wear that, Brad,” Gabe tsked, even going so far as to wag his finger at the paling muscle man.

“W-well, I thought th-that…” the bodybuilder stumbled over his words, knowing that he’d fucked up and had made Gabe angry. He’d known that Gabe had wanted him to wear just the tiny thong that’d been left at his place, but he couldn’t bring himself to wear such a demeaning piece of clothing. He’d figured that he’d compromise with a modestly revealing outfit.

Gabe narrowed his eyes at him and Brad felt that fearfully familiar tingle wash over him.

“W-wait!” he tried to cry out when he felt his center of gravity shift. Slowly, Brad’s body began to shrink.  However, the more he stared at his shortening stature, the hunk was horrified to realize that it wasn’t a proportional shrinking.  Instead of maintaining his usual muscle physique, he appeared to be compressing down, all of his years’ worth of muscle piling up on each other.  His long arms pulled inwards, his biceps puffing up until they forced his limbs out at an awkward angle.  His legs followed suit, his quads and calves inflating as they shorted, making the man to adopt a wider stance.  His clothes stretched to the limit as they struggled to contain his widening frame, giving the mortified hunk an outlined view of his cock which also pulled into his body, transforming into a little nub.  With a whine of panic, Brad instantly reached for his puny member, only to bristle in shocked annoyance when his bulky, short arms were virtually inflexible due to their new mass, prohibiting him from reaching his new nub which probably wasn’t even two inches big.  Even Brad’s torso compressed too.  His flat six-pack pushed out slightly as his stomach scrunched down.  His pecs inflated outwards as well, nearly blocking his view of the rest of his midgetized body.  Had the funhouse mirror not been close by, Brad wouldn’t have noticed his bubble butt push outwards from his altered body, forming a near perfect shelf from his broadened back.

When the dizziness passed and his head began to clear, Brad’s jaw dropped… and his chin automatically brushed up against his protruding pecs.  The hunk stared wide-eyed at his altered frame in the mirror.  He had to only be about three and half feet tall now, having lost nearly half of his height, but none of his weight.  His arms stuck out akimbo from his bulky torso.  He even tried to take a step forward, blushing profusely at the way his new thighs rolled over each other as his walk was reduced to a waddle.

Gabe nodded to himself. “I think you’ll stay like this for the day,” he teased.

“Yes, Sir,” Brad mumbled, wincing at his higher octave voice. Ever since he’d ran afoul Gabe at the gym, the warlock had it out for him, taking pleasure in humiliating the bodybuilder every chance he could get.

Last week, Brad had walked around looking like a twink with barely any muscle mass on his tiny frame, the week before that his head was the size of a plum, and before that his ass looked like two yoga balls had been attached to his back. The bodybuilder was surprised that he could even feel any semblance of humiliation still after all that’s happened to him.

“Why don’t you go flex on the beach with the other muscle men?” Gabe suggested.

Brad felt the wind blow over him and he looked over in one of the fun mirrors to see his warped body wearing a bright red poser. The back of the poser was hidden between his puffed out ass cheeks and the front pouch was a little loose as it blocked his shortened cock from view.

“Yes, Sir,” Brad squeaked again, waddling off the pier towards the beach, trying to get the hang of maneuvering with his compressed musculature. He just hoped that one day Gabe would forgive him and set him free and let him stay in his normal body.

[I don't remember where I found this picture. If it's yours, please let me know so I can give proper credit!]

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1 year ago
He Couldnt Stop.

He couldn’t stop.

No matter how hard he tried to stop his workout, Brad Rowe was horrified to find his body moving on its own accord, performing rep after rep. He tried to call out for help, but his voice got stuck in his throat. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t stop his workout, and couldn’t stop the burning sensation deep in his powerful glutes.

He turned his head to try and signal to someone for help, his heart dropping when he spotted one of the new employees. He held a small, hand-stitched doll in his hands— a doll that was dressed in all black just like he was. The employee held his thumb over the doll’s mouth, all the while bending it and straightening it, making it look like the doll was performing the same exercise Brad was.

“Gonna help you build up that booty, Brad,” the employee mouthed to him. He momentarily let go of the doll’s mouth to fish in his pocket, pulling out a handful of cotton balls.

Before Brad could question what he was going to do, the employee began to shove the cotton balls inside the doll, padding its butt.

Brad felt his thighs stretch and could feel his massive ass enlarging, stretching his spandex pants to the limit. He looked over into one of the posing mirrors, his heart racing when he saw his normally-sized cheeks the size of overinflated soccer balls.

“Pl-please! Stop!” Brad begged when the seams of his pants started to burst, his growing ass peeking out of the fabric for the entire gym to see.

The employee simply chuckled and reached back into his pocket to grab even more cotton balls.  “We’ve just started,” he teased.

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1 year ago
Dude! What The Fuck Was In That Thing You Gave Me?! Brad Rowe Roared Into The Phone, Having To Put It

“Dude! What the fuck was in that thing you gave me?!” Brad Rowe roared into the phone, having to put it on speaker because he could barely flex his arm with the amount of muscle it’d packed on. His biceps had grown so large that they balled up like large bowling balls, preventing him from bending his arms past ninety degrees.

“What do you mean?” his manager asked over the phone, sounding like he was playing dumb.

Brad shook his head in a fury. “What do I mean?” he yelled. “Yesterday, I weighed 235 pounds! Then you gave me that shot, and when I woke up, I weighed 327!”

Brad stared at his warped reflection in the posing mirror in his bedroom. Overnight, the bodybuilder had packed on some serious muscle, nearly one-hundred pounds of it. His pecs were so heavy and cumbersome that it took him nearly an hour just to lean forward to get out of bed. His arms stuck out at such a wide angle and his back had considerably widened so much that he had to go through every doorway sideways. And his thighs had inflated to the point where they were constantly rolling over each other, reducing his walk to a cumbersome waddle.

“Hey, you wanted to be bigger, so I got you stuff that did just that,” his manager defended.

“I didn’t want to be a freak!” Brad screamed, tensing up when he felt his muscles spasm. A ripple of pleasure shot through him, and his cock, which had lengthened to fourteen inches, jutted out in front of him. Without a moment’s warning, he threw his head back and moaned wildly as a torrent of cum shot out of him, covering the mirror in sticky fluid.

He fell back onto his oversized glutes, their immense size and roundness making him roll back and fall onto his back, thus making him stuck like an overturned turtle.

“Fuck!” he panted, his breath labored from his unexpected orgasm. He tried to get up, but his watermelon-sized pecs kept him pinned onto his back. His wide lats made it close to impossible for him to rock side to side to turn over.  “Dammit!  Man, I need you to come here and help me!”

His manager laughed over the phone. “Yeah, on my way,” he chuckled before hanging up, leaving Brad all alone as an over-muscled giant who was too large to even move.


[Photo from:]

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1 year ago
Brad Lumbered Throughout The Gym, A Glazed Look On His Face. The Sight Of Other Muscle Men Like Himself

Brad lumbered throughout the gym, a glazed look on his face. The sight of other muscle men like himself put him at ease, and he tried to follow their movements. He grabbed a weight and stared blankly at it, some drool starting to drip from his slacked jaw.

“Hey Brad,” Danny said, waving at him from the other side of the weight pile. “You doing okay?”

Brad glanced up at him, that blank stare still on his handsome face. His blue eyes traveled up and down Danny’s thin, bookwormish form, and a toothy grin formed on his face.  Under the concerned gaze of the smaller guy, he felt some pressure in his shorts… good pressure.

“Brad lift,” Brad grunted in a deep voice.  “Brad get muscle.” He brought up one arm and flexed a bicep for the smaller guy.

Danny furrowed his brow and nodded slowly, confused with what was happening to the bodybuilder who was normally talkative and gave great pointers on macronutrients.  “Um, did you hit your head or something?” he asked him. “Do you need me to take you to the doctor’s?” He rubbed the back of his neck in wonder, his small bicep barely flexing the smallest bit.

Brad noticed the thin man’s barely-visible muscle, and his beefy hand began to paw at his erect cock which formed a large tent in his basketball shorts. It looked like he tried to jerk off, but was too dumb to figure out that he needed to slide his hands inside the shorts that he wore.  Instead, he kept pawing at the covered cock, licking his lips as he stared at the other guy.

“Cock hard,” Brad moaned loudly as he continued to paw at himself. He kept eying the confused guy, that dim smile plastered onto his face. “Danny hot. Danny fuck Brad?” He turned around and bent forward the smallest bit, presenting his large muscle butt towards the smaller guy.

Danny was hit with an internal dilemma: Obviously there was something wrong with Brad… but the sexy bodybuilder looked over his broad shoulder at him, playfully swaying his plump rear from side to side.

“O-okay,” Danny swallowed, following the lumbering bodybuilder towards the locker room, passing the gym goer who smirked in their direction. He could vaguely recall talking to someone online about how hot he found muscle guys who were too dumb to do anything besides work out and fuck.  But that had to be a coincidence, right?

He entered the locker room, stunned when he saw Brad smiling widely at his own reflection while bouncing his massive pecs. He continued to paw at his covered erection, but once he saw that Danny had followed him, he rushed over to a bench and got on all fours.

“Fuck Brad,” he repeated in his slow voice, his massive bubble butt playfully swaying back and forth.

“Fuck it,” Danny shrugged, figuring that it was a wish well spent. He hurried over to the dim Brad who couldn't figure out how to take off his own shorts.

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1 year ago
Brad! Mr. Clemmons Hummed From The Lawn Chair He Was Lounging On.

“Brad!” Mr. Clemmons hummed from the lawn chair he was lounging on.

The bodybuilder swallowed nervously and stepped forward, his tiny speedo so small that his permanently hard cock started to poke out the top already.  “Yes, Sir?” Brad Rowe answered, standing nervously under the gaze of his master.

Mr. Clemmons waved his empty glass in front of the muscle man. “Get me another long island iced tea,” he yawned.

“Yes, Sir,” Brad said as he grabbed the empty glass and waddled inside the house towards the bar. His larger thighs kept rolling over one another, and his movement caused his cock to emerge fully from his tiny speedo that he was forced to wear all the time— not that he could see it. Brad’s pecs were so large that they formed a shelf from his chest, preventing him from seeing his lower body without the use of a mirror.

As he was making the drink for his master, Brad kept cursing to himself about how he’d managed to get himself into this situation. He’d received a notification on his Instagram, asking for a private flexing session. At first he was going to refuse until he saw that he was being offered some serious money. Unfortunately, once Brad showed up to Mr. Clemmons mansion, his life changed forever.

The formerly 235-lb. bodybuilder was now a walking musclemorph, with his over-inflated muscles making him top off at 307-lbs. Most of the muscle was concentrated in his bubble butt and huge muscletits, making him look curvy. Worst of all was his permanently erect cock, which made him feel horny all the time. No matter how much he hated his situation, he couldn’t help but lust after the older man who’d done this him. Brad hated every second of his new life, but couldn’t help but look forward to the times whenever Mr. Clemmons fucked him, his internal wiring reworked to make it so that he couldn’t cum without the older man’s cock inside of him.

Brad returned to the backyard, handing Mr. Clemmons his drink.  “Here you go, Sir,” he said.

Mr. Clemmons took a small sip and lowered his sunglasses.

Brad felt his inflated form waddle further into the middle of the backyard without his say-so, which was an unfortunate common occurrence here. He turned around and faced the older man, putting his hands on his waist and performed a front lat pose.  His hyper musculature bulged with power as he showed off his vast form, feeling a smile forcing itself onto his face.

“I know you like to show off for me,” Mr. Clemmons commented, a smirk deep on his face.  “Keep at it for a while and then you can finish with whatever’s on the barbecue. I think you have about fifteen minutes.”

Brad wanted to run and hide, his cock was painfully hard and bobbing in front of him as he maneuvered to perform a side chest pose. Through each pose and movement, he kept grinning and fought hard to ignore the tiny voice in the back of his head that begged to be fucked by Mr. Clemmons.

-- --

[Photo from:]

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1 year ago
Brad Rowe Shuffled Through His Duffel Bag, Looking For His Board Shorts And T-shirt. The Bodybuilder

Brad Rowe shuffled through his duffel bag, looking for his board shorts and t-shirt. The bodybuilder and a few of his friends from the gym had come to Muscle Beach to chill and flex for a few onlookers. However, now it was starting to get late and the straight bodybuilder was ready to head home.

“Hey, have any of you seen my clothes?” Brad asked his friends, turning his bag upside down to shake the contents out. There was another pair of speedos— a red one that was the same small size of the blue ones he wore, a pair that he couldn’t remember packing earlier. There was also some protein bars, bottled water, and even his phone charger. However, the muscle man couldn’t find his shorts or shirt. He frowned as he looked through the bag one more time, his massive form only covered by the skimpy blue speedos he’d worn to the beach as a dare, joking that he could get more attention in the tiny fabric than his friends, which he did.

The other three in his group were already dressed in their clothes and the older one, Larkin, cocked his eyebrow at Brad. “Your clothes?” he asked, sounding really confused. “You’re wearing them.”

Brad gave out a fake laugh. “No really,” he grunted, looking all around the changing room that was attached to the restrooms at the beach for his clothes. His tiny speedos were really tight, so much that the sides of his cock and balls were visible if one stared at the right angle, and the back was starting to slip between his large ass cheeks.

Everyone else just stared at him blankly, each one looking confused at the hunk’s words.

“It’s getting late, Brad,” Larkin groaned, “stop playin’ around so we can get going.”

Brad wanted to argue some more, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the words seemed to vanish. “O-okay,” he numbly muttered, shoving the spilled contents back into his duffel bag before trailing behind the group.

The three bodybuilders in front wore modest board shorts and billowy t-shirts that shielded their massive forms from lusting eyes. Brad’s face turned red as he followed, clad only in his tiny speedos. He felt the back of them slip between his shifting cheeks, and the pouch containing his cock kept bouncing back and forth as his wide thighs maneuvered past each other. The evening breeze that blew over the beach was a little chilly, and Brad’s nipples grew hard, sticking out in front of him for all to see.

He knew that this was wrong, that something was up. The group left the beach and began to walk down the sidewalk to where they’d parked their cars. Even with the beach out of sight, no one seemed to look at the speedo-clad bodybuilder in an off way. Brad’s face was beet red as he walked. He wanted to say something, wanted to cover himself up somehow, but for some reason, whenever he thought about it, he knew that he never wore anything more than a tiny speedo so that he could show off as much of his massive muscles as possible.

“Lookin’ good, Sexy!” a guy called from his sports car as he drove past the group, eying Brad’s nearly naked form.

Brad’s face heated up even more, especially when he felt his cock start to twitch with the idea of people lusting after his displayed form. It didn’t take long for his nine inch cock to spring itself free of the tiny speedos, waving out in front of him for all to see.

“Fuck!” he hissed as he tried to cover himself up.

“Why so modest all of a sudden?” Larkin teased him from up front. “You always show off. Why stop now?”

Brad wanted to deny it, to plead to his friends that something was terribly wrong. Something had happened to him, he knew it. But again, for some inane reason, he also knew that Larkin was right. Fog clouded his mind and Brad winced as he had flashes of memories showing him never wearing anything more than a tiny speedo, whether it be at the gym, at the mall, the movie theater, even restaurants. His body was always on display and people loved to gawk.

And, as was evident by his throbbing cock, Brad loved it when people looked.


[Photo from:]

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1 year ago
Brad Nervously Looked Around The Room, Taking In The Scenery That Included Numerous Blinking Machines

Brad nervously looked around the room, taking in the scenery that included numerous blinking machines and a handful of people in white coats. He glanced down at his muscled frame, shifting from foot to foot as more and more wires were affixed to his bulk.

“Thank you again for this, Mr. Rowe,” one of the scientists squeaked in his tiny voice as he stood on the other side of the machine. Other people in white coats were attaching wires to his smaller frame that had almost zero muscle tone. His ribs stood out like a xylophone and he looked like one of those skeleton models that belong in a high school science class. “With your data, we can uncover even more information surrounding muscular atrophy which can hopefully unlock more human potential.”

“Um, glad I can help,” the 235 pound bodybuilder mumbled, still a little unsure about why his manager had signed him up for this science experiment. He was always down to help out with whatever cause he could, but we wasn’t too fond of standing exposed in a room full of strangers with wires attached to him. “So what exactly is gonna happen?”

“You’ll see,” the small guy said.

One of the other scientists flashed him a thumb’s up after attaching one last wire to his nonexistent pectoral. They then went across the room to a laptop and typed away, the whirring of a machine starting to roar out in the small room.

“Just relax, Mr. Rowe,” the small guy reassured Brad. “It’ll all be over before you know it.”

Brad nodded and closed his eyes when the flashing lights on the machines grew brighter. The beeping noises grew in decibel and then there was a small chiming ring that echoed out. Brad flinched as he felt like he was socked right in the back of his head, stumbling forward a little bit before regaining his balance.

“Whoa, what was that?” he asked, wincing when he heard the squeaky sound that was his voice. It sounded much higher and lighter than his usually booming bravado.  “What the fuck?”

He opened his eyes and furrowed his brow when he realized that he was standing on the wrong side of the machine and looking at the same circuitry from a different vantage point. Confused, he surveyed the room before he cried out in horror when he saw himself standing on the other side of the machine, flexing a massive bicep in awestruck wonder.

“Holy shit!” he watched himself exclaim in his deep voice. “It actually worked!”

“What is going on?” Brad tried to roar, but in his higher voice, it sounded ridiculous. He stomped his foot in frustration, finding the movement weird without his thick thighs rubbing against each other. He glanced down at himself in wonder before screaming.

Gone was his powerful bodybuilder frame, only to be replaced by a familiar stick-thin frame. His chest was small and undefined, with visible ribs that led upwards to incredibly thin and weak arms that looked like twigs. His legs were as thin as broom sticks and he could see the tiny nub that was now his cock, being a pitiful-looking thing that was small, yet right at home on his meager body.

“What did you do?!” he cried, feeling tears starting to well up in his eyes over the loss of his bodybuilder frame that he’d spent years working on.

His old body just smirked down at him, towering over his tiny physique. “Haven’t you figured it out yet, Pipsqueak?” he taunted, ripping the wires off of his massive bulk with ease as he sauntered over, his bulk swaying back and forth with masculine power. “Your old body is mine now. And I was kind enough to let you have my old one. A decent trade, right?”

“No it’s not!” Brad whined, his voice sounding high-pitched and nasally as he spoke, making him feel even more intimated under the gaze of his former body which was both significantly taller and wider than him. “You made me a little weakling!”

His old body nodded, a devilish smirk forming on his face. “Definitely,” he taunted. “But because I’m not a bad guy, I’m gonna let your tiny ass worship this massive bod of mine. Sound good?” He leaned forward and flexed a watermelon-sized bicep in front of Brad’s new eyes.

As angry and confused as he was, Brad’s tiny dicklet sprung to life, maxing out at three inches. He couldn’t help but stare longingly at what was his old bicep in front of his wide eyes. He reached out with bony, puny fingers lightly grazing the large muscle before whining loudly with need. Without any thought on his part, Brad felt his new body lurch forward hungrily. He shoved his face into his old crotch, immediately starting to suck it off as his new hands traveled over every contour of his former musculature— all the while he moaned with heated pleasure.

“Oh yeah,” the scientist in his old body teased, placing his beefy hands on Brad’s new head as he started to pump his hips, shoving his large cock deep down his hungry throat. “One more thing Little Guy, that body of yours is REALLY fuckin’ turned on by massive muscles. So get worshippin’!”

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1 year ago
Here You Go, Sir, The Assistant Said As He Put On The Finishing Touches Of The Spray Tan.

“Here you go, Sir,” the assistant said as he put on the finishing touches of the spray tan.

“Thank you,” Brad said, admiring the assistant’s work. “You really saved my ass. I have no idea what happened to my usual guy. He just wouldn’t pick up his phone for some reason.” 

It was the day of one of the big bodybuilding competitions, and Brad’s usual guy who spray tanned him to make his muscles pop was nowhere to be found. He was lucky that one of his competitors was friendly enough to recommend the current guy to him, not giving out much information but just telling him that he’d send him his way.

“Don’t thank me yet, Big Guy,” the man said, slapping Brad on his broad back, rather hard.

Brad stiffened, not wanting there to be any handprints on his tan. He quickly turned around and looked in the mirror, confused when he saw what looked like a long, black zipper running down the broad expanse of his wide back. “What the hell is this?” he demanded. “Is this some sort of prank?”

“You’ll see,” the guy mysteriously said as his arm shot out at a rapid speed, yanking on the zipper to pull it downwards, effectively opening it.

Like the air had been punched out of him, Brad felt breathless for a brief moment and then felt as if his center of gravity was disturbed. His eyes widened in horror when he watched himself deflate like a balloon in the mirror, his body losing mass as it crumbled down onto the floor. He wasn’t able to move his body at all, and even if he had been, his back was so wide that there’d be no way he could reach the zipper and close it.

“What are you doing to me?!” he yelled, his voice getting muffled as he head began to deflate and flop over onto itself. The rest of his body collapsed in on itself until he was pile of freshly tanned skin lying on the hotel floor.

“Just wait and see,” the man taunted, stepping forward and grabbed a hold of the deflated Brad. 

Brad was shocked as he watched in the mirror as the man stepped inside the hole created by the zipper. He could feel him squirming around inside of him, fitting inside of his massive body as if it were a glove designed specifically for the unknown guy. He tried to yell, tried to fight back, but it was as if he were completely paralyzed and helpless to do anything at all that wasn’t the man’s will.

“There we are!” he heard his own voice cheerfully announce.

He winced internally as he watched his own body hold its massive, muscled arms out like it was showing itself off. He even did a three-sixty turn in front of the mirror, the man inside of him demonstrating that he had completely control over all of his actions. Apparently that control extended to his voice as well as he tried to cuss him out or even beg for his body back, but was unable to do anything expect watch and feel his own body move beyond his control.

“You know, once the other guys heard that Brad Rowe was competing, a lot of them thought that they’d lose considering how impressive your body is,” the man inside of him made him say out loud. He pulled his poser away from his body to check out his cock. “Really impressive actually.”

Brad mustered all of his inner strength to fight back, but it was useless. He couldn’t do anything with the man inhabiting his body as if he were a suit.

“But,” the man made him say, a devious gleam in his eye, “I doubt you’ll win the competition if you go on stage in front of all those judges and do this…” He saw himself turn around and bend over. Making sure to glance over his broad shoulder, Brad’s heart fell when he felt and saw his body yank down his poser to flash his tight hole to the mirror. “Maybe we’ll even finger ourself? I haven’t decided yet, it depends on how much I enjoy your body. Thanks for it by the way.”

Brad screamed internally, but was silent as the man forced a smile onto his face and made him strut out of the hotel room and towards the convention area where he knew he’d be humiliated in front of the entire crowd.

He passed by a fellow competitor in the hallway and winked at him.

“Hey, why don’t you swing by my room afterwards?” he heard himself ask. “You can feel how powerful my glutes are.”

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1 year ago
Offseason Time Was Over And Brad Rowe Worked Hard To Get Cut So That Every Contour Of His Massive Muscles

Offseason time was over and Brad Rowe worked hard to get cut so that every contour of his massive muscles was visible, especially when he was on stage and posing for the judges. He basked in the awed glances that shot his way whenever he was shredded, showing off his large abs that covered his v-shaped waist.

He’d been spending nearly everyday in the gym, working out to cut down his body fat to get in peak physical condition, and his progress was clearly evident in the cut muscles bulging out on his shredded form that garnered envy from numerous fellow bodybuilders.

Brad finished up his workout late on Friday night, staying long after every other patron had left, and waddled out of the locker room with his gym bag slung over his shoulder. He passed by the in-house juice bar, his stomach gurgling since he’d been on a strict diet that had practically eliminated carbs.

“Hey Brad!” the employee, a smaller guy named Vince, waved at him. “Have a good workout?”

“You know it,” Brad smiled back, flexing a massive bicep for the little guy. “Competition’s in a  couple weeks and I’m well on my way to winning.”

Vince nodded. “Wanna post-workout shake?” he offered. “We got this new flavor and I was told to hand out samples.” He shuffled around with something under the counter before setting a styrofoam cup down onto it.

At first Brad was going to politely decline so he could stay within his caloric limits, but the gurgling in his flat, cobblestone-esque stomach resulted in him heading towards the counter. He picked up the cup and peeked inside at the dark blue, almost violet, mixture.

“What’s in it?” he wondered, frowning when he couldn’t see a nutrition label on the plain cup.

Vince scratched the back of his neck. “Um,” he paused, “if I remember the brochure correctly, it has a lot of potassium in it. Oh, and antioxidants since it’s blueberry-based.”

Brad cocked his eyebrow at the shake, continuing to study it.

“It’s low-calorie,” Vince hurriedly added.

The bodybuilder shrugged his broad shoulders and brought the cup to his lips, drinking the smoothie. It was sweet and the flavor of ripe blueberries seemed to overpower any other sort of flavor, but overall it was the most delicious shake he’d ever had. So much so that he’d finished the entire cup in under a few seconds.

“That was pretty good,” Brad mused, tossing the empty styrofoam cup into the nearby trashcan. “I might have to make that my regular.”

“Glad to hear that,” Vince grinned widely as he wiped down the counter.

Brad moved to wave goodbye to the smaller man when he paused and furrowed his brow in confusion. Upon closer inspection of his own beefy hand, his fingernails looked as if they’d been painted blue or a really deep purple.

“What the hell?” he wondered aloud in his deep, booming voice. Surely the muscle man would’ve remembered painting his fingernails such a deep and noticeable color, hence why he was frozen in spot as confusion flooded his senses.

“Everything okay, Big Guy?” Vince asked, covering his mouth as he tried to stifle a laugh.

Brad had to clear his throat twice in order to regain his voice as he struggled to comprehend what was happening, his eyes widening in a mixture of shock and horror as he saw the blue-violet pigment of his fingers rapidly spreading down his fingers, to his hands, and up towards his torso until both of his chiseled arms were the purplish color. His heart racing in his chest, the purple bodybuilder looked over at Vince, wanting to ask for help when he spotted his reflection in the mirror behind the small man.

Brad’s stomach dropped when he stared at himself, his entire body from head to toe tinged a deep violet. “What the fuck just happened?!” he cried out, unable to break eye contact with his violet reflection. The sweet taste of blueberries still dominated his mouth and he swore that could still feel some of the juices left over from the fruit shake still on his tongue.

Brad started to feel funny, like there was some pressure building up inside of him. He put his hands on his stomach to ease the weird sensation, gasping loudly when he felt them get pushed further away from him as his gut expanded outwards.

“Fuck!” he roared out in shock as he watched his abs push out into a large, round roidgut-looking mass from his stomach. His shirt rode up his new gut, still feeling as if it were getting tighter and tighter by the second as his chest continued the inflation, his pecs rounding out as they pushed forward.

Vince watched the whole process, even propping his elbows on the counters as he watched the bodybuilder fill up with berry juice before him.

“Wh-what’s happening to me?!?” Brad panicked as he saw his body inflate so an obscene, round shape. His arms followed suit, feeling heavier by the moment as they packed on size. There was a loud rip as his bubble butt expanded and burst through the confines of his shorts, the purple globes rounding and filling up with so much juice that the bodybuilder stumbled a little bit as he tried to maintain balance. Brad felt uneasy on his inflating legs, noting the sloshing noises that he could hear inside his expanding gut as he moved, sounding like he was filled to the brim with sweet, blueberry juice.

His shirt finally gave way and the purple, naked bodybuilder gained an uninterrupted view of his expanding body. His gut and chest had pushed out and rounded so much that they gave him an almost spherical appearance. His arms and legs packed on so much weight that he stumbled backwards, landing on his back. Instead of staying flat, the new shape of his growing body caused Brad to rock back and forth, the sloshing noises echoing out throughout the gym as he moved.

“Help!” he yelled, flailing his heavy arms and legs as best as he could, quickly finding that they were virtually immobile due to their extreme girth and they way they kept colliding into his round torso. He began to fear that he’d pop, his purple skin feeling taut as he kept expanding.

“Relax, Blueberry Brad,” Vince tried to reassure him. “You won’t pop, but we will juice you so that we can create more blueberry shakes to sell at gyms around the area.”

Like a water balloon being filled, Brad watched his gut continue to push upwards as he rocked on his back, surprised that he was still growing. His torso expanded so much that it swallowed his neck, his inflated purple pecs firmly holding his chin in place and preventing him from turning his head. His arms were slowly getting engulfed by his girth, followed by his legs. Ultimately, it didn’t take long before Brad was lying on the gym floor, looking like his head was attached on a giant muscled blueberry. The muscle contours of his former body were visible if one squinted hard enough, but other than that, he was perfectly spherical.

He tried to wiggle his feet so he could try to run and get help, but his immense weight from the excess juice in him and the fact that his legs had been virtually consumed by his immense gut rendered the act useless. The taste of blueberries was still strong on his tongue and despite everything, Brad craved more of the sweet fruit, his stomach gurgling at the though of downing another shake.

Vince walked out from behind the counter and circled around the helpless bodybuilder. “Well, it looks like you’re just about done,” he commented, poking Brad’s hyperbolas gut, taking joy in the way it seemed like he was poking an over-inflated waterbed. “Let’s go juice you.”

He placed both of his hands on the over-inflated lat and pushed with all of his might, giving a small grunt as he shoved against the blueberry bodybuilder.

It wasn’t obvious under his purple pigment, but Brad furiously blushed as he felt himself being rolled across the gym floor like a gigantic yoga ball. As he rolled, he could hear the sloshing of the berry juices inside of him that had turned him into this humongous purple ball. He just hoped and prayed that after he got juiced, he would be back to normal.

[3 Weeks Later]

Brad stood at his locker in the locker room, changing into his workout clothes.

His friend, Ryan, entered the locker room and clapped a hand on Brad’s broad shoulder. “Hey Bro,” he said, “how’d your competition go the other day?”

Brad grimaced and rolled his eyes, shooting a glare at the other man. “How do you think it went?” he muttered under his breath.

A sheepish look crossed Ryan’s face and he looked away. “Sorry, Bro,” he murmured. “I, uh, I’ll see you later.”

Brad just grunted as he gave up on trying to pull his tank top on over his still deep purple skin, just tossing it into the trash. Even after he’d been juiced by Vince a few weeks ago, the bodybuilder was pissed to discover that his skin was stuck being a deep violet color. But that wasn’t as bad as the massive permanent roidgut he now possessed.

Despite being squeezed dry of any blueberry juice, apparently a side effect besides staying purple was being forced to keep a large muscle gut that stuck out far from the torso. Brad frowned as he looked at his side profile and saw that it looked like his gut was defying gravity with how round and how far it reached out. Driving was difficult with the huge thing in front of him, and he always had to lie down on his back now since the thing made lying on his front a thing of the past. Plus, his prominent gut stretching out preventing him from being able to wear a workout shirt since they never managed to fit over the huge mass. His large pecs rested on it and every so often, he would freeze in fear at the smallest sound of gushing juice, fearful that he was expanding again. But each and every time he’d look down, he’d be greeted with that distended purple ball that was his stomach, staying its same obscene size.

But the taste of blueberries would fill Brad’s mouth every so often and he’d have to force himself to not waddle over towards the juice bar to order another blueberry shake…

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