Lost In The Woods Somewhere In New Jersey - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 12: Lost

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Warning: Major character death

Summary: After being sent on a quest, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover find themselves lost somewhere in New Jersey. There they find the mystery monster they were sent to slay.

    Looking for Pan was a Satyr's greatest honor. It was also Grover's second greatest honor; his greatest honor was being Percy Jackson's best friend. So when Percy told him to join him on a quest to uncover some mystery monsters, he ran to his side. After all, what are best friends for?

    They left with Annabeth shortly after Grover made his way back to camp. Now they were in nowhere New Jersey trying to figure out where to go next.

    "This feels familiar." Percy joked.

    "Yeah." Annabeth smiled.

    "There's no threat of war this time!" Grover exclaimed.

    "Nope, just some mystery monster that we have to find and kill. Easy enough."

    "We've been though worse." Annabeth responded to Percy. It was true, they had been though worse. From preventing a war at the age of twelve to holding up the sky, they faced every problem together.

    The woods whisperered with mystery. There was a monster waiting for the teens and they knew it was close. As they grew closer to the monsters lair, Grover knew what it was. "It's a cyclops." He informed his friends.

    Annabeth looked a little nervous but she was mostly used to being around them again because of Tyson. "Alright."

    "We'll be okay." Grover insured her. They were a little less lost now at least.

    Then the monster surprised them. It came out from behind a white oak tree and attacked them with a club. "Why is it always a club?!" Percy yelled.

    With no other choice, the group split up. Grover took off further into the woods. He felt like if he looked back, something would get him. Slowing down, the satyr stopped figure out where he was.

    As he wandered around, Grover tied to find his friends. "Percy! Annabeth! Where are you?!" The stench of the cyclops hadn't left his nose yet. They were loud creatures. Grover knew it was near him. He could swear he heard Percy yell for him.

    The cyclops swung a hand down, slamming Grover into some nearby rocks. He heard his bones brake on impact. Still he tried to stand. The satyr was able to pull himself to his feet and take a few steps forwards before collapsing. He tried to call out, but found it almost impossible to breath, let alone speak. It felt like his body was shutting down.

    Blood surrounded his body. Grover knew somewhere Percy would be frantically searching for him. The teen wasn't sure how much time had passed. He could hear Percy talking to him in his head. "Don't give up! Hold hold!" But as the sky was starting to fade from view, Grover knew he wouldn't make it.

    Percy collapsed to the ground when Grover died. His breathing was off. Annabeth grabbed him and pulled him away from the cyclops that had since found them. "What?" She asked, nervously.

    Shaking, Percy tried to stand back up. "He's gone." Tears ran down his face.

After getting Percy to safety, Annabeth took on the cyclops alone. Eventually she was able to slay it.

"We should bring his body back to camp" Percy started. "We can at least do that right?"

Resting a hand on Percy's shoulder, Annabeth reminded him that when satyrs die, they are reborn as plants. There was no body to be found. Now Grover would remain in the woods, forever lost.

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