Annabeth Percy Jackson - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i wanna see fan art of older percy and annabeth with scars and grey steaks in their hair. they’re in college or full adults and living their best lives but during the summer they’re putting extra sunscreen on their old battle wounds and when percy grows out his hair or annabeth gets new braids they have a matching silver streak. i want to see them as happy adults buy still visibly carrying the weight of everything they went through as children. they deserve not to have those lost with age, its proof that they lived, that they made it.

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7 months ago

Annabeth in TLT:

Annabeth In TLT:
Annabeth In TLT:

what was the name of her doberman? what happened to her doberman? is she sad because she had to leave her doberman behind when she ran away? did something happen to her doberman? did whatever happen to her doberman contribute to her abandonment issues?

will I ever get to know? will I ever get to cry about it?

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1 year ago

Is no one going to talk about how in episode 2 of pjo Annabeth just casually calls Percy "sunshine" before they fight with the other team?? Like??

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 2: Plotnic Bathing

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: After Thalia's death, Luke had to help Annabeth with everything. In hopes of lifting her spirits and finally getting her cleaned off, Luke decided it was time to get her to take a bath.

"Annabeth come on." It had been a few days since Annabeth, Luke, Grover and Thalia arrived at camp. It had been a few days since they had lost Thaila. "You need to get up."

"No." Annabeth whispered. "I don't want to."

Luke sighed. "Please. You need to get out of the bed." He walked over to her with heavy, regretful footsteps. "I miss her too but you have to get up."

"No." The girl pulled her blanket up further. "I can't."

Sitting beside her bed, Luke sighed. "I know it hurts but we have to try. How about we start with a bath?" stretching his arm out to his little sister, he tried to get her to take his hand.

A little hand grabbed his hand softly. "Okay."

With a soft smile, Luke picked some clothes for her and went to meet her. He helped her put her shoes on and waited for her to stand up. "Annabeth? Are you okay?" He asked gently.

The girl started to cry. "I miss her."

"I know. I do too. Here let's try this." Grabbing his bag, Luke put her clothes in it. Then he slowly picked her up. "Is this okay?" The girl nodded and snuggled into the boys chest. "Okay."

The walk to the big house wasn't a long one. Knocking, Luke waited for Chiron to open the door. When he did, Luke informed him that they would be using his bath. Chiron nodded and led them to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "Let me know if you need anything."

"We will, thank you."

Once in the bathroom, Luke put Annabeth down and locked the door. Then he stopped up the tub. He let the water run warm and put some soap in the water. The boy hoped that a bubble bath might help Annabeth start to feel better. "Okay." He started, still looking at the tub. "You ready?"

When he turned around he realized the girl hadn't moved since he put her down.

It was like she was frozen. Annabeth might not have been physically hurt but her mind was so damaged it paralyzed her. Luke knew he needed to help her, no matter what. It didn't matter how people could see it or how uncomfortable he might be, Annabeth needed him. She couldn't do anything on her own right now. Luke knew Annabeth needed help. He had been making sure she ate, drank, and got up to use the bathroom. As her older brother, it was his job to be there for her.

"Okay. Do you need any help? I can help you." Once more Luke offered her his hand. This time she just looked at him for a moment. Then she slowly nodded. Carefully he removed her shoes and clothes before picking her up and placing her in the warm water. "How's that?"

Annabeth nodded. Shutting the water off, Luke let his sister soak in the water for a moment. It had been so long since they had gotten a chance to bathe. Sure they had gotten to shower but there was always something about letting the water seep into your skin and bones. The hotter the water, the better. However for Annabeth, the water was lukewarm.

Trying to see if Annabeth would wash herself, Luke looked around the bathroom. He hadn't been there before. The walls were mostly just white with some gold trim. After a while Luke asked "You doing okay?"

Annabeth stared at him. Sighing, the boy grabbed the sponge and put some soap on it. "I've got you." Taking show shampoo in his hand, Luke started to massage it into her hair. She seemed to relax as he washed it out. Then he grabbed the conditioner and repeated the process. Gently, Luke took the sponge to her skin. The soap had a fresh, earthy smell to it.

After cleaning her off, Luke drained the tub. Picking her up, he put her on the bath mate. He grabbed the blue towel and wrapped Annabeth in it. "It's your favorite color." Luke smiled. Annabeth tried to.

Looking on the counter, Luke found the hair dryer and plugged it in. "Let's get your hair dry." It took a while before Luke got her blonde hair dry but when he did it was soft. Brading it made it easier to maintain so he did. Brushing her long hair would take energy that Annabeth wouldn't have for a while.

Luke helped his sister get dressed before tying her shoes. "Do you want to go anywhere?"

"Your cabin" Annabeth whispered.

Slightly chucking, Luke smiled. "Okay." He stood and offered his hand to her, trying to get her to walk. With a lot more force than she had used before, Annabeth took his hand and stood up. A wave of relief washed over Luke as they walked to his cabin. Maybe a clean start was what she needed.

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 12: Lost

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Warning: Major character death

Summary: After being sent on a quest, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover find themselves lost somewhere in New Jersey. There they find the mystery monster they were sent to slay.

    Looking for Pan was a Satyr's greatest honor. It was also Grover's second greatest honor; his greatest honor was being Percy Jackson's best friend. So when Percy told him to join him on a quest to uncover some mystery monsters, he ran to his side. After all, what are best friends for?

    They left with Annabeth shortly after Grover made his way back to camp. Now they were in nowhere New Jersey trying to figure out where to go next.

    "This feels familiar." Percy joked.

    "Yeah." Annabeth smiled.

    "There's no threat of war this time!" Grover exclaimed.

    "Nope, just some mystery monster that we have to find and kill. Easy enough."

    "We've been though worse." Annabeth responded to Percy. It was true, they had been though worse. From preventing a war at the age of twelve to holding up the sky, they faced every problem together.

    The woods whisperered with mystery. There was a monster waiting for the teens and they knew it was close. As they grew closer to the monsters lair, Grover knew what it was. "It's a cyclops." He informed his friends.

    Annabeth looked a little nervous but she was mostly used to being around them again because of Tyson. "Alright."

    "We'll be okay." Grover insured her. They were a little less lost now at least.

    Then the monster surprised them. It came out from behind a white oak tree and attacked them with a club. "Why is it always a club?!" Percy yelled.

    With no other choice, the group split up. Grover took off further into the woods. He felt like if he looked back, something would get him. Slowing down, the satyr stopped figure out where he was.

    As he wandered around, Grover tied to find his friends. "Percy! Annabeth! Where are you?!" The stench of the cyclops hadn't left his nose yet. They were loud creatures. Grover knew it was near him. He could swear he heard Percy yell for him.

    The cyclops swung a hand down, slamming Grover into some nearby rocks. He heard his bones brake on impact. Still he tried to stand. The satyr was able to pull himself to his feet and take a few steps forwards before collapsing. He tried to call out, but found it almost impossible to breath, let alone speak. It felt like his body was shutting down.

    Blood surrounded his body. Grover knew somewhere Percy would be frantically searching for him. The teen wasn't sure how much time had passed. He could hear Percy talking to him in his head. "Don't give up! Hold hold!" But as the sky was starting to fade from view, Grover knew he wouldn't make it.

    Percy collapsed to the ground when Grover died. His breathing was off. Annabeth grabbed him and pulled him away from the cyclops that had since found them. "What?" She asked, nervously.

    Shaking, Percy tried to stand back up. "He's gone." Tears ran down his face.

After getting Percy to safety, Annabeth took on the cyclops alone. Eventually she was able to slay it.

"We should bring his body back to camp" Percy started. "We can at least do that right?"

Resting a hand on Percy's shoulder, Annabeth reminded him that when satyrs die, they are reborn as plants. There was no body to be found. Now Grover would remain in the woods, forever lost.

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 13: Forced to Watch (alt prompt)

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Luke tries to spare Annabeth during The Titan's curse. Percy can do nothing but watch from his dreams as this happens.

    "The girl is of no use to us." A voice said. Percy still wasn't sure who was talking.

    "She can be used as bait for the half-bloods." Luke said. Annabeth lay on the ground.

    "The goddess will also serve that purpose. There is no need to keep the young half-blood alive. Kill her."

    Luke looked distraught. "No. The half-bloods have a personal attachment to her. They are more likely to come for Annabeth; especially Poseidon's son." He walked over to Annabeth. as if he would protect her.

    If Percy didn't know better, he'd say Luke didn't want her dead. However he'd ordered her death half a year ago. That couldn't be the case.

The man didn't seem to want to budge. Percy wanted nothing more than step in and save her like she had done for him. However, he couldn't move. After all, this was simply a dream. All he could do was watch and hope that Luke convinced him to leave her alive.

"Leave the young maiden alone." Artemis argued.

    Luke looked over the goddess then back to the Titan. He whispered as he spoke. "Please, do not make me kill her."

    The Titan didn't move or speak. He just waited for Luke to get over his idea of saving Annabeth and kill her.

    "If you will not show her mercy" Luke kneeled in front of the figure. "Show me mercy. I ask you, do not kill my sister." The demigod's voice shook.

    Percy felt his blood go cold. Luke was begging for Annabeth's life and he couldn't do anything about it.

    "Kill the girl Castellan. Prove to me you can do it or I'll have to report your failure." The enemy's voice was harsher than it had been.

    Luke was faced with a choice; kill Annabeth or betray Kronos. Trying to help, Percy started to yell out to Luke and Annabeth. "Annabeth! Annabeth, get up!"

"Annabeth, could be a strong ally. Let me talk to her, maybe she will align."

"Take the deal!" Percy yelled, knowing his voice couldn't be heard.

"Kill that daughter of Athena!" The voice shook though the cavern.

Tears filled Percy's eyes and he saw that they also filled Luke's. This was never really in either of their hands. Taking a look at his sword, Luke raised it. He turned towards Annabeth. "No!" Percy yelled out.

Then he woke up, unaware of Annabeth's fate. Tears fell down his face as he realized there was only one way to find out if she was alive. He would have to go to her.

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1 year ago

i ship percabeth and solangelo as endgame and jiper as they are. yeah they broke up, but i like that part too. and jason is dead, but i like that part about them too.

percabeth is about forever and ever. it's about i'll choose you over everything always and i'd do anything for you. it's about The One.

solangelo is about being in love for real for the first time. it's about i never knew love before you.

but jiper its about sometimes love isn't enough. it's about sometimes leaving is better. it's about it was nice while it lasted. it's about love doesn't have to be forever to be meaningful. it's about growing up and realizing there's no happily ever after.

percabeth and solangelo are romantic lover style, but jiper is romantic evermore style.

jiper is like there'll be happiness after me, but there was happiness because of me, both of these things i believe, leave it all behind, leave it all behind.

it's like every scrap of you would be taken from me, and what died didn't stay dead, you're alive, you're alive in my head, and if i didn't know better, i'd think you're still around.

it's like i was catching my breath, catching my death, and i can't remember what i used to fight for, and it was real enough to get me through the violence, this pain wouldn't be for evermore.

percabeth is like it's nice to have a friend, have my back every day, feels like home, stay in bed

percabeth (from annabeth's side) is like who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay, help me hold on to you

percabeth (from percy's side) is like have i known you twenty seconds or twenty years? can i go where you go? can we always be this close?

and solangelo is like my love was as cruel as the cities i lived in, but it's morning now, its brighter now, and now i see daylight, i only see daylight, you gotta stop in the daylight and just let it go, let it go.

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please more annabeth s/o content there’s like none on here 💔

Being Annabeth’s S/O

I love her so much like it’s starting to become a problem💀💔I’m always down to write for her, ANYTHING for her😞🙏🙏🙏

Hope you enjoy this!!!! I just dumped my brain into writing about her

Please More Annabeth S/o Content Theres Like None On Here

You would have to be really close with Annabeth for you guys to even start dating

Like she sees dating as a HUGE commitment, you’re either here with her for the long run or you’re not, easy as that

But once she sees how serious you are about the two of you, she’s your 4lifer forever

While she appreciates you giving her gifts and all that good stuff, Annabeth really sees her s/o taking you guys serious when you risk your life for her

Seeing that you would do anything to protect her, to lay down your life for her, she decides that no matter what, she would do the same for you

You’re fighting a monster/enemy?

She’ll be fighting next to you

You get knocked down to the ground while in battle?

She’s picking you right back up with all her strength

Annabeth is extremely loyal to her friends and s/o, it takes a long time for her to truly trust someone, so don’t break it, she’s serious. She’s let down all her walls to let you into her heart so please don’t hurt her</3

Being in a relationship would basically be the same thing as when you were friends, but now involves more physical affection!!

Handholding is a favorite of hers but Annabeth does get a bit selfconcious when doing it around her siblings so don’t be alarmed when she rips her hand out of yours

If anything, she also loves when you lock pinkies with her when it happens :D

Just ease her into it and she’ll be clinging onto your hand whenever she sees you

Her favorite place to kiss her s/o is on the cheek!

Nothing too extreme, but just sweet enough that has you craving more from her

You’re favorite place to kiss her is probably on the back of her hand, it feels like you’re making a promise to her whenever you do it

I think being Annabeth’s partner would include extra protection from her siblings too

Like they all know how much she cares for you so they’re gonna do everything in their power to not let anything happen to you guys (SUPPORTIVE SIBLINGS I LOVE IT😭💔💔)

You guys would definitely sneak out of the cabins at least ONCE during the night just watch the stars together


It’s during those nights that you guys can relax with each other and not have to worry about any quests, any lingering eyes on y’all, only finding comfort in each other and the cool night air

Talking about romantic, dates would be lowkey for you guys, often settling for mini picnic dates near the strawberry field

I feel like Annabeth would have a bit of trouble with opening up since she’s so used to protecting herself, so you would need to be the push factor for her

She needs to know that you’re willing to put your trust in her for her to open up as well

Look homegirl has a lot of trust issues after Luke😭😭😭

If her s/o remembers the little things about her like her favorite color, or the type of hair ties that she prefers, or even which texture of clothes she doesn’t like, she’s gonna be so happy

Having someone put a lot of attention and care into her might make her nervous, but it’s a good type of nervous

A thing you do that calms Annabeth down is rubbing your thumb on her hand

Something about it seems so calming and familiar to her that she ends up doing it to you too, hoping to comfort you the same


She’s the type to wrap her arms around your shoulders and just hold you as close to her body as she can

You guys hug each other whenever you sleep on the same bed too, just stating facts🫡

Trust me when I say she would be quick to bail you out of trouble

Like if you’re dumb enough to try and start a fight you can’t finish, Annabeth basically teleports to you

It’s like a sixth sense at this point for her to know when you’re in trouble

She would drag you away by the arm while you’re shouting out insults to the man who called you’re mythomagic cards ‘stupid and childish’

Laughs while you rant to her about how complicated the game is and how it’s not childish at all

“It requires a LOT of complex thinking! People just don’t appreciate this game anymore and- why are you laughing ? Are you laughing at me?!”

“Pfft no, I’m not laughing…” *starts giggling harder*

“You’re so laughing at me right now, how could you!”

She’s super ticklish so that’s how you normally get your payback on her >:)

Nah cuz being Annabeth’s s/o would literally be the best thing ever

No secrets between y’all, zero judgment, and endless cuddles

Annabeth is the best and you never forget to remind her

Make her flustered and she’s practically putty in your hands😫💔💔

Lowkey Athena is glaring daggers at you whenever you guys meets

She’s protective of her daughter, so it makes sense why she believes you aren’t the one for her

You can only pretend to not see the goddess whenever you cross her path, which she makes it known that it’s rude to ignore someone like her

“It’s alright, my mother is harmless. She loves you!”

“I think you and I have different definitions of ‘love.’

Remember, Annabeth is your 4lifer, she’ll go to the underworld and back if it means saving you or protecting you

She’s grown to care about you a lot, makes you promise that you won’t die on her, which you can only smile as you pinky promise her you won’t😭😭💔💔

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8 months ago

idk if this controversial but the original pjo series is WAY better than heros of Olympus and the three main characters (excluding leo) are just the worse version of the original main three

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6 months ago
Percabeth Falling To Tartarus

Percabeth falling to Tartarus

Another Happy belated birthday to Mr. Percy “You’re not getting away from me. Never Again” Jackson

What if i told you i am making an somewhat animation of this specific moment

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1 year ago

SERIOUSLY. AND THE "I am Sally Jackson's son." MOMENT.

this show has already made me cry in two episodes, this will ruin me

Percy praying to his mom instead of his dad who’s literally ONE OF THE BIG THREE GODS and using the blue candy bc it’s what he’ll miss the most is something so personal to me and I’ll never get over it 😞

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1 year ago

I'm ngl... and I'm not sure if this is a hot take...

but i dont like that they cast Lin Manuel Miranda as Hermes.

Like he's a good singer and actor in stuff, but at some point people are just casting him to cast him. Like okay, having a cameo, or even just a different part sure, whatever, i don't really care. But Hermes????? Hermes?????

I don't know if it's just me that feels this way, but i just hate the whole feeling of it

tbf i haven't seen the newest episode, so i haven't seen him as Hermes, BUT IT IRKS MY BONES

please tell me i'm not the only one who feels this way😭

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8 months ago


1. Tsuyu Asui (MHA)

2. Gwen Stacy (ITSV/ATSV)

3. Flynn ____ (I don’t know her last name 😭(JATP))

4. Octavia (HB)

5. Anxiety (Inside Out)

6. April O’Neil (strictly AND I MEAN STRICTLY the ROTTMNT and Mutant Mayhem April)

7. Mina Ashido (MHA again. Sue me)

8. Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson (I really really like Leah Jeffries as her in the new show. She’s so witty and cool))

9. America Chavez (Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness)

10. Anne Wheeler (The Greatest Showman (tbh literally any character Zendaya plays. She’s amazing))

See? I’m so good at this! I didn’t break the rules at ALL……

(11. Reggie (Julie and the Phantoms (This QUEEN ❤️))

12. Grover (Percy Jackson, but only the show. Aryan as Grover is the definition of baby gurl.)

13. Hermes (Lore Olympus. (Hear me out. He is a girls girl.))

14. Peter Parker (Spider-Man, specifically Tom Holland Spider-Man but I’m not going to limit it.)

15. Wade (Elemental. Yes. Just yes.))

Name ten female characters you like, you get zapped if it's jsut a male character you call a babygirl or other feminine nicknames because I can't see people calling Lestat coquette again

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7 months ago

Happy birthday Annabeth Chase 👍

"Celebrating characters' birthdays is dumb"


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7 months ago

Lady: why can’t he take a hint

Percy: I hope my wife makes blueberry pancakes tonight

random pre-school mom: you are such a good dad, picking your son up from school so often

percy: well, my wife and i switch off depending on our schedules. she’s here the other half of the time

random pre-school mom: that’s so generous of you!

percy, confused: uh, why? i’m his dad

random pre-school mom: it’s just so selfless! oh and your little boy is absolutely adorable. he’s the most precious thing i’ve ever seen!

percy: thanks, he looks a lot like his mom

random pre-school mom: but clearly those eyes come from you

percy: well, yeah. i mean, i am his dad

random pre-school mom, flustered: um, well, are you coming to parents night? i can show you around so you know where to go?

percy: my wife and i will be there, and we’ll figure it out. thanks though

random pre-school mom: *weird fake smiling*

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