Augusnippets 2024 - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 10: Begging for Mercy

Fandom: The Dragon Prince

Summary: Aaravos tries to argue with Cosmic Judges for Leola.

    Aaravos couldn't seem to understand why his daughter was being punished for giving the humans magic. The girl had done it out of love, not mallis. She was young and didn't know she was breaking some old code. 

    Standing in front of the Cosmic Judges, the startouched elf tried to plead his daughter's case. As they argued, he could feel Leola slipping out of his fingers. Would he really lose his daughter?

    "She is but a child!" Falling to his knees, he yelled at the judges. "Show her mercy!"

    The judges stayed quiet, cold in their decision. The girl had broken their code. It had been written to keep them safe as well as to protect their future. Now that the humans had magic, their downfall would begin.

    "She has broken the cosmic order." The stern one spoke.

    "She didn't know any better! I allowed her!"

    Leola tugged on her father's clothing, "Daddy?"

    Trying to calm his voice, Aaravos spoke. "It's alright. It will be okay." Kneeling down to his daughter, he tried to comfort her.

    Deep down, Aaravos knew he would lose. That didn't mean he wouldn't try. After all, how could he give up on his daughter?

    So the elf argued. He fought with all of strength; trying to have the judges grant his Leola mercy. Maybe it would be an act of mercy to him too. After all, what kind of parent wants to lose their child before they die?

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 11: Whumpee wearing Caretakers clothes

Fandom: The Clone Wars

Summary: While in a mission on a frozen planet, Cody falls into a lake. Obi-wan knows it's important to keep him warm.

    "Cody!" Obi-wan sled over to him as he fell under the ice. The thickness of the ice was hard to see under the snow. One of the men helped the jedi grab a hold of Cody and pulled him back to the surface. They dragged him away from the opening.

"Are you alright?" Kenobi asked. Cody didn't answer at first. Suddenly being submerged in freezing water had taken his breath away. He just listened to Obi-wan talk. Talking to the men, he told them to find a place to shelter them from the harsh and cold winds. They agreed and went to find a place to set up camp for the night.

As Obi-wan wrapped his clock around the man, Cody finally snapped back to reality. "Obi-wan?"

"Yes love?"

"You're going to get cold" he shivered.

"Oh I'll be alright. Let's get you someplace a little warmer. Then men are.teying to find cover."

Cody pulled the cloth closer to his body. It made him feel a little better. While he couldn't feel the clock's soft texture, he knew it was there. After all, he had felt it many times before.

Helping Cody stand, Obi-wan pulled him close. "Let's find the men."

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 12: Lost

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Warning: Major character death

Summary: After being sent on a quest, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover find themselves lost somewhere in New Jersey. There they find the mystery monster they were sent to slay.

    Looking for Pan was a Satyr's greatest honor. It was also Grover's second greatest honor; his greatest honor was being Percy Jackson's best friend. So when Percy told him to join him on a quest to uncover some mystery monsters, he ran to his side. After all, what are best friends for?

    They left with Annabeth shortly after Grover made his way back to camp. Now they were in nowhere New Jersey trying to figure out where to go next.

    "This feels familiar." Percy joked.

    "Yeah." Annabeth smiled.

    "There's no threat of war this time!" Grover exclaimed.

    "Nope, just some mystery monster that we have to find and kill. Easy enough."

    "We've been though worse." Annabeth responded to Percy. It was true, they had been though worse. From preventing a war at the age of twelve to holding up the sky, they faced every problem together.

    The woods whisperered with mystery. There was a monster waiting for the teens and they knew it was close. As they grew closer to the monsters lair, Grover knew what it was. "It's a cyclops." He informed his friends.

    Annabeth looked a little nervous but she was mostly used to being around them again because of Tyson. "Alright."

    "We'll be okay." Grover insured her. They were a little less lost now at least.

    Then the monster surprised them. It came out from behind a white oak tree and attacked them with a club. "Why is it always a club?!" Percy yelled.

    With no other choice, the group split up. Grover took off further into the woods. He felt like if he looked back, something would get him. Slowing down, the satyr stopped figure out where he was.

    As he wandered around, Grover tied to find his friends. "Percy! Annabeth! Where are you?!" The stench of the cyclops hadn't left his nose yet. They were loud creatures. Grover knew it was near him. He could swear he heard Percy yell for him.

    The cyclops swung a hand down, slamming Grover into some nearby rocks. He heard his bones brake on impact. Still he tried to stand. The satyr was able to pull himself to his feet and take a few steps forwards before collapsing. He tried to call out, but found it almost impossible to breath, let alone speak. It felt like his body was shutting down.

    Blood surrounded his body. Grover knew somewhere Percy would be frantically searching for him. The teen wasn't sure how much time had passed. He could hear Percy talking to him in his head. "Don't give up! Hold hold!" But as the sky was starting to fade from view, Grover knew he wouldn't make it.

    Percy collapsed to the ground when Grover died. His breathing was off. Annabeth grabbed him and pulled him away from the cyclops that had since found them. "What?" She asked, nervously.

    Shaking, Percy tried to stand back up. "He's gone." Tears ran down his face.

After getting Percy to safety, Annabeth took on the cyclops alone. Eventually she was able to slay it.

"We should bring his body back to camp" Percy started. "We can at least do that right?"

Resting a hand on Percy's shoulder, Annabeth reminded him that when satyrs die, they are reborn as plants. There was no body to be found. Now Grover would remain in the woods, forever lost.

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 13: Forced to Watch (alt prompt)

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Luke tries to spare Annabeth during The Titan's curse. Percy can do nothing but watch from his dreams as this happens.

    "The girl is of no use to us." A voice said. Percy still wasn't sure who was talking.

    "She can be used as bait for the half-bloods." Luke said. Annabeth lay on the ground.

    "The goddess will also serve that purpose. There is no need to keep the young half-blood alive. Kill her."

    Luke looked distraught. "No. The half-bloods have a personal attachment to her. They are more likely to come for Annabeth; especially Poseidon's son." He walked over to Annabeth. as if he would protect her.

    If Percy didn't know better, he'd say Luke didn't want her dead. However he'd ordered her death half a year ago. That couldn't be the case.

The man didn't seem to want to budge. Percy wanted nothing more than step in and save her like she had done for him. However, he couldn't move. After all, this was simply a dream. All he could do was watch and hope that Luke convinced him to leave her alive.

"Leave the young maiden alone." Artemis argued.

    Luke looked over the goddess then back to the Titan. He whispered as he spoke. "Please, do not make me kill her."

    The Titan didn't move or speak. He just waited for Luke to get over his idea of saving Annabeth and kill her.

    "If you will not show her mercy" Luke kneeled in front of the figure. "Show me mercy. I ask you, do not kill my sister." The demigod's voice shook.

    Percy felt his blood go cold. Luke was begging for Annabeth's life and he couldn't do anything about it.

    "Kill the girl Castellan. Prove to me you can do it or I'll have to report your failure." The enemy's voice was harsher than it had been.

    Luke was faced with a choice; kill Annabeth or betray Kronos. Trying to help, Percy started to yell out to Luke and Annabeth. "Annabeth! Annabeth, get up!"

"Annabeth, could be a strong ally. Let me talk to her, maybe she will align."

"Take the deal!" Percy yelled, knowing his voice couldn't be heard.

"Kill that daughter of Athena!" The voice shook though the cavern.

Tears filled Percy's eyes and he saw that they also filled Luke's. This was never really in either of their hands. Taking a look at his sword, Luke raised it. He turned towards Annabeth. "No!" Percy yelled out.

Then he woke up, unaware of Annabeth's fate. Tears fell down his face as he realized there was only one way to find out if she was alive. He would have to go to her.

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 14: Gifts

Fandom: EPIC: The Musical

Summary: Some crew members make Ody and Eury flower crowns.

It had been Polites who said they should make a gift for their captain and second in command. A few crew members tried to figure out what they give them. Eventually they discovered a nearby field that was over run with flowers.

"Do you know how to make flower crowns?" Polites asked. The men looked at each other, something nodding and others looking lost. "I'll show you!"

So Polites grabbed some flowers and sat down in the grass. Slowly, he instructed his friends how to make a flower crown. After a while, they finished their crafts. Now they had a variety of flower crowns that were all different colors. The crew just needed to find their officers.

Eurylochus and Odysseus had been talking when Polites walked up to them. "We have a surprise for you." He said. From behind his back, the man pulled two flower crowns out. One was mostly orange and red and the other consisted mostly of white and purple. "We made these for you!"

Surprised, the two men smiled. "Thank you." Odysseus said, taking his crown. Behind Polites, the soldiers seemed very happy that their gifts were received well.

Gently, Eurylochus took the orange and red flower crown and put it on his head. He smiled and looked back at the crew. "Thank you."

The men smiled as they pulled out their matching flower crowns. They walked up to Polites and gave him one. Since he had taught them, the men wanted to give him something in return.

Perimedes handed it to him. It was almost completely white and yellow. "Oh thank you!" Excitedly, Polites let Perimedes place it in his head. Odysseus smiled at the small gesture. Adjusting the crown, the king knew he preferred the soft feeling of the flower crown then the metal of his real one.

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Master List!! I had a good time! This is about how far I expected to go to get so yeah! All fandoms are color coded and the information for each fic are on the individual pages!

Fandoms: Percy Jackson, EPIC/ The Odyssey, The Bad Batch, The Clone Wars, Spy x Family, The Dragon Prince,

Day 1: Stalked (Alt Promt)

Day 2: Plotnic Bathing

Day 3: Thunderstorm

Day 4: Amputation

Day 5: Drunk Caretaking

Day 6: Ship Wreck

Day 7: Waterboarding

Day 8: Found Family

Day 9: Hypothermia

Day 10: Begging for Mercy

Day 11: Whumpee wearing Caretakers clothes

Day 12: Lost

Day 13: Forced to Watch (alt prompt)

Day 14: Gifts

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