Louis Beastars - Tumblr Posts

Beaststars is a masterpiece and everyone should read this manga

I never posted the clean versions so here Louis and Haru, Beaststars is such a good manga
If you want to suppport me you can buy a copy of my art-book 💜

'cannibalism as a metaphor for love' this 'cannibalism as a metaphor for love that
and in all the 'cannibalism as a metaphor for love' discourse no one mentions THEM!!
"i want you to eat me. eat me and find the strength to fight.
this is my curse but you can lift it."
"if i do this i dont wanna make the excuse that im only agreeing to this because you want me to.
if i eat you, its because i *want* to eat you."
"im glad my first and last time eating meat was you."
"louis is with me, inside me, around me. louis, i can feel your presence, like you cast a spell."
"you really ate him, i had no idea you two were so close."
"i thought the only way to forge a bond like that with an herbivore was through tragedy.
but now i see that what they have is something far more powerful... unstoppable."
show my furry homosexuals some respect!!!
(i just watched this show and its already eating at my brain alive i am physically unwell)

First post of 2021, Louis commission done for a friend of mine.

Click image for quality U_U
Hello, I'm poor, but I draw stuff! Pls consider buying an art, or reblogging if u can't afford it. Reblogs > Likes, although neither hurt! DM if interested.
Feels like its been forever since I linked a fic here, but I'm not lying when I say I think this ones the best one I have or ever will produce, so I'd love it if yall gave it a read!
Its got jackgosi, lougosi, jackouis, durguno, a hint or oguma/ibuki, mostly poly, adoptive dads worrying about their dumb gay sons, and more! There's a little something for everyone, but since it's one of my fics you can guarantee there's a whole lotta fluff.
Anyways, please please please give it a read! Comments and kudos are always welcome, so don't be afraid to give me any criticism! Thanks in advance for reading!
I somehow forgot to mention the main plot point; its a mafia au in which Jack is the heir to a secret black market organization. The rest of the plot is fairly similar to the original beastars though, mostly taking place during the shishigumi arc so there will be SPOILERS
Louis is also canonically a child trafficker, he sold herbivore children to be eaten.
Beastars fans are so funny. Louis is a literal cannibal and you all are like “woah, Haru had a few consensual and non-abusive hookups in high school? :/ yikes”

my part of an art trade with @iamabouttogoinsane
I drew Louis !!

finally finished this comm for a friend on discord! I am just so obsessed with how it came together, and its my first bit of beastars fanart in so long!


We got ourselves Ghetsis from Pokémon B&W/B2&W2, Ennard from FNAFSL, Piers from Pokémon Sw&Sh, and finally, Louis from Beastars!! OwO
I literally made these in an hour and a half, I guess I’m kinda proud of myself lol
Juno: if I ever wanted to kill myself I'd jump from Louis' ego down to Legoshi's self esteem and then I would tumble down onto Haru's decency
Legoshi:... Thanks?
Thinking about opening an ask box for beastars imagine but not sure... This Fandom needs more content!
Should I?
PS: English is not my native language so if someone is interested in correcting... 😌

This is an inside joke crack ship between me and my bestie.
So I fear it may be too niche for literally anyone other then us 👍
genuinely upset that people think Beastars is good its really not
all of the beastars characters are gay, actually
oh my god theyre so gay