Louisa Elliot - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Grandma Elliot

Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot
Grandma Elliot

Grandma Elliot can speak, only when she is with her loved ones.

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8 months ago

a cosmic force caused me to make this

uhhhh. be warned theres a lot of swearing

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5 months ago

Episode 3 has even more similarities between them

Both of the manors look very alike

Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them
Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them

The angel and cyn both got their heads chop off

Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them
Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them

The wings of the angel also seem tohave a similar shape to the wings of disassembly drones

Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them
Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them

Heck the way how Martha sounds similar to Louisa

Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them
Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them

Do I even need to say anything for this

Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them
Episode 3 Has Even More Similarities Between Them

Ya know I had a crack theory a while back that

Pomni was Tessa

Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That
Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That

Mainly because of the fact that cyn said this to Tessa

Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That
Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That

And since we all know what happened there

Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That

I thought, hey wouldn’t it be funny if Tessa was stuck in some digital space as a sort of way for cyn to keep her promise?

Ya Know I Had A Crack Theory A While Back That

But that would be crazy right


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5 months ago

So, uh, what was some things you did as a kid that made your mother almost faint?

Ohhh! Well, if she's not rolling in her grave, she will be after this little story time of a bunch of my favourite times my mother fell over in horror from what she called "her deranged little ragamuffin" did : Okay, there was the time I played Insomnia Party aka The Hours Song at a garden party for her snooty friends.

I used her good table runner as lace for a dress I was making. Another time she came home to find me and Cyn doing impressions of her while we wore some of her sun hats.

The time when I was 7 and she sent me out to play in the garden in a pale blue dress and came back with grass stains on the skirt.

The first time she found me in the mausoleum trying on her dead mother's jewelry. I can't help it! I really liked Grandmother Delia's amethyst and gold multi-pendant princess-style necklace.

Tracking mud in the house after a trip to the junkyard for more drone parts.

Oh, all the times I ripped up pages of suitors she wanted to set me up with. Father always laughed and told her -impression of her father- "Now, now Louisa, Tessa will find someone who makes her happy and settle down when she's ready..." -she smiles as she goes back to her normal voice-... maybe he's right...

Oh! And my favourite time, well.. she didn't faint but she was MAD but it was worth all of it, I think I was around 9 at the time... So... this was a little before I started digging up bodies to get hair but, so like... some drones that I spent time with had either no wigs or really shitty plastic ones that Mother bought for me to put on them, and she kept scolding me because my hair was down to my knees.... I MIGHT have taken her sewing scissors and proceeded to give myself a VERY choppy bob that was still VERY VERY long in the back. J stood guard outside my room while N neatened it up as best as he could. I still can hear her saying about if she caught me cutting my hair off to make drone wigs again that I'd never be allowed scissors anymore.

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