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2 years ago

Cabin 6 head can on(i have no idea if it fits but lets go along with this):

In BoTL they described cabin 6 to have an stone owl and gave a sliver glow or something Iike that and im thinking its a gift from their mom and that Athena grants all her kids a gift (something small like Annabeth's cap).

I was wondering if the stone owl actually had a purposesor if it was just decor. I like to think Athena was better in the PJO series and im gonna ignore the HoO series for this headcanon where I believe Athena actually cares for her children but she's not good when it comes to feelings. Hence she shows her care by keeping them safe(ie guiding 'beth to Thalia and Luke when she was a runaway) and giving then weapons and little trinkets to eveyone of them at some point in their life.

When Athena grants the gift to her children they have access to the stone owl that comes to life and becomes a helper of sorts. It does tasks like giving lighting round quizzes or fun things like getting specific scrolls. The owl chages it's species and name depending on who calls it (so it's like a pet for everyone but they can only use it one at a time).

Eg. Annabeth a snowy owl she named Glacia (glay-sha) and Malcolm a Eurasian horned owl named Oak

The Athenians need to keep the owl at prim condition by giving it praises and grooming sessions so the silver light never goes out. The light acts as a spider-repellent. When the owl senses the light fading, it always takes flies to the head counsellor to solve the issue.

They can't speak to it like how Peecy speaks to horses but they can understand the intentions if the bird.

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11 years ago
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.
- Mal, You Dont Have To Die Alone.

- Mal, you don’t have to die alone.

- Everyone dies alone.

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