How To - Tumblr Posts
:V Do you have any tips on how to better draw paws/claws/monster hands?
To me this is a very broad question. I don't understand exactly what you're asking for. So I'm gonna throw some thoughts and hope that at least some of it is useful. X3
(btw I don't want to call this a "better way" to draw, it's just some tips and thoughts. I'm not an expert. :p)
There's no right or wrong way to draw monster hands and anatomy. You can do whatever you want with it, it's wonderful!
But if you want to know how I like to think when drawing and designing, here ya go!

(The anatomy can of course be completely different, these are just more human like hands as easy examples.)
For me, having an understanding of human hand anatomy along with animal paw anatomy is the key to designing and drawing believable monster/creature hands.
There are so many weird and cool clawed hands/paws out there! Getting inspiration from them and using them as reference is always helpful!

But remember to have fun! Experiment! Play with the anatomy or throw it all out the window, all approaches are valid as long as you're having fun! :3

How to draw clothes and folds: some very useful tips and tricks here, for both men’s and women’s clothing.

Some great and simple tutorials from DerSketchie on DeviantArt
They have more tutorials in their Gallery so check them out!
💀 How To - Curses 💀

💀 what is a curse?
A curse is a spell designed to cause a person or place harm or misfortune for whatever reasons the caster has. Occasionally they have been used to protect when it used against a concept, “cursing out” infections and medical problems.
💀 common spell components for curses:
CRYSTALS — tourmaline / plain quartz / amethyst / selenite,
WATERS — harbor water / new moon water / storm water / muddy water
TOOLS — candles (black, red usually) / taglocks / string / poppets
ENCHANTED OBJECTS — knife / taglock / poppet / jar
MISC — sharp objects / alcohol / pepper / broken glass
💀 suggestions for various types of curses:
PAIN — rusty nails / raspberry leaves
REVENGE — chilis / rose thorns / rose ashes
REGRET — thistle / wine / willow leaves / cypress
MISFORTUNE — ashes / barberry plant
❇️ How to Adjust a Spell ❇️

sometimes you come across a spell and it’s not exactly what you want. sometimes you can’t find the spell you need and there’s only spells that are only sorta what you need.
❇️ To enchant an object with the intent of the spell
involve the object in the spell. for example,
if it is a jar spell you can charge the object in or around the jar
if it is a candle spell, you can pass the object though the smoke
gather and direct
❇️ For a very specific spell becoming generalized
dissect the spell, and figure out what is making the spell focused on a singular event, area, or person, and remove that element. if removing that element makes the spell difficult to complete, you can
burn the ingredients and spread pinches of the ashes for influence
combine in a traditional candle spell
combine in a traditional jar spell
❇️ For making a general spell focus on a specific person
find an element of the person you wish the spell to affect, a representative object, and combine with the rest of the ingredients. this can look like:
burning ingredients together to ash
binding with thread
combining inside a jar
use in a candle spell
❇️ linked guide on replacing/substituting ingredients ❇️
Disposing of Spell Materials
sometimes after performing a spell, you find yourself wondering, hmm, what do i do with these ingredients? the way you clean up or put away your materials can be its own step in the ritual, and affect the spell. here are some suggestions for the different ways to end rituals or properly dispose of the materials

consider first:
📦keep it - consider if the spell seems like something you could ever possible need to reverse later. that love-attraction jar may invite people you don’t like, and need to be ended, but it’s more difficult without the original materials. keep the ingredients in a jar, box, or something, (maybe label it too) so you can easily nullify the spell if you need to.
✉wrap it up - in a jar or a pouch, if it is a spell you want to last a long time, gather the ingredients you won’t be reusing and keep them in a place you
🏺jar spells - just keep the materials in the sealed jar. this is the sort of spell that can be reused simply by shaking the jar, lighting a new candle for it or recharging its energy.
🔔cleanse and reuse - obviously you don’t want to throw your crystals or jars out after a single spell. separate the materials used and cleanse them individually, cutting the ties to the spell.
now what do i do with it?
🔥it’s been burned to ash - for banishing place it on the back doorstep and sweep it out into the wind. for releasing its energies and inviting influence, release the ashes into running water, given it is safe to return to nature (non glass, nonplastic nontoxic, biodegradable etc)
🕸bound objects - bury or keep in a box somewhere, burial for spells you will never remove, hiding for things you may undo one day.
🛡protective spells - best hung up or hidden in a corner of the house, or place over the front door of the residence.
☣non-biodegradable materials - if its something you can’t safely return to nature, and it can’t be reused because it was burned or broken, use the acting of burning or breaking to move the spell’s energies into the world. properly throw out or recycle the objects.

Cleansing Crystals Methods
1. Pass them through incense smoke.
An easy way to rid any clinging energy from your crystals is to pass them through a stream of incense smoke. Not only does this method also cleanse your space, but you can re-charge your crystals for a new purpose at the same time. We recommend using frankincense for basic cleansing, benzoin resin for bringing calm, and dragon’s blood for increasing energy vibrations.
2. Dip them in charged water.
Place them in a bowl of water charged under the full moon, or submerge them in a naturally running stream to send negative energies away. In the winter, crystals can be buried in the snow for a few hours with the same effect. Water is a powerful energy-force and giver of life, well suited to cleansing people and tools alike. Make note that this method is not suitable for porous or metallic crystals.
3. Cover them in sea salt.
Take a container made of a natural substance (like glass, wood, ceramic) and fill the bottom with sea salt. Add in your crystals, then cover with more salt. Wait at least one day, then take them out and they’re ready to use. Salt is one of the greatest energy purifiers out there, and it’s also easy and cheap to come by. Sea salt is preferred because the most natural and absorptive type of salt.
4. Let them bathe in the moonlight.
The simplest (and safest) way to cleanse your beauties is to let them soak up the purifying energy of the moonlight. Lay them out on the night of the full moon where the soft, purifying glow of the moonlight can illuminate them, then bring them inside come morning. Placing them on a window sill with moonlight is a suitable alternative if you cannot place them outdoors.
Protection correspondences
Clear Quartz, Selenite, Dalmatian jasper, Haematite, Snowflake Obsidian, Obsidian, Onyx (courage), Amethyst, Malachite, Bloodstone (courage), Jasper, Carnelian, Blue Agate, Blue Lace Agate (courage), Lapis Lazuli (courage), Tiger’s Eye, Citrine.
Essential oils:
Cinnamon, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, sandalwood.
Bast, Athena,Frigg, Hera, Aset, Nut, Moon Goddesses, the Dagda, Ganesha, Jupiter, Thor, Vishnu
Neptune, Saturn, Mars
Best times:
Waning moon to banish, waxing to Full to establish protection
Metal: Silver
White, blue, silver, red, black, purple
Lion, tiger, scarab beetle
Cedar, cinnamon, rose, frankincense, ginseng, patchouli, pine, sandalwood
Aloe, ash, bamboo, barley, basil, beans, blueberry, bramble, broom, burdock, cactus, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, clove, clover, cotton, dill, dragon’s blood, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, ferns, flax, foxglove, garlic, ginseng, laurel, lime, maize, mandrake roots, marsh mallow, motherwort, mugwort, nettles,pepper, pine, primrose, rice, rose, rosemary, rowan, sage, st john’s wort, thistles, vervain, willow, witchgrass, witchhazel, wormwood.
Algiz (protection), Sowulo (victory), Teiwaz (Justice)Pro
Witch Tip
If you need to remember chants for a bath/shower spell, use soap crayons! Also good for sigils, other symbols or motivational words.

Soap Crayons - How to Make
A bar of soap
Food coloring
Warm water
Cookie cutters
Grate the soap into a bowl
Add 1.5 tablespoons of warm water
Mix the warm water and grated soap with a fork.
Add at least 4 drops of food colouring and mix
Roll out log shapes or use cookie cutters to create your crayons
Leave crayons out overnight to air dry and harden
In the morning you will have tools to mark up your bath with magic that can easily be washed away with water
You can separate your mixture to create different colours
If the mixture is too hard to mix with a fork use your hands to knead the mixture together
DIY - Black Salt (Witches Salt)

Hi Witches!
Today I will show you how to do black salt or witches salt. Black salt is basic stuff, easy to do in home. It may be used, for example, to create salt circle (it’s better than normal white salt).
Black salt is used (in wicca, witchcraft, white magic etc.) to banishing, breaking bad spells (hexes), you need black salt for various rituals too.
What you need?
2 pieces of sea salt
1 piece of charcoal
1 piece of incense ash or herbs ash
1 piece of pepper triturated in a mortar
What’s next?
Shred charcoal
Add pepper
Add ash
Add sea salt and slowly mix
How to store black salt?
Salt should be stored in an airtight jar. Of course, if you want, you can decorate your jar.
I hope you like it. If you have some questions, ask me. Enjoy!
Lavender Sugar for Sweet Dreams
1 tablespoon culinary dried lavender
2 cups granulated sugar
Tumbled amethyst (cleansed and charged)
Food processor or mortar & pestle
Tea (mint, chamomile, or other tea with no caffeine)
Cleanse your tumbled stone and clean it carefully.
Charge your stone with your intent. (I like to repeat “sweet dreams” or “I will have sweet dreams” three times)
Place stone in mug or teacup.
Set aside.
Drop the dried lavender into the bowl of a food processor and blend it for 10-15 seconds to chop it into small pieces. (Use mortar & pestle if you do not have a food processor and make sure the lavender is finely ground!)
Add 1 cup of granulated sugar to the processor and blend well, for 15-20 seconds, until the lavender is finely ground and mixed with the sugar. (Skip this step if you don’t have a food processor!)
Whisk the lavender sugar together using clockwise circles with the remaining cup of sugar until the lavender is well dispersed. Use this time to infuse the blend with your intent.
Make tea with no caffeine! Mint, chamomile, or other herbal teas are recommended. Prepare this tea in the mug or teacup that holds your tumbled stone.
Add lavender sugar to taste.
Sip slowly right before bed or as part of your bedtime routine. You can repeat your intent in your head or just relax and meditate!
Store remaining Lavender Sugar in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 6 months.
☾ m o o n s a l t ☽
☾ What is moonsalt? ☽
I knew moonsalt since I was a little kid, and I had no idea that it was witchcraft. thing. Basically moonsalt = salt+ash+oil. Of course you can add wahtever you want to this is just a base.
☾ What i need to make it? ☽
★ 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt (normal or sea salt, I prefer normal)
★ piece of paper and a pen
★ some oil (I use lavender oil)
Write a sigil on the paper. I mostly use protection or balance sigil. Then burn the paper (be carefull!)
Mix ash, salt and oil and keep it safe in a tiny bottle. You can carry your moonsalt in your bag for protection or keep it in your house for balance.
☾ Why moonsalt? ☽
I was a kid when I called it like that, probably because of its colour.
☾ Moonsalt will help you to keep balance in your life and its really simple to do even for baby witches ☽

This is a charging board!
It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.
This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!