Mama Bear - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

A mama black bear and two babies.

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4 years ago
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton
HBO War Characters 1st Lt. Carwood Lipton

HBO War Characters  ⇝  1st Lt. Carwood Lipton

“Henry the Fifth was talking to his men and he said from this day to the ending of the world we and it shall be remembered. We lucky few, we band of brothers, for he who sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother.”

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3 years ago

hello love? could i request a fluffy lipton fic? xoxo

For sure ! Thank you anon for this request, the part of romance inside of me loved having to write this one!

Taglist: @supervalcsi @ourmiraclealigner @iilovemusic12us @50svibes @tvserie-s-world . Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.

Take care of you. (Carwood Lipton x reader)

Hello Love? Could I Request A Fluffy Lipton Fic? Xoxo

Kneeling in front of the house she'd lived in with Lip in North Carolina since he'd returned from the war, Y/N was busy pulling weeds from the flowerbed she'd worked so hard to grow and worked just as hard to maintain. She passed the back of her wrist over her forehead and raised her head towards the sun, which was beating down hard for the beginning of April.

After the last few weeks of rain and gloom, the few rays of sunshine that had lit up the sky that morning had made her want to get out and enjoy the good weather by keeping busy outdoors, she had not expected the heat to be so strong that afternoon. She took off her gardening gloves and collected her equipment before straightening up painfully and taking the path to the house. Climbing the white-painted wooden steps, she placed her gloves and pruning shears on the small table on the porch and went inside to cool off. She went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out the lemonade she had made that morning and then taking two glasses out of the cupboard. It was 5:30 and Lip would be home soon. Putting the two glasses on the table she let out a sigh. How long had she been comfortable in this life of a perfect housewife, having the same routine day after day, like clockwork, waiting for her husband to come home. Never before would she have thought she would have enjoyed this way of life, and yet. Everything went so fast after Lip returned from Europe. She had spent two years waiting for him, two years exchanging letters, waking up every morning with a lump in her stomach in constant anticipation of some terrible announcement. The news of the end of the war and his return had brought her immense relief and when she had seen him get off the train on that autumn morning in 1944, the ordeal of the last few years had vanished and she had longed only for a peaceful life with him, a peaceful life that he deserved after the hell he had been through. She didn't see herself becoming the perfect housewife, and sometimes she wished she hadn't. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the front door close, Lip had just returned.

“Darling, I’m home.”

Life too quiet or not, Carwood's return always provoked the same thing in her, day after day, and she would not have liked to do without it for anything in the world. The joy she felt, the excitement that made her heart beat faster, just by his return. He hung his jacket on the coat rack in the hallway and placed his briefcase at the foot of it before heading for the kitchen, a smile lighting up his face as he saw his wife in the halo of light from the window.

"Did you have a good day?"

She asked him as she poured lemonade into one of the glasses. He walked over to her and took her in his arms, wrapping his arms around her waist, placing a kiss on her forehead. Y/N let go of the carafe and slid her hands over his shoulders.

"A whole bunch of meetings, stuck inside in this weather." She smiled, knowing full well that he would have preferred to have stayed home and tinkered outside. "What have you been up to today?"

"Nothing very interesting, I stayed quiet.”

"Quiet you say?" She nodded.

"Nothing special?" He asks more, she nodded.

"You stayed quiet, and you didn't make any effort?" She nodded again. "I know you've been out gardening.” Just as she was about to open her mouth to protest he gently ran his thumb over her forehead as if to remove something. She changed her mind when she saw his gaze lose its intensity and concern after he had put his thumb to his forehead and wiped off a trace of dirt.

"Don't lie to me, you have dirt on your forehead." His voice became deeper.

"Lip ..."

"Y/N, you know what the doctor said." Her heart clenched as she heard a hint of disappointment from her in his voice.

"It wasn't a big effort."

"It was still one too many efforts, a whole afternoon in the sun!"

"You know I can't just sit around doing nothing! It's been too long already and I can't go on like this for another two months!"

He sighed and pulled away from her, taking a step back, one hand on his waist, running the other over his face.

"You were there, you heard what the doctor said, you have to be careful, it's not good for you or the baby. Whether you accept it or not, you must avoid straining yourself, this pregnancy is already tiring you out too much, you must take it easy."

"But I already take it easy all the time Lip!" She raised her voice not in anger but in despair. "I don't do anything. Ever since we moved here I've done nothing. That's easy for you to say, you work all day, you're busy. But I, I'm not doing anything!"

His expression softened when he realised what she was talking about and he moved closer to her, taking her hands between his, bringing them to his lips to place a kiss on them.

"Oh darling. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I wanted to be a good wife. That's what all good wives do, they stay home and take care of their working husbands.”

"Honey, you know I .... You know that you have always had my support, and you will have it in every choice you make. Being a good wife doesn't come at the expense of your happiness and you don't have to stay cooped up here and take care of everything to be a good wife. You should have told me about this before.”

She felt bad that she thought he wouldn't accept her getting a job, since that's what it was all about. She felt bad for having had that kind of thought, when she knew very well that he wasn't like that.

"I just wanted you to have a normal life after all you've been through, have you seen how working women and moms, are looked at?"

He raised an eyebrow a slight smile stretching the corner of his lips.

"And since when do you care what other people say? After coming back from Europe any life would have been normal. I know you always care about doing the best for those around you, that you always want to put others and their welfare before your own, but this time it's you who need to take care of yourself, both of you. I've always sworn to take care of you, there's no way you're going to put your own desires before anyone else's. Soon we'll have the most important person in our lives to take care of, and that'll be enough for you to worry too much about the others around."

Dear God, this man was wise. He was right, nothing would soon matter more than the child they were going to have, all she had to worry about was this little thing to come, her and her husband who would always look after her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"What would I do without you, Mr. Lipton?

"Oh I don't doubt you'd be fine, it's me who'd be lost without you.” He joked before pulling her close to him. "Raising a child is a monstrous task, but there will be two of us in this adventure, and if there is anyone who will know how to reconcile the roles of mother and working woman, it is you. Never have any doubts about that and never let anyone tell you otherwise.”

"I'm very lucky to have you Carwood Lipton."

"I'm the lucky one to have you, Mrs. Lipton."

She took his face tenderly in her hands before placing a kiss on his lips, to which he responded lovingly. For a moment they stood in the kitchen, embracing each other in the warm light of the late afternoon sun, both happy for the chance they had found each other just a few years before and had made it through the trials of the war, and now prepared for the new adventure of their lives, which would not be easy either, but knowing that they could both rely on each other, as they always had done.

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6 months ago

Jacq does wear that dress well! And everyone reaction is hilarious XD (Halsin got such a laugh out of me, that I did like Astarion XD) I will be unhelpful to Jaheira, and instead give fashion advice! Jacq dear, your skin is light green, and the dress tone is light blue, it lack contrast and doesn't highlight your silhouette as good as it should! Dye the dress either a deep burgundy to harmonize to your hair, or royal blue to contrast to your skin, you'll be "Ma-gni-fique!"

Jacq Does Wear That Dress Well! And Everyone Reaction Is Hilarious XD (Halsin Got Such A Laugh Out Of

Jacq appreciate the suggestion👍 and Gortash approve of the color choise💕

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Tangled The Series x Reader Headcanons

☀️Mama Bear Rapunzel☀️

Rapunzel x Parent Issues GN Reader(Platonically)

Tangled The Series X Reader Headcanons

Yes, we heard of Big Sis Rapunzel, but what about Mother Figure Rapunzel?

Doesn’t matter what ages you are. If you have any kind of bad parents. She’ll be your non-official mother figure.

She’s that kind of mother figure that will check on you on a daily hours. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing. She’ll always make sure you’re doing ok and see if you need anything.

She’ll also make you any meals and snacks. And let me tell you. She is VERY good, since she probably cook her meals for 18 years. She’ll make your favorite foods whenever you have a bad day.

Mama Bear. That’s her nickname of the group. No jokes. If anyone tries to hurt you or any of her ‘children’..and yes Varian is her unofficial child. She will get in protective mode and use her fry pan on the person who harm you.

Like for example, if a bad person even tries to hurt you..she got mama sense..she KNOWS when you’re in danger..doesn’t matter where you are. She WILL find you and protect you..prays that the person already gone cause she’s gonna beat that person up.

Lullabies..LULLABIES! She is GOOOODDD at it. She doesn’t mind doing it every night. She want you and Varian and everyone else of her ‘bear children’ to be safe and sound. She’ll ask permission if she can rubs your back, head, or hair to comfort you. If you fall asleep during the lullaby. She doesn’t mind..if you fall asleep on her, she doesn’t mind. She’ll put the nearby blanket on you and fall asleep with you. And if you’re still asleep when she’s wake up. She won’t move til you wake up. She want to make sure that you know that she’s there whenever you need.

Free comfort for every children. Doesn’t matter what she’s doing. If she see you upset or get mama sense. She’ll comfort you right there and will give you the best advices she can give. Course, Pascal will be there and he’ll let you pet him to calm you down.

In conclusion, we need more Mama Bear and she will confront your bullcrap parents and scolds them for being bad parents. Mama Bear for number 1.

(Hope you like this. Sorry for the long wait post. Here’s some Tangled headcanons and tell me what ideas I should do next)

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3 years ago


Been a while Huh? We’ve got Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Murder Monkeys, Reaper Nurses, Dread Duckies, and Gold Watchers from Dark Deception by Glowstick Studios

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3 years ago


Been a while Huh? We’ve got Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Murder Monkeys, Reaper Nurses, Dread Duckies, and Gold Watchers from Dark Deception by Glowstick Studios

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2 years ago

The Mormont women live and breath the Mama Bear trope: fierce, loyal, no-nonsense women with their own brand of sweet tenderness who *can and will* fight tooth, claw, and sinew to defend their home and family.

Brave companions used black bear in fighting pit in Riverrun. Dany called Jorah her black bear in ASOS. His sigil also had black bear on it. Then the bear in Bear and the Maiden Fair is described as having black and brown furs. Do you think black bear is indicating something?

Hi anon!

I'm extremely ambivalent about how GRRM uses bears. There's no one recognizable theme like with dogs. The best I've arrived at so far is that bears can represent questionable mentor figures.

Sansa in the Vale is compared to a bear cub (with Littlefinger her horrible "father"), Dany compares herself to a bear cub withJorah, the fugitive slaver who both advises and molests her, then you have Jon with Jeor Mormont, who hands him the transformed family blade that used to be a bear - but was turned into a wolf, making him a pseudo "father", who is both a useful teacher AND a misguided leader of the Watch, but leaving Jon in charge of his own wolfy fate, eventually.

Arya watches the black bear kill Amory Lorch and feels reminded of Yoren, her second (and violent!) mentor after Syrio, but that same bear is turned against Brienne as a precurser to threatened rape and murder, and the bear is killed when Jaime returns to save her. 

In the song "The Bear and the Maiden Fair", the male bear is another beastly sexual predator.

On the other hand, the ladies of House Mormont are generally depicted as loyal protectors and independent leaders. Dacey is Robb’s loyal guard, while Maege is trusted to carry out a vital mission for him. Lyanna Mormont has no qualms about rejecting Stannis, steadfastly sticking with House Stark. Asha is undeniably impressed with “Aly” Mormont, who protects Asha from the fire-mad R’hllor adherents in spite of the ancient enmity between their people. 

Tormund’s story of the she-bear who sheds her skin mirrors Alysane’s story about the Mormont ladies being skinchangers who mate with bears in the woods. The bear goes her own way. No husband necessary. 

The Mormont men? Absent, dead, deeply flawed, irrelevant.

There is a clear and constant rift between the female bear and the male bear. 

If I had to make a guess, I would suspect that the bear image is about growing beyond a flawed system. The mentor that protects the various characters can transform into a weak leader, a traitor, a predator. Independence is better. Growing up is necessary. Responsibility for one’s own fate is necessary. 

Be that as a she-bear, or a wolf. (Or a dragon.)

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