Manila Manjiro X Reader - Tumblr Posts
So... what are all the Mikeys expectations on obedience π€
Interesting question... TW- Abuse implied. Toman\OG Timeline- He likes a bratty little thing, he likes someone he can put back in line, someone who isn't afraid to get in his face and tell him off. He admires that actually, Mikey is aware of his reputation and for you too disregard his place at the top in the underworld? That gets him going. Kanto- He expects his partner to be 100% obedient. No back-talk, no brattiness, no bitching, no complaining. Behave. Be good for him, he will not tolerate ANY disrespect, and he will slap you, when you step out of line. So, to prevent any... mishaps. Talk when talked too, look at him when told too, don't speak to anyone he doesn't like and you'll be good. Manila- He expects obedience 90% of the time, he also doesn't take too kindly to disrespect, but, he likes bratty behaviour on occasion, it makes things more fun for him and he really really likes putting you back in your place. BUT, if you get too carried away, he will pop you in the mouth. Bonten- Surprisingly, he likes a mix of both. He likes when your bratty and he likes when you're a docile little thing for him. I can picture him getting bored with 24/7 obedience, he likes a little challenge, keep him on his toes. But, do NOT give him disrespect or mouth in front of anyone because he will bend you over his knee, right then and there, he doesn't care who sees or who watches. He thinks it's better with an audience actually, because there's multiple people too witness your punishment, and that. Should help you prevent those public tantrums. Street Racer- Pretty normal amount, the only normal relationship out of all the Mikeys imo. He likes a good girl, a little sweetheart, a gentle little thing. He doesn't mind an attitude on occasion because he ALSO gives attitude. It's like a 50/50 dynamic for both of you.
what's your favorite Mikey hc that you feel like is canon or should be canon
Ooooh I love this question because I have a few.. But my favorite is that Manila Mikey speaks spanish, could be fluent or he just knows a little, doesn't matter. But, picturing it- Mikey speaking spanish- is sooo fucking sexy.
How many rounds do you think each Mikey can go...
Toman\OG Timeline- 2-3 rounds. He has pretty good stamina but he is very busy all the time, so when he does see you, it's usually a quickie... or multiple if he has time too spare. He will occasionally make love to you though.
Manila- 4-5 rounds, sometimes 6. Now, I know people will say that's not very plausible BUT, hear me out. We all know this man has inhumane stamina and strength, plus, he doesn't do or need too do much in this timeline. He doesn't run a gang or have a job, so he has a lot of time to kill and he gets bored. So when you're home, he's immediately on you. Fucking into you, round after round until you physically can't take it anymore.
Kanto- 2 rounds. This Mikey is also a very busy one, plus I don't see him as being very sexually active in this timeline. So sex with this version of Mikey isn't very common but when you do have sex with him, it's rough and fast. He also has way too much to do and too many people too keep in line.
Bonten- 1 maybe 2 rounds. Now, I love Bonten Mikey but lets be realistic. He's always busy, he doesn't take care of himself, I highly doubt he eats a lot and the stuff he does eat isn't very nutritional. But I can see Bonten Mikey using sex too take his mind off of things OR he doesn't care for sex at all and will only do it when you want it. If he does do it too take his mind off things, he will sometimes go longer then 1-2 rounds.
Street Racer- 2-4 rounds. This Mikey can be a horn-dog, not as much as Manila Mikey but he's still tryna fuck all the time. He's not as busy as Toman\OG, Kanto or Bonten but he does still have stuff too do. Thankfully he doesn't constantly race, so he is with you more then the others. the sex is a nice mixture of rough quickies and slow passionate sex. He, imo, is the only Mikey that does aftercare and he's so sweet during and after.
Which Mikey do you think is Most likely to be in a relationship, all time lines plssss
TW- very small implication of murder Toman\OG Timeline- He isn't very likely to be in one. I can really only see him being with someone who he has known since childhood\being a teenager. He is way too busy and has no interest courting or going on dates, so again, not likely. Manila- Also not very likely. He, in this timeline, has killed his friends, so I don't see this version staying with a childhood darling. He has definitely had quite a few hook-ups but nothing serious. If he does settle down with you, you're very lucky. It's also the most likely that he met you for hook-ups and got hooked. Kanto- Again not very likely. He has no interest in dating or attempting too, for that matter. While I can see him dating someone he's known since he was younger, there will be a drastic change during his Toman days and then going into Kanto. So drastic, that at the very least it'll drive a huge wedge between them and at the most, it'll cause a break-up. Bonten- The most unlikely. Also a Mikey I can't see being with a childhood partner, because he has pushed away literally everyone, I highly doubt he'd take them with him. This Mikey is also extremely busy, so going on dates is not possible, he's also a very wanted criminal. All Mikeys, except street racer, are all wanted criminals, so tinder isn't an option for them. Street Racer- The most likely. He is able too be with a childhood partner and someone he didn't already know. It's a very healthy 50/50. Although I do see him preferring a childhood partner, because you've been with him through a lot rather then someone he met as an adult and he can only give you stories.
Most likely- Street Racer Mikey Manila Toman\OG Timeline Kanto Bonten Least Likely-
You said you had more so... what is another Mikey hc that you have...?
These are my personal hcs for Mikeys (all timelines) bodycount.
Toman\OG Timeline- 6-7. He's busy so sex is not his first priority. But, I'm sure that kind of work, can be very irritating and stressful. So, he wouldn't mind sex as a stress relief.
Manila- 15. I'm not calling him a hoe, but he's been in quite a few womens bed. He's not very busy, he doesn't have a lot of priorities or anything. So, he does as and who he pleases. I will say that there has been quite a few one-night stands that came back, because his dick is just that good.
Kanto- 2. He doesn't care much for sex, but he's not a virgin. Another Mikey that likes too fuck out his frustrations. He does prefer blowjobs over other types of sex. He will also fuck your throat btw.
Bonten- 5. He has had sex, but he also, doesn't care for it, he can be a bit lazy also. They've all been prostitutes, hired by Bonten. Also another version of Mikey that prefers blowjobs. It's rarely penetrative sex.
Street Racer- 8. I can see him being a very sought after man, for obvious reasons, although I wouldn't call him a celebrity, he is very well known in Japan. For not only being attractive but his skills with racing as well. I like too think these hook-ups happen after a race, while his adrenaline is still pumping and his senses are still very heightened. He'd be so down for a quickie.
um wtf why isn't my account showing up? Anyways i logged into tumblr a while ago but i still don't understand anything.
I hope this are requests or whatever you call these.
I was thinking about Mikey(Any timeline) and him having a taller reader gf. How did they met, what he thought of her and other stuff. Actually you can put it however you'd like. I saw your work i loved it and i wanted to interact with you. Thank you so much i hope you have a nice da or night and i hope if you see this you'd be interested. Again tysm.
I'll do all of them and how they feel about it.
Toman\OG Timeline- He's neutral about it, doesn't really care that much. He does get a little irritated though, when he has too constantly strain his neck too look up at you or kiss you. Over all though, he really doesn't care because you may be taller then him but he still way stronger then you are. So, he doesn't see it as too much a problem. Manila- Get used too being on your knees, cause you'll certainly be on them, like a lot. He really doesn't like it, it annoys him, he refuses too stand on his tippy toes too kiss you. So when he wants a kiss, he expects you too kneel for him. He is probably the meanest out of all the Mikey timelines when it comes too having a taller s\o. You also don't own a single pair of heeled shoes, at all, he won't let you. Kanto- Surprisingly likes it, but only because it further expresses his power and authority, especially over you. I mean, sure you're taller then him, whether that be by a lot or a little, doesn't really matter. Because you're no different, you're still bowing to him and respecting his authority, well, you better be anyway, if you like walking that is... Bonten- Gives zero fucks. He's still gonna have you on his lap, he's still gonna kiss you and such, you'll just have too bend down a bit. Also, don't complain about back pain, joking or not, because then he'll actually give you a reason too whine about your back hurting. Street Racer- Draken 2.0? Whether you're as tall as Draken or not, doesn't matter. Because now you have the responsibilities of carrying him around and being his human pillow. He will whine, sometimes jokingly, about you being taller and how his neck hurts, but he genuinely isn't bothered by the height difference, no matter how big it is. He will always be on the taller parts of hills or a stair above you so he can grin down at you and kiss you. An arrogant smirk on his face when he pulls away.
how would trauma bonding with diffs mikey timelines go? Like how do they abuse their darling and what's their reaction on her still being pathetically inlove and devoted to them? (Mikey is the abuser)
TW- Trauma-bonding, physical abuse, kinda yandere-ish, manipulative behaviour, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, isolation, kidnapping, possessive behaviour, controlling behaviour Toman\OG Timeline- Complete Control. He made it clear from day one that you're his. Completely. He makes all your decisions for you, what you do that day, how you dress, where you go, who you talk too, all of that is authorized by him and only him. He has complete control over your entire life, there's no arguing with him on anything. There's no going out with friends or seeing your family, those people shouldn't matter to you anymore. If he doesn't approve of said person, he'll either kill them or you're not allowed too see them, ever again. You not minding his behaviour, or even liking his behaviour, really doesn't matter to him because he was gonna be this way whether you liked it or not. It just makes it that much easier too control you in all honesty, although, you still being so hopelessly in love with him is beneficial to you. With you behaving and listening, doing as he says, you do get a bit more freedom then you would if you were being a little brat and going against his many rules he has set for you, with the expectations that you follow them the way he intended. As I've stated he chooses what you wear and where you wear it too. Revealing clothing are for his eyes only, he even goes as far as too dress you when he has time. He also chooses what you eat and when you eat, because, as he claims, he knows best.
Manila- Hot and Cold behaviour. Being in a relationship with this version of Mikey is the definition of "walking on eggshells," he's very unpredictable and trigger happy, quite literally. His behaviour towards you can change within the blink of an eye, you do anything wrong, no matter how small it is or how microscopic it may seem at the time, it could tick him off in a matter of seconds. It could simply be you not being very engaged in a conversation because you're tired, but he'll take at as you not caring and brushing him off, that's when things turn ugly and he starts screaming at you, then he'll proceed too ignore you for hours, claiming that if you're not gonna listen to him, he just won't talk to you. He never talks about how he feels, whether it be in that moment or just in general, he never opens up about anything, he keeps it all bottled up and at the slightest wrong-doing on your part, he'll just explode. It's to the point where you have too over-analyze everything you say, just too make sure he doesn't take it the wrong way. Because at time it's gotten so bad that he was standing over you, waving a gun in your face as you sat on the floor sobbing, pleading with him too calm down as he stared at you with those big black eyes of his. He knows you'd never leave him, because he wouldn't let you, it just encourages his hot and cold behaviour when you're cuddled up to him at the end of the night, telling him how much you love him.
Kanto- Physical Abuse. He hits you, a lot. He's quick too get physical at any slight inconvenience. It could've been that you were late meeting him or you were talking to someone that he didn't want you too, or because you were talking too them, as he deemed, a little too long. His go to is always physical punishment, man-handleing to the point of bruises and cuts, sometimes a broken bone or black eye. No version of Mikey takes too kindly to disrespect, but especially this one, this version of Mikey can not be reasoned with, by any means. He will take your verbal reasoning as arguing which will then lead you into a world of pain for hours on end. With the amount of physical abuse Kanto!Mikey puts you through on a daily basis, it's a surprise to everyone that you still continue too show him all this affection and endless devotion, some thought it was just a form of twisted submission, but the look in your eye is always genuinely loving when you look at Mikey, like he could do nothing wrong, or realistically, you don't really care about what he does wrong to you or anyone else for that matter because you'll always still be there too greet him with open arms and a smile full of love with that look of longing for him.
Bonten- Isolation. You're with him most of the time, but when you're not or are unable too be, you're left in his room, which is heavily guarded by security, which are also not allowed too talk to you. He keeps you away from everyone, a life full of isolation, no friends too talk too, no human contact, except Mikey. He won't even let you talk to his most trusted men, his executives. If he were to catch wind of you talking to anyone but him, he'd have them immediately executed, they'd be an example for everyone, that they shouldn't be near you, muchless talk to you. When he's feeling generous, he'll take you out, but only after he rents out time for the place, he wants no other customers there, not even workers, he'll have his men do it, his only most trusted men at that. You're not allowed too have a phone, electronics or any outside contact, say bye to your family and friends. Which you never really got too do anyway because with this Mikey, there was never a regular courting or meeting, he just kidnapped you, right out of your house. He does appreciate your continuous affection and devotion towards him though, but it just furthers his notion that he's the only one you need.
Street Racer- Guilt Tripping. Mikey is much better in this timeline, but he can still be very possessive. He hates when you leave the house, for any reason. You going out with your friends has been the reason for multiple arguments, between the two of you, to the point of hoarse voices in the morning. He doesn't apologize, just justifies, stating the reason he's so possessive and controlling is because he lost everyone in his life at one point. When you counter back, with the argument, that everyone in this timeline is alive, he starts too guilt trip you. Stating that something could still go wrong, he's already watched the people he loved die or he killed them himself, why can't you just listen to him? If he you really loved him, you'd listen, can't you see he's doing this for your own safety? You're being unreasonable, it's not like he's holding you hostage or over-bearing, he just wants an update every hour, is that really too much too ask? He knows you won't leave him though, by the way you continuously defend his behaviour to your parents and friends, telling them that he's just scared for you, that's he's protective and loves you, that's all. That makes him love you even more, because you finally understand that he's doing it for you, all for you.
help because i canβt stop thinking about being in takemichiβs place when he met manila mikey my brain is literally rotting
y/n goes to the philippines to find her ex boyfriend at the one place she knows heβll beβ¦ mikey, who sent the letter out to takemichi to visit him, wasnβt expecting her arrival and pins her to the floor with a gun to her head
fast forward, now weβre having hot sex and takemichi accidentally walks in π
This is so real, because Manila!Mikey had no right too be that pretty. Also for him too literally manhandle Takemichi like that had my brain all fuzzy because he just did it so effortlessly and if he can throw Takemichi around like he doesn't way shit... what else can he do? He is so fucking strong for no reason and it's just so- ahhh it's intense ok? When you go and see Mikey, hoping too grasp an understanding as too why he took the lives of all of his friends- and by default your friends. He doesn't look too happy too see you, in fact he looks pissed, if you will. As he walks down the pile of rubble and steps closer to you- it's like he's sizing you up, like a predator would and you know you should run because everything in that screams danger but you can't. This is the man that you've grown too love and care about and he just up and abandoned you, never told you he was leaving- never gave an inkling, he just did and you want too know why. Before you can even ask- talk to him, he's on you with a gun in your face as he stares you down, there's no more light in those beautiful black eyes of his as he leans down, his warm breath hitting your face. You genuinely can't breath when he decides too put all his weight on your chest, he's not heavy but there's quite a bit of muscle on him and your chest feels it in full, you can't even move and just stares at you, no emotion on his face as you plead with him. You don't really realise what he's doing until he starts too tug at your shirt and it rips in the process, you don't really know what too do in this moment because while yes, you love this man with everything, but you also know that he's a serial killer.. he killed all of your friends and he doesn't even seem the slightest bit of apologetic. You don't even know what he means when he leans down and whispers, "let me have you one last time, ok?" None it makes sense to you but you don't care because his hands are all over you and they feel like ecstasy as he grabs at your tits, pressing soft kisses to your lips and he tastes just how you remember; dorayaki. It's all a blur and in the future you'll really wish that it wasn't because you'll unknowingly never get too talk with him again as he'd lay bleeding in your arms, but you don't know that as his hips smack against yours and you're brains pooling in ecstasy as your nails claw at his shoulders but Mikey knows, as soon as Takemichi steps into the broken down rubble and he meets Takemichis eyes just as you cum for him; Mikey knows this is the last time he'll have the pleasure of being so deeply and intimately connected to you.
Hi! I love how you write mikey π€. May i request reader wanting to break up with mikey in all timelines please? And the reader doesnβt accept any disrespect or them trying to harm her, instead if they want to stay with her they need to talk it out. Please π€
TW- Implied Physical Abuse
Toman!Mikey- This version of Mikey is pretty sweet with you, he's the second healthiest out of all of them and so the relationship isn't actually that bad. However, he can still be quite mean and demanding when he needs or wants too be and he knows this, but also, he does expect quite a bit of obedience and when you provoke him, he's very argumentative and in your face about it. He may seem understanding when you tell him that you want too break up, but you're not going anywhere, he'll keep you by force if he needs too.
Manila!Mikey- That's not happening, he wouldn't even let you get to the point that you'd even think of breaking up with him. He's always so controlling and he makes it very prevalent that, that's something that's just not very plausible for you at all. He can be very threatening but even more so when he's waving a gun in your face. If you were adamant about it though, he'd tie you down and keep you their, in his apartment, and any bit of freedom, which honestly wasn't much, are immediately stripped from you.
Kanto!Mikey- The chances of successfully breaking up with this version just got much lower then the chances with Manila!Mikey. He just snaps at you. What, you wanna leave him too? After all of his family dies and his friends are gone.. you wanna leave too? It just causes him too lose it and he'll become worse with you, which you didn't even think was possible, but it is and he just gets so much worse, and it's quick, it's just sudden as you're locked away from everything you've ever loved and he controls you way more then he did before, which was already pretty bad.
Bonten!Mikey- The most non-plausible out of all of them. He is the most dangerous out of all the Mikey timelines, and no, it's not because he's the most abusive, it's mainly because of his influence and all the people he has under him in Bonten, especially Sanzu, Sanzu is watching you when Mikey can't and he's so mean about it. Bonten!Mikey though, is actually not that mean to you, he's just really strict because his tolerance to disrespect is basically zero at this point and you will no longer be receiving such sweet treatment that he was more then willing too give you.
Street Racer!Mikey- This version of Mikey doesn't disrespect you but he does have the unhealthy habit of not admitting when he's wrong, so that does cause quite a few problems in your relationship together and he does need too be alone for a bit after you guys are done arguing. Even though the arguments are far and few in between, they still happen as with every other couple but he does become insanely apologetic and he does feel really bad when you tell him that somethings that he might've said hurt your feelings. They never get so bad to the point of a break-up but if they did he might pull some guilt-tripping but even then he'd expect your wishes.
different mikeys (separate) reacting to y/n calling them daddy?
Ahh, this is right up Manila!Mikeys alley, he's heavily into the whole daddy kink thing, he really likes this kind of dynamic. The first time you utter the words, "please daddy.. please," he just loses it and he goes feral. Manila!Mikey can already be rather rough during sex and he's also rather infantilizing towards you but this just makes him go crazy and he takes on that role completely. It's also the authority that, that name gives him and the control he feels as you utter those words into his ear, he's really into it. Street Racer!Mikey also likes it, not as much as Manila!Mikey but he still does nonetheless. Although, he likes it for the opposite reason and that's because he takes it as a sign of trusting submission. It makes him quite soft to be honest, that you're willing too give him that type of authority and just the amount of trust you have for him leaves him all giddy and pleased, he loves taking care of you already.. but this is a new level in his eyes. Bonten!Mikey is also quite into it, for a reason pretty similar to Street Racer!Mikey, as in, the title means a lot to him and he appreciates that you see him in that light. Even if you just meant it in a sexual light, he still takes quite a lot of pride in it. Although, that is something that he will want you too refer to him from now on, it's not all the time but it's quite often and he really doesn't care who's around. Toman!MIkey isn't super into it, but he really doesn't mind it, he would just rather you keep all of that in the bedroom and it's expected too be used in a private setting. I can't really see Kanto!Mikey being that much into it- if at all really. If it's something you're really into and you want too give it a go, you'll have too really behave for him for a while.. it'll be like a reward of sorts, I do kinda see him leaning into it but only because the control that, that tittle holds, not really the caring, nurturing part that is also basically expected.
random thoughts β healthy relationships with the mikey multiverse
toman β i think he'll be able to be in a healthy rs as long as his gf is understanding of his job (he seems to be the 2nd most normal)
manila β definitely will not have a healthy rs! i think he's very controlling in this timeline
kanto β i think he can be in one? if the gf's nice and follows his orders
bonten β tbh i'm in doubt of him bc he can be nice but also π¨
street racer β he's normal of course he'll have a healthy rs
This!!! This is perfect, you're absolutely right. Toman!Mikey is actually a really amazing boyfriend and he takes amazing care of you, but sometimes he becomes irritated with just how stressful his job and when you're not in the best mood, that's the perfect disaster for an ugly argument. Manila!Mikey you got perfectly, he's so controlling to the point that you can't say or do anything if you don't run it by him first. He's overall just a very dominating person overall and he thrives with the forced submission that is forced upon you. Kanto!Mikey you also got spot on, in this timeline, he runs high on his dark impulses and he has little patience for your bratty attitude, even if you're just moody, he really doesn't care, he has no tolerance for disrespect, but if you're a good girl.. he has no problem treating you as such. Bonten!Mikey is generally not that bad, as you said. He can be rather sweet with you, but just like Kanto!Mikey, he also has no tolerance for any type of attitude from you. Street Racer!Mikey is, again, like you said, the healthiest version of Mikey and he treats you like you deserve, like a spoiled little princess.
omggg not a request but Manila Mikey thirst but the timeline where he had long hair omgggg bruuu heβs so fineee like actually one thing I cannot stop thinking about is punishments like spanking and other stuff like that I would do shit purposely just to see him mad and so he can punish meπ€€π€€π€€π€€
Ahhh, you mean this one?


Yeah this version of Mikey, Manila!Mikey, is a brat tamer 100%. He knows what you're doing, as smart as you think you are, he knows you're pissing him off on purpose and he has no problem giving you what you want, you wanna be a brat? He'll bend your ass over and spank you like a brat then, and while he does, he better not hear a single complaint. You brought this on yourself and now you're gonna take it, before he makes you take it.
do you think you could make some hcs about how each Mikey would react about reader successfully escaping and he finds her years later? And if not that's completely fine, have a good day
Not exactly HCs, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless~
TW- Kidnapping, Abuse
With Street Racer!Mikey, there's no escaping really, and I don't mean that as in you're not gonna get away, I just mean that he doesn't really have any bad or toxic behaviors, so there's no need too leave really. But, for the sake of this post, I'll say he does. I would say that it wouldn't be easy, simply because of his reputation and the fame that he has. I do imagine that he's pretty big on social media and he obviously has pictures of you, so fans are gonna recognize you. With constant paparazzi in your face and fans swarming you, leaving Street Racer!Mikey isn't going too be easy. If you did manage too get away though, he'd be pretty heart-broken and upset, I don't see him getting super pissed buy he'd be pretty upset and would actually file you a missing person, because, why would he look, knowing he doesn't have the capabilities in doing so, he'd have the police do it for him, When they do manage too find you though, his eyes are just empty as he takes you in his arms as he welcomes you home, stating that he was so worried and that he's glad you're safe.
Manila!Mikey would be the easiest, surprisingly, simply for the fact that he doesn't have the influences that the others do. He's not a big gang leader anymore, it's just you and him. The most difficult thing would be living in the Philippines, specifically if you're not from there and you're simply just a tourist, Manila, in the Philippines, is surrounded by water, so you can't leave without a boat or a plane so you'd have too be hiding out there. Getting on a plane or boat would be relatively hard for you because that's where he's constantly gonna be looking out for. It'll be harder for you if you stay on the move and are changing your name or look constantly. He will find you though.. and when he does, whether that be years or months later, you're deeply in for it and you're never leaving again. He might even go as far as too break your legs so that you physically can't leave him again, his approach isn't really that bad though, especially if you're in public, he'd just lead you away, whispering threats in your ear as you feel his gun digging into your side. When he gets you behind closed doors though... it's not very pretty for you.
Bonten!Mikey and Kanto!Mikey are the hardest too escape from, simply because of their influence and authority. They're both infamous gang-leaders and have a plethora of disposable men that are constantly watching you.
For Bonten!Mikey though, your biggest problem wouldn't even be Mikey himself, it would be Sanzu. He is extremely loyal to Mikey and he reports everything you do back to Mikey, even the smallest of things, like eating a certain thing or where you're going and how often you're going too. Now, with Bonten!Mikey, while he is busy quite often, he's not away all that much, he just sends his executives away too do it for him so that he can stay with you and you're always physically with him. So much so that he'll stand outside the door as you're showering, he's truly so clingy, so escaping him has an extremely low success rate. When, or if, you do, he's gonna lose it. He turns more cold, if possible, and everyone bares his wrath, he becomes more physical and he's teetering on the edge if a breakdown. You are another person that has yet again, left him, and he's just out of it, even slipping into a depressive episode. That was until, Sanzu had found you, and he's quick too report it too Mikey and he's never driven so fast, demanding, over the phone that Sanzu consistently trail you as he gets there. You don't really know what's happening as you're thrown into a car, it's dark and it's cold, you can't even see anything as you fall face-first on the soft cushioning as his hands immediately grab for you. The same cold hands you've dreaded feeling since you've escaped as you stared up onto the dead black abyss that were Mikeys eyes. Kanto!Mikey is a very similar situation for you, its very hard too leave for you because he's so notorious in the gang world and there's a lot people that are willing too hurt you. So, he's already very watchful of you in the first place. You're constantly with him, you don't even have room too breath- much less have freedom around him. He's also so very strict with you and he has rules planned for you, as well as consistent updates about you, from his men. Now, lets say a miracle happened and you did escape. He's not going too stop until he finds you and if it takes him years too find you, it's gonna be a brutal meeting when he sees you again, he's gonna go from having his hands around your throat too making out with multiple times within the same hour and it's excruciating for the next few months for you. You're gonna be walking on egg-shells for a long time and he'll never trust you again and you're not gonna be on your own ever again. You can do nothing by yourself, ever again. Good luck.
Toman!Mikey is a good 50\50 for escaping for you, it's not the hardest but also not the easiest. Again, going back to him being a gang-leader, he has people watching you and it's for the simple facts of safety. He understands how dangerous his reputation is perceived and there'll be people that are going too use you as collateral too spite him and Toman!Mikey can't have that happening. So you're already on a pretty tight leash and are constantly escorted by his most trusted men to everywhere you're going, and while he would constantly like too be with you, he knows that's not very plausible, but he's fine with the cute pictures and videos that he has you send him while he's away from you. When you do manage too escape though, Mikey doesn't really notice at first, simply because he's away, but when he receives the flood of texts from his men, detailing your escape, he didn't think it was actually an escape at first, he thought it was a kidnapping and he was quite infuriated. When he does figure out it's a kidnapping, he has his men working day and night looking for you, no rest for them until you're back in his possession and they know that. When you're back in his arms years later, you are no longer given the freedom that you once had, but you now sit, as a caged bird. No longer allowed the fresh air as he, personally, watches you from the video camera he had installed in your new room.
Oooo how would Miley in all timelines react to reader getting his name tatted on her?? :)
Toman!Mikey- It was actually an accident, the way he found out anyway. It was an impulsive decision, when you were out, one of the rare times he lets you go out, with your friends, albeit a bit tipsy, you had the great idea too get it done at the tattoo parlor right by the bar. When you got home, he wasn't there yet, and all the drinking had tired you out, not even taking off your make-up when you got home, only waking up when it was the early morning too take a shower. While in the process of taking off your clothes he had come in, his eyes spotting the tattoo almost instantaneously. All I'm gonna say, based on the activities that took place after that, he loved it
Manila!Mikey- He did it himself. The probability of you being able too leave too get the tattoo is very low. He wanted you too get it though, so he just decided too do it himself, because again, he is a wanted criminal, I'm not sure if it's a multi country wanted situation, or he's just wanted in Japan, either way, he's still wanted. So he can't really leave and take you to a shop too get it done, nor do you have the freedom too leave and him not know about it, even if you went at night, he's a really light sleeper so you wouldn't really get away with it.
Kanto!Mikey- It was automatic, you didn't even have a choice when it came too getting a tattoo of his name, with version of Mikey anywhere. Whether you agreed too be in a relationship or he took an interest in you, it doesn't matter, you're gonna get the tattoo. He does however let you choose when you want it but you don't get too choose where you get it, he would put it somewhere obvious, and in a place where it can easily be seen.
Bonten!Mikey- He was actually the one that wanted you too get it done. You had suggested that you get the Bonten tattoo at first, but he immediately shut that idea down, because you didn't belong to Bonten, you belonged to him. He was the one that took you too get it done, it was a pretty rushed process, because it was only the next day, after he suggested it, that he took you too get it done.
Racer!Mikey- You got it for his birthday, while he was away at work, you went with Emma too get it done. Even after Mikey got off work, Emma told Draken too distract him, take him out with the rest of the ex-Toman members for a birthday celebration. You didn't tell him about it when you got home, you wanted him too find out on his own, and the best way for you too get him too do that was sex. So that's what you had egged on that night, and the way his eyes immediately fell to your chest after he had taken off your shirt. The words "Manjiro Sano" tattooed over your heart and he decided then and there that he wanted too marry you.
not a request but a thirst!!! if manilla!mikey or bonten!mikey wanted me to just stay inside all day, I'd agree and just sit pretty for him<3 being that much of an introvert. sit on his lap? okay! he wants affectionate? say less. cockwarm him? anything for him --- girl there is something wrong with me π
If there's something wrong with you, then also something wrong with me, because same babe. It genuinely wouldn't be that bad, too live with Mikey. Especially if we're talking Bonten!Mikey, he'd give you anything you pleased, as long as you behaved. You want clothes? Here's his card. You want a pet? He'll take you too the shelter or he'll get the best pet of the breed that you want. He'll even hire someone too pick up after the animal, because his pretty baby shouldn't be cleaning cages, cat litter- especially picking up after a dog, it just doesn't sit right with him, ya know? Manila!Mikey though, just like Bonten!Mikey, as long as you behave, you'll have little to no problems with him. I picture that it could even be the cutest, too be in his apartment, in Manila, as you guys sit on the couch and watch movies with a little kitty running around or him petting a puppy as you lay cuddled on his chest, eating Dorayaki, that he had you make him.
this is like I thirst but Iβm thinking of Manila Mikey and kanto Mikey with a darlin whoβs a virgin and is really scared of losing their virginity Ik how kanto Mikey is tbh he might not give a damn if ur scared or not but I also wonder how Manila would handle itπ€π€π€
love youuu
You're pretty spot on when it comes to Kanto!Mikey, he doesn't really care that you're scared, because he's sure that you'll get over that fear quite quickly when he has his fingers deep in your cunt, or when he starts fucking you and your brain stops working because of it. With Manila!Mikey though, he also won't really care. Sure, if you're persistent to the point of you pushing him away because you're scared, he'll ease you into it, but mostly because he's annoyed. Now, if you're being good for him, just the sweetest little thing, he'll be soft with you, letting you take a couple deep breaths as he pushes in a bit, letting you grab at him as he fucks into you, barley being able too breathe as you swear on everything that you love, that you can feel him in your stomach. But, if he's in a good mood when he decides he wants too take it, your virginity, he'll let you set the pace, that is until he gets bored and he takes over, but hey!!! At least he let you have some sort of control, even if it's only for a moment.
(love you 2 bby~)