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Twelve Marching Drums. And seasons greetings to all!
Please take care of yourselves this upcoming season!!!
for ftm marching band kids:
please please PLEASE. DO NOT WEAR YOUR BINDER DURING PRACTICE. DO NOT BIND DURING PRACTICE. THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! binders are NOT meant to be worn while exercising. this can damage your ribs and chest! as most band kids will tell you there is NO TIME TO CHANGE DURING PRACTICES. DO NOT WEAR YOUR BINDERS TO PRACTICE. this causes so many problems for your health. even if you think you can be an acception because you have a lighter instrument or you’re in pit, DONT DO IT. during band camp you are outside for HOURS without any breaks or time to go inside (in most cases anyways and if you go inside it’s for a short period of time for dinner or something). the heat outside (because it’s summer) can make it hard to breathe in your binder. this happened to one of my friends please don’t subject yourself to this.