Maribel Madrigal - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

But this is so cute and probably true!!

~ YES SO Ta Pepa Being An Emotional Ta With Baby Mirabel

~ YES SO… Tía Pepa being an emotional Tía with baby Mirabel

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3 years ago

So Encanto, huh? It was amazing! Buuuut I have a small…theory.


So we know Isa’s prophecy was that she would life she wishes would one day, correct?

And Dolores was that she would never be able to have the man of her dreams.

Neither ended up happening UNTIL Maribel, making Bruno’s prophecies true and false in that order.

He saw Maribel’s future as a teen when she was only 5. What happens if he did see their future, but since Maribel’s own was so clouded, so was theirs.

Isabella and Dolores’ prophecies were directly tied to Maribel’s choices. That’s why they we not accurate like the fish, gut, and hair.

Plus they had theirs first. He wouldn’t have known they were incomplete or incorrect before hers.

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3 years ago

Being Camilo’s Twin Would Include…

A/N : I can’t think of anymore right now so here’s what I got. My friends did help me with some stuff. Reader is GN.

Being Camilos Twin Would Include

first of all, you’re gift would be duplication AKA cloning

second of all, ever since you got your gift Camilo’s never been able to know which you is you

it frustrates him to no end and you love it

you were born before him so you call him Hermanito

you also call him ‘Milo, Cami, Tramposo (trickster), Mi Hermano (my brother), Calaca (skeleton), Lobo (wolf, implies sly person)

your personalities are rather similar

you both love teasing each other relentlessly

your gift ceremony was on the same day each of you getting a door right next to each other

your door had you in the middle with multiple other yous surrounding the background

you look really similar to each other and everyone confused you too (especially if Camilo shifts into you)

he’s a drama king, so are you. it’s inevitable

making duplicates of yourself to distract everyone so you can get seconds at breakfast

Camilo shifted into you once to try and get you in trouble at breakfast once so you made duplicates of yourself and when they disappeared back to you, you hit Camilo on top of the head

“Ay, I’m not a clone.”

“I know.”

like your sister, Delores, you know way too much for your own good

your duplicates are a part of you so once they return you know what they know

your struggles are feeling like you have to be everywhere at once and having to be there to help everyone

and it’s draining to make so many duplicates of yourself as well

you have many jobs of just helping the townspeople with whatever they need and extra set of hands for

you mostly watch after children like Camilo, you play hopscotch, jump rope, double dutch, etc.

you love your family to death and would do anything for them

when you were five you and Camilo snuck down to the kitchen to get some arepas and found Bruno who (in your five year old minds) looked like he was 7 feet tall with rats along his back

you love dancing

your eccentric like Camilo

you both help each other the most out of the family

you both swear up and down with your family that you guys have an extra gift and that’s it’s twin powers

your family denies it all the time and repeatedly tell you twin powers don’t exist

Antonio believes you both though

Being Camilos Twin Would Include

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Bruno : You know those things will kill you, right?

Y/n , pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.

Camilo, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.

Mirabel: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*

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3 years ago

After watching Encanto, (by the way it's a REALLY good movie) I see how it's a catharsis for many Latino families and people. I would also like to add my two cents in as a South Indian. I don't really understand the interfamily trauma that divides. Like for most Indians or Desis, some people try to fix the trauma that they face and try and fix it for their kids, but the stigmas that the older generations had felt make the elders force the younger ones to repress it. So I see Encanto as the pressure that the family is placed under, simply because of "What others would think." We see Alma try and maintain the one image of a perfect gifted family, even when everything is crumbling (quite literally even). The way that Mirabel tries to make everyone see it way very jarring for me because I felt like someone else could understand it. Alma needed to show that everyone is strong and happy, even at the expense of their mental health and inter family relations. Mirabel needed to show her family they don't have to be confined to the role that the village and her family set on them.

When the whole village comes together despite seeing their humanness, I was really emotional. This hit home for me.

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