magic-miraculous - Who even knows what I'm doing anymore?
Who even knows what I'm doing anymore?

Sarah, 22, she/her ✨ Just a humble fic writer who wants to make her way in this crazy little world ✨ Not really spoiler-free for anything (but spoilers will be tagged!)

550 posts

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter FiveFire

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Five “Fire”


Usually, it took Marinette about five minutes to get back to her dorm from most of the main buildings on campus. Damian was a fast walker, so they got there in closer to three. But it only took about a minute of walking before sirens started ringing through the night air, and another thirty seconds to realize they were coming from outside Marinette’s dorm building.

“What’s going on?” she asked Damian, wondering if he had any ideas.

“Not sure. Hopefully it’s just a false alarm and nobody is hurt.” He made a mental note to contact his father later if the alarm was serious and let him know what happened. “I guess we’ll just wait here until someone gives out more information.”

The two stood on the pathway near the building, surrounded by other students who had been in the building at the time the alarm went off. They were all in various states of dress and distress. Both of them pitied the few kids with soaking wet hair who had to go outside mid-shower.

“Okay. How about we play a game?”

Damian gave her a look. “Depends. What kind of game?”

“Um… what about twenty-one questions? You ask each other questions and the other has to answer truthfully or they have to do something else instead, usually something embarrassing.”

“So, it’s truth or dare, but you automatically start with truth.”

“I guess so?”

“Fine. Should I start, or would you like to?”

Marinette paused for a moment, then responded, “I’ll start. And to be nice, I’ll give you an easy question. What’s your favorite color?”

“Red,” Damian replied. “What about yours?”

“Pink, if you couldn’t tell from the everything about me,” she joked, pointing to her shirt. “Okay, what is one thing you own that you cannot live without?”

Damian wasn’t sure what to say. He obviously couldn’t respond with a weapon, but if he didn’t say anything for such a simple question, he would sound suspicious. “Probably my computer, I presume.”

“That makes sense.” “Yes, I guess it does,” he responded, internally sighing with relief. “Why did you come to Gotham University instead of going to one in Paris?”

“Well, I guess I just needed a change in scenery. In Paris, I would have lived at home and commuted to school each day, and also by coming here I am closer to a good friend in New York, whose mother offered me a job for when I graduate. It just made the most sense.”

“May I ask what kind of job you were offered?”

“Not yet. I get to ask another question first, but I’ll answer that one after you answer mine. What’s your biggest pet peeve?”

“Probably my brothers. Or when idiotic villains terrorize the city. That might be a bit vague, but I can’t think of a better way to put it.”

“No, I understand. I feel the same way about Paris.”

“Paris? How do you mean?”

“With the akumas and all of that from the past few years. The villains have all been defeated, though, so it isn’t an issue anymore, but it was a nuisance.”

Damian made yet another mental note to discuss the previous situation in Paris to his father. Before he could ask more, a man’s voice called out from closer to the building.

“Can I have everyone’s attention, please? Hey!” All chatter stopped. “Thank you. So, someone burned some popcorn, which caused the alarm to go off and the fire department to come all this way to deal with the issue. We’ve talked about this, kids! Please be more careful when making things in the microwave? Do you want to be forced to go to a training seminar or something?”

A smattering of “no’s” and general groans came from the group stuck outside, and the man speaking nodded.

“I didn’t think so. This is your final warning! Have a nice night,” the man ended before walking away from the group to talk to the firefighters again.

“I guess we can go inside now,” Marinette said. “You still up for watching a movie?”

Damian nodded. “It’s still relatively early, and I only live in the building next door after all. All I ask is that we don’t make any popcorn.”



The popcorn fire thing may or may not be based on something that recently happened where I’m living. The world may never know.

All chapters are also up on Ao3!


@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 @royalchaoticfangirl @goblinwhoships @beaversuenightly (comment/send me an ask if you want to be added! Also, please feel free to lmk if the notifications aren’t working and I’ll my best to fix it!)

COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 6 “Tree”

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More Posts from Magic-miraculous

5 years ago

Idea update:

I created a new blog for the Maribat Monday prompt idea!

It's @maribat-mondays and the first prompts are up!

Can't wait to see what everyone writes! ❤️

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5 years ago

Okay so I'm reblogging this specifically bc I want to work one of these movies into my Daminette December story (for a later chapter, not telling which one 😉) and I need opinions


Okay so I have some au ideas

So with the release of Disney+, I have been able to watch a bunch of old DCOMs I absolutely LOVED as a kid

And I have become INSPIRED

I’ve got some DCOM-related Aus in the works (I wouldn’t write the whole thing as a fic, just write out the plot, but anyone would totally be able to use them as long as they tagged me so I can see!)

Which would people want to see first?

(Note: certain ones fit certain ships, so you can ask me if you’re curious about a specific one)

Teen Beach Movie au

Let it Shine au

How to Build a Better Boy au

Avalon High au

Read it and Weep au

Princess Protection Program au

Geek Charming au

Starstruck au

Stuck in the Suburbs au

Radio Rebel au

(if you couldn’t tell, I love DCOMs and will probably write all of these, but idk where I should start so help would be greatly appreciated ❤️)


(^thats gonna be me later after writing but it’s totally worth it lol 😂)

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5 years ago

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Four “Gaming”


Just as he promised, Damian was right on time. He had changed into more casual clothes, just jeans, a dark t-shirt and black sneakers. Marinette had changed too, into black leggings and a striped pink t-shirt with white sneakers. Both of them realized they’d never seen the other in such casual wear, but neither said anything about it out loud.

The two walked over to the building where the club meeting was being held, and even when they were down the hall they could hear yelling and background music-- wait, was that an Ariana Grande song?

It turned out that the club was playing Just Dance 2019 that night, and Damian wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He was a proven champ at Dance Dance Revolution, but Just Dance? That was a bit different. It was on the xbox, so it just charted movements through a sometimes-faulty sensor as opposed to hitting the squares on the floor. Still, he was sure he’d excel as he always did. Marinette, too, was excited and prepped to dance.

“Ooh, this is awesome! I haven’t played Just Dance in a while, and it was the old version on the Wii. Do you want to do a team dance or competition?” she asked, looking at Damian expectantly.

“Why not start with some friendly competition?” he offered. “Fair warning, I’m quite a good dancer.”

“Good for you. So am I.”

“Miss I-trip-over-thin-air can dance? I’d like to see that.”

“Oh, you will, mister I-trip-on-the-sidewalk,” Marinette told him, attempting to look intimidating. It didn’t work on Damian.

“I don’t doubt that,” he replied before walking through the crowd to get in line for the next round.

“Alright, congrats to Bridgette for winning the last round! Who’s up for the next challenge?” A boy with a bright red microphone said over the chatter and hold music from the game console.

Marinette raised her hand to get his attention. “My friend and I want to play!” she told him.

“Fantastic! What’s your name?”

“I’m Marinette, and this is Damian.”

“Welcome to Gaming Club, Marinette and Damian! Are you ready to dance?” The two nodded. “Cool! Do you want to choose a song, or do you want to take a risk and make it randomized?”

Marinette and Damian shared a look, and Marinette responded, “Randomized.”

“Alright, alright! Random it is!” The boy said, and a minute later the song was prepped and the duo was ready to dance.

An avatar that looked eerily similar to The Riddler popped up on the screen and the first few notes of “I’m Still Standing” (the version by TopCulture, not the original Elton John tune, the pair noted) filled the room. Both of them were able to catch on fast, as they both knew the original version of the song well, but the moves were not typical dance moves. There was a lot of arm flailing and jumping around, and on more than one occasion Marinette almost whacked Damian in the face, or Damian almost tripped Marinette during a kicking move (which he later swore was completely unintentional. He would never dare ruin the sanctity of dancing games by cheating to win).

In the end, Damian technically won by a few points, but the crowd loved Marinette’s energy and personal flair. They agreed to consider it a tie of sorts for that reason.

“Wow, that was really fun! We should do another one!”

Damian looked at the line by the side of the room, which had grown substantially longer in the time they were dancing. “Maybe, but the line is so long and it’s a bit stuffy in here.”

“Yeah, it is, isn’t it? I haven’t danced like that in a while…” she sighed. “Wow, I’m out of breath.” It was these moments that she wished she still had the extra endurance the Ladybug miraculous had granted her. “Maybe we can go back to my dorm and hang out? I mean, if you want to, that is. I don’t want to force you to talk to me or hang out with me or anything, that would be rude--”

“That sounds nice, Marinette.” Damian cut her off, but he knew she would probably continue to ramble once they left the room. Best to give both of them a short reprieve from that.

There was a chill in the night air as the two left the building. Neither of them had realized how much time had passed until the saw the moon and some dim stars appearing in the sky.

“If it’s too late for you, we can hang out another time. I don’t know if you have a nightly routine or anything. I don’t-- Allegra does, but she’s home for the weekend so we don’t have to worry about her. I mean, we don’t have to worry about interrupting her sleep, not that we’d have to worry about her for any other reason, because we’d just be hanging out-- wow, how many times have I said ‘hang out’ in the last two minutes?”

“At least four,” Damian replied. “And no, I don’t have a nightly routine. My brother thinks I should, but it’s too tedious for me.” Dick was always telling him about how great a nightly routine was as he went on a tangent about his favorite creams and eye masks and lotions and those jade roller things people were obsessed with, but it was so much work. Sure, Damian obviously took care of himself, but he didn’t need to spend upwards of an hour in the bathroom two times a day for that.

“Oh, okay. You have three brothers, right?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“I always wanted siblings, but given how much people always say they hate theirs, maybe it’s a good thing I don’t have any.”

“They can be good sometimes. You can never tell anyone I said that, though,” he added.

Marinette held out her pinky. “I promise.”

Damian reluctantly held out his pinky as well. If his brothers ever found out he did that, they’d torture him relentlessly.

“So, what do you want to do? We can watch a movie, or play Ultimate Mecha Strike, or just talk,” Marinette offered.

“You choose.”


“Sounds great.”


Daminette is the most competitive couple. That’s it. Send tweet.

All chapters are also up on Ao3!


@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 (comment/send me an ask if you want to be added! Also, please feel free to lmk if the notifications aren’t working and I’ll my best to fix it!)

COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 5 “Fire”

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5 years ago

I'm going to be on a plane for four hours tomorrow and in the airport for another two or so, so send me one or two of the prompts below (as an ask or comment or whatever) and a pairing (Maribat or regular Miraculous) and I'll tell you what I would do for that story if I was going to write it (and maybe I'll write a few one-shots!)

And yes there's a lot but that's for ~variety~


Plot holes

Spy AU








Musical AU









Run away

Something's gotta give


Alpha and Omega




Only You


Moral compass




Take a break

So much better

Side effects





Fairy tales


Mischief managed

What goes around

Addition and subtraction



Pokemon AU

Casino night







Off the rails




Something unexpected


Queen of hearts

Lock and key


Hello and Goodbye

A suggestion of your own!

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5 years ago

Bruce Wayne if any of his kids makes fun of him in any way, ever

magic-miraculous - Who even knows what I'm doing anymore?

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