superdumbfan - Just a Really Dumb Super Fan
Just a Really Dumb Super Fan

he/they genderfluid pan/bi I make a lot of art especially fan art. As of now, I'm making an analog/digital horror ARG called Fostering Kids!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~

95 posts

Superdumbfan - Just A Really Dumb Super Fan - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

I got a whiter yarn. so I fixed up this hood, his pants, and his eye. His base is from an off white so that his clothes stick out better. Also I need to make him a white undershirt, but I want to finish the second sans doll before that.

I Got A Whiter Yarn. So I Fixed Up This Hood, His Pants, And His Eye. His Base Is From An Off White So
I Got A Whiter Yarn. So I Fixed Up This Hood, His Pants, And His Eye. His Base Is From An Off White So
I Got A Whiter Yarn. So I Fixed Up This Hood, His Pants, And His Eye. His Base Is From An Off White So

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1 year ago

So I'm big time into undertale right.

And I kept seeing this book pop-up. It was a undertale gore 'zine. And you know what they say curiosity killed the cat. Well, that bitch is definitely dead. So I read it out of curiosity.

First of all, I thought it was gonna be a horror project. I'm a huge fan of horror.

It wasn't a horror project.

Second of all, I read 2 of the stories. Coincidentally, both of them were about cannibalism. And now I don't think I'll ever be the same.

I literally read them before going to bed. And now I can't sleep.

And I kind of want to write a fan fiction based on one of the stories just to give it a happier ending.

I honestly don't know what to do with myself right now. I really thought it was just gonna be a silly goofy horror project. ITVWASNT!! 😭😭😭

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1 year ago

Help, I've been inside for days and I can't leave the house. I'm slowly going insane.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Doll patterns

A playlist for those who also want to make the sans doll. The jacket had no pattern, It was something I made. So, eventually, I'll figure out how to write an instructional pattern for it and put it up here.

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1 year ago
He's Just Been Staring At The Snow. I Think It Reminds Him Of Home.

He's just been staring at the snow. I think it reminds him of home.

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1 year ago

I'm snowdin right now. Heh, get it. But as soon as I can. Go to the store and buying more materials to make more crochet dolls. So far I have a plan for fell, Swap, And error. But I'm also planning on making nightmare, horror, dust, killer, ect. And I know there's gonna be a few characters that will be on the more difficult side. Dream, for example, his outfit will be a bit hard.

Also I want to make Papyrus (maybe multiple) But I need to figure out how to make the doll taller. Because if I'm gonna make a Papyrus he has to be taller than Sans.

Also once I'm done with the crochet, I also want to make rag dolls. I've already made one rag doll before. And I'd love to make like several. also of aus.

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1 year ago

Call me Error because I just crocheted my own Sans doll. And i'm planning on making me more.

Call Me Error Because I Just Crocheted My Own Sans Doll. And I'm Planning On Making Me More.
Call Me Error Because I Just Crocheted My Own Sans Doll. And I'm Planning On Making Me More.

I added a bow to his pants. Happy birthday, little guy.

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1 year ago

Never done one of these. Don't know if I'm doing it right.

My favorite colour is green.

My initials are BC, and my history teacher once yelled at me because she thought I was writing down the time period and not my initials.

My stepsister once tricked me into eating bubble bath stuff. She told me it was pop rocks, and I thought it was because it bubbled in my mouth.

if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !

I was born with an extra set of ribs :D

Green is my favourite colour


I have a very unhealthy obsession with dragons (which somehow didn’t bleed into this blog )

@very-evil-bubbles @smelgor @the-ghost-of-a-spirit @thejokig23 @chasmwilt @inwayovermyhead and @ anyone else who wants to join in! (You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to!)

1 year ago

I made an Island of the Slaughtered Fic
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

AU by @eavee-ry

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1 year ago
Prototype Design Of T-shirts. Merch Design.

Prototype design of t-shirts. Merch design.

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1 year ago
"Fostering Kids" show title poster


I made an in-universe blog of my ARG.

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1 year ago

Why is it that people can like beauty and the beast but the second I think that error and blue make a cute couple I'm the one who's mentally unwell! At least they're both skeletons and not ones a furry and ones a human!!! Plus unpopular opinion but the beast is ugly in both forms, the human form especially!

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1 year ago

I've been up for hours. I have always had the sensory issues but it wasn't until I got out of my dad's abusive house that they really hit me and now I'm up right now literally coughing up loogies that are pink from blood and fighting the urge to literally claw my skin off. It sounds like some edgy thing some kid would have put here on Tumblr in 2008. I hate everything I want to die it sucks so fucking bad. I clean and clean and clean off my bed before laying on it I make my bed I make sure everything is to a tee. And no matter how many fucking time to do with the bed still has something on it it could be as clean as marble and it's still feels like I'm laying in the fucking desert. Always starts off feeling like I'm laying on Sand then it gets itchy to the point that it's unbearable and I just want to claw my skin off and it hurts it stops being itchy and just straight up hurts. I am so tired and I'm just crying Non-Stop and I can't even stop myself from crying and it sucks. I'm tired I'm always you never feeling comfortable in my own skin in a literal way not metaphorical not oh I look in the mirror and I'm ugly literally feeling uncomfortable in my skin I want to be skin I would pay for someone to find a way to live without skin. This is literal agony and it's always hits me when I'm vulnerable. It never hits me in the middle of the day when I'm just chilling relaxing it's always when I'm trying to go to sleep or do something important it's always in the middle of a test or some other bull like that. It's always there I don't know what I did I'm not a good person I know I haven't taken it. And no matter how much I look stuff up we can't find any way to fix this I don't have money to buy a weighted blanket. And my next therapy appointment in this until Wednesday. Sometimes I think if I didn't make a promise that I made my mom I probably be dead. I just said melatonin and I'm hoping that I've been to just get worn out from crying and fall asleep. But it sucks that I even have to do that I want to be a normal person so waiting to sit on my bed and go to sleep. No crying no tantrum no painful itching sensation no need to literally sit as still as possible just hope that it can fall asleep without literally crying so hard that I can't speak anymore.

I just want to be "normal" person i feel bad I don't want to be neurodivergent. I want to be able to do things normally without my brain trying to punish me. This is like living hell. And it's so much worse cuz I never never the problem when I'm like distracted throughout the day I sit on the same bed all day and watch TV and do other things I work on my bed because it's the only thing I have and there's no problem the second that I actually got to go to sleep it's like oh no now your bed is made out of needles and sand and bugs. If I didn't promise my mom I wouldn't kill myself I probably do that right now. I hate everything I hate this I'm going to sleep so badly I'm literally writing this while crying and so tired that I could fall asleep but my body won't let me I'm so so tired this isn't fair.

Please please please please please please if anyone knows anything that can help please tell me I am literally having panic attacks and I can't do this. I am on the verge of just scratching all my skin off Jesus Christ and I don't even know why my brain would act like this why am I so faulty that my brain actively makes my life worse what is the possible reason that my brain would act like this

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1 year ago
If You're Seeing This Please Repost Or Share It With Someone Who Can Help. I Have Been Trying To Get
If You're Seeing This Please Repost Or Share It With Someone Who Can Help. I Have Been Trying To Get

If you're seeing this please repost or share it with someone who can help. I have been trying to get the attention of @staff and @support for a bit now about ads and reporting ads. See if they can make a system where you can report ads or at least have people monitor the first before being published on the platform. As you can see from above, both of these pictures being taken on to separate days months between, there have been companies who are running very ableistic ads. Ads targeted against autistic people. As someone who is nerodivergent this both concerns me and pisses me off. I don't know how to get the attention of any moderator or staff that can help with this problem I'm trying to get it to as many people as I can so that I can somehow find a way to fix this. Cuz if I see one more of these ads I might just go crazy. Well crazier than people already think I am, you know not being neurotypically. It makes me really mad cuz this website is known for being diverse but then host ads like this. Maybe I was a crazy one for thinking that a big app like this would actually be better than something like Twitter but who knows. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go see if the team that belongs to Tumblr gives any money to autism speaks.

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1 year ago
@staff @support This Is The Second Time I'm Going To Ask Please Put Up Some Kind Of Moderation Filter

@staff @support this is the second time I'm going to ask please put up some kind of moderation filter report system I don't know and I do not care I do not want to see this anymore. I come off here to get away from stuff like this. There should at least be a feature to block ads like this. Do you know how harmful and detrimental this is? I'd love to see if you have staff who are autistic because I'm baffled why they even work with you. I'm actually curious now where your funds go to cuz I swear to God if I find out that they go to autism speaks I'm going to blow my brains out!! I am so sick and tired of hearing this from literally everyone and I come on here to relax and this is what I'm greeted with literally first thing on my homepage! And I on purpose do not interact with them I don't click on the ads I scroll past them hoping that that will give a signal to whoever is posting these ads that I am not interested but they keep popping up. Please for the love of God can someone do something about this!!!

@staff can I get some reporting system on ads. Or some kind of system to show that they add should probably be looked over more than once before being put on the platform. Because as someone who's nerodivergent if I see one more ad about how so-and-so causes some kind of mental impairment I'm going to kill someone. Me taking a vaccine as a kid did not make me autistic, Becky.

It's even weirder because this entire app/platform is known for being diverse and not discriminatory. I'm starting to think that that is not true. And I don't that this went through any kind of staff regulation cuz they wouldn't be putting on here if it was. Or at least do the same thing that Google does and use targeted ads so I don't have to see this. Whatever like two biggots on Tumblr can see it then.

Please please I am begging you. I get to hear enough of it from places like autism speaks and Peta of all people.

@staff Can I Get Some Reporting System On Ads. Or Some Kind Of System To Show That They Add Should Probably

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1 year ago

So getting that computer is taking way longer than I expected.

Look I'm trying okay I sent in my resume a little while ago and for some reason they're taking super long to get me in and I can't buy any computer if I don't got money. I really do want to continue with my series! I'm just having a little bit of a rough time!! And I can't put out any teaser or promotional right now because I can't make it cuz I have no computer!!!!!!

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1 year ago

So there's always been a debate about Chihiro and their gender identity.

A couple of years back there is a debate on whether Chihiro was supposed to be a trans woman or not. One of the biggest thing going against this theory was that they did not want to identify as a woman. It seemed that they dressed up and identified as a woman to save face. But let me introduce you into a theory I thought of, what if Chihiro was a trans man.

Think about it, they were born looking very feminine and they were always teased and ridiculed for being feminine. They dressed up feminine not because they identified with it but it's because what other people were pressuring them into. And they were never taken seriously as a man.

So the theory is that Chihiro is a trans man who is very deep in the closet. He always felt like he was a guy but because of the society around him he decided to dress more feminine to keep himself safe from bullying. Once his secret was going to be revealed he went to Mondo for help. The rest plays out as it is in both the game and show.

I don't know if I'm explaining it well but basically instead of being a trans woman he's a trans man he's basically very much in denial until his secret gets revealed. Which kind of makes it more tragic cuz once he is more comfortable in his own skin he dies.

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1 year ago

Two: mention of harming ones self (not major tho I'm fine)

So went to my therapist. Well more like medicine provider but I forgot the technical term for that. And I was talking about sleep meds cuz I've had to be on sleep meds and melatonin because I have really bad sensory issues. Like meltdown and sometimes even hurting myself kind of bad. So I talked to my therapist this time and she said that I might have OCD, but I'm kind of confused cuz I also had doctors labeled me with ADHD and autism. I honestly don't know what the problem is but I just got on OCD medicine see if that helps. I would love to get a psych eval, but the closest center that does a psychopath is two cities away. It'd be an 8-hour drive going there and back and it's a major city so hotel cost and stuff like that would probably bankrupt me. My mom says that she's going to try and take me as soon as possible but we just got a new car and she's afraid that I might break down during the trip. I honestly don't know what to do I love to have some kind of diagnosis so I know what to do. I want to be able to just live like a neurotypical person. I want to be able to do things like sit on my bed or wear leggings without literally wanting to rip off my skin. I've talked to my brother about this and he said that he could believe if I was autistic because of how I acted as a kid. Again I honestly don't know what I am I just want to know I want to find it out so I can fix it as soon as possible. Cuz not only is it exhausting but it is breaking me I need help bad. Oh the joy of being poor in a capitalist society so I can't fix my own fucking problems.

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1 year ago

@staff can I get some reporting system on ads. Or some kind of system to show that they add should probably be looked over more than once before being put on the platform. Because as someone who's nerodivergent if I see one more ad about how so-and-so causes some kind of mental impairment I'm going to kill someone. Me taking a vaccine as a kid did not make me autistic, Becky.

It's even weirder because this entire app/platform is known for being diverse and not discriminatory. I'm starting to think that that is not true. And I don't that this went through any kind of staff regulation cuz they wouldn't be putting on here if it was. Or at least do the same thing that Google does and use targeted ads so I don't have to see this. Whatever like two biggots on Tumblr can see it then.

Please please I am begging you. I get to hear enough of it from places like autism speaks and Peta of all people.

@staff Can I Get Some Reporting System On Ads. Or Some Kind Of System To Show That They Add Should Probably
1 year ago

Despite the fact that I have not finish production on the first episode, the series might have to go on a very short hiatus.

The thing about this is that to create this series I was using a laptop given to me by my school. The thing is though I'm graduating on the 12th so I had to turn it in today. Now I have no computer to work on this project. So when it comes to art related to this project and the actual production of this project it will have to go on hiatus for a very short while.

Summer job lined up in place for me. So if everything goes smoothly hopefully you'll only take 2 weeks to get my check, buy a new computer, and continue production on this series. Though life can be unpredictable so I don't really know.

But just because I don't have a computer does not mean I'm not going to continue to work on this project. It just means for a while I'll have to work with notebooks instead of Google docs and I'll have to be using pen and paper instead of digital art. I don't know if any of this will be uploaded unless it's something really big I want to share. Mainly will be concept art for later on episodes since I've already got episode 1 through 3's scripts are already written out and I'm halfway through production of the first episode.

I don't know if I have a lot of fans of the series like at all but I want to apologize to those who are interested that I had to take a hiatus before I could even get the first official episode. Again hopefully this will be very short and just be a minor little bump in the production.

Thank you very much for your understanding. When production is started again I'll be more than happy to update those who are interested.

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1 year ago

I like this idea I really do and I understand how culturally it's kind of insensitive but mine being questioned is when they go through the living doll aspect what kind of doll would he be. Can you say the daughter of Annabelle would they take reference from the actual Annabelle who is a felt doll raggedy Ann or would they go off the movie counterpart which is a porcelain doll. I have felt and porcelain dolls I have a raggedy Andy and like 20 porcelain dolls to them being clowns and I'd love to see designs in both aspects because they both be cool.

We're talking about the felt doll one I like the idea because all of the other dolls or characters that you associate with the series they are more sturdy feeling. They're made of plastic or if we're just talking about animation wise they have similar anatomy to humans when it comes to how they move they've bend just like general articulation I would love to see him be felt and it gives him like a rubber hose animation style where he's able to do more exaggerated movements.

On the other hand I love to see a porcelain version because a lot of porcelain doll concepts are girls because that's a lot of personal dolls are. Horror movie that kind of banged off Annabelle I can't remember the name I think it was called like the boy or him but you know what what I'm talking about the one where the kids living in the wall and using a doll to communicate. The doll in that movie is more American girl ask it's not really porcelain it's not shiny it doesn't have that same fragile component it's plastic you don't see a lot of male characters that are designed around porcelain. Plus I'd like to see how they deal with him being porcelain cuz just like how in his original design him being felt you see all these stitches he has pins in him it gives more to the idea that he is made of felt you can even see stuffing at times. Maybe he would have cracks that are like filled in or maybe he has like some parts are made of actual porcelain doll parts and then other are like made of other porcelain items like tea wear and other stuff. Or I forgot the name of the practice but there's this I think Chinese practice where they use gold to fix cracks in porcelain and I think that would be such a cool design concept. Also don't call me about it being Chinese it could be completely different culture and I'm just like stupid I'm literally just rambling off if I had to actually like design this which I'm so invested in the concept I might just design these, I do actual research into these topics right now I'm just kind of spreading knowledge I very barely remember off my head. I just remember the concept being brought up in a similar kind of porcelain character debate but instead of it being like a porcelain actual character it was talking about how if trans people can make their scars golden like how when they fix this porcelain.

And if I said something wrong please someone tell me because I don't hurt anyone's feelings. But I feel like if he was redone it would be cool if he was the son of Annabelle so you still get a doll without the negative connotation. Cuz I can't really think of any other huge dull reference that isn't going to be somehow culturally offensive.

Plus finally last thing I'm going to say is that if you go with the porcelain root and use that gold technique I was talking about you can sprinkle that culture into his character. A lot of Gen 3 is very culturally diverse and I think it'd be cool to see him being given this culture through the idea of his scars being killed with gold. Plus imagine the doll I don't know how well they do it but imagine like the joints and like all down his body this little gold lines everywhere that's really shiny and sparkly. But knowing how dog companies are most of the time it probably either flake off or be all over your hands the second touch the doll.

Again I'm speaking out of my ass if I said anything wrong or I'm just stupid please call me out girl I'm not going to learn if someone doesn't tell me. Please I am a people pleaser and I feel awful if I'd say something bad lol

I need g3 to redo Hoodude but make him not Hoodude. New character with Hoodude's personality and general idea of being like some sort of living doll thing, but without the voodoo doll references and appropriation of a closed practice. Hoodude was soo cute and good. Except for the voodoo part.

1 year ago

First of all what streaming websites has the new monster high. Second of all I've been looking at a lot of post of Hoodude Voodoo and I don't know why the entire time I've just been repeatedly thinking about how I head canon them as either non-binary or Demi boy. And third of all where do I buy his/their doll because I need to have it on my shelf like right now it will be sitting right next to my only other doll since I moved out of my dad's house.

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1 year ago

Sneak peek at episode 1!!

Here are some of the main characters for the series, not all but some.

Brian Mac
Darius Collins
Sasha Stepanov

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