Marvel Endgame - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Marvel, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Steve Rodgers and James Buchanon Barns; inseperable best friends for their entire lives.
Also marvel, in endgame: YEET!
So I was on the irondad tag on ao3, and o came across this fix that sounded really interesting--now bc I know that some disgusting people ship tony stark and a child, I was making sure that I carefully read the tags--so I almost clicked on this fic, before I (thankfully) read in the summary that it was st*rker. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SEEING A PEDOPHELIC RELATIONSHIP WHEN I JUST WANT A FATHER/SON FIC.
*Yes, I know that the spoiler-ban was lifted but just in case people haven't watched it yet*
So, Endgame was amazing, the best movie not only in the MCU but as well of all cinema, for me at least. However, there's something that won't leave me alone about this movie ever since I saw it.
Towards the end of the movie, we see Steve Rogers, wearing that awesome avengers time-travel suit, who is about to go back in time and put all the taken stones in place. We see him hold his shield but he, also, has Mjolnir with him.
All of us who saw the movie know that he stayed with Peggy and we saw him give the shield to Sam, as an old man, but what happened to Mjolnir? Did he give it back to Thor before giving the shield to Sam? Did he keep it for himself?
I know this shouldn't bother me much, but iT DOES. I guess we'll never find out.
Now that you heard my rambling here is a very cute gif of the beautiful Romanian god, Sebastian Stan:)