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1 year ago


get comfortable receiving! the art of accepting gifts & money without feeling guilty or indebted to men

A lot of women go 50/50 on first dates because “they don’t want to feel indebted to men” or they don’t want to feel guilty about it.

consider this:

men don’t feel guilty asking you for sex on the first date

men don’t feel ashamed asking you to go raw (and risking pregnancy/stds 🤡)

men are not tossing and turning at night thinking about how they lead you on

men don’t feel like they “owe” you a relationship or commitment after months of treating you like their girlfriend

and you’re telling me you feel indebted because of a 100$ restaurant bill ????

if there’s one thing women need to learn from men it’s audacity!

men have the audacity to ask and receive what they want without feeling guilty or over thinking it

 let men pay on every date because them paying for a meal means nothing really, 

that’s them paying for access to YOUR time, 

THEY invited YOU on a date, THEY are pursuing YOU, why should you pay to see them ???

if a man ever pulls the famous “you just wanted a free dinner” you can say that “actually the dinner was never free, you’re trying to get your payment for it just in another form”

which is true, the dinner would have been free if the man payed and went about his day but you can’t pay the dinner and ask for “my part” in the form of sex etc and call it a free dinner

you gotta learn to be savage when receiving from men, because men are savage when it comes to taking from women

also remember no matter how much money a man spends on you, he can always make more money

i don’t care if he put you through school, bought you a house and car, got you a stocks portfolio, a man can always make that money back

but you know what you can’t get back ? time, energy, soul ties

when you give a man your feminine energy, sex, intimacy, you’re granting him access to your soul, it takes months even years to get over a breakup and it’s hard to break a soul tie, when you sleep with a man your body releases hormones to bond with the man, making it harder to get over him

there’s a reason sex workers quit at the end and feel rotten on the inside, because they realize the price they’re getting for sex is cheap in exchange for what they give men, their freaking soul energy!

Speaking of material versus immaterial thing, Earl Nightingale said “Even if our home burns down we can rebuild it. But the things that we got for nothing, we can never replace.“

so never let a man dangle money over your head like it actually means something, accept gifts freely because at the end of the day feminine energy is sacred, it is the most expensive and sought after thing in the world, remember that.

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1 year ago


when women act like the mother in romantic relationships

the truth is women have some accountability when it comes to them not getting what they want from men

i’ve been so attentive to it lately, but sooo many women are treating men like delicate flowers and mothering them

here’s a few examples just from this month

i’m at starbucks and this woman walks in with her husband, she has a backpack on one shoulder, she’s carrying her small baby on the other shoulder, and using her right hand to push the baby’s stroller, you can tell she’s struggling, meanwhile her husband next to her is literally carrying nothing, doing nothing to help her, being generally useless, and this woman has the audacity to tell this grown man, “go sit and i’ll order for us”, not only does he obey he doesn’t care to even take off the load of the backpack, baby or the stroller !

talk about treating your husband like a child

another example i notice all the time since the city i live in is super touristic is this, almost always, in couples, of all ages young and old, i always see the women asking for directions, asking the bus driver where the destination of the bus is, asking for help translating stuff, these men sit behind letting mommy do all the work, and i literally have to compose myself because why is the woman doing all the work while the man is sitting behind like a spoiled princess waiting for his girlfriend to bring back the correct information on where to go

there are endless examples but the truth is, a lot of you don’t know how to separate romantic love from your mother instinct

as soon as you get involved with a man, you want to do everything for him, make his life easier, protect him from basic everyday responsabilites, and you think that’s showing love when that’s literally just what a mother would do with her child

stop taking the lead with everything, stop calling for the waiter, or asking to be moved to a better table, let the man handle it

stop trying to plan the itinerary, and pack the luggage, and make checklists to make sure you forgot nothing, let the man handle it “oh but i can’t trust my boyfriend to plan a trip because bla bla bla”, he will never learn if you don’t let him and 99% of the time he’s just faking being bad at things so you do them instead

stop telling men to go sit while you go order the thing, or browse the store or demand to speak to the manager, let HIM handle it

stop trying to prevent men from making mistakes and protecting them from their own stupidity and lack of initiative, let him get sick for eating the expired food, he’s a grown man he should know better to read a food label, let him get constipated because he doesn’t know how to balance his diet, let his favorite white shirt get red in the wash, he should learn about separating colors

men learn through action, and consequences, not when you continuously protect them from life

generally, just stop trying to baby-proof life for your man, that’s how he grows to resent you and simultaneously rely on you for everyday things, you get stuck with the role of the care taker and wonder where it all went wrong !

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9 months ago

if i see another "when he puts you in your feminine energy" bullshit on tiktok, i might burn my house down

what the hell is that. what do you mean feminine and masculine energy. why is you becoming more feminine just you wearing more makeup and being more submissive and saying you would be a housewife for him. i thought gen z was supposed to be the most feminist and enlightened generation. what the fuck are we yapping about.

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10 months ago


it's 5 years from now. you're at the new age gender clinic (it's the only one in town and they don't take insurance). the nurse stares at you for 10 minutes and then refuses to treat you because you're "too deep in your feminine/masculine energy". you are charged $500

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