Hypergamy - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
POV: You Married A Generous, Gentle, Provider Man
POV: You Married A Generous, Gentle, Provider Man

POV: You married a generous, gentle, provider man

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1 year ago

How to win this month…

Speaking life into yourself daily, no more judging yourself because you didn’t go for a run, or wake up at 5am. Choosing to love yourself unconditionally. Choosing to write those affirmations and stick them on the bathroom mirror, choosing to infuse your mind with loving, kindness, gratitude and all that yummy stuff on an hourly basis.

Focus on move the needle tasks. You want to write that book, loose 100 lbs, compete in the Olympics - whatever is your PRIMARY goal in life (and choose the primary one only), focus 100% on that task. Creating momentum around this one thing each and every day. Your primary goal should be your only focus. Secondary goals, are irrelevant. Nothing comes above your PRIMARY GOAL, and doing small little tasks each day to support this is how you make progress.

Organised days. As much as the feminine loves, flow, ease, loose unstructured days this truly does not bag you the life of your dreams. Break your day into 4 hour blocks, setting tasks in each block from when you wake up to the evening. This allows organised, focused, and productive days.

Using your resources wisely, if you’re still recovering financially from xmas, or on some kind of budget, ensure you spend wisely. Choosing health over aesthetic, choosing the Pilates membership over the designer trainers. The intolerance test over the sculpting facial. Investing in the inside before the outside is a priority. Making smarter financial decisions from a place of inner love.

Main character energy. Putting yourself first on a whole new level. No more thinking about the guy who you’re not even dating, no more putting mental energy into anything other than becoming your very best self. Period. If it’s taking mental energy from your purpose , from those move the need tasks, from your organised days, from spending wisely. RE-ALIGN, create space and re-centre and get back on the track. We're winning the race this year.

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9 months ago

beauty tips?

Beauty Tips.

.... new habits, current go-tos, recent additions.

Beauty Tips?
Beauty Tips?
Beauty Tips?

✿ gradual face tan and 1-2 drops carotene oil = 💋 from the sun

✿ sexy stomach = tightening transverse abdominus + stomach vacuums + gua sha.

✿ increasing my hip as well as my shoulder mobility for an attractive gait.

✿ eliminating sweat: AHA regularly, antiperspirant (at night!), and drinking sage tea.

✿ targeted weightlifting and protein heavy diet and protein shakes for hot curves!

✿ starting hot yoga = it's body weight training + cardio + meditation all in one!

✿ socks in the evenings after applying my heavy cream for silky smooth skin.

✿ golden jewelry on bronzed skin is an absolutely stunning combination, no silver.

✿ adorning my body ♡ stacked rings + bracelets + a delicate anklet on my right foot.

✿ lots of PA+++ sunscreen, citrus perfume, my summertime drinks and snacks.

✿ french on the nails and french on the toes is an absolute necessity!

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2 years ago
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It
Social Skills Are A MUST And As A High Value Woman Its Important To Know How To Adapt To Your Surroundings.It

Social skills are a MUST and as a High Value Woman it’s important to know how to adapt to your surroundings. It can be awkward when you’re occupying grander spaces, or engaging with high value people for the first time. But I promise, it’s not and shouldn’t be a daunting experience. This PowerPoint presentation 😂 is to help you build better connections and to encourage you to make the most of your time and interactions. As we integrate back in to society, let’s continue to go for GOLD ✨

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2 years ago

PSA 🚨 🚨🚨


After watching watching countless dateline episodes, scamumentaries, and having personal experiences on this-I see that men who can’t nor want to provide are the most depraved individuals you will encounter. If you make more money than a man, they will hate you no matter how much they pretend to like that you’re “independent”. Their ego literally cannot handle having a woman in a higher tax bracket. Not only will they seethe at this but they will also leech off you through your finances, love, and spirit. They will suck you dry and leave you miserable, broke, or worse… I don’t care how much you think you love them, it is not worth it in the end because a true man will WANT to provide for you no matter how much you have or make. As women it’s in our nature to be nurturing and for men it’s in their nature to provide. I’m not saying just date/marry for money but I’m saying survey their income before you take any serious steps with them. AFTER they prove to you that they are capable of taking of you then you can share your assets with them(maybe).

✨Don’t pay for anything

✨Don’t gift them anything

✨Don’t go out of your way for them

✨Don’t let them know how much you have or make

✨Don’t get married till you know they can supply

✨Don’t date a build-a-man

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5 months ago

The shadiest but best advice I can give a woman is Don't give men grace when it comes to not meeting your standards, the only time they willingly lower theirs is when they simply can't meet the standards of their type. I admire that about them and I respect it.

Maybe I'm just privileged and that's why I say this but good men exist, they're emotionally intelligent, financially responsible and even abundant, good looking and amiable.

They're out there, the icky redpill losers and chronically online cretins of the world are genuinely only online hiding away from life.

There are enough high quality men in the world for women to allow themselves to only entertain men who are good to them and are what they want.

The people trying to convince you otherwise have a vested interest in women keeping standards low because they are in a mating crisis and want women available to them.

Let princess treatment be the standard.

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5 months ago

Tips For Marrying Properly Part 1

Never be a stay at home girlfriend:

This is just wasting time you could spend leveling up, networking building a beautiful resume, learning new skills and generally creating yourself and your ideal lifestyle.

The online poster girl for being a sahgf went from being in a villa to a studio apartment.

All it is, is performing labour for a man with no personal tangible benefits.

The stay at home girlies think they're spoiled but I've seen corporate girls be provided for with more luxury and rest than the girls claiming to rest in their femininity.

It is not like being a housewife ( which is a comparatively better option than being a stay at home gf), it is not traditional and upon relationship breakdown the woman receives generally nothing but stress and wasted labour.

Staying home as a woman is no joke and requires so much preparation and effort to avoid getting screwed over.

Some have argued that receiving room and board justifies being a stay at home gf but even the exploited slaves on the plantations of my native country received room and board and if you date the right men while working you'd still be getting the princess treatment so claiming that a trip to bali or miami and a birkin justifies wasting your life as a bang-maid does not compute.

I understand that the girls are tired and burnt out and want to be cared for but it is a thankless job that seldom leads to marriage which is the actual goal.

The actual 'trophy wives' work while single and date to marry, then stay home for a year or two with their husband's new legacy before going right back to their goals.

I have so much respect for women who like homemaking and I hate to see them exploited while getting scammed into thinking they're the ones benefitting.

Please learn from the mistakes of others.

Bisous, LuxuryLegalPrincess

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5 months ago

Things Every Young Woman needs for Her Level Up.

A solid plan: No you can't harass tumblr blogs and ask them to plan your life for you and hold your hand through it, no you can't use social media as inspo (yes including pinterest) , no you don't need special journals or stationary. Get a google doc and open it up, make categories you want to see results in and get to work.

A good base : You have lovely healthy hair and nails which are shaped nicely, your body is healthy and toned with ''taken care of'' skin, Your face is lovely and skin is clear and glowing, you have good manners and treat strangers nicely. You eat a beauty enhancing diet that is personalized and it shows up on your general person.

A well-fed intellect: You read the classics and the contemporaries, you educate yourself on literature, you study hard not only in school but in life, you explore and learn new things and the only time you don't know what goes on in the world is when you simply don't want to.

Hobbies and interests that you can speak about with pride: You don't doomscroll. You embrace things that bring joy, you create and you spend your time in valuable ways. It could be ballet or archery, you could build computers or carve butter or translate manuscripts or you might be learning high Valyrian. Productive hobbies that feel good and you speak of them highly with no shame. You create more than you consume.

This is the Bare Minimum for a decent life and for anyone who wants to have more for themselves

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5 months ago

Level Up Harsh truth

The harshest truth about productivity and leveling up is that you do not have time to be chronically online.

Let’s start with a simple calculation. You have 24 hours in a day, for peak cognitive function 9 of those must pass away in your bed leaving behind 15 hours which are then split into usually 8 hours of full time school or work and 7 hours free.

That 7 hours is all a person has for everything else, leveling up, fitness, study ( self led or otherwise), child or pet care or care for sick family members or whoever, socializing and whatever else.

There simply is no time for scrolling heavily without intention and that’s why successful people and well adjusted people seldom are chronically online and chronically online people are seldom well adjusted and successful.

Doom scrolling, hate watching, fandom discourse, consuming other people’s lives and arguing with people online is absolutely not worth my time because my time is precious and limited and will be spent on things that matter.

The mute,block and not interested buttons are my best friends in online spaces and it cannot be any other way.

Your life and goals must be more important to you than internet strangers if you intend to win.

People you do not know and love do not get to waste your attention and time (achieving their own ends and goals in the process) at the expense of you.

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5 months ago

Overconsumption and hyper materialism will not save you or level you up

Do you know why stanley cups have millions of followers lining up to get them and why all the girlies are constantly lining up for the next pink item?

It’s the exact same reason ‘’that girl’’ finds on amazon sell out immediately.

Because these items promise them a feeling and state of being they don’t already have through marketing both intentionally and otherwise.

You’ll find that whatever ‘’aesthetic finds’’ you think you want aren’t really what you want.

What you want is what those items represent.

They are artifacts of being.

When you put the CEO of Target up a tax bracket to become ‘’that girl’’ what you really want is what you think she has.

Discipline,Good health with all the stereotypical markers of it, Good habits,Elegance, Financial stability and The ability to take your pick of everything and everyone.

You can’t buy the things you really want but you can develop them, and when you have them no one can take them away from you.

I’m not saying every purchase comes from having a void and a desire to own the qualities we observe in those that broadcast their ownership of these artifacts of being, but many of them are.

Buying everything in sight will not bring you closer to your goals and most of the people you admire started small and relied on improvisation and invention when they really felt like they absolutely needed a material item for their journey.

Spend your money on real investments: Education, Property, Stocks and High Quality Experiences

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3 years ago


Stop using the pandemic as an excuse for not developing yourself and your social skills! It’s important to devote time to studying hypergamy, dating, social climbing, and femininity. Although nothing can replace real life interactions, reading books on the topic can help prime you for when these interactions do occur. Devote yourself to daily reading, ladies. 


- Shanghai Girls: Uncensored & Unsentimental: How Formidable Chinese Women Use Their Feminity to Get Wealth and Power, By Lan Lan

- Ho Tactics, by G.L. Lambert

- The Geisha Secret, by Hanako

- How To Marry The Rich, by Ginie Sayles 


- Simply Irresistible, by Ellen T. White

- The Geisha Secret, by Hanako


- The Book of Courtesans, by Susan Griffin

- The Art of Seduction, by Robert Green

- The Seduction Mystique, by Ginie Sayles

- The Geisha Secret, by Hanako


- Meet the Rich, by Ginie Sayles

- The Old Money Book: How To Live Better While Spending Less, by Byron Tully

- Modern Etiquette Made Easy, by Myka Meier

- The Social Climbers Bible,  Dirk Wittenborn

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5 months ago

warm vanilla perfume. cinnamon chai tea, hot chocolate and lattes. pumpkin spice pecans. comfy sweaters. mary janes and tights. snickerdoodles and cinnamon buns. pastry inspired candles. reading near misty windows. orange leaves crunching. lips masks and hand creams. it’s finally autumn.

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