Masters - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago




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9 years ago
So I Asked On Twitter If Anyone Can Help Me Translate Something To Klingon, Not Expecting Any Serious
So I Asked On Twitter If Anyone Can Help Me Translate Something To Klingon, Not Expecting Any Serious

So I asked on Twitter if anyone can help me translate something to Klingon, not expecting any serious replies. Awesomeness ensued.

Klingon SJ Warrior’s profile says: “I teach Klingon, fly airplanes, and stay strong. I don’t have to be from the same planet as someone to behave honourably towards them.”

(See original tweet for accessible version)

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8 months ago

im doing it alone…doing it scared…but im doing it

Im Doing It Alonedoing It Scaredbut Im Doing It

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1 year ago
Bedroom In AtlantaAn Illustration Of A Large, Minimalist Guest Bedroom

Bedroom in Atlanta An illustration of a large, minimalist guest bedroom

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5 months ago

Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)

Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)
Mycelial Sanctuary (Sept 2024)

I recently finished my Master's in fine art and this is the outcome. About 6 months of research and experimentation on this piece alone. Each piece is inspired by small attributes from many different types of fungi. I will do Posts about each piece individually.

Lots more info on my Instagram if you're curious.

I've also updated my website finally.

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1 year ago

Atlanta Bedroom

Atlanta Bedroom

Large modern guest bedroom idea for the bedroom

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1 year ago

Fun Danny at a gala with Vlad

Vlad is on his way of his redemption arc and invited Danny at a gala that Vlad was invited on at Wayne Manor, and Danny thought splitting would be okay again.

So now Danny is here.... The Fun Danny and Fun Danny is not having fun cuz of the suit and all.

Where is the Hero Danny? He's floating around the Manor invisible just in case he sees a villain trying to mess things up cuz apparently, villains tend to attack.

Vlad said it's unnecessary since, you know, Vlad "Ex-creep dracula villain" Masters is here to protect if anything bad happens.

But anyways, Vlad didn't want to meet Bruce but had to come cuz Vlad's got a reputation to keep and Danny was curious about this and sees Brucie Wayne persona and reminded him a liiitttllee bit of Jack Fenton so Fun Danny came to relax a bit and talked with Brucie while Vlad avoids the man and went to get some punch.

Brucie: I didn't know Vlad had a son?

Fun Danny, who likes to exaggerate a lot and mess around: He wished I was so he kidnapped me.

Brucie, thinking it was some inside joke: Oh? When did that happen?

Fun Danny: When he finally stops trying to kill my dad, marry my mom and cloning me.

Brucie, who is now realizing that this kid may not be lying but also lying: That's... That's strange...?

Fun Danny: Could be worse— *Cue on the ceiling gets broken due to Hero Danny's impact falling*

Hero Danny, who is wrestling a villain: Run, weak humans! Theres a villain!

Fun Danny, who is looking at Hero Danny and Hero Danny catching the eye contact: Oh no.

Hero Danny: You! Normal citizen I never heard or met before! You gotta help me!

Fun Danny: Really?! Me?? Why not Vlad!?

Hero Vlad: I see no hero in him

Vlad: I heard that!

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