Maze Runner Imagine - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

carving [newt]

word count: 1346

pairing: newt x reader (maze runner)

warnings: n/a

a/n: first maze runner imagine, let me know what you thought!

request:  Hi! How about a tmr Newt x reader where she carves her and his name into a tree somewhere in the deadheads and he finds it and it's just fluffy? Thx! (requested by @technolilly)


being trapped in the glade was something you’d grown accustomed to. it wasn’t good, by any means, but it wasn’t necessarily bad either. there was always moments that you wished you were living a real life, with memories and all, but there were also times that you simply accepted your life as it is and pushed through with a smile. 

after two months inside the massive stone walls surrounding you, you had lost all hope of leaving and instead, found a strange sense of comfort in the glade. there was nothing that could be done to get you out, so you managed to come to terms with your situation; this was your home, and it always would be.

some greenies found themselves curious of what lies beyond the safety of the glade. most immediately tried to make a break for the opening sectors, only to be knocked down and warned otherwise. 

you however, had never once found yourself questioning what horrors were behind those walls. you’d been told by multiple people that it was a dangerous place, and that was that. you weren’t a curious person, so you accepted that answer and moved on with your life

today you were meant to be working with newt as a trackhoe today, but newt asked you first to collect some dirt in the deadheads as they had been running low and there wasn’t much else for you to do. you happily obliged; you loved spending time there. 

though some found it strange, it was your only escape from the mess that was your home. you got along with mostly everyone, though at times it was quite overwhelming and all you wanted to do was get away and have some time to yourself. the deadheads was the quietest place in the glade, so it only seemed fit.

you carried the basket deep into the woods, into the clearing in which you spent your free time. you didn’t necessarily have to go this deep in to get some simple fertilizer, though you knew newt was only looking for something to assign you and you were in no rush. your heart fluttered at the thought of him, a small smile creeping onto your face as you slid down the tree, leaning your back against it. 

you see, ever since you arrived in the glade, you and newt have been as close as could be. he was your best friend, hands down. you ate every meal together, and when he was assigned as a trackhoe, you spent every working day together making jokes and laughing (and working of course, he did have a responsibility as second in command). 

though you’d only been in the glade for a short amount of time, you began to have more than platonic feelings for your best friend. cliche, yes, but it was hard not to fall for someone who cares so much about you, especially when you had no recollection of anything from your past.

in a daze, you picked up a sharp stone and hazily began to carve his name into the tree. you took your time, carefully drawing each line with precision and delicacy, and underneath writing a small ‘+’ and your name underneath that. 

it took much longer than you anticipated, but as you leaned back to look at the final product, you smiled contently. you got up, figuring you should probably head back to the gardens. 

you skipped over to newt, a bright smile on your face as you pictured the perfectly carved picture indented in your favourite spot. newt saw you and smiled, before a confused expression crossed his features. “y/n, where’s the basket of fertilizer?” you looked down at your empty hands, blushing bright red when you realized you’d left it in the deadheads. 

you flashed newt a guilty smile, and he sighed, shaking his head with a small smile present on his features. “you are unbelievable. it’s almost lunch, you can just go help frypan serve everyone and i’ll go grab the basket.” you agreed, not thinking much of it, and making your way to the kitchens.

newt knew exactly where he was going; there was only one big clearing in the deadheads, and he knew you liked to spend your time alone there. he didn’t ever bother your space, though seeing as it was you and you were very simple-minded, there was no doubt in his mind that he would find the basket there. he pushed through the trees, stepping over countless branches before he arrived. he spotted the basket to the side of the clearing, already full and resting by a tree. 

he made his way over, picking up the basket, but something about the tree caught his eye. “strange.” he muttered, putting it down and moving to get a better look. ‘newt + y/n’ was engraved into the tree, and his breath hitched in his throat. you must’ve carved it when you came out here, because he was sure he would’ve seen that sooner if it had been there longer. 

a small blush rose to his cheeks as he scanned the perfectly carved wood, and the small hope you might’ve felt the same towards him, intensified. a sudden burst of courage ran through the boy, and he swiftly picked up the basket, making his way to the gardens, a newfound determination in his eyes.

you had finally served all the gladers their meals when newt walked in, making his way straight over to you. “can we eat outside?” he asked, slightly out of breath. you were slightly taken aback by the sudden question, but smiled and agreed nonetheless. you both grabbed your meals and made your way to the hammocks to sit. 

an awkward silence had fallen over you two, and you weren’t used to it. he had something to say, that much was obvious to you. you sat in hammocks across from each other, you looking at him expectantly. 

“is everything okay newt? you-” you started, but he was quick to interrupt you. 

“why did you carve our names into that tree in the deadheads?” you blinked, processing his question, before your cheeks heated up. 

“i, uh” you stuttered, not really knowing how to answer. newt was looking at you with something different in his eyes, an emotion you hardly recognized. 

“well?” he asked, impatiently. the red on your cheeks darkened, and newt took that as a good sign. he stood, putting his platter on the ground before making his way over to you, and without warning, pressed his lips to yours softly. you responded immediately, kissing back just as delicately, though you both expressed much passion through the kiss.

“why didn’t you just say something?” newt whispered, pulling back only enough to look you in your eyes. 

“why didn’t you?” you shot back, a challenging smirk present on your lips, despite the earlier embarrassment. 

“i suppose it doesn’t really matter now.” he started, “oh, and by the way, you look really cute when you’re blushing.” a boyish grin made its way onto his face, causing you to shove him gently. newt was quick to catch himself, leaning in to capture your lips once again. he had waited too long for this, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to waste this moment. 

you pulled back, “you know, alby is never going to let me work in the gardens again.” you laughed, and he only shook his head in laughter. 

“way to ruin the moment.” he grumbled, but he couldn't bring himself to be too angry with you. 

“well, we could stay here and keep kissing, or we could run now before someone catches us.” you pointed to the waves of boys exiting the kitchens, newt pouting. “come on, lover boy. we’ve got work to do.” you tugged gently on his hand, pulling him back towards the gardens. 

this may have been your last day working together, but you were going to make it count. you spent the rest of the day goofing off with newt, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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4 years ago




JJ Maybank

Imagine 1



Imagine 1







Imagine 1


Marvel Avengers/MCU:

Peggy Carter/Agent Carter

Peggy’s husband: Imagine 1 , Imagine 2 , Imagine 3 , Imagine 4 , Imagine 5

Captain America/Steve Rodgers

Iron Man/Tony Stark

Spiderman/Peter Parker

Winter Solider/James ‘Bucky’ Barns






Golden Era

Harry Potter

Hermione Granger

Ron Weasley

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Draco Malfoy

Marauders Era

James Potter

Sirius Black

Remus Lupin

Lily Evans


Peter Pevensie

Susan Pevensie

Edmund Pevensie

Lucy Pevensie

Prince Caspian

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fandoms I write for (ask for anyone although I may have some exceptions):


outer banks


through my window

vampire diaries

teen wolf

50 shades


harry potter


pretty little liars

stranger things

maze runner

wild child

hunger games



Aaron Hotchner

Derek Morgan

Spencer Reid

David Rossi

Emily Prentiss

Jeniffer Jareau

Penelope Garcia


Derek Shepherd

Mark Sloan

Meredith Grey

Cristina Yang

Alex Karev

Callie Torres

George O'Malley

Lexie Grey

I may have missed a few so just ask if you would like someone and I'll let you know if I can do it, also if you would like to be on a tag list let me know.

bubs x

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6 years ago

* love ♥ starters

‘ want me to stay? ’

‘ we’re almost home. ’

‘ you should be in bed. ’

‘ we can share it.’

‘ stay there. i’m coming to get you. ’

‘ shh, shh. you were dreaming. ’ 

‘ grab my hand. ’

‘ i’m just going to pick you up. ’

‘ everything okay? ’

‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’

‘ don’t worry. better out than in. ’

‘ who did that to you? ’ 

‘ sit down and rest. ’

‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’

‘ come lay down in my lap. ’

‘ i know you think you’re all alone out there, but you’re not. ’

‘ call me when you get home. ’

‘ we should change those bandages. ’

‘ you’re safe here. ’

‘ honey… ’

‘ of course we love you. ’

‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’

‘ take my bed for tonight. ’

‘ i promise. ’ 

‘ you’re always welcome here. ’

‘ don’t talk like that. ’

‘ bad dream? ’

‘ talk to me. ’  

‘ it’s okay to cry. ’

‘ you need to be more careful.’

‘ we should hug this out. ’

‘ i worry about you. ’

‘ can i hold your hand? ’ 

‘ because i care about you. ’

‘ it made me think of you. ’ 

‘ take care of yourself. ’

‘ put your seatbelt on. ’ 

‘ where did you go? ’ 

‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’

‘ i made breakfast. ’

‘ sing something for me? ’

‘ open it and find out. ’

‘ how long have you been like this? ’

‘ you look nice. ’

‘ here, take my jacket. ’

‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’

‘ focus on my voice. ’ 

‘ i meant every word. ’

‘ i was here all night. ’

‘ look both ways before you cross. ’

‘ you don’t have to talk. ’ 

‘ this is your favorite, right? ’

‘ you’ll feel better in the morning. ’

‘ you have a nice laugh. ’

‘ here, take my jacket. ’

‘ you could stay here. with me. ’

‘ we’ll figure it out together. ’

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