Mbti Stuff - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

What I’ve spent the last 3 hours doing

- Watching “The Queen’s Gambit”

- Looking up Beth’s and Townes age difference

-Found out Beth is an INTJ

-Researched INTJs

-Read several articles talking about the difference between INTJs and INTPs

-Went to Pinterest and looked at INTP memes

-Saw one that said “Takes IQ quizzes for fun”

-Took an online IQ quiz. Had to pay for results.

- Took an online quiz AGAIN. Had to pay for results AGAIN.

-Did one that claimed to be free. Had to pay for results.

-Saw an article recommending one free quiz

- Took free quiz and enjoyed it :)

- Then took another quiz that was similar to that one to try and correct my simple mistakes from the first quiz

-Got a worse result on my second try

-Got sad and realized I just spent 3 hours doing all of that

Tl;dr : I have no concept of time . Pls help.

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3 years ago

INFx thoughts starter pack

bonus if a Gemini too

- who am i

- am i real ?

- am I constantly acting

- is this my reaction or someone else's

- how do i human like everyone else

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7 months ago


okay, so we're all familiar with the intj, esfj, entp and all those stuff! 16personalities would say that those people are merely "introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging" and same goes to other mbti types, but when you fall deeper into this mbti thing, you realize that there are cognitive functions!! and now you're crossed with introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted sensing (Se) and all those stuff; sure you're familiar with them now, but you're still stumped on how you'll be able to memorize it!

people often say them memorizing it just "clicks" with them someday. but what if i tell you there's an easier way to memorize it?

i'll now share you an explanation that is easy for me to understand; i hope that it'll be as easy for you as well and you can use this to your advantage!! i'll try to make it succinct as possible with additional visuals for easier understanding! (i'll exclude the explanation of what the E/I, N/S, T/F, and J/P are, since am sure most of y'all are familiar what they stand for)

---explanation below---

xxxO (J/P)

• dictates whether xxOx is an extrovert or introvert function • J = dictates xxOx is an extrovert function (Oe) • P = dictates xxOx is an introvert function (Oi)

Oxxx (E/I) [Dominant and Auxiliary Function]

• dictates whether which of the two functions (xOOx) are the dominant function and auxiliary function

The Tertiary and Inferior

• follows an alternating stack by reffering to the first 2 cognitive stack • Oi Oe Oi Oe - or - Oe Oi Oe Oi • inferior function is the opposite of dominant function: N-S, F-T; and extrovert-introvert • tertiary function is opposite of auxiliary function: N-S, F-T; and extrovert-introvert


I hope those make sense XDD

But!!! I'll provide some visuals to better understand it. Let's use ISTP, ESTP, ESTJ, and INFJ as our examples! (beginning of demonstration always starts with a "XXXX") [there's also an image description provided :>>]

ISTP: P dictates T is an "Introverted Thinking", so automatically, S becomes an "Extroverted Sensing" as to follow the alternating stack between introvert and extrovert. Since I favors introverted functions, Ti is the dominant followed by Se. After this, it is followed up by Se's opposite which is Ni and the comes Fe as the inferior function.


ESTP: P dictates T is an "Introverted Thinking", so automatically, S becomes an "Extroverted Sensing" as to follow the alternating stack between introvert and extrovert. Since E favors extroverted functions, Se is the dominant followed by Ti. After this, it is followed up by Ti's opposite which is Fe and the comes Ni as the inferior function.


ESTJ: J dictates T is an "Extroverted Thinking", so automatically, S becomes an "Introverted Sensing" as to follow the alternating stack between introvert and extrovert. Since E favors extroverted functions, Te is the dominant followed by Si. After this, it is followed up by Si's opposite which is Ne and the comes Fi as the inferior function.


INFJ: J dictates F is an "Extroverted Feeling", so automatically, N becomes an "Introverted Intuition" as to follow the alternating stack between introvert and extrovert. Since I favors introverted functions, Ni is the dominant followed by Fe. After this, it is followed up by Fe's opposite which is Ti and the comes Se as the inferior function.

I hope this helps!!! You can ask me further about stuff related to this post if youre still confused, i'll try answering as best to my knowledge! (i'm still learning thou coz LDKSFDHSLGF)

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