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Everyone else just tells me to give up on this theory T-T
"One shall be lost in the land without rain"
there's more than one way to interpret a prophecy mate
Spoiler warning
Part of me finds it so hard to make AU’s/headcannons for characters who passed because there’s always that thing in your mind going THEY PASSED.
Jason Grace as an example, I wish that it had never happened because I make so many AU’s where he comes back but it never feels good because there’s that feeling in the back of your mind— and I ship and love Valgrace which makes it no better
Bro i just realized that Thalia and Jason are basically opposites.
Sure they’re both siblings and are both children of Zeus but their stories are so different!
Like Thalia is a child of Zeus who died but was saved by Zeus and soon became immortal, meaning she’d never die.
Jason is a child ofJupiter who spent his whole life living for Rome and when he died, he just died.
And also the fact that one is Roman and the other is Greek. One has blonde hair and the other has black hair. One spent their whole life helping their camp and the other helped for a short period.
Two Grace siblings, so different but so alike in the same ways. The tragedy where one was destined to die and the other to live forever.
do yall think there is a universe where Jason was given to one direction instead of the wolves

Uncle Rick needs to write a series where they’re all working together
What Disney movies I think PJO characters would love:
Nico: Tangeled/Rapunzel or Star Wars (maybe)
Will: Star Wars (cannon)
Annabeth: Princess and The Frog
Grover Underwood: Snow White or Moana
Percy: The Little Mermaid or the Haunted Mansion (2023)
Hazel: Sleeping Beauty or Snow White
Thalia & Jason: Maleficent
Leo: Tangeled/Rapunzel
Frank: Brave
Piper: Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and The Beast
Reyna: (not exactly Disney nor a movie but still same vibes) Once Upon a Time
Michael Yew: again, not really Disney but it’s on Disney+ so I’d say Hamilton or Star Wars
I feel like most of the time they’d have seperate movie nights like duos/groups
The 7 movie night (unless Nico, Thalia or Reyna are dragged in)
Apollo Cabin + Nico
Hazel and Nico
Jason and Thalia
Jason, Piper and Leo
Shel and Piper (and on FaceTime, Leo and Georgina) (I also feel like they’d watch scary movies and Leo would cover Georgina’s eyes and she’d fight him on it and continue watching)(omg I love to think abt Leo and Georgina acting like siblings and Leo being like an older brother to her and her arguing with him)
Hades kids headcannons (with Apollo kids too and one really angsty one):
- When Hazel starts to get stressed out, like panic attack almost, she goes to Bianca and they talk through it. Nico introduced them at one point, and they had already met once prior, so they are close. (Last part I’ll explain in a later post lol)
- I think Lee and Will both share the same pain, a bit upsetting but Lee had to see more and more siblings join him and Will had to see them all leave. Nico is there for Will, and Will has processed it more and Lee feels proud of Will and his other siblings- he talks to Michael a lot.
- Frank and Hazel are still in the beginning of their relationship since they’ve had to deal with a war and Apollo’s stuff and so now I think they’re finally focusing on their relationship.
- Nico isn’t exactly emo, but he is edgy and Hazel teases him about it sometimes. Same with Will and Kayla. I mean edgy as in this sort of thing:
Hazel: Nico I swear, why is your entire closet just black clothes??
- I feel like since Bianca and Hazel have a good relationship, they’d open up more to eachother and teach eachother stuff like Bianca showing her how to use more powers and telling her how to contact Valhalla when necessary, and Hazel telling her about she and Nico and history.
- Michael and Bianca argue, a LOT. Not like, I hate you arguing but more like “I mildly dislike you”
- Hazel has met a lot of the people Percy talks about, but she doesn’t tell people that she goes down when she’s stressing although she has Hades’s approval, especially since she’s going down there specifically for Bianca.
Okay how Hazel and Bianca originally met in my AU is that when Bianca had got down there, she passed by Hazel and saw her and could sense that she was a Hades camper in the same way Nico could so they sat with eachother and Hazel let Bianca process it all and Hazel talked about her life until they knew something was off in the underworld and Bianca had to go— Hazel didn’t realize it was Bianca until when they met again, but she was happy to know her like that.
Headcannons for Bianca if she were ever brought back:
- Step down from the huntresses, I agree with thinking that she joined because she thought it were a way to experince what she couldn’t have but I think if she were revived, it’d be different
- Birthday is in late May (she gives off those vibes)
- Shadow travel, seeing and talking to ghosts, is able to see the Norse side and help (like, imagine her mom was part Norse and she inherited a lot of it and is able to help those people adjust to everything and knows which Greek/roman people are in there)
- I feel like she’d take a while to adjust to history because she didn’t get it like Nico did or even like Hazel— she’s basically on her own and I’d imagine she’d just go into a library one afternoon and stay until closing just reading about history and all that’s happened in the past 80 years.
- Wouldn’t know how to approach Nico— I mean how would you talk to someone like that? He’d probably be angry too, so I’m imagining she’d start with Thalia who told her to contact Hazel first in order to ease into conversations with Nico calmly since he’d have a lot of emotions
- I feel like she’d have a sarcastic sense of humor, like I feel like she’d get along with Kayla but not really step into always hanging out to give Nico space with his friends
- She’d probably hangout with Thalia a lot since they have stuff in common, both having to be mothers when they didn’t want to be and losing everyone for a while— leaving and then coming back. All that.
- Angry at Percy for being violent with her brother but mostly gives him dirty looks when she’s angry (that’s sorta in the book too)
- Claustrophobic
- Overwhelmed by everything that’s going on— Apollo’s a good guy, three massive wars/battles, having another sibling, actually being allowed to contact the Norse side (I feel like that wouldn’t have been okay until the Roman and Greek sides got along, and then it’s okay to contact and do stuff like that.)
- Be friends with Annabeth, I feel like they’d share a bit of appreciation for architecture especially since Bianca has been all over the country. I also think Bianca is very logical and that’s something they’d bond over— Annabeth would want to be friends with her granted everything that went down and Bianca is able to give her much safer updates about her cousin until safe phones are created
are we all forgetting that will solace has a tattoo
Maybe she shadow traveled last second out of there, nico couldn’t sense her death right because of a near death experience— maybe she realized she had a chance, she and nico, to be their own selves. Maybe she had some power to fake the messages with nico- maybe she found ways to help others. Maybe she helped the gods and goddesses or helped out here dad and Persephone a lot in the underworld (headcannon sorta)
I just want to say that although it’s literally impossible (probably) for Bianca to come back, I think it would be awesome if she did— all the lore she would have, what happened, more onto her backstory, all that. I think it would be awesome, and it might disregard the “she had to die to make Nico good/excel” because like what if she had her own thing— if she helped other demigods that weren’t Greek or Roman, what if she somehow helped with the Norse while all these wars were happening and she helped with the underworld stuff in the Norse side— I just think it would be so cool. And I know there’s not much of a chance of any return, but it would be cool if there was. I know Annabeth has a Norse connection, but what if Bianca helped some of the souls adjust or helped with Greek intel or something. I wish there were more to her, if we knew her powers and how powerful she was, if we knew if she knew what happened before the lotus because it seemed she knew more than Nico. It would be cool to see.
I just want to say that although it’s literally impossible (probably) for Bianca to come back, I think it would be awesome if she did— all the lore she would have, what happened, more onto her backstory, all that. I think it would be awesome, and it might disregard the “she had to die to make Nico good/excel” because like what if she had her own thing— if she helped other demigods that weren’t Greek or Roman, what if she somehow helped with the Norse while all these wars were happening and she helped with the underworld stuff in the Norse side— I just think it would be so cool. And I know there’s not much of a chance of any return, but it would be cool if there was. I know Annabeth has a Norse connection, but what if Bianca helped some of the souls adjust or helped with Greek intel or something. I wish there were more to her, if we knew her powers and how powerful she was, if we knew if she knew what happened before the lotus because it seemed she knew more than Nico. It would be cool to see.
Percy: FOUR MONTHS! Hazel: What's he talking about? Annabeth: It's really not that big of a deal... Percy: YOU STOOD BY AND WATCHED ME WATER A FAKE PLANT FOR FOUR MONTHS!
Percy to Annabeth: GIRL you are KILLING IT!
Percy: GIRL I don't think it's MOVING ANYMORE
I’ve been re-watching gravity falls and I came up with these things for sanders sides from it;
- Bill and Remus seem to have very similar personalities
- Bill and Janus seem to have very similar vibes, especially villain vibes
- Ford and Logan have very similar vibes and personalities
Random headcannons too;
- The twins are still generally close, they’re both kinda like “ew omg it’s my brother” but in a sibling kind of way— they probably both send eachother memes or tiktoks being like “this is you” Remus would probably send Roman memes about him looking like a rat— like the ones where it’s like “omg I found my sister” and it’s a picture of a rat/mouse in a dress
- Virgil and Roman give off vibes of just like something random or crazy/something I’d revealed and they’re like “what the f-“ with this confused look on their faces versus everyone else is like “this is chill”
- Logan likes conspiracy theories and the hunts to find something— like everyone trying to find the bill statue, that would be up his alley
- Patton likes to bake but every time he puts a special twist on it— like he’ll put sprinkles in with brownie/cake batter
- Patton also doesn’t really stick to recipes, he just does what he feels, so every time you eat his pasta one moment you’re like “wow there’s a lot of garlic in here, I like this” and the next you’re like “wow, that’s a lot of pepper— yikes..”
- Janus would either care a lot about cooking and make it really fancy like the pasta with wine in it or he just would not care at all to cook and there’s not much between that
- When Virgil cooks he won’t touch anything hot, or put pans in the stove without oven mitts. Like, he will use them when the pan is hot, but sometimes when people don’t use mitts when just putting in the pan to the stove, he does. He will never put one in without them.
- Everyone except for Logan and Janus forgets where they set something or forget about a lot of stuff in general— and can be clumsy. Janus and Logan have a VERY specific place for each item, versus everyone else is just like “hmm. I’ll set this here, I’ll probably remember it” and promptly forget about it until they need it and have to check all the spots where they normally set stuff
- Roman always feels like somethings watching him because of his brothers shenanigans
- Roman and Remus both climb trees, except Remus goes a lot higher than Roman just staying on the first sturdiest branch to the bottom

I got bored.
Headcannon’s I have;
- Roman and Patton met in middle school
- Roman and Virgil, without realizing, were best friends when they were kids
- Logan and Roman are damage control (sorta)
“Hey I just let loose several snakes in the house” (Remus)
“what.” (Roman and Logan)
- Nobody really is allowed to go into Roman’s room, unless it’s Virgil since they play games together and seem like good friends. Remus breaks in against Roman’s request, for really, no reason at all other than to annoy Roman
- Virgil has one green eye and one brown eye
- Logan and Virgil’s rooms are very dark because they have blackout curtains, however Roman and Patton have lighter curtains that let light in
- Logan listens to history podcasts when he sleeps
- Roman is like, super interested or obsessed with Greek Mythology and Virgil introduced him to the grimm/original fairy tales
- Roman and Virgil during get togethers are the two people that when like politics or something come up they immediately quickly look at eachother for a second as like a “oh my god what.” or “no way.” moment
- They all have a minecraft world together and Remus isn’t allowed in since he would explode everyone else’s builds, Janus was banned after he started stealing Virgil’s items and vandalizing Roman’s area— a whole courtroom scenario took place, Logan taking Roman and Virgil as his clients, Janus representing himself, Patton being in the crowd, and Orange being the judge (Remus can’t be trusted)

I’m still learning how to draw and figure out my style, but this is a drawing I’ve been working on that I’m kinda proud of especially the facial features, I’m hoping to develop and figure out my own style though :)
If anyone has any tips for where to work on (constructively) or how to develop your own style let me know :D

Which one do you guys see? I’m a 1, and I have a narrator/I narrate in my head. I’m just curious from the PJO and Sanders sides communities, which is the majority.
Cleaning my room feels so overwhelming at the start until I find something small that’ll make it less stressful— so far I’m not sure what that is yet.
Like I feel like I can’t think to figure out what I’m doing, I just feel like a windows loading screen
Sometimes I feel like I have fifty things going on in my head at once like;
“Put on your blinders, or take off your glasses”
Did I put the tomato on the table? Is it still in the fridge?
Mmmm cookie dough with mint chocolate ice cream
“You good fam?”
What? What?
Where is my cat
Why are there crayons on my bed?
Is she asleep under the bed, she should come lay down.
“Nice gloves, did you just get done washing the dishes?”
Hey I should finish haunted mansion
Maybe I should re-download minecraft
I wonder what happened to that off brand Minecraft game I played as a kid
y’all ever see a piece of fan content about your favorite character that is so horrifically different from what you personally believe and you just

Sanders sides as stardew valley bachelor/bachelorettes (who I feel like they would be or get along well with):
Virgil: Abigail/Sebastian, both I feel fit nicely, I feel like he would get along well with both of them although I am leaning more towards Abigail
Roman: Elliott/Haley, they’re both pretty creative people who also are into fashion/self care in a similar way to Roman- Elliott is a poet so I think Roman would be happy about that
Patton: Penny, they both seem to like to read and like to teach and like babysit kids (if that makes sense) they both seem to have similar personalities
Logan: Harvey, I think Logan would like the science behind the medical field and find planes fascinating
Remus: Abigail/Alex, I think he would be friends with Abby because of her adventurous nature and with Alex personality wise
Janus: Shane/Emily, I just feel like he would be friends with both of them and would want to help Shane
THANK YOU! I’ve been waiting for somebody to say that!
why roman in the nostalgia 2 parter was probably janus fucking around
so. i really enjoy this theory/headcanon/au thing so i wish to further disperse it amongst the masses (do note i am not the og creator of this theory nor do i know who they are so be aware i might miss a few points)(made primarily by request of @kook7e )
he tells thomas that there is quote "no need to demonstrate" the tap dance number thing he does. roman would join in not discourage it
when he tries to play hot cross buns on the flute thing it sounds like trash despite the fact roman would likely know how to play most if not all musical instruments
he makes a snarky comment about how much disney there was on a dvd mixtape. i shouldnt have to explain why roman would never do that
throughout the episode he is actively attempting to encourage thomas to be selfish by calling his ex and lie about why he's calling him, only stopping when it is made clear that it would be better for thomas to not get back together with his ex. if it was roman pursuing romance he wouldnt be so easily discouraged from proceeding with his plan, he would also tell thomas to do a dramatic declaration of romance and love, not lie
im fairly certain he claims that hes not good at making metaphors at one point. roman is definitely supposed to be good at metaphors, meanwhile in svs: redux janus himself says he's bad at making metaphors
he introduces himself as "it is i roman" (or something along those lines) which not only is that typically the format in which janus introduces himself in disguise ("[greeting] i am [name/function]"), but in the among us video janus says "it is i janus" yadda yadda and "of course i have always introduced myself with it is i". bonus point for whats weird in his introduction, im pretty sure he never does the roman arm thing, you know the one
"roman" throughout the 2 parter spends a lot of time redirecting, concealing and denying why they are all in the room in the first place. roman would get distracted most likely but he wouldnt actively be trying to distract the others (for an example of his redirection see the "so do you guys remember the 5th season of lost?" gag)
several of the line deliveries blatantly sound more like janus than roman
in summary, just rewatch the episodes with the context of roman being janus in disguise and it'll make more sense than me trying to explain it lol