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Littlegasoline0976 - I Have No Idea On What I Am Doing Here - Tumblr Blog
The second day of the AO3 DDOS attack and I’m really am bored because I can’t read my fanfics. ☠️

Welcome to the Internet I guess. /(0,0)\. But at least I have patience but I’m sad that the hackers are denying this. I can’t read any dead dove do not eat nor male pregnancy fanfics. Just why did the hackers attack AO3?!
Did anyone at least read Dc comic’s night terrors yet? You know the event where everyone is stuck sleeping while having some nightmares Yeah I realized how wild it is.

Yeah apparently it’s a summer event! Batman’s one shot has him giving birth from his mouth to a bat with a gun for its head.

If someone doesn’t tell me if dc was on a bunch of Mpreg nonsense and it all started from Joker giving birth to himself due to Zatana then idk what is.

Oh yeah if you ask how. Bruce Wayne somehow is turned into his younger self in his nightmares and basically vomits up the bat creature with a gun for its head while fighting zombies. If you read it then you know how crazy it is.
Dude check this guy out! He makes really great AI generated covers!
Did anyone see the music video for Void by Melanie Martinez?

It’s actually great!

I really don’t mind her adding a new character and having Crybaby move on to a fairy goddess thing of the cosmos!

Even the designs for the pink creature that Crybaby turned into is just beautiful. I just love the eyes though!
I know this is cringe but… we don’t have a lot of pregnant William Afton. I get it Mpreg is probably not the best idea to discuss with FNAF because of in the flesh however we have Mpreg of Bonnie,springtrap,and even glamrock Freddy. But there’s less Mpreg of William Afton but I seen some on Tik Tok and one fanfic that I don’t remember but not much on here.

Yeah I know that you may get flashbacks from Bunny Call obviously but I don’t see an uprising of William Afton Mpreg so now I have an epic challenge coming right now starting this Tuesday.

Also you don’t have to do it since I’m asking y’all to do this.

Also I’m bored and I just don’t know what else to post than this.

Welcome to this blog and yes it’s kind of terrible! But… I’m sure it’s fine!

Well check out my posts if needed! Also if you want to… Like my posts,repost,comment,and or anything.

Hope you enjoy my content! But it’s just a welcome as I just do random stuff in this blog.
Wtf kind of spider is that? Jesus it looks huge! Just wtf is that? Does anyone know what type of spider this is? Apparently I got this texted to me for some reason. I’m not scared of spiders but this scares me shitless. I never seen that type of spider.

I really don’t know if I’ll be sleeping tonight. So get it out of this house!

I really want Hattercrow to be canon somehow. Gotham already made Riddlebird canon but Gotham is over now. Why hasn’t DC comics made Hattercrow canon.
So I decided to ask you guys this. How would you react if hattercrow was canon?

Can’t wait to see your reactions!
One time I dreamt that I was a shed.

Yes I was a shed.
I dont mind if The Fnaf Movie is bad. Jesus Christ we waited for 8 whole years!

For some reason the animatronic’s eyes glow red and I don’t mind.

I actually like how the animatronics are designed here! Reminds me of Chuck E. Cheese. But they look scary. Even if it’s good or bad, I like how the animatronics look in this and I love how they made the eyes glow red! ALL HAIL FREDDY FAZBEAR’S PIZZA!
Is it me or do people not remember when lobo killed Santa?
Basically the Easter bunny hires lobo to kill Santa Claus. Yes this is what’s about but I decided to let Tech Times explain this. No joke but I just ruined Christmas with an underrated comic book.
But I found an adaption of this that was made in 2002 by Free movie cinema.
Is it me or do I want The Batman who Laughs to return?
In an additional story in Harley Quinn (2021) #29 written and drawn by Adam Warren: Harley's hyenas, Bud and Lou, become sentient and begins taunting Harley which leads to this bit where they appear dressed as various heroes, including Zee:

Taste the rainbows @lavafet

Julie art dump, emphasis on the rainbow monster part of her ♡♡

I was originally going to make a much more creepier design?! But that was very quickly scrapped. Doesn't mean I won't try again later though.......

Annnd she turns into the form whenever she sees rainbows too ;]
Fun fact in Fallout Boy’s song This ain’t a scene it’s an arms race.
I heard,”I’m a little man, I’m also evil, also into cake. Also into CAAAAKKKEEE.”
But yet people heard,”I’m a little man,I’m also evil, also into cats. Also into CCCCAAAATTTTSSSS!”
Am I crazy for hearing cake or am I not?
What other misheard lyrics you heard from other songs? Post it in the comments or reblog it with tags. Any songs work actually.
Happy birthday Clown!

This is very, Very funny, but Amidst the fun on Here, I slept through a Bit of the After Party Party! I think I am too Tired, haha! But it was fun to Explore, to answer a Few Questions (I think the Ask Box ought to be Cleared up a Bit more so I may one Day Reopen!) But Hopefully the Time Will arrive for me to be more Interactive! (I miss it, of course, but I understand things change!) Anywho! Thank you for spending my Birthday with me! Here is a Little Preview for you!! I hope You eat something Warm and Sleep well!! I will see you soon!!

Jesus Christ there’s more

welcome home
I’m listening to the Japanese dub of Batman Unburied on Spotify

That image is spooky! @casey02kelly
But maybe you could be on to something!
Julie Joyful Deepdive
This is a long post so hang tight

Okay sometime after I posted asking about why the red houses look different I realized that the left house was Julies house. I immediately thought
"Why would Wally's house cover Julies house on the meet the neighbors page?"
Out of all the neighbors why Julie?

My interest reached an all time high once I looked at the file name for her house when you view her bio.

Julies house is the only home with a number in it's file name. The only other outliers are Frankie's and Wally's files. Wally's is to be expected given what most already know about him already due to his popularity but Frankie's is another interesting case I might touch on if I find anything to back it up.

I kept digging and going through the website and it's various links to get something about this to pop up but It was just the same. Something that always bugged me though is how the C and K were connected. Then I kept thinking about what was being said, "you should head back" so I went back to the first place I thought of, The gallery.

I scrolled through the pictures taking note how Julies horns are different sized and sometimes even hidden in various pictures.
And then I come across the last picture of Julie and her siblings.

Note: I'm looking back at all of the art of Julie and her hair is done in the same shape in most of the pieces. I challenge you to go and pick them out for fun and totally not because the image limit on Tumblr is 10. >:) Note Note: Bea is literally POINTING AT IT! BRUH IM DEAD
I decided to go back further and look at the original painted mess that was sent to the WHRP team. I tried to pick out what it was saying but couldn't get it all but with the context so far I guess some part of Wally or Home didn't like her family so they did something to (quite literally) change the picture. Making it so Julie has 1 home. I also messed around with it in ibis paint X and got this

Fr this could be anything but what is seen I feel like it's too important to ignore. This is all I could find based on the image however, I was not done. I still kept going back and decided to look into the name that was mentioned in the FAQ "Ronald Dorelaine". Being an avid fan of Undertale and Deltarune I have learned the power of anagrams and decided to run the name through an anagram unscramble generator and it gave me two words,
noradrenalin and liriodendron.
Noradrenalin didn't connect to much (at least about Julie)
but it's worth noting the time period it was most often used. :)

Now liriodendron.
Oh shit this one actually scares me.
Ok so it's a tulip tree or tulip-poplar. It's a tree designated in the Magnolia family best grown in sunny areas with acidic soil. In American history the huge trunks of these things in primordial forests were cut and made into stuff like canoes, medicine, baskets, furniture and houses. The thing that gets me is the flowers. Hardcore Julie fans know she is connected to flowers, she can make flowers grow with her gay muppet magic and her dress worn in her bio page resembles one as well.
You wanna know another funny fun fact?
The flower on her paddle is A LIRIODENDRON!!!

I'm sorry that's too much of a coincidence.
I don't have the full picture obviously and we most likely won't anytime soon with the creator planning on website updates (those can take awhile. Quality over quantity) but from what I have gathered currently, there is no doubt Julie is hella important. She is very much connected to Ronald Dorelaine and something about her is enough for Wally to cover up her house on the webpage and mess with the picture she has with her birth family. It's also worth noting that in her bio pic she's stepping on the cyan and red petals which could be her stepping on Wally's and Homes toes(does Home have toes?).
Her horns change constantly either because she's like a moose and sheds them off or they've been messed with in other ways. She's treated like a witch or something to be ashamed of. At least by Home, obviously her fanbase and some part of Wally loves her dearly. I keep saying some part because it's very evident He cares for her and the fellow neighbors but home might not agree with everything that they are and so Wally has to make sure that Home loves them too.

Anyways I hope ye enjoyed my Deep Dive into the Julie Joyful lore. I had a lot of fun doing it! IDK if anyone else has put any of this together yet. If I'm the first one then
Yay! :D

Please join me in overcrowded