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My friendly neighborhood in Gacha club

BUT FOR REAL THO?!?!? My friendly neighborhood is the BEST mascot horror game and I WILL draw more fanart because MY GOD there is NONE.

Oh and here’s Ricky and my version of Gordon!

i was so surprised by the lack of AUs in the My Friendly Neighborhood fandom! So, me and a few discord buddies decided to create our own! The Opposite Au! (Or the OPP AU for short)
its basically a personality swap with a few story changes!
(click read more for bonus doodles + character descriptions!)

Norman is THE BEST character on 'My Friendly Neighborhood' and he WILL remind you constantly!
He has like a bajillion fans and friends that are definitely NOT made up! Of course he has fans and friends from all over the world what do you mean he doesn't???
He's a bit of a diva... ok "bit" is an understatement. He genuinely believes that he deserves to be treated better than anybody else! He proudly displays a star on his door as a symbol of his supposed stardom!
There's a blurry line between fiction and reality for Norman. He believes his on-screen friendship with Lenard translates to real life, despite their mutual mistreatment of each other. Lenard is definitely NOT Norman's friend. (In fact, most of the puppets in this AU despise each other)
Incredibly overdramatic. He once laid down on the floor for 3 hours straight because someone ate the last chocolate chip cookie.
Norman is still very lonely.

Much more calmer and introverted than her OG counterpart. She would rather stay inside reading books than play outside with her so-called 'friends'.
She is the resident bookworm of the neighborhood, incredibly smart too!
Her demeanor is highly apathetic; even if chaos erupted in the neighborhood, she wouldn't even lift her eyes from the pages of her book.
She also speaks in a very monotone voice.
She still very much hates responsibility.
She and Norman have a sort of pseudo rivalry with each other, even though it mostly affects Norman. While others react to Norman's antics, Junebug's indifference to it annoys him the most.
Even if she's not currently reading books, she's usually staring off into space or thinking about something. Ms. Lilianna is not fond of her due to her inattentiveness during one of her lessons.
Has a horrible habit of sneaking up to people and scaring them due to the fact that she walks VERY quietly.

It's MISS Lilianna. Not Lilianna, MISS Lilianna! She is your teacher and you WILL show her some respect!
Miss. Lilianna is incredibly strict and uptight. If you so much as even breathe loudly she will get furious with you!
She does genuinely love teaching! She teaches math, science, english, history... but her favorite lesson to teach are RULES!
Currently, she has 874 rules in her rule book. Here are some examples:
22. No talking while she's talking, that’s rude. 23. No chewing gum 24. no smiling 25. no breathing too loudly 26. no running 27. no jumping 28. no laughing 29. no living 30. no screaming 32. no playtime 33. no snack time 34. no lunchtime 35. definitely no nap time. 36. No blinking more than once per minute! 37. You must sit at a perfect 90 degree angle 38. No writing with anything other than a blue ballpoint pen with a 0.735 mm tip!
Her favorite rule is rule #17: "Everyday is Teacher's Day!" You must give Ms. Lilianna gifts and hugs to show how much you appreciate her!
The most important rule is the "No complaining about the rules" rule! Or else you'll be sent to the principals office! Which is her. She is the principal, the custodian, the janitor, every and any faculty member of the school!
...Except for the Art teacher. Please don't show her any art, she will not understand anything. She lacks any and every sort of creativity.
Her favorite weapon to use is the classic ruler! Light weight AND teacher-y
Baldi's basics lookin' ass

Anxious Dog Energy right there.
Poor Lenard is very shy and super self conscious. Like Junebug, he would rather stay alone than be anywhere NEAR people.
He has a bit of a stutter.
He is so anxious, that he's developed several self-defense mechanisms!
Or he will bite you
Or a combination of both.
Sometimes he'll bite for no reason whatsoever!
Lenard is TERRIFIED of being watched, especially while practicing. Memories of him being taunted and teased during the show's production still haunt him.
He's developed severe scopophobia because of this.
He will usually sing and dance in private. Though, he's not a very good singer nor a very good dancer.

The epitome of "I hate my job."
This George really hates being a taxi driver. I mean, wouldn't you hate being stuck as a taxi driver for the rest of your life?
After MFN got cancelled and the puppets got abandoned, George ripped out the 'T' in his taxi cab hat. He tried ripping out more from his taxi uniform, but stopped since his uniform were the only clothes that he's got.
He's now stuck in exitensial dread. What IS George now that he's not a taxi driver? He might've hated being one, but that was all that he's got.
He hates any and all vehicles with 4 wheels or more. All the taxi cabs in the studio are smashed, even the wheels have been taken out!
He still likes rats. However, it's mostly a "appreciate from afar" type of ordeal. The rats in the studio are vicious little beasts.
He once saw a puppet get too close to the rats. Let's just say that the puppet is now a pile of cotton fluff.
The only time he was genuinely happy during the show's production was when they were filming the Pirate's Cove film. It was his first experience of being anything other than his taxi driver role. He still has his pirates hook and he would fight you tooth and nail if you try and steal it from him
AND THATS EVERYONE (for part 1 ofc)
Thank you to my friends who definitely helped with this AU (you know who you are!)
Oh! And please click the images for better quaity!
Look at them 🥹
Lenard is experiencing the horrors and Normans like “hush Lenard, I am SO cool 😎⭐️”
I love both of them in your AU!!!

au belongs to @paper-starz
seriously, almost every line made me jump out of my chair and STIM
I just LOVE how much thought and effort you put into this, and just how much it makes SENSE. Its just oh so heartwarming and SAD and WHAT AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER YOU PUT ME ON
10/10, send my compliments to the chef.
y’all wanted Gordon hcs and you’re getting gordon hcs!!
⚠️: death mention, alcoholism, brief mention of OFSED, unintentional s//h
Gordon O’Brian 🧢

• for the first week of working at the studio, the puppets would cling onto him begging him to not leave every time he started to head home. Norman was the one who lasted the longest, letting his felt body get dragged along the pavement the whole way to Gordon’s truck.
• doesn’t actually die when he gets a ‘game over,’ just a 19 hour nap and a bump on the back of his head that could compete with Norman’s nose. when he wakes up a George is in the middle of testing out a sponge rat on him.
• had his fair share of unfair treatment, but would rather not focus on it. it still influences his grumpiness a lot and he’s not afraid to hide it. and look where that got him, probation..
• started excessively drinking once he had the means to after his service. it’s not doing his memory problem any favors, which is why he continues. despite it being a problem he’s yet to come to work drunk. hangover, maybe, but never drunk.
• on the topic of consumables, he is. very weird with food. it’s at a point where it’s an issue but it can’t really be labeled as something specific. he’ll go days without ingesting something other than alcohol (very bad) then suddenly get obsessive and hoards food like it’s the apocalypse. goes through an overwhelming amount of guilt every time he finds himself at the same drive-thru from last week. bad habit of getting takeout, suddenly losing appetite, letting it go stale and telling himself oh it’s been days now can’t eat it anymore.. then eating it.
• heavy sleeper. whether he drank too much or just collapsed (rare event), he’s not getting up. it quickly becomes an advantage when you’re surrounded by puppets who think ‘lets see who can twist themselves into a pretzel without screaming’ competitions are just much more fun at exactly 2AM. the disadvantage is sleeping right through any nightmare that decided he deserves to relive the past for another night. it’s only distressing in the moment. once it’s morning and he’s up, it just feels pointless dwelling on it. he’s gotta take care of the screaming pretzel on his bed before anything else.
• an asthmatic. he’s got an inhaler and that was the only thing keeping him going through the basement and offices.
• Ricky often gets on his shoulder without him knowing. first time the sock pulled that stunt he chucked him across stage 4 like he was a baseball. he turn around to see Ricky glaring at him, back on his shoulder.
• his body tends to store most gained weight around his abdomen opposed to anywhere else, which he only noticed once his body got older. it’s another insecurity, as if he didn’t have enough of those.
• Gobblette likes watching movies with him, as long as they aren’t any of the ones produced by MFN. she gets self conscious seeing herself on the screen. he doesn’t mind it at all and helps Gobblette get her mind off it by showing him his own favorite films.
• jumps back and forth between several defense mechanisms, oddly enough, but the most common one is repression. rarely tries to rationalize a situation unless it actually does seem like that’s the case.
• when he’s in danger or an unfamiliar situation, he’ll quickly start to defend himself and fight back if this calls for it. if that’s not an option he’ll hurry to get far away from whatever the issue is. if he can’t do that, then he’ll resort to trying to appease or fix the issue.
• the five main puppets found out how to open doors after he showed one Junebug she needed to pull, not push after watching her struggle for half an hour. life at the studio became an actual horror game for him after that.
• there’s multiple incidents where Pearl almost turned him into a pancake because she didn’t think to check her surroundings, one of the funnier examples being an incident where she was tired of walking around stage 4 and decided to lower her feathered behind on the stoop Gordon was already on ‘just resting his eyes’.
• doesn’t mean Pearl’s reckless, she can be gentle. her wings look tiny, but she’s capable of wrapping them around the man. tricks Gordon into coming closer under the guise that she needs help to adjust her glasses so she can nuzzle him, knowing he won’t pull away anyways.
• grew up in a nuclear family with a german shepherd his parents claimed saved him from being bitten by a backyard snake. he was pretty happy growing up, crime was rare in the area they lived and he was well behaved during a time where it was still legal for teachers to punish you physically. it was only when he got older that his relationship with his family got more strained.
• i said it before and i’ll say it again: biromantic asexual
• had a girlfriend he ran away with around their mid-teens. they were considering marriage when the draft happened. they’re no longer in contact.
• the period where he was adjusting back to ‘normal’ was probably the lowest part of his life, what’s worse is that he can’t even properly remember it. every walk felt like he was trying to make his way through a scathing, hissing crowd, humid days didn’t feel like they were really happening.. he couldn’t look at another individual without doubting himself or where he was. one day, he’s trying to make breakfast.. no, lunch.. suddenly his girlfriend is screaming and he realizes he rested his hand not on the countertop but the bright red burner. that was the last straw for her, especially after he started rambling how it now smelled like he was back there during the drive to the hospital. she.. oh god, what was her name.. couldn’t take it anymore and left on a certain holiday, Gordon can’t remember is it was Christmas, or New Years Eve, but it was around the winter. panicked and got hypothermia trying to find her, believing she just got lost in the snow.
• among the few things he can recall from this period, there’s foggy memories of homelessness. he isn’t even sure if that really happened, his mind was all over the place here. yeah, he can’t exactly look back on a memory where he decided to move out of that side of town, but he’s not going to just accept he had no choice in the matter.. even if he does have a vivid memory of finding his furniture sprawled on the yard, his key not cooperating with the lock no matter which turn he made and a woman scaring the hell out of him repeating her question, “how much for the table?” then there’s that huge gap in his memory and all he can remember was the cold and how it burned, weirdly enough. way different from the stovetop, where he only registered he was in pain when there were screams and confusion. this cold was suffocating, unavoidable and honestly some days he’s convinced he made that all up. he really hopes he just made it all up.
• although he remembers the war, there’s certain significant things he can’t remember, he isn’t sure why. can’t remember the name of the drill sergeant, what happened that one night they were sleeping in shifts and who exactly he was praying day and night would get shot in the head so he wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore.
• never got any sort of help after the war, especially since everyone collectively decided to ignore anything that might serve as a reminder of those horrors. not that he’s against that idea, it just seems to be the one thing Gordon couldn’t get himself to forget for more than one night. any attempt to distance himself from those memories just seemed to worsen it. nowadays, he can bring it up without it hurting as much. even hung up that.. what he got from the war onto the rear-view mirror of the truck.
• no close relatives. they either died, don’t want anything to do with him or last saw him when he was three years old and toddling around the family reunion, telling everybody he’s going to be a pirate for halloween. no, that’s cute, but puppets don’t really count.
• as stupid as it can feel sometimes, he tries to treat the puppets like other individuals. even if they supposably don’t ‘mind’ being viewed as props, he knows it’s just because they don’t know better. its also why he’s trying to keep his anger under control, the last thing he wants is to possibly take out his anger on a puppet just when he gained their trust.
• since puppets aren’t that much of a big deal in this universe, Gordon will bring one or two with him on errands in a situation where he has to keep an eye on them. after trial and error he now knows to keep Lilianna and George far apart at all times, never separate Norman from Lenard and to bring Junebug alone because if he even turns his attention away from her she’s dashing off.
• Ray helps him with fixing up the place, although most of it is spent in silence. Ray’s not too chatty and Gordon can respect that, but he’s always open to answering any questions the puppet might have.
• Scraps, Flooper and Mahoney have gotten into the habit of waiting for Gordon at the gate every weekday. they think he takes too long to get out of the truck and are always barking and pawing at the door. the second he sticks his leg out their enthusiasm peaks, now dashing around him in a circle, sometimes standing up on their hind legs for head scratches. Ricky says they used to do that with Al.
• the puppets haven’t seen what’s under his cap and he doesn’t plan on it, especially now that he’s got a lightning scar that gives him the creeps. doesn’t think he could handle what reactions they might have, which he can only imagine would be backhanded compliments or unintentionally insensitive remarks.
• Junebug terrorizes him over his hair, insisting he’s gotta do something fun with it if he’s gonna have so much all over him. after hiding every single pair of safety scissors in the area he gave up and let her do what she wanted. she managed to put his hair into these stupid little pigtails even with his refusal to take off the cap.
• Lilianna insists he’s her grandson now and is constantly bombarding him with grandma kisses. she won’t stop and it’s been the fifth time this month that he had to resort to pointed the stenographer in her direction.
• knows how to solve a rubik’s cube. the puppets go nuts every time.
• still in contact with old friends, classmates or platoon. once every blue moon they get together for drinks and Gordon’s usually the no-show but Ricky started convincing him to go because friendship and all that.
• ended up using Al’s old office as his own with the puppets permission. they made Gordon his own name plate with plastic eyes, glitter and paper hearts, saying Al wouldn’t mind because then they can just share when he comes back to the studio to help! [Gordon does some digging and finds out Al passed away three years ago]
• he’s gotta tell them soon, he know he does, but has no idea how they’ll react if they couldn’t even handle disturbing television. his plan is to tell Ricky first.. then see how they should go about telling the others.
• out of the main five, Lenard is the one he gets along with the most. he doesn’t want to think it’s because of the missing eye. The puppet tries to teach him how to dance to no avail. two left feet and unwilling to learn. Norman is the most attached however. he’s called him ‘Lenard’ one too many times.
• Arnold’s been much more social and is always trying to get Gordon to play piano with him when he’s clearly busy fixing up the place. it’s not like he doesn’t have time to spare but Arnold’s a bit.. much. he wonders why the puppet wouldn’t rather have one of the other puppets assist him but hasn’t thought of asking. not sure if he’ll get a coherent answer. doesn’t hurt humoring him for now.
• even if there wasn’t such a distrusting attitude towards vets and actual places he could get the assistance he needed, this man would probably not go through with it in the end. between the individualist beliefs, intrusive thoughts and that tiny sliver of dignity he’s holding onto so tightly it’s cutting off the circulation in his fingers.. yeah.
• in case you couldn’t tell by now *slaps roof of Gordon* this bad boy can fit so much fucking dissociative amnesia in it
• slowly getting back into old hobbies he previously lost interest in. some of them aren’t as captivating to him like when he was younger but he still likes a few.
• filmmaking was one he liked but never got to truly indulge in. at most he could just watch movies and appreciate the work that went into them. now he’s got a reason to actually start get more knowledgeable in the subject. Ricky’s already getting fired up at the idea of possibly getting to make another movie despite Gordon’s warnings to not have high expectations. the sock is already suggesting ideas of a spinoff show.
• of course Gordon can’t run a whole thing on his own. while there’s people more than enough willing to help the show, he’s recently starting hiring other veterans who couldn’t find work and needed the pay.. and god was it hard at first, Ricky only caught on to his hesitation mid conversation. Gordon was only uneasy going through with the idea at the risk of somehow messing it all up. So the sock sat on his shoulder the entire time, emotional support parrot.
• Gordon’s still going to be struggling with those past horrors, it’s not like this is going to fix him automatically and take all those wasted years away. he can’t fix himself the way he’s still going, it’s going to be a rough journey but it’s possible. Ricky’s suggested maybe the first step should be the show. ‘and how is that going to solve anything?’ while Ricky thinks positivity will teach the younger generation, Gordon feels like while they can keep the education and humorous parts of the show, they can focus on showing the importance of community and looking out for one another. it’s possible to find light just from the people around you, just from something simple as kindness. yeah.. he’ll admit it sounds silly, now that he says it out loud. that stupid sock is really rubbing off onto him.
recognize any of your art?
inkstar recently changed the account’s name thinking she’ll be safe. report the users she’s following as well before they have a chance to private.
please rb so others will be made aware. if they delete their account, the chances of them making another account and continuing to steal is very high. i will update with another link to any accounts they may make until she stops for good.

I can’t believe I haven’t posted this at all!
Have a little drawing that I had for weeks now as I push through finals!!!

A very old Norman doodle!
Don’t worry, the ⭐️star⭐️ is here!!

I really wanted to push myself with all the textures! There’s a lot of textures lemme tell ya 😭
I love this Ricky so much I wanna strangle him /pos
He looks so much sillier💛 Live laugh love My Friendly Neighborhood and Ricky
EXPLOSION FX i drew ricky but like.. as not a sock puppet and a normal one!! yahoo!!!