Mha Funny - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Eri: Hey Mr. Aizawa? Where do babies come from?

Aizawa: Go ask Mic.

Mic: Ask me what?

Eri: Where do babies come from?

Mic: Oh, that's easy! Bungy-jumping when the rubber breaks!

Shinso: [Laughing so hard he's choking]

Aizawa: [Spits out his coffee]

Eri: I don't get it.

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6 months ago


I can no longer hold my peace I must set my self free;

Look I can't lie I was out there pretending like I wasn't looking, searching tirelessly, for short haired aizawa but I was and just as I was on my knees defeated sure i would never see the day or the fic, He came to me in canon no less. A candle in the dark night with a janky ass bob.

And all I can say is. WOW, thats's hilarious! I hope this was a midlife crisis and I hope he made Mic cut his hair too.

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2 years ago

midoriya: despite the fact that i randomly mutter out all of my plans, people somehow still manage to know nothing about what i do

ochako: despite the fact that i randomly begin squealing about kirishima and bakugo, people somehow still manage to not notice that they’re basically dating

iida: despite the fact that i continuously tell everyone to follow the rules, people somehow still manage to break every single one in the span of ten minutes

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8 months ago

SCP-049's daughter (MHA x reader) MHA Meme

Robbery Gone Wrong scene

Robber 1#: Put your money in the bag.

Robber 2#: Put 'em in!

Masked (Y/N) sighs as she continued reading her book

Robber #1 point at calm masked (Y/N): Yo, look at this one over here?

Robber 2# faced at masked (Y/N), looking all calm but scarier: No, nah, I wouldn't mess with her, man

Robber 1#: for what?

While (Y/N) was almost done with the chapter on her book, as she ignored the robbers having conversations.

Robber 2#: Look man. Look at what we doin' okay. We're robbing the place, okay?

*Points his finger at her* This chick right here. She's just standing there like ... Nothing going on. She's chillin!

Masked (Y/N) calmly finished the chapter of her book as she marked while Robber 2# still continue talking:

Alright, that's the whole strong woman protagonist. I wouldn't mess with her.

No, no, no I'm telling you. Look at her, look the way she's relaxing *points at masked (Y/N) just normally sits*

Robber 1# faces at her, doing nothing at all.

Robber 2# continue on giving plenty of reasons to not fight against her, even brought out the incident of USJ and possibly might beat AFO.

Robber 2#: We should not be doin this!

Robber 1#: Man, you watch too many of these superpower women movies. I'm gonna go beat her up *leaves*

Robber 2#: What?! No, why would you....

*Robber 1# active his quirk too look intimidating*


Masked (Y/N) faced at him with no emotions, speaking in different languages while activated her berserk quirk mode

Robber 2#: He's dead...*getting scared as he prepared to run*

Robber 1# faced his partner: Hey what's this chick talking about?

Suddenly a raged berserk (Y/N) violently beat him up while the robber was screaming in pain: She's a villain! She's a villain!!!

Robber 2# immediately run away


Love First Sight

Midnight pose in shy body language while thinking: 'I wonder if she's gonna kiss me' *stare at (Y/N) at the distant*

Midnight thoughts: 'She's so beautiful. I wonder what she's thinking about?'....

(Y/N) thoughts: 'PJ songs theme from Family Guy*


Soda Chugging Challenge

*(Y/N) and Bakugo were both shouting chug 10x while Todoroki was watching both Midoriya and Dark Shadow were chugging down bottles of sodas.*

Bakugo was getting irritated: Come Deku, Come on! Dark Shadow is out matching you!

(Y/N) continue shouting as her Dark Shadow child is winning

Bakugo: Get Chugging! Come on!

*Midoriya stopped while Dark Shadow finished their bottle, which had Bakugo slam his cash on the table while cursing over the lost of his bet money.*

*(Y/N) received the money from the table but was happy.*

Bakugo: Thanks a lot, Deku! Your weak ass stomach cost me a lot of money..

Villain: And I'm about to cost you a lot more..*gun quirks points at them* So give up the loot!

*Everyone was staring at the villain but wonder how they get into U.A barrier gate.*

Villain faced at Masked (Y/N): starting with you, infected bitch! Hand it over!

*Todoroki accidentally drank a strange bottle from the desk, he started to feel weird.*

Villain faced Todoroki: Hey, you better sit your ass down, Scarface! Before I bust on your a-

*Todoroki burp of flames beam straight at the villain*

*(Y/N) was shocked along with Bakugo wide eyes while Dark Shadow was recording through the phone.*

*Midoriya was taking notes at Todoroki’s new upgrade quirk*

*The flame beam was still going as the villain became all crispy straight out of the classroom window.*

Until the flame beam vanished meaning Todoroki was exhausted from the longest burp; Thank All Might…

*(Y/N) along with three future heroes and her Dark Shadow peek through the broken window, seeing the crispy villain was still alive but trying to get up.*

Until Hound Dog tackle him


Pullin Over

(Y/N): I was only going 27 over

Policeman: Ma'am, you ran over the new number 1# pro hero

(Y/N): Oh, fuck me, Is that what that was?

Shoto mumbled under his breath in the backseat: finally…


Check lists Scene

(Y/N): Calming Drugs supplement?

Shinso grabbed out the box full of calming drug bottles

(Y/N): Persona Chords mask?

Eri puts it on while he stared at his little sister figure

(Y/N): Capturing Weapons?

Shinso brought up two weapons/whip out

(Y/N): Three medium coupons of Frozen Yogurts?

Eri grab out the three good coupons of Froyo

(Y/N): Bakugo's mini grenadier gracers?

Shinso looks around for any of the mini grenadiers, but finds none.

(Y/N): Bakugo's mini grenadier gracers??

Shinso checked through the boxes for them, as she faced him with confusion. He shrugs but is scared now while Eri was confused on what they are.

(Y/N): Mini grenadier gracers?

*Explosion was heard from outside of the house*

Twice: What kind of fucked up decorations is this?! Can I get some?!

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